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Corporate Social ResponsibilityLaajuus (5 cr)

Study unit code: R0217


5 op

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- analyze environmental, social and economic responsibilities in service business
- develop sustainable practises in organisations

Further information

The learning outcomes of the study unit/project are evaluated based on the requirement level 2 of Laurea's common evaluation criteria.


19.05.2025 - 25.05.2025


01.10.2025 - 31.12.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual proportion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


10 Liiketalous-, tietojenkäsittely- ja palvelualat


Laurea Virtual Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

40 - 120

Degree programmes
  • Liiketalouden koulutus (HLY2), Laurea yhteinen (Finnish)
  • Anniina Vänskä
Teacher in charge

Anniina Vänskä

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- analyze environmental, social and economic responsibilities in service business
- develop sustainable practises in organisations

Grading scale


Further information

The learning outcomes of the study unit/project are evaluated based on the requirement level 2 of Laurea's common evaluation criteria.


19.05.2025 - 25.05.2025


01.08.2025 - 31.12.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual proportion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


10 Liiketalous-, tietojenkäsittely- ja palvelualat


Laurea Leppävaara

Teaching languages
  • English

40 - 70

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Business Management (HBA2), Laurea Leppävaara
  • Liko 1 Virtuaali
  • Marika Nikkinen
Teacher in charge

Marika Nikkinen

  • HBA224SN
    Degree Programme in Business Management, daytime studies, S24, Leppävaara
  • HRA224SA
    Degree Programme in Safety, Security and Risk Management, blended learning, S24, Leppävaara

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- analyze environmental, social and economic responsibilities in service business
- develop sustainable practises in organisations

Grading scale


Further information

The learning outcomes of the study unit/project are evaluated based on the requirement level 2 of Laurea's common evaluation criteria.


19.05.2025 - 25.05.2025


01.08.2025 - 31.12.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual proportion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


10 Liiketalous-, tietojenkäsittely- ja palvelualat


Laurea Virtual Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

40 - 120

Degree programmes
  • Liiketalouden koulutus (HLY2), Laurea yhteinen (Finnish)
  • Kaija Koivusalo
Teacher in charge

Kaija Koivusalo

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- analyze environmental, social and economic responsibilities in service business
- develop sustainable practises in organisations

Grading scale


Further information

The learning outcomes of the study unit/project are evaluated based on the requirement level 2 of Laurea's common evaluation criteria.


19.05.2025 - 25.05.2025


01.08.2025 - 31.12.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual proportion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


10 Liiketalous-, tietojenkäsittely- ja palvelualat


Laurea Virtual Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

40 - 120

Degree programmes
  • Liiketalouden koulutus (HLY2), Laurea yhteinen (Finnish)
  • Katriina Reponen
Teacher in charge

Katriina Reponen

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- analyze environmental, social and economic responsibilities in service business
- develop sustainable practises in organisations

Grading scale


Further information

The learning outcomes of the study unit/project are evaluated based on the requirement level 2 of Laurea's common evaluation criteria.


31.03.2025 - 06.04.2025


01.05.2025 - 31.08.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual proportion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


10 Liiketalous-, tietojenkäsittely- ja palvelualat


Laurea Virtual Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

40 - 120

Degree programmes
  • Liiketalouden koulutus (HLY2), Laurea yhteinen (Finnish)
  • Juhani Kettunen
Teacher in charge

Juhani Kettunen

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- analyze environmental, social and economic responsibilities in service business
- develop sustainable practises in organisations

Teaching methods

On-line course in Canvas, no lectures

Teacher in charge:

Location and time

Start on May 6th and end August 25th

Learning materials and recommended literature

Given by the lecturer in Canvas

Students workload

5 credits

Content and scheduling

There are no contact lessons during this study unit. You will work online, both individually and in teams, and actively participate in online discussions and carry out assignments.

1. Our Earth, individual work

What is biodiversity? How is it influenced by my footprint? What choices do I have?

All our actions have an effect on the environment but what are the main threats the world is facing?

In the first part of our study unit you will explore the environmental challenges the world is facing.

2. Social Responsibility, individual work

Organizations around the world are becoming increasingly aware of the need for socially responsible behavior. A socially responsible organization has a good reputation, is able to attract and retain workers and customers, and is able to maintain its employees' morale and commitment.

ISO 26000 provides guidance for all types of organisations on concepts, terms, definitions, principles, and the core issues of social responsibility. GRI reporting system helps the companies to communicate the impact of business on critical sustainability issues.

3. Economic Responsibility, individual work

Organisations have economic responsibilities to their stakeholders: investors, employees and customers. Profitability is important as well as transparency in giving information about how the organisation is run.

GDP is a widely-used indicator of a nations' economic success. What are the shortcomings of this measure? Is it actually a good indicator of well-being?

What is HDI? What are externalities? You will learn to define these in this third part of the study unit.

4. CSR Report, team work

You will now summarize everything you have learned so far.

In teams you will write a report where you describe the environmental, social and economic responsibilities including circular economy of an organisation of your choice. Find / choose a small- or medium-sized company (SME*), interview a company representative and describe the company’s best practices in the above areas (environmental, social and economic).

Feel free to include photographs showing examples of innovative practices. Your final report, excluding pictures, should be 5-10 pages.

Further information for students

There are no contact lessons during this study unit. You will work online, both individually and in teams, and actively participate in online discussions and carry out assignments.

You will be required to write reports individually and in teams. Please note that all reports are submitted automatically for plagiarism detection.

See the schedule for more detailed information.

The study unit will be evaluated based on your individual assignments, active discussion on each topic, team report and learning diary.

1. Our Earth, individual work, 20p

2. Social Responsibility, individual work, 20p

3. Economic Responsibility, individual work, 20p

4. CSR Report, team work (40%), 40p

Your individual assignments will be taken into consideration when calculating your final grade.

All these parts must be completed before the final grade is given. The final grade is lowered by at least 0.5 if any work is submitted late. Please note that active discussion is required during the discussion weeks. If you fail to take part in any discussions, you are required to write a summary of that week's discussion.

Grading scale


Further information

The learning outcomes of the study unit/project are evaluated based on the requirement level 2 of Laurea's common evaluation criteria.


31.03.2025 - 06.04.2025


01.05.2025 - 31.08.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual proportion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


10 Liiketalous-, tietojenkäsittely- ja palvelualat


Laurea Virtual Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

40 - 120

Degree programmes
  • Liiketalouden koulutus (HLY2), Laurea yhteinen (Finnish)
  • Anu Peltola
Teacher in charge

Anu Peltola

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- analyze environmental, social and economic responsibilities in service business
- develop sustainable practises in organisations

Grading scale


Further information

The learning outcomes of the study unit/project are evaluated based on the requirement level 2 of Laurea's common evaluation criteria.


25.11.2024 - 01.12.2024


01.03.2025 - 07.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual proportion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


10 Liiketalous-, tietojenkäsittely- ja palvelualat


Laurea Virtual Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

40 - 120

Degree programmes
  • Liiketalouden koulutus (HLY2), Laurea yhteinen (Finnish)
  • Johanna Lunkka
  • Anniina Vänskä
Teacher in charge

Johanna Lunkka

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- analyze environmental, social and economic responsibilities in service business
- develop sustainable practises in organisations

Teaching methods

The study unit is completed independently following a schedule for returning assignments / by a given deadline. Self-direction is required. The study unit does not include meetings except an informational kick off in Zoom. You will work online, both individually and in teams, and actively participate in online discussions and carry out assignments. You will study in a Canvas learning environment which includes learning material and assignments/tests. You will not receive individual feedback for assignments: feedback is based on checking the accuracy of the assignments and giving out model answers after the assignments have been returned.

Location and time

Kick-off in the beginning of the course in Zoom.
Date and time: March 4th at 9-10.30.

Learning materials and recommended literature

The literature and other resources are available in Canvas.

Alternative completion methods of implementation

According to the degree regulations "Students are entitled to apply for recognition of prior learning regardless of where, when and how the competence has been acquired. At Laurea, there are two different procedures for the recognition and accreditation of prior learning: a) accreditation of prior learning (competence acquired in higher education studies at another institution) and b) demonstration of competence (competence acquired in other ways). The recognition and accreditation of prior learning is initiated by the student themselves. The student is responsible for demonstrating and verifying their competence. The student is entitled to guidance for the recognition and accreditation of their competence." Further information in the student intranet.

You may also assess work-based learning as a way to acquire the competence needed. Read more in the student intranet.

Important dates

Based on the degree regulations the student accepted for the implementation is required to confirm his/her participation by showing activity at the start of the study in the following way:

In accordance with the degree regulations (2024), those who have been accepted for the study unit must confirm their participation by concluding the first module Social Responsibility by the due date (TBD). If the student does not confirm participation by acting in this way, his registration for the implementation will be rejected.

Students workload

5 ECTS = 135 hours of student work

Workload of the study is measured in a way that to acquire the goal competence of the study, one credit corresponds to an average of 26.7 hours of work done by the student. The actual time needed varies e.g. according to prior competence.

Content and scheduling

There are no contact lessons (except informational kick-off) during this study unit. You will work online, both individually and in teams, and actively participate in online discussions and carry out assignments.

1. Our Earth, individual work

What is biodiversity? How is it influenced by my footprint? What choices do I have?

All our actions have an effect on the environment but what are the main threats the world is facing?

In the first part of our study unit you will explore the environmental challenges the world is facing.

2. Social Responsibility, individual work

Organizations around the world are becoming increasingly aware of the need for socially responsible behavior. A socially responsible organization has a good reputation, is able to attract and retain workers and customers, and is able to maintain its employees' morale and commitment.

ISO 26000 provides guidance for all types of organisations on concepts, terms, definitions, principles, and the core issues of social responsibility. GRI reporting system helps the companies to communicate the impact of business on critical sustainability issues.

3. Economic Responsibility, individual work

Organisations have economic responsibilities to their stakeholders: investors, employees and customers. Profitability is important as well as transparency in giving information about how the organisation is run.

GDP is a widely-used indicator of a nations' economic success. What are the shortcomings of this measure? Is it actually a good indicator of well-being?

What is HDI? What are externalities? You will learn to define these in this third part of the study unit.

4. CSR Report, team work

You will now summarize everything you have learned so far.

In teams you will write a report where you describe the environmental, social and economic responsibilities including circular economy of an organisation of your choice. Find / choose a small- or medium-sized company (SME*), interview a company representative and describe the company’s best practices in the above areas (environmental, social and economic).

Feel free to include photographs showing examples of innovative practices. Your final report, excluding pictures, should be 5-10 pages.

Further information for students

The study unit corresponds to the requirements of Bachelor´s level education.

The prerequisite for participation is always that the possible competence prerequisites according to the curriculum (previous study or similar competence) are fulfilled. The student is responsible for taking into account the prerequisite conditions.

The quality of the study unit implementation has been assessed and the self-evaluation report is available for example in Canvas or Teams.

Grading scale


Further information

The learning outcomes of the study unit/project are evaluated based on the requirement level 2 of Laurea's common evaluation criteria.


25.11.2024 - 01.12.2024


01.02.2025 - 06.04.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual proportion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


10 Liiketalous-, tietojenkäsittely- ja palvelualat


Laurea Virtual Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

40 - 120

Degree programmes
  • Liiketalouden koulutus (HLY2), Laurea yhteinen (Finnish)
  • Anne Turunen
Teacher in charge

Anne Turunen

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- analyze environmental, social and economic responsibilities in service business
- develop sustainable practises in organisations

Teaching methods

On-line course in Canvas. The course platform opens on 1.2.2025.

Location and time

Starts 1.2.2025
Ends 6.4.2025

Learning materials and recommended literature

Given by the lecturer in Canvas

Content and scheduling

There are no contact lessons during this study unit. You will work online, both individually and in teams, and actively participate in online discussions and carry out assignments.

1. Our Earth, individual work

What is biodiversity? How is it influenced by my footprint? What choices do I have?

All our actions have an effect on the environment but what are the main threats the world is facing?

In the first part of our study unit you will explore the environmental challenges the world is facing.

2. Social Responsibility, individual work

Organizations around the world are becoming increasingly aware of the need for socially responsible behavior. A socially responsible organization has a good reputation, is able to attract and retain workers and customers, and is able to maintain its employees' morale and commitment.

