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Degree Programme in Global Health and Crisis Management (SYV7), Laurea Tikkurila

Sosiaali- ja terveysalan ylempi ammattikorkeakoulututkinto

Sairaanhoitaja (ylempi AMK)
Terveydenhoitaja (ylempi AMK)
Fysioterapeutti (ylempi AMK)
Sosionomi (ylempi AMK)

90 op

Degree Programme in Global Health and Crisis Management, yamk, S25, Tikkurila
Opetussuunnitelman tunnus
Degree Programme in Global Health and Crisis Management, yamk, S24, Tikkurila
Opetussuunnitelman tunnus
Degree Programme in Global Health and Crisis Management, yamk, S23, Tikkurila
Opetussuunnitelman tunnus
Degree Programme in Global Health and Crisis Management, yamk, S22, Tikkurila
Opetussuunnitelman tunnus
Degree Programme in Global Health and Crisis Management, yamk, S21, Tikkurila
Opetussuunnitelman tunnus
Degree Programme in Global Health and Crisis Management, yamk, S20, Tikkurila
Opetussuunnitelman tunnus

20.05.2024 - 26.05.2024


01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024


10 op


5 op


2 op


50 % Lähiopetus, 50 % Etäopetus


Korkeakouluyksikkö D, Tikkurila, sote


Laurea Tikkurila

  • Englanti

20 - 40

  • Degree Programme in Global Health and Crisis Management (SYV7), Laurea Tikkurila
  • Tiina Lehtosaari
  • Satu Vuorela

Satu Vuorela

  • SYV724SJ
    Degree Programme in Global Health and Crisis Management, yamk, S24, Tikkurila


The student is able to
- analyze health care management from different perspectives (human, society, technology)
- develop her/his identity as an innovative health care leader
- manage cross-cultural partnerships, and multidisciplinary networks and teams in public and private consortiums transnationally and internationally
- lead innovatively transition and multiprofessional development projects


Objectives of the course

The student is able:
• to analyze health care management from different perspectives (human, society, technology)
• to develop her/himself as an innovative health care leader
• to construct his/her self-management competencies for working in challenging and constantly changing environments
• to manage diverse partnerships and interdisciplinary networks and teams in public and private consortiums locally and globally
• to lead innovatively transition and interprofessional development projects


Overview of leadership and management: management theories and different leadership styles. Leadership in health care organizations.
Motivation theories: intrinsic motivation and autonomy. Self-determination theory.
Cost accounting
Performance measurement

Methods of learning
* Interactive lectures
* Teamwork on selected leadership and / or management approach
* Writing critical and analytical learning report
* Presenting results of teamwork.

Aika ja paikka

The contact days are in Tikkurila.

13.09.2024 09.00 - 16.30 B404
09.10.2024 09.00 - 16.30 B404
08.11.2024 09.00 - 16.30 B404
09.11.2024 09.00 - 16.30 B404
13.12.2024 09.00 - 16.30 B401

Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus

The learning material will be announced later.

Toteutuksen tärkeät päivämäärät

13.09.2024 09.00 - 16.30 B404
09.10.2024 09.00 - 16.30 B404
08.11.2024 09.00 - 16.30 B404
09.11.2024 09.00 - 16.30 B404
13.12.2024 09.00 - 16.30 B401

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

10 credits, 267 h
5 credits: leadership
5 credits: management

Sisältö ja sen jaksotus

Overview of leadership and management: management theories and different leadership styles. Leadership in health care organizations.
Motivation theories: intrinsic motivation and autonomy. Self-determination theory.
Cost accounting
Performance measurement



Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

1. The first version of the development plan (Pass/fail)
2. Presentation of the development plan (Pass/fail)
3. Final version of the development plan (Grade 1-5)

1. Strategy and Balance Scorecard Task (Pass/fail)
2. Group Research and Peer review (Grade 1-5)
3. and + hourly participation (+)

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)

