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Complementary competence, bachelor's studies in English (CCS2), Health and welfare

60 op

Complementary competence (bachelor’s studies in English), S25, Health and welfare
Opetussuunnitelman tunnus
Complementary competence (bachelor’s studies in English), S24, Health and welfare
Opetussuunnitelman tunnus
Complementary competence (bachelor’s studies in English), S23, Health and welfare
Opetussuunnitelman tunnus
Complementary competence (bachelor’s studies in English), S22, Health and welfare
Opetussuunnitelman tunnus
Complementary competence (bachelor’s studies in English), S21, Health and welfare
Opetussuunnitelman tunnus
Complementary competence (bachelor’s studies in English), S20, Health and welfare
Opetussuunnitelman tunnus
Complementary competence (bachelor’s studies in English), S19, Health and welfare
Opetussuunnitelman tunnus

15.04.2023 - 30.05.2023


01.08.2023 - 31.12.2023


5 op


2 op


60 % Lähiopetus, 40 % Etäopetus


Laurea Tikkurila, sote


Laurea Tikkurila

  • Englanti

18 - 24

  • Complementary competence, bachelor's studies in English (CCS2), Health and welfare
  • Satu Bethell

Satu Bethell

  • Avoin AMK (Koko: 5. Avoin AMK: 5.)
  • SSPW
    Kansainvälinen vaihto / Sosiaaliala, Porvoo
  • SSVW
    Kansainvälinen vaihto / Sosiaaliala, Tikkurila
  • CCS223SY
    Complementary competence (bachelor’s studies in English), S23, Health and welfare
  • TOS223SY
    Täydentävä osaaminen (amk-tutkinto), S23, Terveys- ja hyvinvointialat
  • Avoin AMK


The student is able to
- apply creative expression to empower clients in social welfare practice
- use visual art methods for strengthening inclusion and participation in clients
- describe the theoretical basis of visual arts within the social context
- discuss the societal impact of arts in welfare practice




22.05.2023 - 20.08.2023


31.08.2023 - 30.11.2023


10 op


10 op


3 op




Laurea Tikkurila, sote


Laurea Tikkurila

  • Englanti

20 - 40

  • Complementary competence, bachelor's studies in English (CCS2), Health and welfare
  • Henna Jalasmäki
  • Kaisa Salminen

Kaisa Salminen

  • Avoin AMK (Koko: 15. Avoin AMK: 15.)
  • Tutkinto- ja polkuopiskelijat (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
  • CCS223SY
    Complementary competence (bachelor’s studies in English), S23, Health and welfare
  • SSVW
    Kansainvälinen vaihto / Sosiaaliala, Tikkurila
  • SSYOD123SY
    Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC), Avoin AMK, S23, Verkkokampus
  • TOS223SY
    Täydentävä osaaminen (amk-tutkinto), S23, Terveys- ja hyvinvointialat
  • Avoin AMK
  • Tutkinto- ja polkuopiskelijat


Opiskelija osaa
- soveltaa varhaiskasvatuksen lainsäädäntöä, suosituksia ja ohjeistuksia ja eettisiä periaatteita
- hyödyntää varhaiskasvatussuunnitelmaa kasvatuksen, opetuksen ja hoidon työtä ohjaavana asiakirjana
- kuvata omaa ammatillista ja sosiaalipedagogista asiantuntijuuttaan ja rooliaan oppivan yhteisön rakentajana
- edistää ja vahvistaa lasten yhteisöllisyyttä ja lasten toimijuutta, ymmärtäen leikin ja vertaissuhteiden merkityksen


The course is part of the qualification of an early childhood education social pedagogue (varhaiskasvatuksen sosionomi).

The lessons and workshops will take place online via Zoom. Attendance requirement at online lessons and workshops will be 80% / 100% to achieve the versatile theoretical and practical skills required for an early childhood education socionom / teacher. The first and the last lesson are compulsory.

The course includes individual, paired and small group assignments, working life cooperation, home study and knowledge sharing seminars. Instructions for the assignments will be available at Canvas workspace a week before the course start.

Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus

All materials will be available online.

- National Core Curriculum for Early Childhood Education and Care (2022):
- Act of Early Childhood Education and Care (2018)
Unofficial Translation:
- Convention on the Rights of the Child
- Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC / KARVI)

- Peter Moss and Pat Petrie. Education and social pedagogy: What relationship?. London Review of Education. Vol. 17(3):393-405. DOI: 10.18546/LRE.17.3.13
- Juha Hämäläinen and Lisbeth Eriksson, Social Pedagogy in Finland and Sweden: A comparative analysis, 2016, Pedagogia Social. Revista Interuniversitaria, 27, 71-93.
- Ryynänen, S., & Nivala, E. (2017). Empowerment or emancipation? Interpretations from Finland
and beyond. Pedagogía Social. Revista Interuniversitaria, 30, 33-46. DOI:10.7179/PSRI_2017.30.03.

Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat

Any competence that corresponds to the learning outcomes of the course can be included in it through recognition and accreditation of prior learning. The starting point is competence-based thinking: what matters is your competence itself, not how and where you acquired it. The procedures for the recognition and accreditation of prior learning are Recognition of prior studies and Demonstration of competence.
Where to start:
At first you would need to go carefully through the objectives, contents and assignments of the course to evaluate if there would be some entity / several entities where you already have know-how and competence? If yes, think how you can demonstrate your competence (e.g. earlier certificates, individual essay, short research or development project at your workplace, report, portfolio). Within one week of the start of the course contact the responsible teacher to arrange a Zoom meeting where we will discuss and identify your competence and agree on the method of demonstrating your competence.


If you are working in ECEC at the same time that studying it would be possible to find an alternative way to complete the course or some part of it by recognizing what information and skills you can learn (or have already learned) at your workplace.
Where to start?
At first you would need to go carefully through the objectives, contents and assignments of the course to analyze if there would be some entity / several entities which you can learn at your work place?
If yes, think how you can learn those things in practice and how you can demonstrate your competence (e.g. essay, short research or development project at your workplace, report, portfolio).
Within one week of the start of the course contact the responsible teacher to arrange a Zoom meeting where we will discuss and identify your work situation, general and personal goals and agree on the method of learning and demonstrating your competence.