ISO 26000 provides guidance for all types of organisations on concepts, terms, definitions, principles, and the core issues of social responsibility. GRI reporting system helps the companies to communicate the impact of business on critical sustainability issues.

3. Economic Responsibility, individual work

Organisations have economic responsibilities to their stakeholders: investors, employees and customers. Profitability is important as well as transparency in giving information about how the organisation is run.

GDP is a widely-used indicator of a nations' economic success. What are the shortcomings of this measure? Is it actually a good indicator of well-being?

What is HDI? What are externalities? You will learn to define these in this third part of the study unit.

4. CSR Report, team work

You will now summarize everything you have learned so far.

In teams you will write a report where you describe the environmental, social and economic responsibilities including circular economy of an organisation of your choice. Find / choose a small- or medium-sized company (SME*), interview a company representative and describe the company’s best practices in the above areas (environmental, social and economic).

Feel free to include photographs showing examples of innovative practices. Your final report, excluding pictures, should be 5-10 pages.

Further information for students

There are no contact lessons during this study unit. You will work online, both individually and in teams, and actively participate in online discussions and carry out assignments.

You are supposed to work with the diary during the whole study unit i.e. starting from the very first week.

You will be required to write reports individually and in teams. Please note that all reports are submitted automatically to Urkund for plagiarism detection.

You are required to compile all your contributions to any discussions in the individual learning diary.

See the schedule for more detailed information.


The study unit will be evaluated based on your individual assignments, active discussion on each topic and team report.

1. Our Earth, individual work, 1-5

2. Social Responsibility, individual work, 1-5

3. Economic Responsibility, individual work, 1-5

4. CSR Report, team work (40%), grade 1-5

Your individual assignments will be taken into consideration when calculating your final grade.

All these parts must be completed before the final grade is given. The final grade is lowered by at least 0.5 if any work is submitted late. Please note that active discussion is required during the discussion weeks. If you fail to take part in any discussions, you are required to write a summary of that week's discussion.

Grading scale


Further information

The learning outcomes of the study unit/project are evaluated based on the requirement level 2 of Laurea's common evaluation criteria.


25.11.2024 - 05.01.2025


10.01.2025 - 31.07.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual proportion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


10 Liiketalous-, tietojenkäsittely- ja palvelualat


Laurea Virtual Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

40 - 120

Degree programmes
  • Liiketalouden koulutus (HLY2), Laurea yhteinen (Finnish)
  • Petri Oikkonen
Teacher in charge

Petri Oikkonen

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- analyze environmental, social and economic responsibilities in service business
- develop sustainable practises in organisations

Teaching methods

The study unit is completed independently following a schedule for returning assignments / by a given deadline. Self-direction is required. The study unit does not include meetings. You will work online, both individually and in teams, and actively participate in online discussions and carry out assignments. You will study in a Canvas learning environment which includes learning material and assignments/tests. You will not receive individual feedback for assignments: feedback is based on checking the accuracy of the assignments and giving out model answers after the assignments have been returned.

Learning materials and recommended literature

The literature and other resources are available in Canvas.

Alternative completion methods of implementation

According to the degree regulations (2024), "Students are entitled to apply for recognition of prior learning regardless of where, when and how the competence has been acquired. At Laurea, there are two different procedures for the recognition and accreditation of prior learning: a) accreditation of prior learning (competence acquired in higher education studies at another institution) and b) demonstration of competence (competence acquired in other ways). The recognition and accreditation of prior learning is initiated by the student themselves. The student is responsible for demonstrating and verifying their competence. The student is entitled to guidance for the recognition and accreditation of their competence." Further information in the student intranet.

You may also assess work-based learning as a way to acquire the competence needed. Read more in the student intranet.

Important dates

Based on the degree regulations (2024), the student accepted for the implementation is required to confirm his/her participation by showing activity at the start of the study in the following way:

In accordance with the degree regulations (2024), those who have been accepted for the study unit must confirm their participation by concluding the first module Social Responsibility by the due date (TBD). If the student does not confirm participation by acting in this way, his registration for the implementation will be rejected.

Students workload

5 ECTS = 135 hours of student work

Workload of the study is measured in a way that to acquire the goal competence of the study, one credit corresponds to an average of 26.7 hours of work done by the student. The actual time needed varies e.g. according to prior competence.

Content and scheduling

There are no contact lessons during this study unit. You will work online, both individually and in teams, and actively participate in online discussions and carry out assignments.

1. Our Earth, individual work

What is biodiversity? How is it influenced by my footprint? What choices do I have?

All our actions have an effect on the environment but what are the main threats the world is facing?

In the first part of our study unit you will explore the environmental challenges the world is facing.

2. Social Responsibility, individual work

Organizations around the world are becoming increasingly aware of the need for socially responsible behavior. A socially responsible organization has a good reputation, is able to attract and retain workers and customers, and is able to maintain its employees' morale and commitment.

ISO 26000 provides guidance for all types of organisations on concepts, terms, definitions, principles, and the core issues of social responsibility. GRI reporting system helps the companies to communicate the impact of business on critical sustainability issues.

3. Economic Responsibility, individual work

Organisations have economic responsibilities to their stakeholders: investors, employees and customers. Profitability is important as well as transparency in giving information about how the organisation is run.

GDP is a widely-used indicator of a nations' economic success. What are the shortcomings of this measure? Is it actually a good indicator of well-being?

What is HDI? What are externalities? You will learn to define these in this third part of the study unit.

4. CSR Report, team work

You will now summarize everything you have learned so far.

In teams you will write a report where you describe the environmental, social and economic responsibilities including circular economy of an organisation of your choice. Find / choose a small- or medium-sized company (SME*), interview a company representative and describe the company’s best practices in the above areas (environmental, social and economic).

Feel free to include photographs showing examples of innovative practices. Your final report, excluding pictures, should be 5-10 pages.

Further information for students

The study unit corresponds to the requirements of Bachelor´s level education.

The prerequisite for participation is always that the possible competence prerequisites according to the curriculum (previous study or similar competence) are fulfilled. The student is responsible for taking into account the prerequisite conditions.

The quality of the study unit implementation has been assessed and the self-evaluation report is available for example in Canvas or Teams.

Grading scale


Further information

The learning outcomes of the study unit/project are evaluated based on the requirement level 2 of Laurea's common evaluation criteria.


25.11.2024 - 01.12.2024


02.01.2025 - 31.03.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual proportion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


10 Liiketalous-, tietojenkäsittely- ja palvelualat


Laurea Virtual Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

40 - 120

Degree programmes
  • Liiketalouden koulutus (HLY2), Laurea yhteinen (Finnish)
  • Juha Uutela
Teacher in charge

Juha Uutela

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- analyze environmental, social and economic responsibilities in service business
- develop sustainable practises in organisations

Teaching methods

The study unit is completed independently following a schedule for returning assignments / by a given deadline. Self-direction is required. The study unit does not include meetings. You will work online, both individually and in teams, and actively participate in online discussions and carry out assignments. You will study in a Canvas learning environment which includes learning material and assignments/tests. You will not receive individual feedback for assignments: feedback is based on checking the accuracy of the assignments and giving out model answers after the assignments have been returned.

Location and time

On students' own time, online, no contact lessons at the campus.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Given by the lecturer in Canvas.

Alternative completion methods of implementation

In student teams you will write a CSR Report where you will describe the environmental, social and economic responsibilities including circular economy of an organization of your choice.

Co-operation with working life and/or RDI

Please, find or choose a small- or medium-sized company (SME*), interview a company representative and describe the company’s best practices in the above areas (environmental, social and economic).

Important dates

Orientation module will be in Canvas.
No meetings at school or in Teams.
No calendar reservations.
5 credits on students' own time.
CSR Report will be carried out in teams - student groups of max. five members.

Students workload

5 credits on students' own time. CSR Report will be carried out in teams.

Content and scheduling

There are no contact lessons during this study unit. You will work online, both individually and in teams, and actively participate in online discussions and carry out assignments.

1. Our Earth, individual work

What is biodiversity? How is it influenced by my footprint? What choices do I have?

All our actions have an effect on the environment but what are the main threats the world is facing?

In the first part of our study unit you will explore the environmental challenges the world is facing.

2. Social Responsibility, individual work

Organizations around the world are becoming increasingly aware of the need for socially responsible behavior. A socially responsible organization has a good reputation, is able to attract and retain workers and customers, and is able to maintain its employees' morale and commitment.

ISO 26000 provides guidance for all types of organisations on concepts, terms, definitions, principles, and the core issues of social responsibility. GRI reporting system helps the companies to communicate the impact of business on critical sustainability issues.

3. Economic Responsibility, individual work

Organisations have economic responsibilities to their stakeholders: investors, employees and customers. Profitability is important as well as transparency in giving information about how the organisation is run.

GDP is a widely-used indicator of a nations' economic success. What are the shortcomings of this measure? Is it actually a good indicator of well-being?

What is HDI? What are externalities? You will learn to define these in this third part of the study unit.

4. CSR Report, team work

You will now summarize everything you have learned so far.

In teams you will write a report where you describe the environmental, social and economic responsibilities including circular economy of an organisation of your choice. Find / choose a small- or medium-sized company (SME*), interview a company representative and describe the company’s best practices in the above areas (environmental, social and economic).

Feel free to include photographs showing examples of innovative practices. Your final report, excluding pictures, should be 5-10 pages.

Grading scale


Evaluation methods and criteria

Detailed in Canvas. F - 5.

Further information

The learning outcomes of the study unit/project are evaluated based on the requirement level 2 of Laurea's common evaluation criteria.


20.05.2024 - 09.08.2024


01.10.2024 - 13.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual proportion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Laurea Leppävaara, liko


Laurea Virtual Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

40 - 120

Degree programmes
  • Liiketalouden koulutus (HLY2), Laurea yhteinen (Finnish)
  • Kaija Koivusalo
Teacher in charge

Kaija Koivusalo

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- analyze environmental, social and economic responsibilities in service business
- develop sustainable practises in organisations

Teaching methods

The study unit is completed independently following a schedule for returning assignments / by a given deadline. Self-direction is required. The study unit does not include meetings. You will work online, both individually and in teams, and actively participate in online discussions and carry out assignments. You will study in a Canvas learning environment which includes learning material and assignments/tests. You will not receive individual feedback for assignments: feedback is based on checking the accuracy of the assignments and giving out model answers after the assignments have been returned.

Learning materials and recommended literature

The literature and other resources are available in Canvas.

Alternative completion methods of implementation

According to the degree regulations (2024), "Students are entitled to apply for recognition of prior learning regardless of where, when and how the competence has been acquired. At Laurea, there are two different procedures for the recognition and accreditation of prior learning: a) accreditation of prior learning (competence acquired in higher education studies at another institution) and b) demonstration of competence (competence acquired in other ways). The recognition and accreditation of prior learning is initiated by the student themselves. The student is responsible for demonstrating and verifying their competence. The student is entitled to guidance for the recognition and accreditation of their competence." Further information in the student intranet.

You may also assess work-based learning as a way to acquire the competence needed. Read more in the student intranet.

Important dates

Based on the degree regulations (2024), the student accepted for the implementation is required to confirm his/her participation by showing activity at the start of the study in the following way:

In accordance with the degree regulations (2024), those who have been accepted for the study unit must confirm their participation by concluding the first module Social Responsibility by the due date (TBD). If the student does not confirm participation by acting in this way, his registration for the implementation will be rejected.

Students workload

5 ECTS = 135 hours of student work

Workload of the study is measured in a way that to acquire the goal competence of the study, one credit corresponds to an average of 26.7 hours of work done by the student. The actual time needed varies e.g. according to prior competence.

Content and scheduling

There are no contact lessons during this study unit. You will work online, both individually and in teams, and actively participate in online discussions and carry out assignments.

1. Our Earth, individual work

What is biodiversity? How is it influenced by my footprint? What choices do I have?

All our actions have an effect on the environment but what are the main threats the world is facing?

In the first part of our study unit you will explore the environmental challenges the world is facing.

2. Social Responsibility, individual work

Organizations around the world are becoming increasingly aware of the need for socially responsible behavior. A socially responsible organization has a good reputation, is able to attract and retain workers and customers, and is able to maintain its employees' morale and commitment.

ISO 26000 provides guidance for all types of organisations on concepts, terms, definitions, principles, and the core issues of social responsibility. GRI reporting system helps the companies to communicate the impact of business on critical sustainability issues.