1. Knowledge base:
The student is able to
- gather , process, produce, and evaluate information about healthcare management and leadership widely.
- -use concepts of the area of expertise systematically
2. Problem solving:
The student is able to
- solve problems in healthcare management and leadership research, develooment and/or innovation avtivities
The student is able to
- recognize and analyze focuses of healthcare management and leadership making use of the knowledge base
4. Communication:
The student is able to
- communicate about healthcare management and leadership clearly both orally and in writing

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)

1. Knowledge base:
The student is able to
- gather, process, produce, and evaluate information about healthcare management and leadership critically and widely making use of both national and international scientific sources
- use concepts of the area of expertise fairly
2. Problem solving:
The student is able to
- solve problems in healthcare management and leadership research, development and/or innovation activities by applying and combining information from different fileds
The student is able to
- create target-oriented, justified development plans for healthcare management and leadership considering the community
4. Communication:
The student is able to
- communicate about healthcare management and leadership clear and consistent manner both orally and in writing

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

1. Knowledge base:
The student is able to
- create a consistent framework/knowledge base for healthcare management and leadership making use of both national and international scientific sources in a critical analytic fashion
2. Problem solving:
The student is able to
- solve demanding problems in research, development and/or innovation activities in healthcare management and leadership where new knowledge and competence is created as well as to apply and combine information from different fields
The student is able to
- develop the activities of the healthcare management and leadership competence area in a target-oriented and communal fashion
4. Communication:
The student is able to
- communicate about healthcare management and leadershipconvincingly both orally and in writing to audiences within and exterior to the field


20.05.2024 - 26.05.2024


01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024


5 op


2.5 op


50 % Lähiopetus, 50 % Etäopetus


Korkeakouluyksikkö D, Tikkurila, sote


Laurea Tikkurila

  • Englanti

20 - 40

  • Degree Programme in Global Health and Crisis Management (SYV7), Laurea Tikkurila
  • Sebastian King
  • Kaarina Murtola

Kaarina Murtola

  • SYV724SJ
    Degree Programme in Global Health and Crisis Management, yamk, S24, Tikkurila


The student is able:
- to produce plans, presentations and reports on professional manner
- to enhance international discussion in professional contexts
- to develop intercultural communication in global health
- to publish and disseminate results of development projects
- to manage professional expertese in global media environment


- Lectures and workshops at Tikkurila campus
- Essay, individual work

Aika ja paikka

Please see Pakki calendar and Tuudo for the correct timing information.

Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus

Aula, P. & Heinonen, J. 2015. The Reputable Firm: How Digitalization of Communication Is Revolutionizing Reputation Management. Springer.

Bailey, S. 2011. Academic writing: a handbook for international students. Third editon. London, New York: Routledge.

Dawson, C. 2015. Projects in computing and information systems. 3rd edition. Harlow: Addison-Wesley. Especially chapter 5 on the Literature review

Linjuan R. M. & Tkalac Verčič, A. (ed.). 2021. Current Trends and Issues in Internal Communication: Tory and Practice. Palgrave Macmillan.

Mikkola, L. & Valo, M. 2020. Workplace communication. New York: Routledge.

Parvanta, C. & Bass, S. 2020. Health Communication. Strategies and skills for the new era. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Shuang, L., Volčič, Z. & Gallois, C. 2023. Introducing intercultural communication: global cultures and contexts. Fourth edition. Sage Publications.

Tolbert, M. & Parente, S. 2020. Hybrid Project Management.

Trenholm, S. 2022. Thinking through communication: an introduction to the study of human communication. Ninth edition. Routledge.

Työelämäyhteistyö ja/tai TKI

Two workshops

Toteutuksen tärkeät päivämäärät

Please see Pakki calendar and Tuudo for the correct timing information.