Toteutuksen tärkeät päivämäärät

The course starts on
31.08.2023 12.30 - 15.30 online at Zoom.
You will get the Zoom link and more information one week before the course starts (by email).

Other online lessons:
14.09.2023 12.30 - 15.30
28.09.2023 12.30 - 15.30
4.10.2023 12.30 - 15.30
26.10.2023 12.30 - 15.30

In addition to the online lessons you will have meetings with your study peers online (you can set up the dates and times by yourself in connection with the assignment due dates).
All the course assignments need to be submitted by 30.11.2023.
The course evaluations will be done during December 2023.

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

The scope of the course is 10 credits and means for the student 270 hours spent studying. It is important that you write down the due dates of the assignments in your calendar and reserve enough time to study the themes and issues. The course has both individual and group assignments and the modules rhythm the progress of the studies.

Sisältö ja sen jaksotus

The course consists of three modules:
- Module 1 Basics and task of early childhood education (4 credits)
- Module 2: Social pedagogical expertise in early childhood education (3 credits)
- Module 3: Children's sense of community and agency (3 credits)



Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

The evaluation of competence is based on the descriptions of objectives in the curricula, and the level of competence is assessed according to the evaluation criteria listed in the implementation plan for the studies.

You demonstrate that you have met the learning outcomes set for the study unit/project by completing the tasks (e.g. project work, exercises, exams or demonstrations) according to the implementation plan. Instructions are given at the beginning of the study unit/project.

Various self-, peer and group evaluations or their combinations are used in evaluation.

In the difficulty levels of the evaluation framework, competence is described for levels H/1, 3 and 5. The resulting competence is assessed comprehensively. Good competence (3) also requires the achievement of satisfactory competence, and correspondingly, commendable competence (5) also requires the fulfillment of the evaluation criteria for satisfactory and good competence. If the competence does not fully reach a good level, but meets the criteria for a satisfactory level, a grade of 2 is assigned. Correspondingly, the student receives a grade of 4 if the competence is at a good level, but not yet commendable in all respects.

Hylätty (0)

All the tasks of the course must be successfully completed in order to receive a performance mark.

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)

The student can
- consistently uses professional concepts and demonstrates familiarity with the knowledge base
- report and communicate professionally
- act independently, taking into account the operating environment
- takes responsibility for working with the customer and/or partner and responding to their needs
- describe the importance of their own activities for the success of the cooperation
- describe their competence in relation to the competence objectives of the Study

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)

The student can
- critically evaluate information and justify their actions with the help of researched information
- present solutions to professional tasks using creativity
- promote professional cooperation and develop customer or partner relationships
- promotes the group's entrepreneurial and responsible working approach with its activities
- describe the development of one's own competence in relation to the competence objectives of the Study

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

The student can
- analyze the acquired information and draw conclusions and connect theoretical and experiential information to each other
- evaluate the applicability and effectiveness of the produced knowledge, skill or idea in other contexts
- anticipate the needs of the customer and/or partners
- evaluate and develop the group's entrepreneurial and responsible working approach
- evaluate the possibilities of utilizing skills and plan your own and the group's development


27.11.2023 - 03.12.2023


01.01.2024 - 31.07.2024


5 op




Laurea Tikkurila, sote


Laurea Tikkurila

  • Suomi

20 - 40

  • Complementary competence, bachelor's studies in English (CCS2), Health and welfare
  • Kristiina Kuparinen
  • Kirsi Tulus

Kristiina Kuparinen

  • SNV222SN
    Degree Programme in Nursing, daytime studies, S22, Tikkurila
  • CCS223SY
    Complementary competence (bachelor’s studies in English), S23, Health and welfare
  • SNV222SN2
    Degree Programme in Nursing, daytime studies, S22, Tikkurila, group 2


The student is able to
- guide patients in their care (clinical care, home care instructions, medications, etc. )
- broaden their nursing and medical vocabulary
- utilizes ISBAR –reporting structure in their report
- read in more detailed patient medical records and act accordingly
- read and utilize evidence based nursing recommendations and guidelines in Finnish


Contact lessons of clinical skills, workshops of professional Finnish for nursing + simulations of patient cases.
1. Finnish 2,5 op Kristiina Kuparinen
2. Theory of clinical skills 1 op Kirsi Tulus
3 Simulations in Finnish 1,5 op Kristiina Kuparinen, Kirsi Tulus

Aika ja paikka

Contact lessons and simulations timetable will be available in Pakki.

Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus

Materials will be provided in Canvas.

Toteutuksen tärkeät päivämäärät

NB! Do attend the orientation ensure your place on the course!

Kansainvälisyys toteutuksella

The course is aimed at international students.

Sisältö ja sen jaksotus

Each week of simulations (5 cr.) will have a theme of its own to support your next clinical placement. Each theme consist of preparatory lectures of clinical skills and Finnish accordingly. Attendance in preparatory lessons is essential in order to succeed in the simulations. The themes are:
- Guiding a patient with suspected DM
- Monitoring the patient's status (ISBAR/ABCDE)
- Medication and medical calculations
- Internal medicine

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

Mandatory attendance in contact lessons, workshops and simulations.



Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Each simulation will have criteria of its own both in terms of clinical and in Finnish skills. The criteria of each simulated theme will be discussed with the course participants before simulations. The criteria will also be available for the students in Canvas before the simulation.

Hylätty (0)

The student fails to attend the lessons or the simulations and does not compensate one's absence. The student does not meet the criteria of the simulations in more than half of the cases.

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)

The student is able to cope in routine nursing situations. The student can express oneself understandably, even though there are deficiencies in some situations and the expressions may not be accurate. Speech may be quite slow and the students may be dependent of others' help in speaking. Following a discussion between a group of people is very challenging.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)

The student is able to cope in Finnish in routine and even some non-routine professional situations. The student can take initiative in some situations. The professional vocabulary is expanding and communication it is fluent and accurate enough in routine situations. Following a discussion between a group of people is still challenging..

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

The student is able to define concepts of nursing, describe them and refer to them. The student can interact in diverse situations in quite an accurate and compact manner. The student is getting independent of other speakers support in communication of a group of people. If familiar with the situation, the student can participate in a discussion in quite equal terms with the others. You can easily notice features of a non-native speaker, and there are deficiencies in expressing nuances.