3. Economic Responsibility, individual work

Organisations have economic responsibilities to their stakeholders: investors, employees and customers. Profitability is important as well as transparency in giving information about how the organisation is run.

GDP is a widely-used indicator of a nations' economic success. What are the shortcomings of this measure? Is it actually a good indicator of well-being?

What is HDI? What are externalities? You will learn to define these in this third part of the study unit.

4. CSR Report, team work

You will now summarize everything you have learned so far.

In teams you will write a report where you describe the environmental, social and economic responsibilities including circular economy of an organisation of your choice. Find / choose a small- or medium-sized company (SME*), interview a company representative and describe the company’s best practices in the above areas (environmental, social and economic).

Feel free to include photographs showing examples of innovative practices. Your final report, excluding pictures, should be 5-10 pages.

Further information for students

The study unit corresponds to the requirements of Bachelor´s level education.

The prerequisite for participation is always that the possible competence prerequisites according to the curriculum (previous study or similar competence) are fulfilled. The student is responsible for taking into account the prerequisite conditions.

The quality of the study unit implementation has been assessed and the self-evaluation report is available for example in Canvas or Teams.

Grading scale


Further information

The learning outcomes of the study unit/project are evaluated based on the requirement level 2 of Laurea's common evaluation criteria.


20.05.2024 - 31.08.2024


16.09.2024 - 31.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual proportion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Laurea Leppävaara, liko


Laurea Virtual Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

40 - 90

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Business Management (HBA2), Laurea Leppävaara
  • Sebastian King
  • Marika Nikkinen
  • Marjaana Ajanto
Teacher in charge

Marika Nikkinen

  • HBA223SN
    Degree Programme in Business Management, daytime studies, S23, Leppävaara
  • HRA223SA
    Degree Programme in Safety, Security and Risk Management, blended learning, S23, Leppävaara

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- analyze environmental, social and economic responsibilities in service business
- develop sustainable practises in organisations

Teaching methods

This is a special implementation of CSR incorporating the Working Across Borders project in an international environment.

For more details see (link is to the 2023 implementation, no new info yet):

Students complete two weeks of independent orientation work in CSR concepts before being placed in international teams with students from the partner universities.

Students need to complete the initial phase satisfactorily before they can proceed to the next stage.

During the project students work in teams to develop a proposal for the client on an aspect of sustainability in the client's business area. Throughout the process students receive coaching and guidance on their progress.

Location and time

This is an online implementation. Students are recommended to attend three online events/meetings.

Students will also carry out team work with students from the partner universities and should attend the meetings agreed in their teams to complete the project.

Learning materials and recommended literature

All materials will be delivered via the Canvas learning platform.

Alternative completion methods of implementation

If you feel that you have already acquired the competences targeted in this study unit, or example you have worked closely with CSR issues, please send your Competence analysis to the course lecturers. The latest time to send the analysis is two weeks before the start of the study unit.

Co-operation with working life and/or RDI

The course includes a company project with an international client.

Important dates

The exact dates will be published in Canvas and the course calendar. The following dates are therefore approximate:
Course opens in Canvas: 16 September
Class online meeting 27 September 1 pm
Project kick-off date: Tuesday, 8 October (online) 4 pm
Final seminar with the client: Tuesday, 10 December (online) 3 pm

Forms of internationality

An international project with over 500 students from approximately10 countries is integrated into this study unit.

Students workload

5 ECTS = 135 hours of work.

Content and scheduling

A detailed schedule will be given in Canvas.

Further information for students

This implementation is intended for students on English-language BBA programmes. Students from Finnish-language BBA programmes who are interested in CSR and sustainability issues and are keen to develop their international networks and collaborate with students around the world are very welcome! Good English language skills are recommended.

If you would like to join this CSR implementation please contact the study unit teachers by email.

Grading scale


Evaluation methods and criteria

The study unit follows the Level 2 criteria.

Scoring for assignments is detailed in Canvas. The following is an overview:

3 ECTS are based on the Working Across Border assignments (points are given for teamwork, a team pitch of a client proposal, peer evaluations, a readiness test and self-introduction)

2 ECTS are given for the work done in the Canvas CSR environment and summarised in a Learning Diary submitted at the end of the course

Evaluation criteria, fail (0)

The student does not complete the required assignments satisfactorily.

Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

The student is able to:
– use professional concepts in a consistent manner and demonstrate his/her familiarity with the knowledge basis
– report and communicate in a professional manner
The student is able to:
– act independently taking into account the operating environment
– take responsibility for interaction with customers and/or co-operation partners and for responding to their needs
The student is able to:
– describe the significance of his/her actions for successful co-operation
– describe his/her competence in relation to the learning outcomes

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

The student is able to:
– critically evaluate information and justify their actions with science-based knowledge
The student is able to:
– propose creative solutions at work
– promote professional co-operation and enhance customer and partner relationships
The student is able to:
– act in a manner that promotes the team’s entrepreneurial and responsible approach to work
– describe the development of his/her competence in relation to the learning outcomes

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

The student is able to:
– analyse the acquired information, draw conclusions and combine theoretical knowledge with experiential knowledge
The student is able to:
– evaluate the applicability of produced knowledge, skill or idea to other contexts as well as their impact
– anticipate needs of customers and/or co-operation partners
The student is able to:
– evaluate and develop the team’s entrepreneurial and responsible approach to work
– evaluate the possibilities for utilising competence and plan his/her personal development and development of the team

Further information

The learning outcomes of the study unit/project are evaluated based on the requirement level 2 of Laurea's common evaluation criteria.


20.05.2024 - 26.05.2024


26.08.2024 - 15.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual proportion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Laurea Lohja, liko


Laurea Virtual Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

40 - 120

Degree programmes
  • Liiketalouden koulutus (HLY2), Laurea yhteinen (Finnish)
  • Katriina Reponen
Teacher in charge

Taina Lackman

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- analyze environmental, social and economic responsibilities in service business
- develop sustainable practises in organisations

Teaching methods

Online study unit in Canvas.

The learning outcomes of the 5 ECTS study unit, Corporate Social Responsibility, are given below. After completing the study unit you are able to:

analyze environmental, social and economic responsibilities in service business
develop sustainable practices in an organisation
5 ECTS is equivalent to approximately 135 hours of student work.

The (Corporate Social Responsibility) study unit consists of the following modules:

Environmental responsibility
Social responsibility
Economic responsibility
CSR Report (teamwork)
You are able to study the first three modules (Environmental, Social and Economic responsibility) independently and at your own pace. These modules must be done in numerical order and they are assessed automatically. In these modules you will learn the basic principles of environmental, social and economic responsibility in business operations.

In the last module of the course you will collaborate in teams to analyse and come up with recommendations for improving sustainability in a case organisation's operations. Please study also the group work assignment already in the beginning so that you can start to form a team and to find a suitable company to analyse.

In addition to the assignments given in the modules, you will also keep a Learning Diary throughout the study unit. Please follow carefully the guidance for the Learning Diary.

Feedback and evaluation
The study unit will be evaluated based on your individual assignments, CSR Report and Learning Diary in the following way.

Environmental responsibility, individual work
Social Responsibility, individual work
Economic Responsibility, individual work
Each above mentioned individual modules are evaluated automatically as described below
You need to mark instructions completed, score at least 5 points from the Quizz, contribute to discussion area and return Learning Diary based on that module
CSR Report, team work (40%), maximum 50 points.
Learning Diary, individual work (60%), maximum 50 points.

Your individual input to discussions will be taken into consideration when calculating your final grade. Both Learning Diary and CSR Report must be done to pass the course. For the final evaluation following Laurea Grading Scheme is used.

Interaction and communication
There are no contact lessons during this study unit. You will work online, both individually and in teams, and actively participate in online discussions and carry out assignments.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Given by the lecturer in Canvas.

Alternative completion methods of implementation

In student teams you will write a CSR Report where you will describe the environmental, social and economic responsibilities including circular economy of an organization of your choice.

Co-operation with working life and/or RDI

Please, find or choose a small- or medium-sized company (SME*), interview a company representative and describe the company’s best practices in the above areas (environmental, social and economic).

Important dates

Orientation module will be in Canvas.
No meetings at school or in Teams.
No calendar reservations.
5 credits on students' own time.
CSR Report will be carried out in teams.

Students workload

5 credits on students' own time. CSR Report will be carried out in teams.

Content and scheduling

here are no contact lessons during this study unit. You will work online, both individually and in teams, and actively participate in online discussions and carry out assignments.

You are supposed to work with the Learning Diary during the whole study unit i.e. starting from the very first week.

You will be required to write reports individually and in teams. Please note that all reports are submitted automatically to Urkund for plagiarism detection.

You are required to compile all your contributions to any discussions in the individual Learning Diary.

See the schedule for more detailed information.

The study unit will be evaluated based on your individual assignments, active discussion on each topic, CSR Report and Learning Diary.

1. Our Earth, individual work, Pass/Fail

2. Social Responsibility, individual work, Pass/Fail

3. Economic Responsibility, individual work, Pass/Fail

4. CSR Report, team work (40%), grade 1-5

5. Learning Diary, individual work (60%), grade 1-5

Your individual assignments will be taken into consideration when calculating your final grade.

All these parts must be completed before the final grade is given. The final grade is lowered by at least 0.5 if any work is submitted late. Please note that active discussion is required during the discussion weeks. If you fail to take part in any discussions, you are required to write a summary of that week's discussion.

Grading scale


Evaluation methods and criteria

Detailed in Canvas. F - 5.

Further information

The learning outcomes of the study unit/project are evaluated based on the requirement level 2 of Laurea's common evaluation criteria.


20.05.2024 - 26.05.2024


26.08.2024 - 20.10.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual proportion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Laurea Leppävaara, liko


Laurea Virtual Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

40 - 120

Degree programmes
  • Liiketalouden koulutus (HLY2), Laurea yhteinen (Finnish)
  • Anne Turunen
Teacher in charge

Anne Turunen

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- analyze environmental, social and economic responsibilities in service business
- develop sustainable practises in organisations

Teaching methods

On-line course in Canvas. The course platform opens on 26.8.24.

Location and time

Starts 26.8.2024
Ends 20.10.2024

Learning materials and recommended literature

Given by the lecturer in Canvas

Students workload

5 credits

Content and scheduling

There are no contact lessons during this study unit. You will work online, both individually and in teams, and actively participate in online discussions and carry out assignments.

1. Our Earth, individual work

What is biodiversity? How is it influenced by my footprint? What choices do I have?

All our actions have an effect on the environment but what are the main threats the world is facing?

In the first part of our study unit you will explore the environmental challenges the world is facing.

2. Social Responsibility, individual work

Organizations around the world are becoming increasingly aware of the need for socially responsible behavior. A socially responsible organization has a good reputation, is able to attract and retain workers and customers, and is able to maintain its employees' morale and commitment.

ISO 26000 provides guidance for all types of organisations on concepts, terms, definitions, principles, and the core issues of social responsibility. GRI reporting system helps the companies to communicate the impact of business on critical sustainability issues.

3. Economic Responsibility, individual work

Organisations have economic responsibilities to their stakeholders: investors, employees and customers. Profitability is important as well as transparency in giving information about how the organisation is run.

GDP is a widely-used indicator of a nations' economic success. What are the shortcomings of this measure? Is it actually a good indicator of well-being?

What is HDI? What are externalities? You will learn to define these in this third part of the study unit.

4. CSR Report, team work

You will now summarize everything you have learned so far.

In teams you will write a report where you describe the environmental, social and economic responsibilities including circular economy of an organisation of your choice. Find / choose a small- or medium-sized company (SME*), interview a company representative and describe the company’s best practices in the above areas (environmental, social and economic).

Feel free to include photographs showing examples of innovative practices. Your final report, excluding pictures, should be 5-10 pages.

5. Learning diary, individual work

You are required to compile all your contributions to any discussions in the individual learning diary.

Further information for students

There are no contact lessons during this study unit. You will work online, both individually and in teams, and actively participate in online discussions and carry out assignments.

You are supposed to work with the diary during the whole study unit i.e. starting from the very first week.

You will be required to write reports individually and in teams. Please note that all reports are submitted automatically to Urkund for plagiarism detection.

You are required to compile all your contributions to any discussions in the individual learning diary.

See the schedule for more detailed information.

The study unit will be evaluated based on your individual assignments, active discussion on each topic, team report and learning diary.