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

Total study hours 135

Sisältö ja sen jaksotus

Contact learning at Tikkurila campus:
14.09.2024 13.00 - 16.30                   
11.10.2024 09.00 - 12.00             
06.11.2024 09.00 - 16.30                     
12.12.2024 13.00 - 16.30  



Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

The evaluation is based on Laurea's evaluation criteria of a study unit in master studies.

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)

SATISFACTORY (Grade 1) Student is able:
Knowledge base: To gather, process, produce and evaluate information widely. To use concepts of the area of expertise systematically.
Problem solving: To solve problems in research, development and/or innovation activities.
Development: To recognise and analyse focuses of development making use of the knowledge base.
Communication: To communicate clearly both orally and in writing.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)

GOOD (Grade 3) Student is able:
Knowledge base: To gather, process, produce and evaluate information critically and widely making use of both national and international scientific sources. To use concepts of the area of expertise fairly.
Problem solving: To solve problems in research, development and/or innovation activities by applying and combining information from different fields.
Development: To create target-oriented, justified development plans considering the community.
Communication: To communicate in a competent, clear and consistent manner both orally and in writing.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

EXCELLENT (Grade 5) Student is able to:
Knowledge base: To create a consistent framework/knowledge base making use of both national and international scientific sources in a critical analytic fashion. Problem solving: To solve demanding problems in research, development and/or innovation activities where new knowledge and competence is created as well as to apply and combine information from different fields.
Development: To develop the activities of the competence area in a target-oriented and communal fashion.
Communication: To communicate convincingly both orally and in writing to audiences within and exterior to the field.


17.03.2025 - 18.04.2025


5 op


5 op




30 Ylemmät ammattikorkeakoulututkinnot

  • Suomi

0 - 200

  • Degree Programme in Global Health and Crisis Management (SYV7), Laurea Tikkurila
  • Elsi Haverinen-Mottaghi
  • Virpi Teinilä
  • Teija-Kaisa Aholaakko

Teija-Kaisa Aholaakko

  • SYV725SJ
    Degree Programme in Global Health and Crisis Management, yamk, S25, Tikkurila


Student is able to:
- analyse health care leadership and management from different levels
- critically analyse the global health management landscape
- manage diverse partnerships and interdisciplinary networks and teams in public and private consortiums locally and globally
- construct self-management competencies for working in challenging and constantly changing environments




20.05.2024 - 26.05.2024


01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024


5 op


2.5 op


50 % Lähiopetus, 50 % Etäopetus


Korkeakouluyksikkö D, Tikkurila, sote


Laurea Tikkurila

  • Englanti

20 - 40

  • Degree Programme in Global Health and Crisis Management (SYV7), Laurea Tikkurila
  • Elsi Haverinen-Mottaghi
  • Virpi Teinilä
  • Teija-Kaisa Aholaakko

Elsi Haverinen-Mottaghi

  • SYV724SJ
    Degree Programme in Global Health and Crisis Management, yamk, S24, Tikkurila


The student is able:
- to critically analyse and apply knowledge about global health regulations, agreements, funding instruments, and bodies
- to analyse and promote global wellbeing and issues in transnational social policy and social security
- to enhance sustainable and safe approach to global health services
- to develop interprofessional and cross-cultural health care services and projects


5ETC course
Learning within lectures, learning assignments, pre-learning / flipped learning, discussions, workshops, being opponent for fellow students.and seminar.
During Fall 2024 all learning activities will take place in Laurea Tikkurila campus.
There is no hybrid teaching in this course, no online teaching.

The study unit is completed partly independently following a schedule for returning assignments / by a given deadline. In addition to independent studying, the study unit includes scheduled teaching and required attendance on campus.
A Canvas learning environment is used to support the implementation. The study unit includes working in pairs or groups. You will receive individual feedback for assignments from the teacher, and working life or peer feedback may also be utilised.

Laurea degree regulations dated January 2024 will be applied to student selection, attendance and evaluation.