11.09.2023 - 17.09.2023


01.10.2023 - 31.12.2023


10 op


10 op






Laurea Verkkokampus

  • Englanti

40 - 60

  • Complementary competence, bachelor's studies in English (CCS2), Health and welfare
  • Henna Jalasmäki
  • Kaisa Salminen

Henna Jalasmäki

  • SSYOD123
    Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC), Avoin AMK, K23, Verkkokampus
  • CCS223SY
    Complementary competence (bachelor’s studies in English), S23, Health and welfare
  • SSYOD123SY
    Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC), Avoin AMK, S23, Verkkokampus
  • TOS223SY
    Täydentävä osaaminen (amk-tutkinto), S23, Terveys- ja hyvinvointialat
  • SSYOV23
    Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC), Avoin AMK, S23, Tikkurila


Opiskelija osaa
- kuvata lapsen kasvun, kehityksen ja oppimisen teoreettisia lähtökohtia ja osaa hyödyntää niitä tukevia menetelmiä lapsen tarpeiden mukaisesti
- soveltaa varhaiskasvatuksen pedagogista ymmärrystä ja sosiaalipedagogista työotetta toiminnassaan
- hyödyntää pedagogisen dokumentoinnin mahdollisuuksia lapsilähtöisessä toiminnassa
- suunnitella, toteuttaa ja arvioida pedagogista, luovaa, eheyttävää, ilmiöpohjaista toimintaa


The course is part of the qualification of an early childhood education and care social pedagogue (varhaiskasvatuksen sosionomi).The lessons and workshops will take place online via Zoom. Attendance requirement at online lessons and workshops will be 80% / 100% to achieve the versatile theoretical and practical skills required for an early childhood education social pedagogue.

The course includes individual, paired/ small group assignments, working life cooperation, home study and knowledge sharing seminars. Instructions for the assignments will be available at Canvas workspace a week before the course start.

The course includes three modules:

1) Theoretical corner stones and methods of growth, development and learning (4 cr)
2) Application of pedagogical and social pedagogical understanding (1 cr)
3) Planning, implementation and evaluation of a child-oriented project (5 cr)

Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus

In the course's Canvas workspace, the materials and literature to be used are announced at the start of the course.

All materials will be available online.

Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat

Any competence that corresponds to the learning outcomes of the course can be included in it through recognition and accreditation of prior learning. The starting point is competence-based thinking: what matters is your competence itself, not how and where you acquired it. The procedures for the recognition and accreditation of prior learning are Recognition of prior studies and Demonstration of competence.
Where to start:
At first you would need to go carefully through the objectives, contents and assignments of the course to evaluate if there would be some entity / several entities where you already have know-how and competence? If yes, think how you can demonstrate your competence (e.g. earlier certificates, individual essay, short research or development project at your workplace, report, portfolio). Within one week of the start of the course contact the responsible teacher to arrange a Zoom meeting where we will discuss and identify your competence and agree on the method of demonstrating your competence.


If you are working in ECEC at the same time that studying it would be possible to find an alternative way to complete the course or some part of it by recognizing what information and skills you can learn (or have already learned) at your workplace.
Where to start?
At first you would need to go carefully through the objectives, contents and assignments of the course to analyze if there would be some entity / several entities which you can learn at your work place?
If yes, think how you can learn those things in practice and how you can demonstrate your competence (e.g. essay, short research or development project at your workplace, report, portfolio).
Within one week of the start of the course contact the responsible teacher to arrange a Zoom meeting where we will discuss and identify your work situation, general and personal goals and agree on the method of learning and demonstrating your competence.

Työelämäyhteistyö ja/tai TKI

Students obtain their project place themselves from a private or municipal early childhood
education services or an open early childhood education service, such as club activities, residents' and playgrounds, open daycare centers and open early childhood education activities. You can also do the project at an internship or at your own workplace.

The student has the opportunity to plan a creative, integrative and phenomenon-based project (5 cr) related to the course with a pair in an operating environment that suits them in cooperation with a work life partner.

Toteutuksen tärkeät päivämäärät

The course starts on
24.10.2023 (14-17) online at Zoom. The first lesson is compulsory to everyone.

You will get the Zoom link and more information one week before the course starts (by email).

Other online lessons:
31.10.2023 (14-17)
6.11.2023 (14-17)
20.11.2023 (14-17)
13.12.2023 (14-17) project presentations, compulsory

In addition to the online lessons you will have meetings with your study peers online (you can set up the dates and times by yourself in connection with the assignment due dates).

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

The scope of the course is 10 credits and means for the student 270 hours spent studying. It is important that you write down the due dates of the assignments in your calendar and reserve enough time to study the themes and issues. The course has both individual and group assignments and the modules rhythm the progress of the studies.

The structure of the course:
1) Theoretical corner stones and methods of growth, development and learning (4 cr)
2) Application of pedagogical and social pedagogical understanding (1 cr)
3) Planning, implementation and evaluation of a child-oriented project (5 cr)

In the third module of the course, it is good to reserve enough time for planning and implementing a child-oriented project.

Sisältö ja sen jaksotus

The course is completed online by participating in the Zoom online meetings according to the schedule of the course and completing tasks related to the course. Attendance requirement at online lessons and workshops will be 80% / 100% to achieve the versatile theoretical and practical skills required for an early childhood education social pedagogue. The first and the last lesson are compulsory. Participation in the lectures is recommenced because the assignments and tasks are related to the topics of the lecture.

The study course consists of three entities, which involve online meetings via zoom, independent work, online assignments and project work. The course uses the Canvas workspace for communication and assignment feedback. Instructions for the assignments will be available at Canvas workspace a week before the course start. The study requires activity and commitment to interactive learning. In online meetings, the possibility to use a camera and a microphone is required.

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

Goals of the course:

After this course a student can

-describe the theoretical corner stones of the child's growth, development and learning and know how to use the methods that support them in accordance with the child's needs
- apply the pedagogical understanding of early childhood education and the social pedagogical approach in their activities
- utilize the possibilities of pedagogical documentation in child-oriented activities
- plan, implement and evaluate pedagogical, creative, integrative, phenomenon-based activities



Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

The evaluation of competence is based on the descriptions of objectives in the curricula, and the level of competence is assessed according to the evaluation criteria listed in the implementation plan for the studies.

