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Introduction to Data EconomyLaajuus (1 cr)

Study unit code: HY00BT31


1 op

Learning outcomes

Student is able to
- Explain why organizations need to apply data in decision making
- Explain where the data comes from and how it can be used (buying, selling, collecting data, big data from IoT, digital platforms and APIs, machine learning and AI vs. statistical methods)
- Identify the role of information in a value creation process
- Identify key business models enabled by digital data
- List a few “no-code” ways of experimenting with data products to validate the business model
- Summarize how intellectual privacy regulations shape the data economy


20.05.2024 - 24.11.2024


01.06.2024 - 31.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

1 op

Virtual proportion

1 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Korkeakouluyksikkö D, Verkkokampus, tiko


Laurea Virtual Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

0 - 500

Degree programmes
  • Complementary competence, master’s studies in English (CYJ2), Generic studies
  • Niklas Leppä
Teacher in charge

Anssi Mattila

Scheduling groups
  • Avoin AMK (Size: 100. Open UAS: 100.)
  • Tutkinto-opiskelija tai polkuopiskelija (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
  • TYJ24SJ
    Täydentävä osaaminen (yamk-tutkinto), S24, yhteiset opinnot
  • CYJ24SJ
    Complementary competence (master’s studies in English), S24, Generic studies
Small groups
  • Tutkinto-opiskelija tai polkuopiskelija

Learning outcomes

Student is able to
- Explain why organizations need to apply data in decision making
- Explain where the data comes from and how it can be used (buying, selling, collecting data, big data from IoT, digital platforms and APIs, machine learning and AI vs. statistical methods)
- Identify the role of information in a value creation process
- Identify key business models enabled by digital data
- List a few “no-code” ways of experimenting with data products to validate the business model
- Summarize how intellectual privacy regulations shape the data economy

Teaching methods

Online course available for independent study at the student's own pace

Learning materials and recommended literature

All necessary materials are provided on the course platform.

Alternative completion methods of implementation


Co-operation with working life and/or RDI

Course has been produced in corporation with Osaango Oy. Lecturers on the videos are experts in data economy.

Important dates

The course has to be completed in Canvas until end of the course end date (31.12.2024).

During the summer holiday in July and during the New Year holidays, no credits are registered. Credits made by the end of the semester are recorded for the past semester, those made by 31.12. for the autumn semester, and those made by 31.7. for the spring semester.

Forms of internationality

The course is offered to partner institutions and its content is designed to be suitable for both EU countries and internationally.

Students workload

1 ECTS credits = 27 hours of work

Content and scheduling

Videos, quizzes and articles in four different modules.
Module 1: Data economy in brief
Module 2: Data sources and business models
Module 3: Role of information in value creation
Module 4: Next steps in data economy

After this course, you will be able to:
Explain why organizations need to apply data in decision making
Explain where the data comes from and how it can be used (buying, selling, collecting data, big data from IoT, digital platforms and APIs, machine learning and AI vs. statistical methods)
Identify the role of information in a value creation process
Identify key business models enabled by digital data.
List a few “no-code” ways of experimenting with data products to validate the business model
Summarize how privacy regulations shape the data economy

Further information for students

The course is master's level and therefore bachelor's level degree student can not enroll for the course.

Inquiries for the course can be directed to

Grading scale


Evaluation methods and criteria

For a passing grade, student has to complete all the required tests with a minimum score of 50%, all the required assignments and familiarise themselves with the course materials.


