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Autumn / Hyvinkää / Business Management (exchange students) (30-35 op)


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Valitaan erillisten kriteerien mukaan 30 - 35 op


Studies suitable for exchanges students in Business Management on the Hyvinkää campus.

In Project Studies at Laurea Hyvinkää Campus students are able to develop skills in

Service Design Implementations:
The student is able to
- describe how value is created for the customers through service
- recognize the essence of Service Design thinking and methods
- plan, implement and evaluate a Service Design project using service design methods
- develop sustainable practices in organisations
- apply creative problem-solving and develop working methods individually and in teams
- foster entrepreneurship through service design

Digital Marketing & Sales Implementations:
The student is able to
- create and develop digital services
- develop and use digital tools for marketing purposes
- Digital Transformation
- Fundamentals of Digital Marketing
- Digital Marketing & Lead Acquisition/ Social Media Marketing/ Sales in Today's World
- plan digital customer experience
- analyze and use business reports in projects
- use strategic planning, analysis and decision making tools
- make business decisions in various contexts

Additionally in all project Implementations, students are able to develop skills in:
Working with a real project client (e.g. a company, public organization, NGO)
Cross-cultural teamwork
International business
Client management
Project management
Problem solving
Academic writing
Professional reporting

Tunnus Opinnon nimi Laajuus (op)
HL00BU35 Digital Marketing and Sales Project 15
HL00BU34 Service Design and Sustainability Project 15