You demonstrate that you have met the learning outcomes set for the study unit/project by completing the tasks (e.g. project work, exercises, exams or demonstrations) according to the implementation plan. Instructions are given at the beginning of the study unit/project.

Various self-, peer and group evaluations or their combinations are used in evaluation.

In the difficulty levels of the evaluation framework, competence is described for levels H/1, 3 and 5. The resulting competence is assessed comprehensively. Good competence (3) also requires the achievement of satisfactory competence, and correspondingly, commendable competence (5) also requires the fulfillment of the evaluation criteria for satisfactory and good competence. If the competence does not fully reach a good level, but meets the criteria for a satisfactory level, a grade of 2 is assigned. Correspondingly, the student receives a grade of 4 if the competence is at a good level, but not yet commendable in all respects.

Hylätty (0)

All the tasks of the course must be successfully completed in order to receive a performance mark.

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)

The student can
- consistently uses professional concepts and demonstrates familiarity with the knowledge base
- report and communicate professionally
- act independently, taking into account the operating environment
- takes responsibility for working with the customer and/or partner and responding to their needs
- describe the importance of their own activities for the success of the cooperation
- describe their competence in relation to the competence objectives of the Study

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)

The student can
- critically evaluate information and justify their actions with the help of researched information
- present solutions to professional tasks using creativity
- promote professional cooperation and develop customer or partner relationships
- promotes the group's entrepreneurial and responsible working approach with its activities
- describe the development of one's own competence in relation to the competence objectives of the Study

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

The student can
- analyze the acquired information and draw conclusions and connect theoretical and experiential information to each other
- evaluate the applicability and effectiveness of the produced knowledge, skill or idea in other contexts
- anticipate the needs of the customer and/or partners
- evaluate and develop the group's entrepreneurial and responsible working approach
- evaluate the possibilities of utilizing skills and plan your own and the group's development


11.09.2023 - 17.09.2023


01.10.2023 - 31.12.2023


5 op


5 op


3 op




Laurea Tikkurila, sote


Laurea Verkkokampus

  • Englanti

40 - 60

  • Complementary competence, bachelor's studies in English (CCS2), Health and welfare
  • Tiina Wikström

Tiina Wikström

  • Avoin AMK (Koko: 10. Avoin AMK: 10.)
  • Tutkinto- ja polkuopiskelijat (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
  • CCS223SY
    Complementary competence (bachelor’s studies in English), S23, Health and welfare
  • SSVW
    Kansainvälinen vaihto / Sosiaaliala, Tikkurila
  • SHVW
    Kansainvälinen vaihto / Terveysala, Tikkurila
  • TOS223SY
    Täydentävä osaaminen (amk-tutkinto), S23, Terveys- ja hyvinvointialat
  • Avoin AMK
  • Tutkinto- ja polkuopiskelijat


The student is able to
- understand the principles of service design and co-creation in social and health care system context
- identify future global and local social and health needs at the individual and community level
- recognize different current developments and innovations as well as emphatic co-creation possibilities in social and health care service design
- apply different service design and co-creation methods of client and patient empowerment within social and health care


Empathic Service Design and Co-Creation in Social and Health Care course is conducted as project-based online studies between 25.10.2023-7.12.2023, including an online kick-off meeting and an online final seminar as well as 3 online workshops.

The course is completed in cooperation with thematically related Laurea project(s), details to be provided later.

The key competences to be developed are as follows:

The student is able to
- understand the principles of service design and co-creation in social and health care system context
- identify future global and local social and health needs at the individual and community level
- recognize different current developments and innovations as well as empathic co-creation possibilities in social and health care service design
- apply different service design and co-creation methods of client and patient empowerment within social and health care

The project may provide competence and credits for other modules as well.

Guidance sessions and communication practices are agreed on a project-specific basis.
Course feedback is gathered in Padlet at the end of the course.

Laurea reserves the right to make changes.

Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus

The source materials needed for the subject area of the project are selected separately after the project assignment.

Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat

All students are entitled to demonstrate their competence. The recognition and accreditation of prior competence is initiated by the students themselves. The competence is recognised and accredited by the teacher responsible for the studies or another person designated to the position. The assessment is carried out according to the same assessment criteria and, as a rule, same grading scale as that adopted for the corresponding study unit or module. The student is entitled to apply for accreditation of prior competence regardless of where, how and when the competence has been acquired. The student may also seek accreditation of competence to be acquired on the job as part of their degree (work-based learning). The student is responsible for demonstrating and verifying their competence and for providing sufficient information.

Työelämäyhteistyö ja/tai TKI

The course is completed in cooperation with thematically related Laurea project(s), details to be provided later.

Toteutuksen tärkeät päivämäärät

Project guidance is offered during the kick-off meeting and workshops and by email, as needed.

Kansainvälisyys toteutuksella

The study unit is suitable for exchange students. Also, Master level exchange students can apply.
The Master students' final product will be discussed to meet the needs of Master level requirements.

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

One credit equals approximately 26.7 hours of work performed by the student.

Sisältö ja sen jaksotus

The course contents will be available in Canvas once the course starts.

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

The study unit corresponds to the requirements of Bachelor's level education. Additionally, Master level students can also participate in the course.

According to the degree regulations (section 18) "students must be present for the first contact teaching session, or they must notify the responsible teacher of their absence to confirm they intend to participate in studies, Alternatively, the teacher can specify a different manner for the student to confirm that they intend to participate in the studies. The completion of these measures can be required within a week of the studies having begun. The application of the aforementioned approach requires that the teacher notifies the students accepted to the study unit of the practice and that the practice is specifically mentioned in the study unit’s implementation plan.

If the student has a justified reason for not attending the first contact teaching session or for not notifying the teacher of their intention to be involved in studies in the manner required by the teacher, the student must contact the responsible teacher to agree on participation in the studies. Their registration for the study unit will be rejected, of the student does not notify the teacher of being absent from the first contact teaching session or the reason for their absence cannot be considered justified, Another student who is in line for the study unit can be selected in their place."

The quality of the study unit implementation has been assessed and the self-evaluation report is available in Canvas.



Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

“The evaluation of competence is based on the descriptions of objectives in the curricula, and the level of competence is assessed according to the evaluation criteria listed in the implementation plan for the studies.” (Laurea degree regulations).

Evaluation is discussed at the beginning of the project.

In this study unit the assessing of the competences will be done by using the criteria set for requirement level II.


To achieve grade 5 student must be able to
- analyse the acquired information, draw conclusions and combine theoretical knowledge with experiential knowledge

To achieve grade 3 student must be able to
- critically evaluate information and justify their actions with science-based knowledge

To achieve grade 1 (or pass) student must be able to
- use professional concepts in a consistent manner and demonstrate his/her familiarity with the knowledge basis
- report and communicate in a professional manner


To achieve grade 5 student must be able to
- evaluate the applicability of produced knowledge, skill or idea to other contexts as well as their impact
- anticipate needs of customers and/or co-operation partners

To achieve grade 3 student must be able to
- propose creative solutions at work
- promote professional co-operation and enhance customer and partner relationships

To achieve grade 1 (or pass) student must be able to
- act independently taking into account the operating environment
- take responsibility for interaction with customers and/or co-operation partners and for responding to their needs


To achieve grade 5 student must be able to
- evaluate and develop the team’s entrepreneurial and responsible approach to work
- evaluate the possibilities for utilising competence and plan his/her personal development and development of the team

To achieve grade 3 student must be able to
- act in a manner that promotes the team’s entrepreneurial and responsible approach to work
- describe the development of his/her competence in relation to the learning outcomes

To achieve grade 1 (or pass) student must be able to
- describe the significance of his/her actions for successful co-operation
- describe his/her competence in relation to the learning outcomes

"Students who has failed to demonstrate their competence in accordance with the approved level must supplement or retake their study attainment in a manner and schedule defined by the teacher of the study unit. In project studies, students must supplement the competence missing from the project’s learning outcomes, until their competence can be evaluated as passing." (Degree regulations.)


22.05.2023 - 28.05.2023


01.08.2023 - 31.12.2023


5 op


5 op




Laurea Tikkurila, sote


Laurea Verkkokampus

  • Englanti

40 - 60

  • Laurea täydentävä osaaminen, amk-tutkinto (TOS2), Terveys- ja hyvinvointialat
  • Complementary competence, bachelor's studies in English (CCS2), Health and welfare
  • Niina Glerean
  • Kirsi Tulus

Kirsi Tulus

  • CCS223SY
    Complementary competence (bachelor’s studies in English), S23, Health and welfare
  • SHVW
    Kansainvälinen vaihto / Terveysala, Tikkurila
  • TOS223SY
    Täydentävä osaaminen (amk-tutkinto), S23, Terveys- ja hyvinvointialat


The student is able to
- recognize the impact on globalization on health
- increase awareness of ethical knowledge, values, principles, legislation and recommendations in global health
- analyze effective models in health promotion worldwide


- recognize the impact on globalization on health
- increase awareness of ethical knowledge, values, principles, legislation and recommendations in global health
-analyze effective models in health promotion worldwide


Welcome to this collaborative online course!

In this course we will examine the ethical dilemmas in nursing and in healthcare professions. During the course students we will also analyze country specific ethical guidelines nationally and internationally. During this course, nursing students will be able to compare their experiences related to ethical dilemmas in nursing and discuss about them with colleagues from different countries.

Learning context can change very rapidly in education, this COIL project can help students to develop intercultural competences and learn with and from nursing students from other countries. This course will be organized together with UCLL Belgium.

Participants and Admission requirements

max 20 students from each participating country

The course is recommended to social- and healthcare students.

Aika ja paikka

Online, Zoom lectures, dates will be confirmed early 2024 together partner organisation.
Course starts 15.4 2024 with a kick off meeting on Zoom

Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus

will be informed in the Kick off meeting and in the course Canvas learning platform

Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat


Toteutuksen tärkeät päivämäärät

Intensive course of 4-5 weeks
Kick off meeting is mandatory
Last seminar in is mandatory
The dates will be informed in January 2024

Kansainvälisyys toteutuksella

This course will be organised in collaboration with international higher education institutions.

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

1 credit is 27 hours of student work

Sisältö ja sen jaksotus

Ethical principles and dilemmas in health care

Current global health issues (e.g nursing shortage, shortage of health care personnel, vulnerable patient groups, will be confirmed later)

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

The timetable and more detailed course information will be send to the registered students in the beginning of April

If you have any further questions, please contact the responsible teachers



Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Laurea's evaluation criteria 2 will be used as base for course evaluation.

Written assignment will be assessed with T1-K5/failed (1 = Pass, 2 = Satisfactory, 3 = Good, 4 = Very Good, 5 = Excellent).

Small assignments and group discussions will be evaluated (pass/fail).
Passing the course requires active participation to online discussions and completing the written reports/essays/seminar presentations in given timetable.


01.01.2024 - 11.02.2024


22.04.2024 - 09.06.2024


5 op


5 op




Laurea Tikkurila, sote


Laurea Verkkokampus

  • Englanti

40 - 60

  • Laurea täydentävä osaaminen, amk-tutkinto (TOS2), Terveys- ja hyvinvointialat
  • Complementary competence, bachelor's studies in English (CCS2), Health and welfare
  • Niina Glerean

Niina Glerean

  • Koskee vain Avoimen AMK:n asiakkaita, älä ilmoittaudu tähän pienryhmään (Koko: 10. Avoin AMK: 10.)
  • CCS223SY
    Complementary competence (bachelor’s studies in English), S23, Health and welfare
  • SHVW
    Kansainvälinen vaihto / Terveysala, Tikkurila
  • TOS223SY
    Täydentävä osaaminen (amk-tutkinto), S23, Terveys- ja hyvinvointialat
  • Koskee vain Avoimen AMK:n asiakkaita, älä ilmoittaudu tähän pienryhmään


The student is able to
- recognize the impact on globalization on health
- increase awareness of ethical knowledge, values, principles, legislation and recommendations in global health
- analyze effective models in health promotion worldwide


- recognize the impact on globalization on health
- increase awareness of ethical knowledge, values, principles, legislation and recommendations in global health
-analyze effective models in health promotion worldwide


Welcome to this collaborative online course!