If a student does not intend to participate in a study unit they have been admitted to, they must cancel
their enrolment with the teacher in charge of the implementation before the study unit begins so that
another student next in the queue can take their place.

Students must be present for the first contact teaching session, or they must notify the responsible
teacher of their absence to confirm they intend to participate in studies

Aika ja paikka

Face-to-face learning and Tikkurila Campus.
10th Oct 9-16.30; 12th Dec 9-12; 14th Dec 9-16.30
Details will be shared in Canvas

Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus

Course materials will be listed in the Canvas platform in details.

Toteutuksen tärkeät päivämäärät

Face-to-face learning and Tikkurila Campus.

Details will be shared in Canvas.
Details for assignments will be shared when the course starts.

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

5 ETC equals 135 hours of work. Attendance and active participation in classes, workshops and independent learning and completing assignments according to course schedule.

Sisältö ja sen jaksotus

After the course the student is able:
-to critically analyse and apply knowledge about global health regulations, agreements, funding instruments and bodies
-to analyze and promote global wellbeing, social policy and social security
-to enhance sustainable and safe approach to global health services
-to develop interprofessional and cross-cultural health care services and projects

The detailed description, content and scheduling can be found on the Canvas platform.

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

Proficiency in oral and written English is required.



Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Assessment is based on NQF (national framework of degrees) level 7 for Master’s degree. The detailed evaluation criteria can be found from Canvas platform and it will be presented to the students during the first contact class.


20.05.2024 - 26.05.2024


01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024


5 op


2.5 op


50 % Lähiopetus, 50 % Etäopetus


Korkeakouluyksikkö D, Tikkurila, sote


Laurea Tikkurila

  • Englanti

20 - 40

  • Degree Programme in Global Health and Crisis Management (SYV7), Laurea Tikkurila
  • Elsi Haverinen-Mottaghi
  • Virpi Teinilä
  • Teija-Kaisa Aholaakko

Elsi Haverinen-Mottaghi

  • SYV724SJ
    Degree Programme in Global Health and Crisis Management, yamk, S24, Tikkurila


The student is able to
- apply evidence based knowledge, theories, models and methods in global health
- analyze and syntheses the preventive manner global health topics
- create new and safe approach to global health services


5ETC course
Learning within lectures, learning assignments, pre-learning / flipped learning, discussions, workshops, being opponent for fellow students.and seminar.
During Fall 2024 all learning activities will take place in Laurea Tikkurila campus.
There is no hybrid teaching in this course, no online teaching.

The study unit is completed partly independently following a schedule for returning assignments / by a given deadline. In addition to independent studying, the study unit includes scheduled teaching and required attendance on campus.
A Canvas learning environment is used to support the implementation. The study unit includes working in pairs or groups. You will receive individual feedback for assignments from the teacher, and working life or peer feedback may also be utilised.

Laurea degree regulations dated January 2024 will be applied to student selection, attendance and evaluation.

If a student does not intend to participate in a study unit they have been admitted to, they must cancel
their enrolment with the teacher in charge of the implementation before the study unit begins so that
another student next in the queue can take their place.

Students must be present for the first contact teaching session, or they must notify the responsible
teacher of their absence to confirm they intend to participate in studies

Aika ja paikka

Face-to-face learning at Tikkurila Campus

Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus

Course materials will be listed in the Canvas platform. You can start by getting familiar with the mandatory course e-book (section 2).

E-book from Laurea Finna:
Cragg L, Davies M, Macdowall W. Health Promotion Theory. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill Education; 2013. SECTION 2: Using theory to inform health promotion practice.

Suggested book for reading:
Nutbeam, D., Harris, E. & Wise, M. 2010. Theory in Nutshell, A practical guide to health promotion theories. (some copies available in library)

Toteutuksen tärkeät päivämäärät

Face-to-face learning at Tikkurila Campus

Details will be shared in Canvas.
Details for assignments will be shared when the course starts.

