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Täydentävä osaaminen (yamk-tutkinto), syksy 2025-kevät 2026, yhteiset opinnot: TYJ25SJ

Curriculum code: TYJ25SJ

1 years (0 cr)

Start semester:
Autumn 2025

Teaching language:

Show study timings by semester, academic year or period

Code Name Credits (cr) 2025-2026 Autumn
1. / 2025 2. / 2026

(Choose all)

JY00BU36 Developing and Management of Studying Skills in Master's Studies 5

(Choose 0)

JY00BU37 Overview of Research Methods 2
JY00BU38 Qualitative Research Methods in the Development of Working Life 5
JY00BU40 Methods of Analysis of Data in Research-based Development 5
JY00BU41 Project Management 5 - 10
A9323 Anticipating Future 5
A9324 Research Communications 5
SY00BR71 Empowering Co-creation 5
HY00BS15 Qualitative Research Methods 5

(Choose 0)

HY00BQ87 Change Management 5
A9385 Human Resources Management in Today's Organisations 5
A9328 Socially Responsible Management 5
SY00BR38 Work Welfare Management 5
HY00BP22 Developing Your Resilience 5
A9327 Managing Networks 5
HY00BY64 Strategic workspace and new ways of working 5
HY00BO41 Leadership Skills for a Changing World 5
HY00BN41 Strategy 5
HY00BT31 Introduction to Data Economy 1
HY00CB19 Future of Work 5
HY00CB93 Leadership in Complex World 5

(Choose 0)

TY00BM83 Risk management in organization and society 5
HY00BZ01 Entrepreneurship as a Part of Career 5
TY00BY33 Co-ownership as Part of a Career 1 - 5
KY00BS04 Trends and Raw Materials – Strengths on the Background of Cosmetics Marketing 5
KY00BS03 The Impact of Cosmetics and Its Possibilities to Influence – Emphasis on Skin 5
A9306 Service Marketing and Selling 5
A9305 Management Accounting and Control in Service 5
A9388 Pricing in Service Business 5
A9534 Behavioral Decision-Making Perspective in Business and Public Policy 5
TY00BX69 Combating Hybrid Threats 5

(Choose 0)

A9458 Changing Thought Models in Service Business 5
A900BY23 Towards Societal Sustainability Through Behavioral Change 5
HY00CB05 Responsibility Monitoring and Reporting 5
HY00BU47 Working in Smart Cities 5
HY00BX57 Sustainable Communication Strategy 5
TY00BX74 Perspectives On Resilience 5
HY00BV02 Public Procurement and Investments 5

(Choose 0)

A9330 User-Centered Design of Digital Services 10
A9535 Usability and Reachability of Digital Services 5
A9329 Digital in Services 5
A900BX02 Accessibility for Content Creators 5
A900BX03 Mobile Accessibility 5
HY00BS12 Customer Experience in the Digital Era 5
A9310 Service Design in Digital Context 5
SY00CE14 Preventing Digital Exclusion in Health and Social Care Client Work 5

(Choose 0)

HY00BN15 Visualization and Storytelling as a Means of Influencing 5
HY00BS09 Tools of Visualization in Service and Information Design 5
A9529 Competence in Service Design 5
A9493 Agile Methods in Service Design 10
A9315 Tools for Visual Communication in Service Design 5
HY00BS63 Innovation 5
HY00CB31 Cross-Cultural Perspectives in the Field of Design (BIP) 3
A9308 Cross-Cultural Issues in Service Development 5
R0433 CERN BootCamp 10
HY00BV21 Virtual Facilitation Skills for Service Development 5
HY00CA31 Urban Design by Spatial Psychology 5
HY00BV03 Public Sector Customer Relationships and Service Design 5

(Choose 0)

SY00BI92 Crisis Management 5
SY00BI91 Crisis Preparedness and Prevention 5
SY00BI90 Crisis Leadership and Communication 5
SY00CA74 Applied Epidemiology 5
SY00CB20 Evidence Based Global Infection Prevention 5
V1563 Health Care Evaluation and Infection Prevention Interventions 5

(Choose 0)

TY00BY49 The Basics of Service Design for Well-being at Work 5
SY00BW94 Promoting mental well-being in customer work 5
SY00CA01 Multidisciplinary Cooperation for Supporting Youth Desistance from Crime 5
SY00CC49 Mediation in Criminal and Civil Cases, with a Conciliatory Approach 5
JY00BT10 Research and Development Work Ethics 0
HY00CB48 Technologies & Businesses (BIP) 5
SY00CD25 eHealth Introduction 1
TY00BV53 Intercultural service experiences (exchange week) 2
Total 0 475 202 273 202 273

Due to the timing of optional and elective study units, credit accumulation per semester / academic year may vary.