In this course we will examine the ethical dilemmas in nursing and in healthcare professions. During the course students we will also analyze country specific ethical guidelines nationally and internationally. During this course, nursing students will be able to compare their experiences related to ethical dilemmas in nursing and discuss about them with colleagues from different countries.

Learning context can change very rapidly in education, this COIL project can help students to develop intercultural competences and learn with and from nursing students from other countries. This course will be organized together with UCLL Belgium.

Participants and Admission requirements

max 20 nursing students from each participating country

The course is recommended to nursing students who have been in clinical placement

Aika ja paikka

online (Canvas,zoom, padlets)
Kick off 15.4 2024

Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus

will be informed in April 2024

Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat


Toteutuksen tärkeät päivämäärät

Intensive course of 4 weeks
Kick off meeting 15.4 (compulsory)
Last seminar will be confirmed later and decided with teachers and students (compulsory)

Kansainvälisyys toteutuksella

This course will be organized in collaboration with University Colleges Leuven-Limburg

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

1 credit is 27 hours of student work

Sisältö ja sen jaksotus

Ethical dilemmas in health care:
-how to solve

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

The timetable and more detailed course information will be send to the registered students in April 2024

If you have any further questions, please contact the responsible teachers



Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Laurea's evaluation criteria 2 will be used as base for course evaluation.

Written assignment will be assessed with T1-K5/failed (1 = Pass, 2 = Satisfactory, 3 = Good, 4 = Very Good, 5 = Excellent).

Small assignments and group discussions will be evaluated (pass/fail). Passing the course requires active participation to online discussions and completing the written reports/essays/seminar presentations in given timetable.


22.05.2023 - 30.11.2023


14.08.2023 - 31.12.2023


2 op


2 op




Korkeakouluyksikkö D, Verkkokampus, sote


Laurea Verkkokampus

  • Englanti

30 - 300

  • Laurea täydentävä osaaminen, amk-tutkinto (TOS2), Terveys- ja hyvinvointialat
  • Complementary competence, bachelor's studies in English (CCS2), Health and welfare
  • Minna Anthoni

Minna Anthoni

  • Avoin AMK (Koko: 100. Avoin AMK: 100.)
  • Tutkinto- ja polkuopiskelijat (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
  • CCS223SY
    Complementary competence (bachelor’s studies in English), S23, Health and welfare
  • TOS223SY
    Täydentävä osaaminen (amk-tutkinto), S23, Terveys- ja hyvinvointialat
  • Avoin AMK
  • Tutkinto- ja polkuopiskelijat


Opiskelija osaa:
- kuvata ihmiskauppaa ilmiönä sekä sen eri tyyppejä
- tunnistaa ja kuvata ihmiskaupan oletettujen uhrien tunnusmerkkejä
- kohdata oletetun ihmiskaupan uhrin
- ohjata uhreja palvelujärjestelmässä


The course consists of five substantive modules:
Module 1 What is human trafficking, Module 2 Types of human trafficking, Module 3 Identifying victims of human trafficking, Module 4 Assistance to victims and anti-trafficking action in Finland, Module 5 Finland fights human trafficking

All these topics are explored by using presentations, video lessons and knowledge tests.

Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus

You can find all the material from Canvas learning environment

Sisältö ja sen jaksotus

The course consists of five substantive modules:
Module 1 What is human trafficking, Module 2 Types of human trafficking, Module 3 Identifying victims of human trafficking, Module 4 Assistance to victims and anti-trafficking action in Finland, Module 5 Finland fights human trafficking.

After the course, the student is able to:

-understand human trafficking as a phenomenon, including its different types
-identify the characteristics of alleged victims of trafficking
-spot victims of human trafficking
-assist victims by using the service system




27.11.2023 - 30.06.2024


01.01.2024 - 31.07.2024


2 op


2 op




Laurea Tikkurila, sote


Laurea Verkkokampus

  • Englanti

30 - 300

  • Laurea täydentävä osaaminen, amk-tutkinto (TOS2), Terveys- ja hyvinvointialat
  • Complementary competence, bachelor's studies in English (CCS2), Health and welfare
  • Minna Anthoni

Minna Anthoni

  • Koskee vain Avoimen AMK:n asiakkaita, älä ilmoittaudu tähän pienryhmään (Koko: 200. Avoin AMK: 200.)
  • CCS223SY
    Complementary competence (bachelor’s studies in English), S23, Health and welfare
  • TOS223SY
    Täydentävä osaaminen (amk-tutkinto), S23, Terveys- ja hyvinvointialat
  • Koskee vain Avoimen AMK:n asiakkaita, älä ilmoittaudu tähän pienryhmään


Opiskelija osaa:
- kuvata ihmiskauppaa ilmiönä sekä sen eri tyyppejä
- tunnistaa ja kuvata ihmiskaupan oletettujen uhrien tunnusmerkkejä
- kohdata oletetun ihmiskaupan uhrin
- ohjata uhreja palvelujärjestelmässä


The course consists of five substantive modules:
Module 1 What is human trafficking, Module 2 Types of human trafficking, Module 3 Identifying victims of human trafficking, Module 4 Assistance to victims and anti-trafficking action in Finland, Module 5 Finland fights human trafficking

All these topics are explored by using presentations, video lessons and knowledge tests.

Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus

You can find all the material from Canvas learning environment

Sisältö ja sen jaksotus

The course consists of five substantive modules:
Module 1 What is human trafficking, Module 2 Types of human trafficking, Module 3 Identifying victims of human trafficking, Module 4 Assistance to victims and anti-trafficking action in Finland, Module 5 Finland fights human trafficking.