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

5 ETC equals 135 hours of work. Attendance and active participation in classes, workshops and independent learning and completing assignments according to course schedule.

Sisältö ja sen jaksotus

After the course the student is able:
-To critically analyse political, economic, societal, environmental and commercial determinants of global health
-To evaluate and formulate preventive solutions to the global burden of diseases
-To implement evidence-based knowledge, theories, models and methods in global health promotion

Detailed content and scheduling can be found from the Canvas platform.

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

Proficiency in oral and written English is required.



Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Assessment is based on NQF (national framework of degrees) level 7 for Master’s degree. The detailed evaluation criteria can be found from Canvas platform and it will be presented to the students during the first contact class.


20.05.2024 - 26.05.2024


01.08.2024 - 31.12.2025


30 op




Korkeakouluyksikkö D, Tikkurila, sote


Laurea Tikkurila

  • Englanti

20 - 40

  • Degree Programme in Global Health and Crisis Management (SYV7), Laurea Tikkurila
  • YAMK Virtuaali
  • Kaarina Murtola
  • Elsi Haverinen-Mottaghi
  • Teija-Kaisa Aholaakko

Teija-Kaisa Aholaakko

  • SYV724SJ
    Degree Programme in Global Health and Crisis Management, yamk, S24, Tikkurila


The student is able to
- plan, carry out and evaluate a health care development project within a given timeframe by applying appropriate methods
- manage and transform work contexts that are complex, unpredictable and require new strategic approaches
- identify and formulate problems and solutions critically, independently and creatively
- use the specialised problem solving skills required in research and innovation in order to develop new procedures and knowledge and to integrate knowledge from different fields
- take responsibility for contributing to professional practice and knowledge
- carry out and manage project tasks, take initiatives, adopt a developmental approach to work and initiate and implement change processes




25.11.2024 - 01.12.2024


01.01.2025 - 31.07.2025


5 op


4 op


20 % Lähiopetus, 80 % Etäopetus


30 Ylemmät ammattikorkeakoulututkinnot


Laurea Tikkurila

  • Englanti

20 - 40

  • Degree Programme in Global Health and Crisis Management (SYV7), Laurea Tikkurila
  • Elsi Haverinen-Mottaghi
  • Teija-Kaisa Aholaakko

Teija-Kaisa Aholaakko

  • SYV724SJ
    Degree Programme in Global Health and Crisis Management, yamk, S24, Tikkurila


The student is able:
- to search, assess and implement evidence in a confident and critical manner
- to compile and apply concepts, designs and methods of qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods research
- to assess and evaluate qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods research as a research user
- to plan, implement and assess qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods in development and research projects


This course is part of the core compulsory courses for Global health and crisis management students.

After the course the student is able:
• to search, assess and implement evidence in a confident and critical manner.
• to compile and apply concepts, designs, and methods of qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research.
• to assess and evaluate qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research as a research user.
• to plan, implement and assess qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods independently in development and research projects and applied research

Aika ja paikka

The student is gaining relevant competences during the individual online and blended learning session and participation at the SPSS- and qualitative research workshops at Tikkurila campus.

Compulsory presence at workshops are required. Completing the SPSS pre-assignment and availability of the SPSS-program on students' own PC are crucial for participation in the SPSS-workshop. Students can upload the SPSS-program from the StudentIntra when needed in assistance of ServiceDesk.

SPSS-workshop (8h), qualitative research workshop and data search workshops 5th February -25 take 4 hours each = 16 hrs. Compulsory individual online e-tivities take 119 hours.

Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus

Learning materials will be made available in the Canvas platform.

Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat

According to the degree regulations (2024) Students are entitled to apply for recognition of prior learning regardless of where, when and how the competence has been acquired. ... At Laurea, there are two different procedures for the recognition and accreditation of prior learning: a) accreditation of prior learning (competence acquired in higher education studies at another institution) and b) demonstration of competence (competence acquired in other ways). The recognition and accreditation of prior learning is initiated by the student themselves. The student is responsible for demonstrating and verifying their competence. The student is entitled to guidance for the recognition and accreditation of their competence. Further information in the student intranet.