27.11.2023 - 19.05.2024


01.12.2023 - 30.06.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

1 op

Virtual proportion

1 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Korkeakouluyksikkö D, Leppävaara, tiko


Laurea Virtual Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

0 - 500

Degree programmes
  • Complementary competence, master’s studies in English (CYJ2), Generic studies
  • Niklas Leppä
Teacher in charge

Anssi Mattila

Scheduling groups
  • Koskee vain Avoimen AMK:n asiakkaita, älä ilmoittaudu tähän pienryhmään 1 (Size: 400. Open UAS: 400.)
  • TYJ23SJ
    Täydentävä osaaminen (yamk-tutkinto), S23, yhteiset opinnot
  • CYJ23SJ
    Complementary competence (master’s studies in English), S23, Generic studies
Small groups
  • Koskee vain Avoimen AMK:n asiakkaita, älä ilmoittaudu tähän pienryhmään 1

Learning outcomes

Student is able to
- Explain why organizations need to apply data in decision making
- Explain where the data comes from and how it can be used (buying, selling, collecting data, big data from IoT, digital platforms and APIs, machine learning and AI vs. statistical methods)
- Identify the role of information in a value creation process
- Identify key business models enabled by digital data
- List a few “no-code” ways of experimenting with data products to validate the business model
- Summarize how intellectual privacy regulations shape the data economy

Teaching methods

Online course available for independent study at the student's own pace

Learning materials and recommended literature

All necessary materials are provided on the course platform.

Alternative completion methods of implementation


Co-operation with working life and/or RDI

Course has been produced in corporation with Osaango Oy. Lecturers on the videos are experts in data economy.

Important dates


Students workload

1 ECTS credits = 27 hours of work

Content and scheduling

Videos, quizzes and articles in four different modules.
Module 1: Data economy in brief
Module 2: Data sources and business models
Module 3: Role of information in value creation
Module 4: Next steps in data economy

After this course, you will be able to:
Explain why organizations need to apply data in decision making
Explain where the data comes from and how it can be used (buying, selling, collecting data, big data from IoT, digital platforms and APIs, machine learning and AI vs. statistical methods)
Identify the role of information in a value creation process
Identify key business models enabled by digital data.
List a few “no-code” ways of experimenting with data products to validate the business model
Summarize how privacy regulations shape the data economy

Further information for students

The course is available only for the master's level degree students and for open UAS students.

Inquiries for the course can be directed to

Grading scale


Evaluation methods and criteria

For a passing grade, student has to complete all the required tests with a minimum score of 50%, all the required assignments and familiarise themselves with the course materials.


22.05.2023 - 30.11.2023


01.06.2023 - 31.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

1 op

Virtual proportion

1 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Korkeakouluyksikkö D, Tikkurila, tiko


Laurea Virtual Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

0 - 500

Degree programmes
  • Complementary competence, master’s studies in English (CYJ2), Generic studies
  • Niklas Leppä
  • Essi Tammisto
Teacher in charge

Anssi Mattila

Scheduling groups
  • Avoin AMK (Size: 100. Open UAS: 100.)
  • Tutkinto-opiskelija tai polkuopiskelija (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
  • TYJ23SJ
    Täydentävä osaaminen (yamk-tutkinto), S23, yhteiset opinnot
  • CYJ23SJ
    Complementary competence (master’s studies in English), S23, Generic studies
Small groups
  • Tutkinto-opiskelija tai polkuopiskelija

Learning outcomes

Student is able to
- Explain why organizations need to apply data in decision making
- Explain where the data comes from and how it can be used (buying, selling, collecting data, big data from IoT, digital platforms and APIs, machine learning and AI vs. statistical methods)
- Identify the role of information in a value creation process
- Identify key business models enabled by digital data
- List a few “no-code” ways of experimenting with data products to validate the business model
- Summarize how intellectual privacy regulations shape the data economy

Teaching methods

Online course available for independent study at the student's own pace

Learning materials and recommended literature

All necessary materials are provided on the course platform.

Alternative completion methods of implementation


Co-operation with working life and/or RDI

Course has been produced in corporation with Osaango Oy. Lecturers on the videos are experts in data economy.