After the course, the student is able to:

-understand human trafficking as a phenomenon, including its different types
-identify the characteristics of alleged victims of trafficking
-spot victims of human trafficking
-assist victims by using the service system




11.09.2023 - 17.09.2023


01.10.2023 - 31.12.2023


5 op


5 op


5 op




Korkeakouluyksikkö D, Otaniemi, sote


Laurea Verkkokampus

  • Englanti

40 - 60

  • Complementary competence, bachelor's studies in English (CCS2), Health and welfare
  • Tiina Wikström

Tiina Wikström

  • Avoin AMK (Koko: 15. Avoin AMK: 15.)
  • Tutkinto- ja polkuopiskelijat (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
  • CCS223SY
    Complementary competence (bachelor’s studies in English), S23, Health and welfare
  • SSVW
    Kansainvälinen vaihto / Sosiaaliala, Tikkurila
  • SHVW
    Kansainvälinen vaihto / Terveysala, Tikkurila
  • TOS223SY
    Täydentävä osaaminen (amk-tutkinto), S23, Terveys- ja hyvinvointialat
  • Avoin AMK
  • Tutkinto- ja polkuopiskelijat


The student is able to
- acknowledge the needs for cultural and professional knowledge and skills in the intercultural and multidisciplinary working life
- gain more cultural competence and ability to use different methods for studying and working in intercultural environments and society
- develop different professional competencies from the intercultural and multidisciplinary point of view
- apply the principles of sustainable development in their personal and future working life


In autumn 2023, this course is conducted with two Erasmus+ projects and includes a MOOC for 3 ECTS (Erasmus+ ILO project / Intercultural Learning Online) and a 2 ECTS research project related to Erasmus+ JeS (Joint eStories: Journeys from Fear to Fair). The course includes a kick off meeting (with all the necessary guidance), one (voluntary) guidance event online during the course and the final meeting, all attended via Zoom. Additional guidance via Canvas and email.

Thematically, the course focuses in autumn 2023 on both general intercultural competence development and European human rights awareness and promotion.

The student is able to
- acknowledge the needs for cultural and professional knowledge and skills in the intercultural and multidisciplinary working life
- gain more cultural competence and ability to use different methods for studying and working in intercultural environments and society
- develop different professional competencies from the intercultural and multidisciplinary point of view
- apply the principles of sustainable development in their personal and future working life

In this course, students will gain expertise on different innovative solutions and best practices aimed to promote intercultural and multidisciplinary professional competences. Students will be able to recognize the impact of globalization on holistic wellbeing and to increase their awareness of ethical knowledge, values and professional competences. Students are also able to recognize and apply different multidisciplinary ways in promoting their professional competences.

The course environment is CANVAS (opened in October).

Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus

The relevant course materials will be provided during the course.

Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat

According to the degree regulations “all students are entitled to demonstrate their competence. The recognition and accreditation of prior competence is initiated by the students themselves. The competence is recognised and accredited by the teacher responsible for the module or study unit or another person designated by the director of the UAS unit. The assessment is carried out according to the same criteria and grading scale as that adopted for the corresponding study unit.” For further information visit Link.

Työelämäyhteistyö ja/tai TKI

The course is conducted in co-operation with Erasmus+ projects ILO and JeS.

Toteutuksen tärkeät päivämäärät

The implementation schedule is visible to students in Pakki as implementation reservations. There is no exam in this course but instead tasks related to MOOC and the research project.

Kansainvälisyys toteutuksella

This multidisciplinary study unit is suitable for exchange students as well as Master students.
The Master students' final ePortfolio will be discussed to meet the needs of Master level requirements.

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

One credit equals approximately 26.7 hours of work performed by the student.

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

According to the degree regulations (section 18) “students must be present in the first contact session or notify their teacher in charge if they cannot attend. If they fail to notify the teacher of their absence in the first contact session, their enrolment will be rejected. Another student in the queue may be enrolled in the study unit in the place of the absent student.”

For open UAS students, 15 places are reserved.

For Master students: 10 places are reserved (open UAS and regular).



Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

In this study unit the assessing of the competences will be done by using the criteria set for requirement level II.


To pass student must be able to
- use professional concepts in a consistent manner and demonstrate his/her familiarity with the knowledge basis
- report and communicate in a professional manner

“Students who have failed assignments or examinations required for passing a study unit must supplement or retake their study attainment in a manner and schedule defined by the teacher of the study unit.” (Laurea degree regulations.)

All staff and students of Laurea are expected to adhere to good scientific practices, which includes appropriate referencing. Familiarise yourself with the practices and, if needed, ask for more information. All study assignments are to be done as individual work unless otherwise instructed. Urkund is used when assignments are checked.

Arviointikriteerit, hyväksytty/hylätty

The approved course performance includes completing the MOOC and finalizing the required 2 ECTS JeS project research in an acceptable manner, as indicated in Canvas.


05.02.2024 - 11.02.2024


03.04.2024 - 21.05.2024


5 op


3 op


40 % Lähiopetus, 60 % Etäopetus


Laurea Tikkurila, sote


Laurea Tikkurila

  • Englanti

20 - 30

  • Complementary competence, bachelor's studies in English (CCS2), Health and welfare
  • Teija Uino
  • Nursing Virtuaali

Lotta Tiikkainen

  • CCS223SY
    Complementary competence (bachelor’s studies in English), S23, Health and welfare
  • SHVW
    Kansainvälinen vaihto / Terveysala, Tikkurila
  • TOS223SY
    Täydentävä osaaminen (amk-tutkinto), S23, Terveys- ja hyvinvointialat


The Student is able to
- describe how the vital functions of a patient in intensive care can be anticipated and assessed
- plan and select methods for the examination, observation and maintenance of the vital functions of a patient in intensive care in a patient-centred nursing and taking into account the needs of different patients and patient groups
- plan and apply the psychological support and guidance of patients in emergency care and their family in a patient-centred nursing
- describe the physical, psychological and social rehabilitation of a patient in intensive care and plan support for rehabilitation in a patient-centred nursing
- use different methods of documentation and reporting related to the care of a patient in intensive care
- describe the development needs for the care and service paths of a patient in intensive care and plan evidence-based nursing procedures to improve the quality, safety and cost-effectiveness of intensive patient care
- critically analyse and develop one's own competence in the care of a patient in intensive care
- describe ethical problems and act according to ethical principles in the intensive care environment


22.05.2023 - 25.08.2023


11.09.2023 - 10.12.2023


5 op




Laurea Tikkurila, sote


Laurea Tikkurila

  • Englanti

20 - 40

  • Degree Programme in Nursing (SNY2), Laurea Common
  • Complementary competence, bachelor's studies in English (CCS2), Health and welfare
  • Ilari Ernamo
  • Tiina Pitkänen
  • Katja Laukkanen