1. Our Earth, individual work, Pass/Fail

2. Social Responsibility, individual work, Pass/Fail

3. Economic Responsibility, individual work, Pass/Fail

4. CSR Report, team work (40%), grade 1-5

5. Learning diary, individual work (60%), grade 1-5

Your individual assignments will be taken into consideration when calculating your final grade.

All these parts must be completed before the final grade is given. The final grade is lowered by at least 0.5 if any work is submitted late. Please note that active discussion is required during the discussion weeks. If you fail to take part in any discussions, you are required to write a summary of that week's discussion.

Grading scale


Further information

The learning outcomes of the study unit/project are evaluated based on the requirement level 2 of Laurea's common evaluation criteria.


01.04.2024 - 07.04.2024


01.05.2024 - 31.08.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual proportion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Korkeakouluyksikkö D, Verkkokampus, liko


Laurea Virtual Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

40 - 120

Degree programmes
  • Liiketalouden koulutus (HLY2), Laurea yhteinen (Finnish)
  • Juhani Kettunen
Teacher in charge

Juhani Kettunen

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- analyze environmental, social and economic responsibilities in service business
- develop sustainable practises in organisations

Teaching methods

On-line course in Canvas, no lectures

Teacher in charge:

Location and time

Start on May 6th and end August 25th

Learning materials and recommended literature

Given by the lecturer in Canvas

Students workload

5 credits

Content and scheduling

There are no contact lessons during this study unit. You will work online, both individually and in teams, and actively participate in online discussions and carry out assignments.

1. Our Earth, individual work

What is biodiversity? How is it influenced by my footprint? What choices do I have?

All our actions have an effect on the environment but what are the main threats the world is facing?

In the first part of our study unit you will explore the environmental challenges the world is facing.

2. Social Responsibility, individual work

Organizations around the world are becoming increasingly aware of the need for socially responsible behavior. A socially responsible organization has a good reputation, is able to attract and retain workers and customers, and is able to maintain its employees' morale and commitment.

ISO 26000 provides guidance for all types of organisations on concepts, terms, definitions, principles, and the core issues of social responsibility. GRI reporting system helps the companies to communicate the impact of business on critical sustainability issues.

3. Economic Responsibility, individual work

Organisations have economic responsibilities to their stakeholders: investors, employees and customers. Profitability is important as well as transparency in giving information about how the organisation is run.

GDP is a widely-used indicator of a nations' economic success. What are the shortcomings of this measure? Is it actually a good indicator of well-being?

What is HDI? What are externalities? You will learn to define these in this third part of the study unit.

4. CSR Report, team work

You will now summarize everything you have learned so far.

In teams you will write a report where you describe the environmental, social and economic responsibilities including circular economy of an organisation of your choice. Find / choose a small- or medium-sized company (SME*), interview a company representative and describe the company’s best practices in the above areas (environmental, social and economic).

Feel free to include photographs showing examples of innovative practices. Your final report, excluding pictures, should be 5-10 pages.

Further information for students

There are no contact lessons during this study unit. You will work online, both individually and in teams, and actively participate in online discussions and carry out assignments.

You will be required to write reports individually and in teams. Please note that all reports are submitted automatically for plagiarism detection.

See the schedule for more detailed information.

The study unit will be evaluated based on your individual assignments, active discussion on each topic, team report and learning diary.

1. Our Earth, individual work, 20p

2. Social Responsibility, individual work, 20p

3. Economic Responsibility, individual work, 20p

4. CSR Report, team work (40%), 40p

Your individual assignments will be taken into consideration when calculating your final grade.

All these parts must be completed before the final grade is given. The final grade is lowered by at least 0.5 if any work is submitted late. Please note that active discussion is required during the discussion weeks. If you fail to take part in any discussions, you are required to write a summary of that week's discussion.

Grading scale


Further information

The learning outcomes of the study unit/project are evaluated based on the requirement level 2 of Laurea's common evaluation criteria.


01.04.2024 - 07.04.2024


01.05.2024 - 31.08.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual proportion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Laurea Hyvinkää, liko


Laurea Virtual Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

40 - 120

Degree programmes
  • Liiketalouden koulutus (HLY2), Laurea yhteinen (Finnish)
  • Anu Peltola
Teacher in charge

Anu Peltola

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- analyze environmental, social and economic responsibilities in service business
- develop sustainable practises in organisations

Teaching methods

On-line course in Canvas

Learning materials and recommended literature

Given by the lecturer in Canvas

Students workload

5 credits

Content and scheduling

There are no contact lessons during this study unit. You will work online, both individually and in teams, and actively participate in online discussions and carry out assignments.

1. Our Earth, individual work

What is biodiversity? How is it influenced by my footprint? What choices do I have?

All our actions have an effect on the environment but what are the main threats the world is facing?

In the first part of our study unit you will explore the environmental challenges the world is facing.

2. Social Responsibility, individual work

Organizations around the world are becoming increasingly aware of the need for socially responsible behavior. A socially responsible organization has a good reputation, is able to attract and retain workers and customers, and is able to maintain its employees' morale and commitment.

ISO 26000 provides guidance for all types of organisations on concepts, terms, definitions, principles, and the core issues of social responsibility. GRI reporting system helps the companies to communicate the impact of business on critical sustainability issues.

3. Economic Responsibility, individual work

Organisations have economic responsibilities to their stakeholders: investors, employees and customers. Profitability is important as well as transparency in giving information about how the organisation is run.

GDP is a widely-used indicator of a nations' economic success. What are the shortcomings of this measure? Is it actually a good indicator of well-being?

What is HDI? What are externalities? You will learn to define these in this third part of the study unit.

4. CSR Report, team work

You will now summarize everything you have learned so far.

In teams you will write a report where you describe the environmental, social and economic responsibilities including circular economy of an organisation of your choice. Find / choose a small- or medium-sized company (SME*), interview a company representative and describe the company’s best practices in the above areas (environmental, social and economic).

Feel free to include photographs showing examples of innovative practices. Your final report, excluding pictures, should be 5-10 pages.

5. Learning diary, individual work

You are required to compile all your contributions to any discussions in the individual learning diary.

Further information for students

There are no contact lessons during this study unit. You will work online, both individually and in teams, and actively participate in online discussions and carry out assignments.

You are supposed to work with the diary during the whole study unit i.e. starting from the very first week.

You will be required to write reports individually and in teams. Please note that all reports are submitted automatically to Urkund for plagiarism detection.

You are required to compile all your contributions to any discussions in the individual learning diary.

See the schedule for more detailed information.

The study unit will be evaluated based on your individual assignments, active discussion on each topic, team report and learning diary.

1. Our Earth, individual work, Pass/Fail

2. Social Responsibility, individual work, Pass/Fail

3. Economic Responsibility, individual work, Pass/Fail

4. CSR Report, team work (40%), grade 1-5

5. Learning diary, individual work (60%), grade 1-5

Your individual assignments will be taken into consideration when calculating your final grade.

All these parts must be completed before the final grade is given. The final grade is lowered by at least 0.5 if any work is submitted late. Please note that active discussion is required during the discussion weeks. If you fail to take part in any discussions, you are required to write a summary of that week's discussion.

Grading scale


Further information

The learning outcomes of the study unit/project are evaluated based on the requirement level 2 of Laurea's common evaluation criteria.


05.02.2024 - 11.02.2024


01.03.2024 - 31.07.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual proportion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Laurea Leppävaara, liko


Laurea Virtual Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

40 - 120

Degree programmes
  • Liiketalouden koulutus (HLY2), Laurea yhteinen (Finnish)
  • Mia Pakarinen
Teacher in charge

Sirkku Mäntynen

Scheduling groups
  • Koskee vain Avoimen AMK:n asiakkaita, tutkinto-opiskelija älä ilmoittaudu tähän pienryhmään, voit olla välittämättä tästä. 1 (Size: 10. Open UAS: 10.)
Small groups
  • Koskee vain Avoimen AMK:n asiakkaita, tutkinto-opiskelija älä ilmoittaudu tähän pienryhmään, voit olla välittämättä tästä. 1

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- analyze environmental, social and economic responsibilities in service business
- develop sustainable practises in organisations

Teaching methods

On-line course in Canvas

Location and time

Start March 1st 2024
Ends 5.5.2024

Learning materials and recommended literature

Given by the lecturer in Canvas

Students workload

5 credits

Content and scheduling

There are no contact lessons during this study unit. You will work online, both individually and in teams, and actively participate in online discussions and carry out assignments.

1. Our Earth, individual work

What is biodiversity? How is it influenced by my footprint? What choices do I have?

All our actions have an effect on the environment but what are the main threats the world is facing?

In the first part of our study unit you will explore the environmental challenges the world is facing.

2. Social Responsibility, individual work

Organizations around the world are becoming increasingly aware of the need for socially responsible behavior. A socially responsible organization has a good reputation, is able to attract and retain workers and customers, and is able to maintain its employees' morale and commitment.

ISO 26000 provides guidance for all types of organisations on concepts, terms, definitions, principles, and the core issues of social responsibility. GRI reporting system helps the companies to communicate the impact of business on critical sustainability issues.

3. Economic Responsibility, individual work

Organisations have economic responsibilities to their stakeholders: investors, employees and customers. Profitability is important as well as transparency in giving information about how the organisation is run.

GDP is a widely-used indicator of a nations' economic success. What are the shortcomings of this measure? Is it actually a good indicator of well-being?

What is HDI? What are externalities? You will learn to define these in this third part of the study unit.

4. CSR Report, team work

You will now summarize everything you have learned so far.

In teams you will write a report where you describe the environmental, social and economic responsibilities including circular economy of an organisation of your choice. Find / choose a small- or medium-sized company (SME*), interview a company representative and describe the company’s best practices in the above areas (environmental, social and economic).

Feel free to include photographs showing examples of innovative practices. Your final report, excluding pictures, should be 5-10 pages.

5. Learning diary, individual work

You are required to compile all your contributions to any discussions in the individual learning diary.

Further information for students

There are no contact lessons during this study unit. You will work online, both individually and in teams, and actively participate in online discussions and carry out assignments.

You are supposed to work with the diary during the whole study unit i.e. starting from the very first week.

You will be required to write reports individually and in teams. Please note that all reports are submitted automatically to Urkund for plagiarism detection.

You are required to compile all your contributions to any discussions in the individual learning diary.

See the schedule for more detailed information.

The study unit will be evaluated based on your individual assignments, active discussion on each topic, team report and learning diary.

1. Our Earth, individual work, Pass/Fail

2. Social Responsibility, individual work, Pass/Fail

3. Economic Responsibility, individual work, Pass/Fail

4. CSR Report, team work (40%), grade 1-5

5. Learning diary, individual work (60%), grade 1-5

Your individual assignments will be taken into consideration when calculating your final grade.

All these parts must be completed before the final grade is given. The final grade is lowered by at least 0.5 if any work is submitted late. Please note that active discussion is required during the discussion weeks. If you fail to take part in any discussions, you are required to write a summary of that week's discussion.

Grading scale


Further information

The learning outcomes of the study unit/project are evaluated based on the requirement level 2 of Laurea's common evaluation criteria.


27.11.2023 - 19.12.2023


01.02.2024 - 24.03.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual proportion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Korkeakouluyksikkö D, Verkkokampus, liko


Laurea Virtual Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

40 - 120

Degree programmes
  • Liiketalouden koulutus (HLY2), Laurea yhteinen (Finnish)
  • Katriina Reponen
  • Anne Turunen
  • Mia Pakarinen
Teacher in charge

Anne Turunen

Scheduling groups
  • Avoin AMK 1 (Size: 5. Open UAS: 5.)
Small groups
  • Avoin AMK 1

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- analyze environmental, social and economic responsibilities in service business
- develop sustainable practises in organisations

Teaching methods

On-line course in Canvas

Location and time

Start Feb 1st 2024
Ends 24.3.2024

Learning materials and recommended literature

Given by the lecturer in Canvas

Students workload

5 credits

Content and scheduling

There are no contact lessons during this study unit. You will work online, both individually and in teams, and actively participate in online discussions and carry out assignments.

1. Our Earth, individual work

What is biodiversity? How is it influenced by my footprint? What choices do I have?

All our actions have an effect on the environment but what are the main threats the world is facing?

In the first part of our study unit you will explore the environmental challenges the world is facing.