Study unit types

1. Basic studies

No attached study units

2. Professional studies

No attached study units

3. Elective studies
Developing and Management of Studying Skills in Master's Studies
Overview of Research Methods
Qualitative Research Methods in the Development of Working Life
Methods of Analysis of Data in Research-based Development
Project Management
Anticipating Future
Research Communications
Empowering Co-creation
Qualitative Research Methods
Change Management
Human Resources Management in Today's Organisations
Socially Responsible Management
Work Welfare Management
Developing Your Resilience
Managing Networks
Strategic workspace and new ways of working
Leadership Skills for a Changing World
Introduction to Data Economy
Future of Work
Leadership in Complex World
Risk management in organization and society
Entrepreneurship as a Part of Career
Co-ownership as Part of a Career
Trends and Raw Materials – Strengths on the Background of Cosmetics Marketing
The Impact of Cosmetics and Its Possibilities to Influence – Emphasis on Skin
Service Marketing and Selling
Management Accounting and Control in Service
Pricing in Service Business
Behavioral Decision-Making Perspective in Business and Public Policy
Combating Hybrid Threats
Changing Thought Models in Service Business
Towards Societal Sustainability Through Behavioral Change
Responsibility Monitoring and Reporting
Working in Smart Cities
Sustainable Communication Strategy
Perspectives On Resilience
Public Procurement and Investments
User-Centered Design of Digital Services
Usability and Reachability of Digital Services
Digital in Services
Accessibility for Content Creators
Mobile Accessibility
Customer Experience in the Digital Era
Service Design in Digital Context
Preventing Digital Exclusion in Health and Social Care Client Work
Visualization and Storytelling as a Means of Influencing
Tools of Visualization in Service and Information Design
Competence in Service Design
Agile Methods in Service Design
Tools for Visual Communication in Service Design
Cross-Cultural Perspectives in the Field of Design (BIP)
Cross-Cultural Issues in Service Development
CERN BootCamp
Virtual Facilitation Skills for Service Development
Urban Design by Spatial Psychology
Public Sector Customer Relationships and Service Design
Crisis Management
Crisis Preparedness and Prevention
Crisis Leadership and Communication
Applied Epidemiology
Evidence Based Global Infection Prevention
Health Care Evaluation and Infection Prevention Interventions
The Basics of Service Design for Well-being at Work
Promoting mental well-being in customer work
Multidisciplinary Cooperation for Supporting Youth Desistance from Crime
Mediation in Criminal and Civil Cases, with a Conciliatory Approach
Technologies & Businesses (BIP)
eHealth Introduction
Intercultural service experiences (exchange week)
4. Job placement

No attached study units

5. Thesis

No attached study units

Not grouped
Research and Development Work Ethics

Module type

Core competence

No attached study units

Complementary competence
Developing and Management of Studying Skills in Master's Studies
Overview of Research Methods
Qualitative Research Methods in the Development of Working Life
Methods of Analysis of Data in Research-based Development
Project Management
Anticipating Future
Research Communications
Empowering Co-creation
Qualitative Research Methods
Change Management
Human Resources Management in Today's Organisations
Socially Responsible Management
Work Welfare Management
Developing Your Resilience
Managing Networks
Leadership Skills for a Changing World
Introduction to Data Economy
Future of Work
Leadership in Complex World
Risk management in organization and society
Entrepreneurship as a Part of Career
Co-ownership as Part of a Career
Trends and Raw Materials – Strengths on the Background of Cosmetics Marketing
The Impact of Cosmetics and Its Possibilities to Influence – Emphasis on Skin
Service Marketing and Selling
Management Accounting and Control in Service
Pricing in Service Business
Behavioral Decision-Making Perspective in Business and Public Policy
Combating Hybrid Threats
Changing Thought Models in Service Business
Towards Societal Sustainability Through Behavioral Change
Responsibility Monitoring and Reporting
Working in Smart Cities
Sustainable Communication Strategy
Perspectives On Resilience
Public Procurement and Investments
User-Centered Design of Digital Services
Usability and Reachability of Digital Services
Digital in Services
Accessibility for Content Creators
Mobile Accessibility
Customer Experience in the Digital Era
Service Design in Digital Context
Preventing Digital Exclusion in Health and Social Care Client Work
Visualization and Storytelling as a Means of Influencing
Tools of Visualization in Service and Information Design
Competence in Service Design
Agile Methods in Service Design
Tools for Visual Communication in Service Design
Cross-Cultural Perspectives in the Field of Design (BIP)
Cross-Cultural Issues in Service Development
CERN BootCamp
Virtual Facilitation Skills for Service Development
Urban Design by Spatial Psychology
Public Sector Customer Relationships and Service Design
Crisis Management
Crisis Preparedness and Prevention
Crisis Leadership and Communication
Applied Epidemiology
Evidence Based Global Infection Prevention
Health Care Evaluation and Infection Prevention Interventions
The Basics of Service Design for Well-being at Work
Promoting mental well-being in customer work
Multidisciplinary Cooperation for Supporting Youth Desistance from Crime
Mediation in Criminal and Civil Cases, with a Conciliatory Approach
Research and Development Work Ethics
Technologies & Businesses (BIP)
eHealth Introduction
Intercultural service experiences (exchange week)
Not grouped
Strategic workspace and new ways of working