Important dates


Students workload

1 ECTS credits = 27 hours of work

Content and scheduling

Videos, quizzes and articles in four different modules.
Module 1: Data economy in brief
Module 2: Data sources and business models
Module 3: Role of information in value creation
Module 4: Next steps in data economy

After this course, you will be able to:
Explain why organizations need to apply data in decision making
Explain where the data comes from and how it can be used (buying, selling, collecting data, big data from IoT, digital platforms and APIs, machine learning and AI vs. statistical methods)
Identify the role of information in a value creation process
Identify key business models enabled by digital data.
List a few “no-code” ways of experimenting with data products to validate the business model
Summarize how privacy regulations shape the data economy

Further information for students

Inquiries for the course can be directed to

Grading scale


Evaluation methods and criteria

For a passing grade, student has to complete all the required tests with a minimum score of 50%, all the required assignments and familiarise themselves with the course materials.


28.11.2022 - 21.05.2023


01.12.2022 - 30.06.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

1 op

Virtual proportion

1 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Korkeakouluyksikkö D, Verkkokampus, tiko


Laurea Virtual Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

0 - 500

Degree programmes
  • Complementary competence, master’s studies in English (CYJ2), Generic studies
  • Essi Tammisto
Teacher in charge

Anssi Mattila

Scheduling groups
  • Avoin AMK (Size: 200. Open UAS: 200.)
  • CYJ23KJ
    Complementary competence (master’s studies in English), K23, Generic studies
Small groups
  • Avoin AMK

Learning outcomes

Student is able to
- Explain why organizations need to apply data in decision making
- Explain where the data comes from and how it can be used (buying, selling, collecting data, big data from IoT, digital platforms and APIs, machine learning and AI vs. statistical methods)
- Identify the role of information in a value creation process
- Identify key business models enabled by digital data
- List a few “no-code” ways of experimenting with data products to validate the business model
- Summarize how intellectual privacy regulations shape the data economy

Teaching methods

Online course available for independent study at the student's own pace. Enrolment to this course is ongoing and new enrolments will be handled about once a week.

Learning materials and recommended literature

All necessary materials are provided on the course platform.

Alternative completion methods of implementation


Co-operation with working life and/or RDI

Course has been produced in corporation with Osaango Oy. Lecturers on the videos are experts in data economy.

Important dates


Students workload

1 ECTS credits = 27 hours of work

Content and scheduling

Videos, quizzes and articles in four different modules.
Module 1: Data economy in brief
Module 2: Data sources and business models
Module 3: Role of information in value creation
Module 4: Next steps in data economy

After this course, you will be able to:
Explain why organizations need to apply data in decision making
Explain where the data comes from and how it can be used (buying, selling, collecting data, big data from IoT, digital platforms and APIs, machine learning and AI vs. statistical methods)
Identify the role of information in a value creation process
Identify key business models enabled by digital data.
List a few “no-code” ways of experimenting with data products to validate the business model
Summarize how privacy regulations shape the data economy

Further information for students

Inquiries for the course can be directed to

Grading scale


Evaluation methods and criteria

For a passing grade, student has to complete all the required tests with a minimum score of 50%, all the required assignments and familiarise themselves with the course materials.


02.07.2022 - 31.07.2022


01.08.2022 - 31.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

1 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Korkeakouluyksikkö D, Verkkokampus, tiko

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • New competence and guidance in the software sector and digital skills for beneficiaries of temporary protection staying in Finland
  • AVOHDK23
    OODI - Ohjelmistoalan uutta osaamista ja ohjausta sekä digitaitoja Suomessa oleskeleville tilapäistä suojelua saaville

Learning outcomes

Student is able to
- Explain why organizations need to apply data in decision making
- Explain where the data comes from and how it can be used (buying, selling, collecting data, big data from IoT, digital platforms and APIs, machine learning and AI vs. statistical methods)
- Identify the role of information in a value creation process
- Identify key business models enabled by digital data
- List a few “no-code” ways of experimenting with data products to validate the business model
- Summarize how intellectual privacy regulations shape the data economy

Grading scale



24.05.2022 - 27.11.2022


01.06.2022 - 31.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

1 op

Virtual proportion

1 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Korkeakouluyksikkö D, Verkkokampus, liko