2. Social Responsibility, individual work

Organizations around the world are becoming increasingly aware of the need for socially responsible behavior. A socially responsible organization has a good reputation, is able to attract and retain workers and customers, and is able to maintain its employees' morale and commitment.

ISO 26000 provides guidance for all types of organisations on concepts, terms, definitions, principles, and the core issues of social responsibility. GRI reporting system helps the companies to communicate the impact of business on critical sustainability issues.

3. Economic Responsibility, individual work

Organisations have economic responsibilities to their stakeholders: investors, employees and customers. Profitability is important as well as transparency in giving information about how the organisation is run.

GDP is a widely-used indicator of a nations' economic success. What are the shortcomings of this measure? Is it actually a good indicator of well-being?

What is HDI? What are externalities? You will learn to define these in this third part of the study unit.

4. CSR Report, team work

You will now summarize everything you have learned so far.

In teams you will write a report where you describe the environmental, social and economic responsibilities including circular economy of an organisation of your choice. Find / choose a small- or medium-sized company (SME*), interview a company representative and describe the company’s best practices in the above areas (environmental, social and economic).

Feel free to include photographs showing examples of innovative practices. Your final report, excluding pictures, should be 5-10 pages.

5. Learning diary, individual work

You are required to compile all your contributions to any discussions in the individual learning diary.

Further information for students

There are no contact lessons during this study unit. You will work online, both individually and in teams, and actively participate in online discussions and carry out assignments.

You are supposed to work with the diary during the whole study unit i.e. starting from the very first week.

You will be required to write reports individually and in teams. Please note that all reports are submitted automatically to Urkund for plagiarism detection.

You are required to compile all your contributions to any discussions in the individual learning diary.

See the schedule for more detailed information.

The study unit will be evaluated based on your individual assignments, active discussion on each topic, team report and learning diary.

1. Our Earth, individual work, Pass/Fail

2. Social Responsibility, individual work, Pass/Fail

3. Economic Responsibility, individual work, Pass/Fail

4. CSR Report, team work (40%), grade 1-5

5. Learning diary, individual work (60%), grade 1-5

Your individual assignments will be taken into consideration when calculating your final grade.

All these parts must be completed before the final grade is given. The final grade is lowered by at least 0.5 if any work is submitted late. Please note that active discussion is required during the discussion weeks. If you fail to take part in any discussions, you are required to write a summary of that week's discussion.

Grading scale


Further information

The learning outcomes of the study unit/project are evaluated based on the requirement level 2 of Laurea's common evaluation criteria.


27.11.2023 - 03.12.2023


10.01.2024 - 31.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual proportion

5 op

RDI proportion

1 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Korkeakouluyksikkö D, Tikkurila, tiko


Laurea Virtual Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

40 - 120

Degree programmes
  • Liiketalouden koulutus (HLY2), Laurea yhteinen (Finnish)
  • Petri Oikkonen
Teacher in charge

Petri Oikkonen

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- analyze environmental, social and economic responsibilities in service business
- develop sustainable practises in organisations

Teaching methods

Online course in Canvas. First three modules on environmental, social and economic responsibility in the course are studied independently at your own pace. You will also work on a learning diary throughout the course. Last module is a graded group assignment on a case company.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Canvas course includes necessary materials on each theme and links to external resources.

Alternative completion methods of implementation

Contact teacher for options.

Co-operation with working life and/or RDI

CSR report is done on a case company that the group selects.

Important dates

There are no contact lessons during this study unit. You will work online, both individually and in teams, and actively participate in online discussions and carry out assignments.

Students workload

One credit equals roughly 27 hours of work. While there are no contact lessons, there are weekly deadlines to evenly pace your work throughout the course.

Content and scheduling

The course is divided into five sections:

1. Our Earth, individual work

What is biodiversity? How is it influenced by my footprint? What choices do I have?

All our actions have an effect on the environment but what are the main threats the world is facing?

In the first part of our study unit you will explore the environmental challenges the world is facing.

2. Social Responsibility, individual work

Organizations around the world are becoming increasingly aware of the need for socially responsible behavior. A socially responsible organization has a good reputation, is able to attract and retain workers and customers, and is able to maintain its employees' morale and commitment.

ISO 26000 provides guidance for all types of organisations on concepts, terms, definitions, principles, and the core issues of social responsibility. GRI reporting system helps the companies to communicate the impact of business on critical sustainability issues.

3. Economic Responsibility, individual work

Organisations have economic responsibilities to their stakeholders: investors, employees and customers. Profitability is important as well as transparency in giving information about how the organisation is run.

GDP is a widely-used indicator of a nations' economic success. What are the shortcomings of this measure? Is it actually a good indicator of well-being?

What is HDI? What are externalities? You will learn to define these in this third part of the study unit.

4. CSR Report, team work

You will now summarize everything you have learned so far.

In teams you will write a report where you describe the environmental, social and economic responsibilities including circular economy of an organisation of your choice. Find / choose a small- or medium-sized company (SME*), interview a company representative and describe the company’s best practices in the above areas (environmental, social and economic).

Feel free to include photographs showing examples of innovative practices. Your final report, excluding pictures, should be 5-10 pages.

5. Learning diary, individual work

You are required to compile all your contributions to any discussions in the individual learning diary.

Further information for students

You are supposed to work on the learning diary during the whole study unit i.e. starting from the very first week.

You will be required to write reports individually and in teams. Please note that all reports are submitted automatically to Urkund for plagiarism detection.

You are required to compile all your contributions to any discussions in the individual learning diary.

Grading scale


Further information

The learning outcomes of the study unit/project are evaluated based on the requirement level 2 of Laurea's common evaluation criteria.


27.11.2023 - 03.12.2023


08.01.2024 - 18.03.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual proportion

5 op

RDI proportion

4 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Laurea Leppävaara, tiko


Laurea Virtual Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

40 - 120

Degree programmes
  • Liiketalouden koulutus (HLY2), Laurea yhteinen (Finnish)
  • Juha Uutela
Teacher in charge

Juha Uutela

Scheduling groups
  • Avoin AMK 1 (Size: 5. Open UAS: 5.)
Small groups
  • Avoin AMK 1

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- analyze environmental, social and economic responsibilities in service business
- develop sustainable practises in organisations

Teaching methods

Online study unit in Canvas.

The learning outcomes of the 5 ECTS study unit, Corporate Social Responsibility, are given below. After completing the study unit you are able to:

analyze environmental, social and economic responsibilities in service business
develop sustainable practices in an organisation
5 ECTS is equivalent to approximately 135 hours of student work.

The (Corporate Social Responsibility) study unit consists of the following modules:

Environmental responsibility
Social responsibility
Economic responsibility
CSR Report (teamwork)
You are able to study the first three modules (Environmental, Social and Economic responsibility) independently and at your own pace. These modules must be done in numerical order and they are assessed automatically. In these modules you will learn the basic principles of environmental, social and economic responsibility in business operations.

In the last module of the course you will collaborate in teams to analyse and come up with recommendations for improving sustainability in a case organisation's operations. Please study also the group work assignment already in the beginning so that you can start to form a team and to find a suitable company to analyse.

In addition to the assignments given in the modules, you will also keep a Learning Diary throughout the study unit. Please follow carefully the guidance for the Learning Diary.

Feedback and evaluation
The study unit will be evaluated based on your individual assignments, CSR Report and Learning Diary in the following way.

Environmental responsibility, individual work
Social Responsibility, individual work
Economic Responsibility, individual work
Each above mentioned individual modules are evaluated automatically as described below
You need to mark instructions completed, score at least 5 points from the Quizz, contribute to discussion area and return Learning Diary based on that module
CSR Report, team work (40%), maximum 50 points.
Learning Diary, individual work (60%), maximum 50 points.

Your individual input to discussions will be taken into consideration when calculating your final grade. Both Learning Diary and CSR Report must be done to pass the course. For the final evaluation following Laurea Grading Scheme is used.

Interaction and communication
There are no contact lessons during this study unit. You will work online, both individually and in teams, and actively participate in online discussions and carry out assignments.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Given by the lecturer in Canvas.

Alternative completion methods of implementation

In student teams you will write a CSR Report where you will describe the environmental, social and economic responsibilities including circular economy of an organization of your choice.

Co-operation with working life and/or RDI

Please, find or choose a small- or medium-sized company (SME*), interview a company representative and describe the company’s best practices in the above areas (environmental, social and economic).

Important dates

Orientation module will be in Canvas.
No meetings at school or in Teams.
No calendar reservations.
5 credits on students' own time.
CSR Report will be carried out in teams.

Students workload

5 credits on students' own time. CSR Report will be carried out in teams.

Content and scheduling

here are no contact lessons during this study unit. You will work online, both individually and in teams, and actively participate in online discussions and carry out assignments.

You are supposed to work with the Learning Diary during the whole study unit i.e. starting from the very first week.

You will be required to write reports individually and in teams. Please note that all reports are submitted automatically to Urkund for plagiarism detection.

You are required to compile all your contributions to any discussions in the individual Learning Diary.

See the schedule for more detailed information.

The study unit will be evaluated based on your individual assignments, active discussion on each topic, CSR Report and Learning Diary.

1. Our Earth, individual work, Pass/Fail

2. Social Responsibility, individual work, Pass/Fail

3. Economic Responsibility, individual work, Pass/Fail

4. CSR Report, team work (40%), grade 1-5

5. Learning Diary, individual work (60%), grade 1-5

Your individual assignments will be taken into consideration when calculating your final grade.

All these parts must be completed before the final grade is given. The final grade is lowered by at least 0.5 if any work is submitted late. Please note that active discussion is required during the discussion weeks. If you fail to take part in any discussions, you are required to write a summary of that week's discussion.

Grading scale


Evaluation methods and criteria

Detailed in Canvas. F - 5.

Further information

The learning outcomes of the study unit/project are evaluated based on the requirement level 2 of Laurea's common evaluation criteria.


11.09.2023 - 17.09.2023


02.10.2023 - 26.11.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual proportion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Korkeakouluyksikkö D, Verkkokampus


Laurea Virtual Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

40 - 120

Degree programmes
  • Liiketalouden koulutus (HLY2), Laurea yhteinen (Finnish)
  • Juhani Kettunen
Teacher in charge

Juhani Kettunen

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- analyze environmental, social and economic responsibilities in service business
- develop sustainable practises in organisations

Teaching methods

On-line course in Canvas, no lectures

Teacher in charge:

Location and time

Start October 2nd and end November 26th, 2023

Learning materials and recommended literature

Given by the lecturer in Canvas

Students workload

5 credits

Content and scheduling

There are no contact lessons during this study unit. You will work online, both individually and in teams, and actively participate in online discussions and carry out assignments.

1. Our Earth, individual work

What is biodiversity? How is it influenced by my footprint? What choices do I have?

All our actions have an effect on the environment but what are the main threats the world is facing?

In the first part of our study unit you will explore the environmental challenges the world is facing.

2. Social Responsibility, individual work

Organizations around the world are becoming increasingly aware of the need for socially responsible behavior. A socially responsible organization has a good reputation, is able to attract and retain workers and customers, and is able to maintain its employees' morale and commitment.

ISO 26000 provides guidance for all types of organisations on concepts, terms, definitions, principles, and the core issues of social responsibility. GRI reporting system helps the companies to communicate the impact of business on critical sustainability issues.

3. Economic Responsibility, individual work

Organisations have economic responsibilities to their stakeholders: investors, employees and customers. Profitability is important as well as transparency in giving information about how the organisation is run.

GDP is a widely-used indicator of a nations' economic success. What are the shortcomings of this measure? Is it actually a good indicator of well-being?

What is HDI? What are externalities? You will learn to define these in this third part of the study unit.

4. CSR Report, team work

You will now summarize everything you have learned so far.

In teams you will write a report where you describe the environmental, social and economic responsibilities including circular economy of an organisation of your choice. Find / choose a small- or medium-sized company (SME*), interview a company representative and describe the company’s best practices in the above areas (environmental, social and economic).

Feel free to include photographs showing examples of innovative practices. Your final report, excluding pictures, should be 5-10 pages.

5. Learning diary, individual work

You are required to compile all your contributions to any discussions in the individual learning diary.

Further information for students

There are no contact lessons during this study unit. You will work online, both individually and in teams, and actively participate in online discussions and carry out assignments.

You are supposed to work with the diary during the whole study unit i.e. starting from the very first week.