Code Name Credits (cr)

(Choose all)

JY00BU36 Developing and Management of Studying Skills in Master's Studies 5

(Choose 0)

JY00BU37 Overview of Research Methods 2
JY00BU38 Qualitative Research Methods in the Development of Working Life 5
JY00BU40 Methods of Analysis of Data in Research-based Development 5
JY00BU41 Project Management 5 - 10
A9323 Anticipating Future 5
A9324 Research Communications 5
SY00BR71 Empowering Co-creation 5
HY00BS15 Qualitative Research Methods 5

(Choose 0)

HY00BQ87 Change Management 5
A9385 Human Resources Management in Today's Organisations 5
A9328 Socially Responsible Management 5
SY00BR38 Work Welfare Management 5
HY00BP22 Developing Your Resilience 5
A9327 Managing Networks 5
HY00BY64 Strategic workspace and new ways of working 5
HY00BO41 Leadership Skills for a Changing World 5
HY00BN41 Strategy 5
HY00BT31 Introduction to Data Economy 1
HY00CB19 Future of Work 5
HY00CB93 Leadership in Complex World 5

(Choose 0)

TY00BM83 Risk management in organization and society 5
HY00BZ01 Entrepreneurship as a Part of Career 5
TY00BY33 Co-ownership as Part of a Career 1 - 5
KY00BS04 Trends and Raw Materials – Strengths on the Background of Cosmetics Marketing 5
KY00BS03 The Impact of Cosmetics and Its Possibilities to Influence – Emphasis on Skin 5
A9306 Service Marketing and Selling 5
A9305 Management Accounting and Control in Service 5
A9388 Pricing in Service Business 5
A9534 Behavioral Decision-Making Perspective in Business and Public Policy 5
TY00BX69 Combating Hybrid Threats 5

(Choose 0)

A9458 Changing Thought Models in Service Business 5
A900BY23 Towards Societal Sustainability Through Behavioral Change 5
HY00CB05 Responsibility Monitoring and Reporting 5
HY00BU47 Working in Smart Cities 5
HY00BX57 Sustainable Communication Strategy 5
TY00BX74 Perspectives On Resilience 5
HY00BV02 Public Procurement and Investments 5

(Choose 0)

A9330 User-Centered Design of Digital Services 10
A9535 Usability and Reachability of Digital Services 5
A9329 Digital in Services 5
A900BX02 Accessibility for Content Creators 5
A900BX03 Mobile Accessibility 5
HY00BS12 Customer Experience in the Digital Era 5
A9310 Service Design in Digital Context 5
SY00CE14 Preventing Digital Exclusion in Health and Social Care Client Work 5

(Choose 0)

HY00BN15 Visualization and Storytelling as a Means of Influencing 5
HY00BS09 Tools of Visualization in Service and Information Design 5
A9529 Competence in Service Design 5
A9493 Agile Methods in Service Design 10
A9315 Tools for Visual Communication in Service Design 5
HY00BS63 Innovation 5
HY00CB31 Cross-Cultural Perspectives in the Field of Design (BIP) 3
A9308 Cross-Cultural Issues in Service Development 5
R0433 CERN BootCamp 10
HY00BV21 Virtual Facilitation Skills for Service Development 5
HY00CA31 Urban Design by Spatial Psychology 5
HY00BV03 Public Sector Customer Relationships and Service Design 5

(Choose 0)

SY00BI92 Crisis Management 5
SY00BI91 Crisis Preparedness and Prevention 5
SY00BI90 Crisis Leadership and Communication 5
SY00CA74 Applied Epidemiology 5
SY00CB20 Evidence Based Global Infection Prevention 5
V1563 Health Care Evaluation and Infection Prevention Interventions 5

(Choose 0)

TY00BY49 The Basics of Service Design for Well-being at Work 5
SY00BW94 Promoting mental well-being in customer work 5
SY00CA01 Multidisciplinary Cooperation for Supporting Youth Desistance from Crime 5
SY00CC49 Mediation in Criminal and Civil Cases, with a Conciliatory Approach 5
JY00BT10 Research and Development Work Ethics 0
HY00CB48 Technologies & Businesses (BIP) 5
SY00CD25 eHealth Introduction 1
TY00BV53 Intercultural service experiences (exchange week) 2