Initial Test in English SkillsLaajuus (0 cr)
Study unit code: 00202
0 op
Further information
At the beginning of their studies, all students who have English and/or Swedish qualifications on prior certificates required for studies at Laurea, or who have received previous instruction in English and/or Swedish take initial tests in these languages. The initial tests are the same for all fields of study and may only be taken once. Students who transfer between degrees within Laurea do not have to retake the test. The test is used to check the students' starting level before language studies begin. Students who fail the test must take preparatory studies in the language at the start of their studies. Having passed the preparatory studies, students obtain credits for inclusion in elective studies.
14.08.2023 - 03.09.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
0 op
Korkeakouluyksikkö D, Verkkokampus
Laurea Virtual Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
40 - 150
Degree programmes
- Liiketalouden koulutus (HLD2), Laurea Verkkokampus
- Camilla Kåla
Teacher in charge
Camilla Kåla
SSD223SASosionomikoulutus, verkko-opinnot, S23, Verkkokampus
HLD223SALiiketalouden koulutus, verkko-opinnot, S23, Verkkokampus
HLDOPS23Liiketalouden koulutus, Avoin AMK polkuopinnot, verkko-opinnot, S23, Verkkokampus
Grading scale
Further information
At the beginning of their studies, all students who have English and/or Swedish qualifications on prior certificates required for studies at Laurea, or who have received previous instruction in English and/or Swedish take initial tests in these languages. The initial tests are the same for all fields of study and may only be taken once. Students who transfer between degrees within Laurea do not have to retake the test. The test is used to check the students' starting level before language studies begin. Students who fail the test must take preparatory studies in the language at the start of their studies. Having passed the preparatory studies, students obtain credits for inclusion in elective studies.
14.08.2023 - 03.09.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
0 op
Laurea Tikkurila, sote
Laurea Virtual Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
1 - 250
- Sari Myréen
Teacher in charge
Sari Myréen
SSVOPS23Sosionomikoulutus, Avoin AMK, polkuopinnot, monimuotototeutus, S23, Tikkurila
SSV223SNSosionomikoulutus, päivätoteutus, S23, Tikkurila
HLV223SNLiiketalouden koulutus, projektijohtaminen, päivätoteutus, S23, Tikkurila
SHV223SNSairaanhoitajakoulutus, päivätoteutus, S23, Tikkurila
NDV223SNTietojenkäsittelyn koulutus, digitaalisten palveluiden kehittäminen, päivätoteutus, S23, Tikkurila
PKV223SAKauneudenhoito- ja kosmetiikka-alan koulutus, verkko-opinnot, S23, Tikkurila
Grading scale
Further information
At the beginning of their studies, all students who have English and/or Swedish qualifications on prior certificates required for studies at Laurea, or who have received previous instruction in English and/or Swedish take initial tests in these languages. The initial tests are the same for all fields of study and may only be taken once. Students who transfer between degrees within Laurea do not have to retake the test. The test is used to check the students' starting level before language studies begin. Students who fail the test must take preparatory studies in the language at the start of their studies. Having passed the preparatory studies, students obtain credits for inclusion in elective studies.
14.08.2023 - 03.09.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
0 op
Laurea Lohja, sote
Laurea Virtual Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
1 - 320
Degree programmes
- Sairaanhoitajakoulutus (SHF2), Laurea Lohja (Finnish)
- Anna Puisto
Teacher in charge
Anna Puisto
HLF223SALiiketalouden koulutus, henkilöstöjohtaminen, monimuotototeutus, S23, Lohja
SSF223SASosionomikoulutus, monimuotototeutus, S23, Lohja
SSB223SASosionomikoulutus, monimuotototeutus, S23, Hyvinkää
HLB223SA2Liiketalouden koulutus, projektijohtaminen, monimuotototeutus, S23, Hyvinkää
HLB223SALiiketalouden koulutus, oikeudellinen osaaminen, monimuotototeutus, S23, Hyvinkää
SHP223SASairaanhoitajakoulutus, monimuotototeutus, S23, Porvoo
SHB223SASairaanhoitajakoulutus, monimuotototeutus, S23, Hyvinkää
SHF223SASairaanhoitajakoulutus, monimuotototeutus, S23, Lohja
Grading scale
Further information
At the beginning of their studies, all students who have English and/or Swedish qualifications on prior certificates required for studies at Laurea, or who have received previous instruction in English and/or Swedish take initial tests in these languages. The initial tests are the same for all fields of study and may only be taken once. Students who transfer between degrees within Laurea do not have to retake the test. The test is used to check the students' starting level before language studies begin. Students who fail the test must take preparatory studies in the language at the start of their studies. Having passed the preparatory studies, students obtain credits for inclusion in elective studies.