Toteutuksen tärkeät päivämäärät

Compulsory workshops at Tikkurila campus:
16.1.2025 09-16.30 SPSS Workshop (please, make sure you have downloaded the SPSS software according to the instructions given.)
17.4.2025 13.00-16.30 Qualitative research workshop



Hylätty (0)

The course will be failed, if the student does not attend the compulsory workshops or finish the e-tivities accordingly.

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)

To achieve grade 1 (satisfactory) the student is able to:
- create a justified knowledge base on the subject using research sources (e.g. non-peer-reviewed scientific texts). (Knowledge base)
- apply the knowledge base to various professional contexts. (Knowledge base)
- pose essential questions about the topic under consideration.(Knowledge base)
- develop well-founded solutions to development problems. (Development)
- act in development tasks. (Development)
- examine issues openly from different perspectives and design functional solutions based on existing knowledge. (Creativity)
- communicate clearly both orally and in writing. (Communication)
- utilise means of communication. (Communication)
- demonstrate organisational skills in their own activities according to schedules. (Working skills, responsibility and independence)
- demonstrate responsibility, independence, and ethics in their actions. (Working skills, responsibility and independence)
- operate in uncertain situations (Working skills, responsibility and independence)
- work with others (Working skills, responsibility and independence)

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)

To achieve grade 3 (good) the student is able to:
- create an essential knowledge base by analysing both domestic and international scientific sources. (Knowledge base)
- apply the knowledge base to various professional contexts, demonstrating independent thinking. (Knowledge base)
- reflect on critical questions related to the knowledge base.(Knowledge base)
- develop well-founded solutions to research, development, and/or innovation problems using a development process model or method.(Development)
- act as a developer in development tasks requiring complex and new approaches.(Development)
- evaluate issues openly from different perspectives and build something original and functional based on existing knowledge. (Creativity)
- communicate expertly both orally and in writing. (Communication)
- utilise various means of communication effectively. (Communication)
- apply knowledge and skills demonstrating responsibility and independence. (Working skills, responsibility and independence)
- produce solutions that demonstrate responsibility and ethics. (Working skills, responsibility and independence)
- plan and execute work according to schedules. (Working skills, responsibility and independence)
- act independently in situations requiring tolerance to uncertainty. (Working skills, responsibility and independence)
- work constructively in collaboration with others. (Working skills, responsibility and independence)

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

To achieve grade 5 (excellent) the student is able to:
- create a coherent knowledge base by utilising both domestic and international sources comprehensively. (Knowledge base)
- critically analyse current and relevant scientific sources. (Knowledge base)
- apply the knowledge base to various professional contexts with critical thinking. (Knowledge base)
- highlight relevant and critical perspectives related to the knowledge base.(Knowledge base)
- develop new, well-founded solutions to complex research, development, and/or innovation problems using an appropriate development process model or method. (Development)
- act as a developer in development tasks that are complex, unpredictable, and/or require new strategic approaches. (Development)
- evaluate issues openly and boldly from multiple perspectives and build new, innovative, and functional viewpoints based on existing knowledge. (Creativity)
- communicate convincingly both orally and in writing, considering the audience. (Communication)
- utilise creative means of communication. (Communication)
- apply knowledge and skills responsibly and independently. (Working skills, responsibility and independence)
- produce solutions that reflect responsibility and ethics.(Working skills, responsibility and independence)
- organise and manage their own activities. (Working skills, responsibility and independence)
- plan and schedule work systematically. (Working skills, responsibility and independence)
- show tolerance for uncertainty and the ability to overcome challenges independently and justifiably. (Working skills, responsibility and independence)
- work constructively and purposefully in collaboration with others. (Working skills, responsibility and independence)