Tiina Pitkänen

  • CCS223SY
    Complementary competence (bachelor’s studies in English), S23, Health and welfare
  • SHVW
    Kansainvälinen vaihto / Terveysala, Tikkurila
  • TOS223SY
    Täydentävä osaaminen (amk-tutkinto), S23, Terveys- ja hyvinvointialat


The Student is able to
- describe how changes to the vital functions of a surgical patient can be anticipated and assessed before surgery, during surgery and after surgery
- apply their physiological and anatomical knowledge-base in the observation of a surgical patient's vital functions and in their care
- apply methods for the examination, observation and maintenance of the vital functions of a surgical patient in a patient-centred nursing and taking into account the needs of special groups (trauma patients, neurosurgery patients, heart surgery patients)
- use different methods of documentation and reporting related to the care of a surgical patient
- plan and apply the methods for a surgical patient's guidance and psychological support in a patient-centred nursing
- describe the overall rehydration and medicinal treatment of a surgical patient
- describe the development needs for the care and service paths of surgical patients and plan evidence-based nursing procedures to improve the quality, safety and cost-effectiveness of surgical patient care
- critically analyse and develop one's skills in the care of a surgical theatre patient
- describe ethical problems and act according to ethical principles in the surgical care environment


Contact lessons, lectures, independent studying and workshops

Aika ja paikka

Autumn 2023 semester.
Laurea Tikkurila Campus
Timetable will be available in Pakki

Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus

Sutherland-Fraser, S., Davies, M., Gillespie, B. & Lockwood, B. 2022. Perioperative nursing: an introduction. Elsevier.

Recommended study material will be published later.

Toteutuksen tärkeät päivämäärät

Will be available in Pakki and will be discussed during the first contact lesson.
Student must participate to the 1st contact lesson / orientation.
Attendance to at least 80% of the lectures is mandatory.
Attendance to ALL workshops is mandatory.
There will be a exam that will be graded fail/redo - T1- K5.
There will be a group work that will be graded fail/redo - T1- K5.

Kansainvälisyys toteutuksella

Study unit is suitable for nursing exchange students who have studied anesthesiology, surgery, and perioperative and/or surgical nursing previously as this is complementary competence nursing course.

Student needs to wear nursing uniform for the workshops. Laurea UAS doesn't provide nursing uniforms.

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

5 credits = 135 hours of student's work.

Sisältö ja sen jaksotus

The study unit will be taught during the autumn 2023

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

Student must participate to the first contact lesson (orientation) to maintain his/her place in the study unit. If student cannot participate to orientation, he/she must inform the course teacher. If student fails to attend to orientation and fails inform the teacher, he /she may loose his/her place in the study unit.

Acute care and perioperative nursing studies from module 3 must be completed.

Student needs to wear nursing uniform for the workshops. Laurea UAS doesn't provide nursing uniforms.



Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Attendance and participation to all workshops is MANDATORY
Participation in contact lessons and simulations.
Course exam that is assessed T1-K5 / failed.
There will be a group work that will be graded fail/redo - T1- K5.

Requirement level II is used in assessment.

”Students who has failed to demonstrate their competence in accordance with the approved level
must supplement or retake their study attainment in a manner and schedule defined by the teacher
of the study unit.. … A failed exam or other study attainment can be retaken twice..” (Laurean degree regulations.)

All students and employees of Laurea are expected to follow good scientific practices, which includes proper referencing of sources. Familiarize yourself and ask about practices if necessary. All study attainments are done individually if not instructed differently. [Teachers will provide information if Urkund plagiarism checker is used.]

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)

- use professional concepts in a consistent manner and demonstrate their familiarity with the knowledge basis
- report and communicate in a professional manner

- act independently taking into account the operating environment
- take responsibility for interaction with customers and/or co-operation partners and for responding to their needs

- describe the significance of their actions for successful co-operation
- describe their competence in relation to the learning outcomes

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)

- critically evaluate information and justify their actions with science-based knowledge

- propose creative solutions at work
- promote professional co-operation and enhance customer and partner relationships

- act in a manner that promotes the team’s entrepreneurial and responsible approach to work
- describe the development of their competence in relation to the learning outcome

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

- analyse the acquired information, draw conclusions and combine theoretical knowledge with experiential knowledge

- evaluate the applicability of produced knowledge, skill or idea to other contexts as well as their impact
- anticipate needs of customers and/or co-operation partners

- evaluate and develop the team’s entrepreneurial and responsible approach to work
- evaluate the possibilities for utilising competence and plan their personal development and development of the team


11.09.2023 - 17.09.2023


01.10.2023 - 31.12.2023


5 op




Laurea Tikkurila, sote


Laurea Tikkurila

  • Englanti

20 - 40

  • Complementary competence, bachelor's studies in English (CCS2), Health and welfare
  • Eeva-Kaisa Pelkonen

Eeva-Kaisa Pelkonen

  • CCS223SY
    Complementary competence (bachelor’s studies in English), S23, Health and welfare
  • SSVW
    Kansainvälinen vaihto / Sosiaaliala, Tikkurila
  • SHVW
    Kansainvälinen vaihto / Terveysala, Tikkurila


The student is able to
- understand the diverse situations and challenges faced by diverse families with children
- use various methods and means of family work
- apply knowledge of legislation associated with children & families


Daytime learning:

A Canvas learning environment is used to support the implementation, but it is important to take part in teaching and guidance on campus according to schedule. The study unit includes working in pairs or groups. You will receive individual feedback for assignments from the teacher, and working life or peer feedback may also be utilised.

Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus

The information on literature and other related materials will be provided later in Canvas.

Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat

All students are entitled to demonstrate their competence. The recognition and accreditation of prior competence is initiated by the students themselves. The competence is recognised and accredited by the teacher responsible for the studies or another person designated to the position. The assessment is carried out according to the same assessment criteria and, as a rule, same grading scale as that adopted for the corresponding study unit or module. The student is entitled to apply for accreditation of prior competence regardless of where, how and when the competence has been acquired. The student may also seek accreditation of competence to be acquired on the job as part of their degree (work-based learning).The student is responsible for demonstrating and verifying their competence and for providing sufficient information.

Työelämäyhteistyö ja/tai TKI

Course includes a field visit and a quest speaker from work life.