You will be required to write reports individually and in teams. Please note that all reports are submitted automatically to Urkund for plagiarism detection.

You are required to compile all your contributions to any discussions in the individual learning diary.

See the schedule for more detailed information.

The study unit will be evaluated based on your individual assignments, active discussion on each topic, team report and learning diary.

1. Our Earth, individual work, Pass/Fail

2. Social Responsibility, individual work, Pass/Fail

3. Economic Responsibility, individual work, Pass/Fail

4. CSR Report, team work (40%), grade 1-5

5. Learning diary, individual work (60%), grade 1-5

Your individual assignments will be taken into consideration when calculating your final grade.

All these parts must be completed before the final grade is given. The final grade is lowered by at least 0.5 if any work is submitted late. Please note that active discussion is required during the discussion weeks. If you fail to take part in any discussions, you are required to write a summary of that week's discussion.

Grading scale


Further information

The learning outcomes of the study unit/project are evaluated based on the requirement level 2 of Laurea's common evaluation criteria.


11.09.2023 - 17.09.2023


01.10.2023 - 31.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual proportion

5 op

RDI proportion

2 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Korkeakouluyksikkö D, Verkkokampus


Laurea Virtual Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

40 - 120

Degree programmes
  • Liiketalouden koulutus (HLY2), Laurea yhteinen (Finnish)
  • Marika Nikkinen
  • Kaija Koivusalo
Teacher in charge

Kaija Koivusalo

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- analyze environmental, social and economic responsibilities in service business
- develop sustainable practises in organisations

Teaching methods

On-line course in Canvas, no lectures.

Teacher in charge:

Learning materials and recommended literature

Given by the lecturer in Canvas

Students workload

5 credits

Content and scheduling

There are no contact lessons during this study unit. You will work online, both individually and in teams, and actively participate in online discussions and carry out assignments.

1. Our Earth, individual work

What is biodiversity? How is it influenced by my footprint? What choices do I have? All our actions have an effect on the environment but what are the main threats the world is facing?

In the first part of our study unit you will explore the environmental challenges the world is facing.

2. Social Responsibility, individual work

Organizations around the world are becoming increasingly aware of the need for socially responsible behavior. A socially responsible organization has a good reputation, is able to attract and retain workers and customers, and is able to maintain its employees' morale and commitment.

ISO 26000 provides guidance for all types of organisations on concepts, terms, definitions, principles, and the core issues of social responsibility. GRI reporting system helps the companies to communicate the impact of business on critical sustainability issues. EU is currently finalizing the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and introducing sustainability reporting requirements (ESG reporting).

3. Economic Responsibility, individual work

Organisations have economic responsibilities to their stakeholders: investors, employees and customers. Profitability is important as well as transparency in giving information about how the organisation is run.

GDP is a widely-used indicator of a nations' economic success. What are the shortcomings of this measure? Is it actually a good indicator of well-being?

What is HDI? What are externalities? You will learn to define these in this third part of the study unit.

4. CSR Report, team work

You will now summarize everything you have learned so far.

In teams you will write a report where you describe the environmental, social and economic responsibilities including circular economy of an organisation of your choice. Find/choose a small- or medium-sized company (SME*), interview a company representative and describe the company’s best practices in the above areas (environmental, social and economic). You will be given interview questions.

Feel free to include photographs showing examples of innovative practices. Your final report, excluding pictures, should be 5-10 pages.

5. Learning diary, individual work

You are required to compile all your contributions to any discussions in the individual learning diary.

Grading scale


Evaluation methods and criteria

The study unit will be evaluated based on your individual assignments, active discussion on each topic, team report and learning diary.

1. Our Earth, individual work, Pass/Fail
2. Social Responsibility, individual work, Pass/Fail
3. Economic Responsibility, individual work, Pass/Fail
4. CSR Report, team work (40%), grade 1-5
5. Learning diary, individual work (60%), grade 1-5

Further information

The learning outcomes of the study unit/project are evaluated based on the requirement level 2 of Laurea's common evaluation criteria.


11.09.2023 - 17.09.2023


01.10.2023 - 31.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual proportion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Korkeakouluyksikkö D, Verkkokampus


Laurea Virtual Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

40 - 120

Degree programmes
  • Liiketalouden koulutus (HLY2), Laurea yhteinen (Finnish)
  • Tarmo Pallari
  • Petri Oikkonen
Teacher in charge

Petri Oikkonen

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- analyze environmental, social and economic responsibilities in service business
- develop sustainable practises in organisations

Teaching methods

Online course in Canvas. First three modules on environmental, social and economic responsibility in the course are studied independently at your own pace. You will also work on a learning diary throughout the course. Last module is a graded group assignment on a case company.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Canvas course includes necessary materials on each theme and links to external resources.

Alternative completion methods of implementation

Contact teacher for options.

Co-operation with working life and/or RDI

CSR report is done on a case company that the group selects.

Important dates

There are no contact lessons during this study unit. You will work online, both individually and in teams, and actively participate in online discussions and carry out assignments.

Students workload

One credit equals roughly 27 hours of work. While there are no contact lessons, there are weekly deadlines to evenly pace your work throughout the course.

Content and scheduling

The course is divided into five sections:

1. Our Earth, individual work

What is biodiversity? How is it influenced by my footprint? What choices do I have?

All our actions have an effect on the environment but what are the main threats the world is facing?

In the first part of our study unit you will explore the environmental challenges the world is facing.

2. Social Responsibility, individual work

Organizations around the world are becoming increasingly aware of the need for socially responsible behavior. A socially responsible organization has a good reputation, is able to attract and retain workers and customers, and is able to maintain its employees' morale and commitment.

ISO 26000 provides guidance for all types of organisations on concepts, terms, definitions, principles, and the core issues of social responsibility. GRI reporting system helps the companies to communicate the impact of business on critical sustainability issues.

3. Economic Responsibility, individual work

Organisations have economic responsibilities to their stakeholders: investors, employees and customers. Profitability is important as well as transparency in giving information about how the organisation is run.

GDP is a widely-used indicator of a nations' economic success. What are the shortcomings of this measure? Is it actually a good indicator of well-being?

What is HDI? What are externalities? You will learn to define these in this third part of the study unit.

4. CSR Report, team work

You will now summarize everything you have learned so far.

In teams you will write a report where you describe the environmental, social and economic responsibilities including circular economy of an organisation of your choice. Find / choose a small- or medium-sized company (SME*), interview a company representative and describe the company’s best practices in the above areas (environmental, social and economic).

Feel free to include photographs showing examples of innovative practices. Your final report, excluding pictures, should be 5-10 pages.

5. Learning diary, individual work

You are required to compile all your contributions to any discussions in the individual learning diary.

Further information for students

You are supposed to work on the learning diary during the whole study unit i.e. starting from the very first week.

You will be required to write reports individually and in teams. Please note that all reports are submitted automatically to Urkund for plagiarism detection.

You are required to compile all your contributions to any discussions in the individual learning diary.

Grading scale


Further information

The learning outcomes of the study unit/project are evaluated based on the requirement level 2 of Laurea's common evaluation criteria.


22.05.2023 - 28.05.2023


18.09.2023 - 31.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual proportion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Laurea Leppävaara, liko


Laurea Virtual Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

40 - 120

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Business Management (HBA2), Laurea Leppävaara
  • Sebastian King
  • Marika Nikkinen
  • Marjaana Ajanto
  • Kaija Koivusalo
Teacher in charge

Kaija Koivusalo

  • HBA222SN
    Degree Programme in Business Management, daytime studies, S22, Leppävaara

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- analyze environmental, social and economic responsibilities in service business
- develop sustainable practises in organisations

Teaching methods

A special implementation incorporating the Working Across Borders project in an international environment.

For more details see (link is to the 2022 implementation, no new info yet):

Learning materials and recommended literature

All materials will be delivered via Canvas and Toledo.

Alternative completion methods of implementation

If you feel that you have already acquired the competences targeted in this study unit, or example you have worked closely with CSR issues, please send your Competence analysis to the course lecturers. The latest time to send the analysis is two weeks before the start of the study unit.

Co-operation with working life and/or RDI

The course includes a company project with an international client.

Important dates

Course opens in Canvas: 18 September
Class online meeting 29 September 1 pm
Project kick-off date: Tuesday, 10 October (online) 3 pm
Final seminar with the client: Tuesday, 12 December (online) 3 pm (note! not 11 December)

Forms of internationality

An international project with over 500 students from 10 countries is integrated into this study unit.

Students workload

5 ECTS = 135 hours of work.

Content and scheduling

A detailed schedule will be given in Canvas.

Further information for students

This implementation is intended for students on English-language BBA programmes. Students from Finnish-language BBA programmes who are interested in CSR and sustainability issues and are keen to develop their international networks and collaborate with students around the world are very welcome! Good English language skills are recommended.

Grading scale


Evaluation methods and criteria

The study unit follows the Level 2 criteria.

Scoring for assignments is detailed in Canvas. The following is an overview:

3 ECTS are based on the Working Across Border assignments (points are given for teamwork, a team pitch of a client proposal, peer evaluations, a readiness test and self-introduction)

2 ECTS are given for the work done in the Canvas CSR environment and summarised in a Learning Diary submitted at the end of the course

Evaluation criteria, fail (0)

The student does not complete the required assignments satisfactorily.

Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

The student is able to:
– use professional concepts in a consistent manner and demonstrate his/her familiarity with the knowledge basis
– report and communicate in a professional manner
The student is able to:
– act independently taking into account the operating environment
– take responsibility for interaction with customers and/or co-operation partners and for responding to their needs
The student is able to:
– describe the significance of his/her actions for successful co-operation
– describe his/her competence in relation to the learning outcomes

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

The student is able to:
– critically evaluate information and justify their actions with science-based knowledge
The student is able to:
– propose creative solutions at work
– promote professional co-operation and enhance customer and partner relationships
The student is able to:
– act in a manner that promotes the team’s entrepreneurial and responsible approach to work
– describe the development of his/her competence in relation to the learning outcomes

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

The student is able to:
– analyse the acquired information, draw conclusions and combine theoretical knowledge with experiential knowledge
The student is able to:
– evaluate the applicability of produced knowledge, skill or idea to other contexts as well as their impact
– anticipate needs of customers and/or co-operation partners
The student is able to:
– evaluate and develop the team’s entrepreneurial and responsible approach to work
– evaluate the possibilities for utilising competence and plan his/her personal development and development of the team

Further information

The learning outcomes of the study unit/project are evaluated based on the requirement level 2 of Laurea's common evaluation criteria.


22.05.2023 - 28.05.2023


04.09.2023 - 13.11.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual proportion

5 op

RDI proportion

2 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Laurea Leppävaara, liko


Laurea Virtual Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

40 - 120

Degree programmes
  • Liiketalouden koulutus (HLY2), Laurea yhteinen (Finnish)
  • Juha Uutela
Teacher in charge

Juha Uutela

Scheduling groups
  • Avoin AMK 1 (Size: 10. Open UAS: 10.)
Small groups
  • Avoin AMK 1

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- analyze environmental, social and economic responsibilities in service business
- develop sustainable practises in organisations

Teaching methods

Online study unit in Canvas.

The learning outcomes of the 5 ECTS study unit, Corporate Social Responsibility, are given below. After completing the study unit you are able to:

analyze environmental, social and economic responsibilities in service business
develop sustainable practices in an organisation
5 ECTS is equivalent to approximately 135 hours of student work.

The (Corporate Social Responsibility) study unit consists of the following modules:

Environmental responsibility
Social responsibility
Economic responsibility
CSR Report (teamwork)
You are able to study the first three modules (Environmental, Social and Economic responsibility) independently and at your own pace. These modules must be done in numerical order and they are assessed automatically. In these modules you will learn the basic principles of environmental, social and economic responsibility in business operations.

In the last module of the course you will collaborate in teams to analyse and come up with recommendations for improving sustainability in a case organisation's operations. Please study also the group work assignment already in the beginning so that you can start to form a team and to find a suitable company to analyse.

In addition to the assignments given in the modules, you will also keep a Learning Diary throughout the study unit. Please follow carefully the guidance for the Learning Diary.

Feedback and evaluation
The study unit will be evaluated based on your individual assignments, CSR Report and Learning Diary in the following way.