Laurea Virtual Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

0 - 500

Degree programmes
  • Complementary competence, master’s studies in English (CYJ2), Generic studies
  • Suvi Valsta
Teacher in charge

Anssi Mattila

Scheduling groups
  • Avoin AMK (Size: 100. Open UAS: 100.)
  • CYJ22KJ
    Complementary competence (master’s studies in English), K22, Generic studies
Small groups

Learning outcomes

Student is able to
- Explain why organizations need to apply data in decision making
- Explain where the data comes from and how it can be used (buying, selling, collecting data, big data from IoT, digital platforms and APIs, machine learning and AI vs. statistical methods)
- Identify the role of information in a value creation process
- Identify key business models enabled by digital data
- List a few “no-code” ways of experimenting with data products to validate the business model
- Summarize how intellectual privacy regulations shape the data economy

Teaching methods

Online course available for independent study at the student's own pace

Learning materials and recommended literature

All necessary materials are provided on the course platform.

Alternative completion methods of implementation


Co-operation with working life and/or RDI

Course has been produced in corporation with Osaango Oy. Lecturers on the videos are experts in data economy.

Important dates


Students workload

1 ECTS credits = 27 hours of work

Content and scheduling

Videos, quizzes and articles in four different modules.
Module 1: Data economy in brief
Module 2: Data sources and business models
Module 3: Role of information in value creation
Module 4: Next steps in data economy

After this course, you will be able to:
Explain why organizations need to apply data in decision making
Explain where the data comes from and how it can be used (buying, selling, collecting data, big data from IoT, digital platforms and APIs, machine learning and AI vs. statistical methods)
Identify the role of information in a value creation process
Identify key business models enabled by digital data.
List a few “no-code” ways of experimenting with data products to validate the business model
Summarize how privacy regulations shape the data economy

Further information for students

Inquiries for the course can be directed to

Grading scale



29.11.2021 - 23.05.2022


01.12.2021 - 30.06.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

1 op

Virtual proportion

1 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Korkeakouluyksikkö D, Tikkurila, liko


Laurea Virtual Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

0 - 300

Degree programmes
  • Complementary competence, master’s studies in English (CYJ2), Generic studies
  • Anssi Mattila
  • Suvi Valsta
Teacher in charge

Anssi Mattila

Scheduling groups
  • Pienryhmä 1 (Size: 100. Open UAS: 100.)
  • CYJ21SJ
    Complementary competence (master's studies in English), S21, Generic studies
Small groups
  • Pienryhmä 1

Learning outcomes

Student is able to
- Explain why organizations need to apply data in decision making
- Explain where the data comes from and how it can be used (buying, selling, collecting data, big data from IoT, digital platforms and APIs, machine learning and AI vs. statistical methods)
- Identify the role of information in a value creation process
- Identify key business models enabled by digital data
- List a few “no-code” ways of experimenting with data products to validate the business model
- Summarize how intellectual privacy regulations shape the data economy

Teaching methods

Online course available for independent study at the student's own pace

Learning materials and recommended literature

All necessary materials are provided on the course platform.

Alternative completion methods of implementation


Co-operation with working life and/or RDI

Course has been produced in corporation with Osaango Oy. Lecturers on the videos are experts in data economy.

Important dates


Students workload

1 ECTS credits = 27 hours of work

Content and scheduling

Videos, quizzes and articles in four different modules.
Module 1: Data economy in brief
Module 2: Data sources and business models
Module 3: Role of information in value creation
Module 4: Next steps in data economy

After this course, you will be able to:
Explain why organizations need to apply data in decision making
Explain where the data comes from and how it can be used (buying, selling, collecting data, big data from IoT, digital platforms and APIs, machine learning and AI vs. statistical methods)
Identify the role of information in a value creation process
Identify key business models enabled by digital data.
List a few “no-code” ways of experimenting with data products to validate the business model
Summarize how privacy regulations shape the data economy

Further information for students

Inquiries for the course can be directed to

Grading scale