Environmental responsibility, individual work
Social Responsibility, individual work
Economic Responsibility, individual work
Each above mentioned individual modules are evaluated automatically as described below
You need to mark instructions completed, score at least 5 points from the Quizz, contribute to discussion area and return Learning Diary based on that module
CSR Report, team work (40%), maximum 50 points.
Learning Diary, individual work (60%), maximum 50 points.

Your individual input to discussions will be taken into consideration when calculating your final grade. Both Learning Diary and CSR Report must be done to pass the course. For the final evaluation following Laurea Grading Scheme is used.

Interaction and communication
There are no contact lessons during this study unit. You will work online, both individually and in teams, and actively participate in online discussions and carry out assignments.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Given by the lecturer in Canvas.

Alternative completion methods of implementation

In student teams you will write a CSR Report where you will describe the environmental, social and economic responsibilities including circular economy of an organization of your choice

Co-operation with working life and/or RDI

Please, find or choose a small- or medium-sized company (SME*), interview a company representative and describe the company’s best practices in the above areas (environmental, social and economic).

Important dates

Orientation module will be in Canvas.
No meetings at school or in Teams.
No calendar reservations.
5 credits on students' own time.
CSR Report will be carried out in teams.

Students workload

5 credits on students' own time. CSR Report will be carried out in teams.

Content and scheduling

There are no contact lessons during this study unit. You will work online, both individually and in teams, and actively participate in online discussions and carry out assignments.

You are supposed to work with the Learning Diary during the whole study unit i.e. starting from the very first week.

You will be required to write reports individually and in teams. Please note that all reports are submitted automatically to Urkund for plagiarism detection.

You are required to compile all your contributions to any discussions in the individual Learning Diary.

See the schedule for more detailed information.

The study unit will be evaluated based on your individual assignments, active discussion on each topic, CSR Report and Learning Diary.

1. Our Earth, individual work, Pass/Fail

2. Social Responsibility, individual work, Pass/Fail

3. Economic Responsibility, individual work, Pass/Fail

4. CSR Report, team work (40%), grade 1-5

5. Learning Diary, individual work (60%), grade 1-5

Your individual assignments will be taken into consideration when calculating your final grade.

All these parts must be completed before the final grade is given. The final grade is lowered by at least 0.5 if any work is submitted late. Please note that active discussion is required during the discussion weeks. If you fail to take part in any discussions, you are required to write a summary of that week's discussion.

Grading scale


Evaluation methods and criteria

Detailed in Canvas.

Further information

The learning outcomes of the study unit/project are evaluated based on the requirement level 2 of Laurea's common evaluation criteria.


03.04.2023 - 09.04.2023


15.05.2023 - 31.08.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual proportion

5 op

RDI proportion

1 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Korkeakouluyksikkö D, Verkkokampus, liko


Laurea Virtual Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

40 - 120

Degree programmes
  • Liiketalouden koulutus (HLY2), Laurea yhteinen (Finnish)
  • Juhani Kettunen
Teacher in charge

Juhani Kettunen

Scheduling groups
  • Avoin AMK 1 (Size: 10. Open UAS: 10.)
Small groups
  • Avoin AMK 1

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- analyze environmental, social and economic responsibilities in service business
- develop sustainable practises in organisations

Teaching methods

On-line course in Canvas, no lectures

Teacher in charge:

Location and time

Start May 15th and end August 31st, 2023

Learning materials and recommended literature

Given by the lecturer in Canvas

Students workload

5 credits

Content and scheduling

There are no contact lessons during this study unit. You will work online, both individually and in teams, and actively participate in online discussions and carry out assignments.

1. Our Earth, individual work

What is biodiversity? How is it influenced by my footprint? What choices do I have?

All our actions have an effect on the environment but what are the main threats the world is facing?

In the first part of our study unit you will explore the environmental challenges the world is facing.

2. Social Responsibility, individual work

Organizations around the world are becoming increasingly aware of the need for socially responsible behavior. A socially responsible organization has a good reputation, is able to attract and retain workers and customers, and is able to maintain its employees' morale and commitment.

ISO 26000 provides guidance for all types of organisations on concepts, terms, definitions, principles, and the core issues of social responsibility. GRI reporting system helps the companies to communicate the impact of business on critical sustainability issues.

3. Economic Responsibility, individual work

Organisations have economic responsibilities to their stakeholders: investors, employees and customers. Profitability is important as well as transparency in giving information about how the organisation is run.

GDP is a widely-used indicator of a nations' economic success. What are the shortcomings of this measure? Is it actually a good indicator of well-being?

What is HDI? What are externalities? You will learn to define these in this third part of the study unit.

4. CSR Report, team work

You will now summarize everything you have learned so far.

In teams you will write a report where you describe the environmental, social and economic responsibilities including circular economy of an organisation of your choice. Find / choose a small- or medium-sized company (SME*), interview a company representative and describe the company’s best practices in the above areas (environmental, social and economic).

Feel free to include photographs showing examples of innovative practices. Your final report, excluding pictures, should be 5-10 pages.

5. Learning diary, individual work

You are required to compile all your contributions to any discussions in the individual learning diary.

Further information for students

There are no contact lessons during this study unit. You will work online, both individually and in teams, and actively participate in online discussions and carry out assignments.

You are supposed to work with the diary during the whole study unit i.e. starting from the very first week.

You will be required to write reports individually and in teams. Please note that all reports are submitted automatically to Urkund for plagiarism detection.

You are required to compile all your contributions to any discussions in the individual learning diary.

See the schedule for more detailed information.

The study unit will be evaluated based on your individual assignments, active discussion on each topic, team report and learning diary.

1. Our Earth, individual work, Pass/Fail

2. Social Responsibility, individual work, Pass/Fail

3. Economic Responsibility, individual work, Pass/Fail

4. CSR Report, team work (40%), grade 1-5

5. Learning diary, individual work (60%), grade 1-5

Your individual assignments will be taken into consideration when calculating your final grade.

All these parts must be completed before the final grade is given. The final grade is lowered by at least 0.5 if any work is submitted late. Please note that active discussion is required during the discussion weeks. If you fail to take part in any discussions, you are required to write a summary of that week's discussion.

Grading scale


Further information

The learning outcomes of the study unit/project are evaluated based on the requirement level 2 of Laurea's common evaluation criteria.


03.04.2023 - 09.04.2023


15.05.2023 - 31.08.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual proportion

5 op

RDI proportion

2 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Korkeakouluyksikkö D, Verkkokampus


Laurea Virtual Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

40 - 120

Degree programmes
  • Liiketalouden koulutus (HLY2), Laurea yhteinen (Finnish)
  • Kaija Koivusalo
Teacher in charge

Kaija Koivusalo

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- analyze environmental, social and economic responsibilities in service business
- develop sustainable practises in organisations

Teaching methods

On-line course in Canvas, no lectures.

Teacher in charge:

Location and time

Starts May 15th and ends August 31st, 2023

Learning materials and recommended literature

Given by the lecturer in Canvas

Students workload

5 credits

Content and scheduling

There are no contact lessons during this study unit. You will work online, both individually and in teams, and actively participate in online discussions and carry out assignments.

1. Our Earth, individual work

What is biodiversity? How is it influenced by my footprint? What choices do I have? All our actions have an effect on the environment but what are the main threats the world is facing?

In the first part of our study unit you will explore the environmental challenges the world is facing.

2. Social Responsibility, individual work

Organizations around the world are becoming increasingly aware of the need for socially responsible behavior. A socially responsible organization has a good reputation, is able to attract and retain workers and customers, and is able to maintain its employees' morale and commitment.

ISO 26000 provides guidance for all types of organisations on concepts, terms, definitions, principles, and the core issues of social responsibility. GRI reporting system helps the companies to communicate the impact of business on critical sustainability issues. EU is currently finalizing the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and introducing sustainability reporting requirements (ESG reporting).

3. Economic Responsibility, individual work

Organisations have economic responsibilities to their stakeholders: investors, employees and customers. Profitability is important as well as transparency in giving information about how the organisation is run.

GDP is a widely-used indicator of a nations' economic success. What are the shortcomings of this measure? Is it actually a good indicator of well-being?

What is HDI? What are externalities? You will learn to define these in this third part of the study unit.

4. CSR Report, team work

You will now summarize everything you have learned so far.

In teams you will write a report where you describe the environmental, social and economic responsibilities including circular economy of an organisation of your choice. Find/choose a small- or medium-sized company (SME*), interview a company representative and describe the company’s best practices in the above areas (environmental, social and economic).

Feel free to include photographs showing examples of innovative practices. Your final report, excluding pictures, should be 5-10 pages.

5. Learning diary, individual work

You are required to compile all your contributions to any discussions in the individual learning diary.

Grading scale


Evaluation methods and criteria

The study unit will be evaluated based on your individual assignments, active discussion on each topic, team report and learning diary.

1. Our Earth, individual work, Pass/Fail
2. Social Responsibility, individual work, Pass/Fail
3. Economic Responsibility, individual work, Pass/Fail
4. CSR Report, team work (40%), grade 1-5
5. Learning diary, individual work (60%), grade 1-5

Further information

The learning outcomes of the study unit/project are evaluated based on the requirement level 2 of Laurea's common evaluation criteria.


28.11.2022 - 04.12.2022


01.03.2023 - 12.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual proportion

5 op

RDI proportion

2 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Laurea Leppävaara, liko


Laurea Virtual Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

40 - 120

Degree programmes
  • Liiketalouden koulutus (HLY2), Laurea yhteinen (Finnish)
  • Karoliina Hiekkanen
Teacher in charge

Karoliina Hiekkanen

Scheduling groups
  • Avoin AMK (Size: 10. Open UAS: 10.)
Small groups
  • Avoin AMK

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- analyze environmental, social and economic responsibilities in service business
- develop sustainable practises in organisations

Teaching methods

Online study unit in Canvas.

The learning outcomes of the 5 ECTS study unit, Corporate Social Responsibility, are given below. After completing the study unit you are able to:

analyze environmental, social and economic responsibilities in service business
develop sustainable practices in an organisation
5 ECTS is equivalent to approximately 135 hours of student work.

The (Corporate Social Responsibility) study unit consists of the following modules:

Environmental responsibility
Social responsibility
Economic responsibility
CSR Report (teamwork)
You are able to study the first three modules (Environmental, Social and Economic responsibility) independently and at your own pace. These modules must be done in numerical order and they are assessed automatically. In these modules you will learn the basic principles of environmental, social and economic responsibility in business operations.

In the last module of the course you will collaborate in teams to analyse and come up with recommendations for improving sustainability in a case organisation's operations. Please study also the group work assignment already in the beginning so that you can start to form a team and to find a suitable company to analyse.

In addition to the assignments given in the modules, you will also keep a Learning Diary throughout the study unit. Please follow carefully the guidance for the Learning Diary.

Feedback and evaluation
The study unit will be evaluated based on your individual assignments, CSR Report and Learning Diary in the following way.

Environmental responsibility, individual work
Social Responsibility, individual work
Economic Responsibility, individual work
Each above mentioned individual modules are evaluated automatically as described below
You need to mark instructions completed, score at least 5 points from the Quizz, contribute to discussion area and return Learning Diary based on that module
CSR Report, team work (40%), maximum 50 points.
Learning Diary, individual work (60%), maximum 50 points.

Your individual input to discussions will be taken into consideration when calculating your final grade. Both Learning Diary and CSR Report must be done to pass the course. For the final evaluation following Laurea Grading Scheme is used.

Interaction and communication
There are no contact lessons during this study unit. You will work online, both individually and in teams, and actively participate in online discussions and carry out assignments.

Location and time

Online 1.3. - 12.5.2023.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Given by the lecturer in Canvas

Alternative completion methods of implementation

In teams you will write a CSR Report where you will describe the environmental, social and economic responsibilities including circular economy of an organization of your choice.

Co-operation with working life and/or RDI

Please, find or choose a small- or medium-sized company (SME*), interview a company representative and describe the company’s best practices in the above areas (environmental, social and economic).

Important dates

Orientation module will be in Canvas.
No meetings at school or in Teams.
No calendar reservations.
5 credits on students' own time.
CSR Report will be carried out in teams.
CSR due date to return will be the last day of the study unit May12th 2023.

Students workload

5 credits on students' own time. CSR Report will be carried out in teams.

Content and scheduling

There are no contact lessons during this study unit. You will work online, both individually and in teams, and actively participate in online discussions and carry out assignments.

You are supposed to work with the Learning Diary during the whole study unit i.e. starting from the very first week.

You will be required to write reports individually and in teams. Please note that all reports are submitted automatically to Urkund for plagiarism detection.

You are required to compile all your contributions to any discussions in the individual Learning Diary.

See the schedule for more detailed information.

The study unit will be evaluated based on your individual assignments, active discussion on each topic, CSR Report and Learning Diary.

1. Our Earth, individual work, Pass/Fail

2. Social Responsibility, individual work, Pass/Fail

3. Economic Responsibility, individual work, Pass/Fail

4. CSR Report, team work (40%), grade 1-5

5. Learning Diary, individual work (60%), grade 1-5

Your individual assignments will be taken into consideration when calculating your final grade.

All these parts must be completed before the final grade is given. The final grade is lowered by at least 0.5 if any work is submitted late. Please note that active discussion is required during the discussion weeks. If you fail to take part in any discussions, you are required to write a summary of that week's discussion.

Further information for students

There are no contact lessons during this study unit. You will work online, both individually and in teams, and actively participate in online discussions and carry out assignments.

You are supposed to work with the diary during the whole study unit i.e. starting from the very first week.

You will be required to write reports individually and in teams. Please note that all reports are submitted automatically to Urkund for plagiarism detection.

You are required to compile all your contributions to any discussions in the individual Learning Diary.

See the schedule for more detailed information.

The study unit will be evaluated based on your individual assignments, active discussion on each topic, CSR Report and Learning Diary.

1. Our Earth, individual work, Pass/Fail

2. Social Responsibility, individual work, Pass/Fail

3. Economic Responsibility, individual work, Pass/Fail

4. CSR Report, team work (40%), grade 1-5

5. Learning Diary, individual work (60%), grade 1-5

Your individual assignments will be taken into consideration when calculating your final grade.

All these parts must be completed before the final grade is given. The final grade is lowered by at least 0.5 if any work is submitted late. Please note that active discussion is required during the discussion weeks. If you fail to take part in any discussions, you are required to write a summary of that week's discussion.

Grading scale


Evaluation methods and criteria

Detailed in Canvas.

Further information

The learning outcomes of the study unit/project are evaluated based on the requirement level 2 of Laurea's common evaluation criteria.


28.11.2022 - 04.12.2022


01.02.2023 - 31.07.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual proportion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Korkeakouluyksikkö D, Verkkokampus, liko


Laurea Virtual Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

40 - 120

Degree programmes
  • Liiketalouden koulutus (HLY2), Laurea yhteinen (Finnish)
  • Tarmo Pallari
Teacher in charge

Tarmo Pallari

Scheduling groups
  • Avoin AMK (Size: 5. Open UAS: 5.)
Small groups
  • Avoin AMK

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- analyze environmental, social and economic responsibilities in service business
- develop sustainable practises in organisations

Teaching methods

Online course in Canvas. First three modules on environmental, social and economic responsibility in the course are studied independently at your own pace. You will also work on a learning diary throughout the course. Last module is a graded group assignment on a case company.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Canvas course includes necessary materials on each theme and links to external resources.

Alternative completion methods of implementation

Contact teacher for options.

Co-operation with working life and/or RDI

CSR report is done on a case company that the group selects.

Important dates

There are no contact lessons during this study unit. You will work online, both individually and in teams, and actively participate in online discussions and carry out assignments.

Students workload

One credit equals roughly 27 hours of work. While there are no contact lessons, there are weekly deadlines to evenly pace your work throughout the course.

Content and scheduling

The course is divided into five sections:

1. Our Earth, individual work

What is biodiversity? How is it influenced by my footprint? What choices do I have?

All our actions have an effect on the environment but what are the main threats the world is facing?

In the first part of our study unit you will explore the environmental challenges the world is facing.

2. Social Responsibility, individual work

Organizations around the world are becoming increasingly aware of the need for socially responsible behavior. A socially responsible organization has a good reputation, is able to attract and retain workers and customers, and is able to maintain its employees' morale and commitment.

ISO 26000 provides guidance for all types of organisations on concepts, terms, definitions, principles, and the core issues of social responsibility. GRI reporting system helps the companies to communicate the impact of business on critical sustainability issues.

3. Economic Responsibility, individual work

Organisations have economic responsibilities to their stakeholders: investors, employees and customers. Profitability is important as well as transparency in giving information about how the organisation is run.

GDP is a widely-used indicator of a nations' economic success. What are the shortcomings of this measure? Is it actually a good indicator of well-being?

What is HDI? What are externalities? You will learn to define these in this third part of the study unit.

4. CSR Report, team work

You will now summarize everything you have learned so far.

In teams you will write a report where you describe the environmental, social and economic responsibilities including circular economy of an organisation of your choice. Find / choose a small- or medium-sized company (SME*), interview a company representative and describe the company’s best practices in the above areas (environmental, social and economic).

Feel free to include photographs showing examples of innovative practices. Your final report, excluding pictures, should be 5-10 pages.

5. Learning diary, individual work

You are required to compile all your contributions to any discussions in the individual learning diary.

Further information for students

You are supposed to work on the learning diary during the whole study unit i.e. starting from the very first week.

You will be required to write reports individually and in teams. Please note that all reports are submitted automatically to Urkund for plagiarism detection.

You are required to compile all your contributions to any discussions in the individual learning diary.

Grading scale


Evaluation methods and criteria


The study unit will be evaluated based on your individual assignments, active discussion on each topic, team report and learning diary.

1. Our Earth, individual work, Pass/Fail

2. Social Responsibility, individual work, Pass/Fail

3. Economic Responsibility, individual work, Pass/Fail

4. CSR Report, team work (40%), grade 1-5

5. Learning diary, individual work (60%), grade 1-5

Your individual assignments will be taken into consideration when calculating your final grade.

All these parts must be completed before the final grade is given. The final grade is lowered by at least 0.5 if any work is submitted late. Please note that active discussion is required during the discussion weeks. If you fail to take part in any discussions, you are required to write a summary of that week's discussion.

Further information

The learning outcomes of the study unit/project are evaluated based on the requirement level 2 of Laurea's common evaluation criteria.


28.11.2022 - 01.01.2023


01.01.2023 - 31.07.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual proportion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Korkeakouluyksikkö D, Verkkokampus


Laurea Virtual Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

40 - 120

Degree programmes
  • Liiketalouden koulutus (HLY2), Laurea yhteinen (Finnish)
  • Johanna Lahti
  • Petri Oikkonen
Teacher in charge

Petri Oikkonen

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- analyze environmental, social and economic responsibilities in service business
- develop sustainable practises in organisations

Teaching methods

Here are no contact lessons during this study unit. You will work online, both individually and in teams, and actively participate in online discussions and carry out assignments.
You are supposed to work with the diary during the whole study unit i.e. starting from the very first week.
You will be required to write reports individually and in teams. Please note that all reports are submitted automatically to Urkund for plagiarism detection.
You are required to compile all your contributions to any discussions in the individual learning diary.
See the schedule for more detailed information.

Location and time

Spring 2023 in Tikkurila / Canvas

Alternative completion methods of implementation

Compulsary. Mod 3.

Co-operation with working life and/or RDI


Important dates

Starts on 10.1.2023 / Canvas opens

Forms of internationality


Students workload

11 moduls and one by week.

Grading scale


Evaluation methods and criteria

The study unit will be evaluated based on your individual assignments, active discussion on each topic, team report and learning diary.
1. Our Earth, individual work, Pass/Fail
2. Social Responsibility, individual work, Pass/Fail
3. Economic Responsibility, individual work, Pass/Fail
4. CSR Report, team work (40%), grade 1-5
5. Learning diary, individual work (60%), grade 1-5
Your individual assignments will be taken into consideration when calculating your final grade. All individual assignments (1-3) must be completed before you are assigned to a team for the CSR report (4).
All these parts must be completed before the final grade is given. The final grade is lowered by at least 0.5 if any work is submitted late. Please note that active discussion is required during the discussion weeks. If you fail to take part in any discussions, you are required to write a summary of that week's discussion.

Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Check above

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Check above

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Check above

Further information

The learning outcomes of the study unit/project are evaluated based on the requirement level 2 of Laurea's common evaluation criteria.


28.11.2022 - 04.12.2022


01.01.2023 - 12.03.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual proportion

5 op

RDI proportion

2 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Korkeakouluyksikkö D, Verkkokampus


Laurea Virtual Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

40 - 120

Degree programmes
  • Liiketalouden koulutus (HLY2), Laurea yhteinen (Finnish)
  • Karoliina Hiekkanen
  • Juha Uutela
Teacher in charge

Juha Uutela

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- analyze environmental, social and economic responsibilities in service business
- develop sustainable practises in organisations

Teaching methods

Online study unit in Canvas.

The learning outcomes of the 5 ECTS study unit, Corporate Social Responsibility, are given below. After completing the study unit you are able to:

analyze environmental, social and economic responsibilities in service business
develop sustainable practices in an organisation
5 ECTS is equivalent to approximately 135 hours of student work.

The (Corporate Social Responsibility) study unit consists of the following modules:

Environmental responsibility
Social responsibility
Economic responsibility
CSR Report (teamwork)
You are able to study the first three modules (Environmental, Social and Economic responsibility) independently and at your own pace. These modules must be done in numerical order and they are assessed automatically. In these modules you will learn the basic principles of environmental, social and economic responsibility in business operations.

In the last module of the course you will collaborate in teams to analyse and come up with recommendations for improving sustainability in a case organisation's operations. Please study also the group work assignment already in the beginning so that you can start to form a team and to find a suitable company to analyse.

In addition to the assignments given in the modules, you will also keep a Learning Diary throughout the study unit. Please follow carefully the guidance for the Learning Diary.

Feedback and evaluation
The study unit will be evaluated based on your individual assignments, CSR Report and Learning Diary in the following way.

Environmental responsibility, individual work
Social Responsibility, individual work
Economic Responsibility, individual work
Each above mentioned individual modules are evaluated automatically as described below
You need to mark instructions completed, score at least 5 points from the Quizz, contribute to discussion area and return Learning Diary based on that module
CSR Report, team work (40%), maximum 50 points.
Learning Diary, individual work (60%), maximum 50 points.

Your individual input to discussions will be taken into consideration when calculating your final grade. Both Learning Diary and CSR Report must be done to pass the course. For the final evaluation following Laurea Grading Scheme is used.

Interaction and communication
There are no contact lessons during this study unit. You will work online, both individually and in teams, and actively participate in online discussions and carry out assignments.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Given by the lecturer in Canvas

Alternative completion methods of implementation

In teams you will write a CSR Report where you will describe the environmental, social and economic responsibilities including circular economy of an organization of your choice.

Co-operation with working life and/or RDI

Please, find or choose a small- or medium-sized company (SME*), interview a company representative and describe the company’s best practices in the above areas (environmental, social and economic).

Important dates

Orientation module will be in Canvas.
No meetings at school or in Teams.
No calendar reservations.
5 credits on students' own time.
CSR Report will be carried out in teams.

Students workload

5 credits on students' own time. CSR Report will be carried out in teams.

Content and scheduling

There are no contact lessons during this study unit. You will work online, both individually and in teams, and actively participate in online discussions and carry out assignments.

You are supposed to work with the Learning Diary during the whole study unit i.e. starting from the very first week.

You will be required to write reports individually and in teams. Please note that all reports are submitted automatically to Urkund for plagiarism detection.

You are required to compile all your contributions to any discussions in the individual Learning Diary.

See the schedule for more detailed information.

The study unit will be evaluated based on your individual assignments, active discussion on each topic, CSR Report and Learning Diary.

1. Our Earth, individual work, Pass/Fail

2. Social Responsibility, individual work, Pass/Fail

3. Economic Responsibility, individual work, Pass/Fail

4. CSR Report, team work (40%), grade 1-5

5. Learning Diary, individual work (60%), grade 1-5

Your individual assignments will be taken into consideration when calculating your final grade.

All these parts must be completed before the final grade is given. The final grade is lowered by at least 0.5 if any work is submitted late. Please note that active discussion is required during the discussion weeks. If you fail to take part in any discussions, you are required to write a summary of that week's discussion.

Grading scale


Evaluation methods and criteria

Detailed in Canvas.

Further information

The learning outcomes of the study unit/project are evaluated based on the requirement level 2 of Laurea's common evaluation criteria.