14.08.2023 - 03.09.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
0 op
Laurea Otaniemi, sote
Laurea Virtual Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
1 - 200
Degree programmes
- Fysioterapeuttikoulutus (SFG2), Laurea Otaniemi (Finnish)
- Sosionomikoulutus (SSG2), Laurea Otaniemi (Finnish)
- Liiketalouden koulutus (HLG2), Laurea Otaniemi, Finnish
- Terveydenhoitajakoulutus (STG2), Laurea Otaniemi (Finnish)
- Sairaanhoitajakoulutus (SHG2), Laurea Otaniemi (Finnish)
- Anna-Maria Hyvärinen-Andersson
Teacher in charge
Anna-Maria Hyvärinen-Andersson
HLG223SALiiketalouden koulutus, digitaalinen markkinointi, monimuotototeutus, S23, Otaniemi
SSG223SASosionomikoulutus, monimuotototeutus, S23, Otaniemi
SLG223SAKuntoutuksen ohjaajan koulutus, monimuotototeutus, S23, Otaniemi
SFG223SNFysioterapeuttikoulutus, päivätoteutus, S23, Otaniemi
SHG223SASairaanhoitajakoulutus, monimuotototeutus, S23, Otaniemi
STG223SATerveydenhoitajakoulutus, monimuotototeutus, S23, Otaniemi
Grading scale
Further information
At the beginning of their studies, all students who have English and/or Swedish qualifications on prior certificates required for studies at Laurea, or who have received previous instruction in English and/or Swedish take initial tests in these languages. The initial tests are the same for all fields of study and may only be taken once. Students who transfer between degrees within Laurea do not have to retake the test. The test is used to check the students' starting level before language studies begin. Students who fail the test must take preparatory studies in the language at the start of their studies. Having passed the preparatory studies, students obtain credits for inclusion in elective studies.
14.08.2023 - 03.09.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
0 op
Laurea Leppävaara, liko
Laurea Virtual Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 250
Degree programmes
- Palveluliiketoiminnan koulutus (MLA2), Laurea Leppävaara (Finnish)
- Turvallisuuden ja riskienhallinnan koulutus (HTA2), Laurea Leppävaara (Finnish)
- Degree Programme in Restaurant and Event Management (PRA2), Laurea Leppävaara (Finnish)
- Liiketalouden koulutus (HLA2), Laurea Leppävaara (Finnish)
- Sirpa Mattila
- Annika Kirkkomäki
Teacher in charge
Annika Kirkkomäki
MLA223SAMPalveluliiketoiminnan koulutus, monimuotototeutus, S23, Leppävaara
HLA223SNLiiketalouden koulutus, taloushallinto ja rahoitus, päivätoteutus, S23, Leppävaara
PRA223SNRavintola- ja tapahtumaliiketoiminnan koulutus, päivätoteutus, S23, Leppävaara
HTA223SNTurvallisuuden ja riskienhallinnan koulutus, päivätoteutus, S23, Leppävaara
HTA223SAMTurvallisuuden ja riskienhallinnan koulutus, monimuotototeutus, S23, Leppävaara
Grading scale
Further information
At the beginning of their studies, all students who have English and/or Swedish qualifications on prior certificates required for studies at Laurea, or who have received previous instruction in English and/or Swedish take initial tests in these languages. The initial tests are the same for all fields of study and may only be taken once. Students who transfer between degrees within Laurea do not have to retake the test. The test is used to check the students' starting level before language studies begin. Students who fail the test must take preparatory studies in the language at the start of their studies. Having passed the preparatory studies, students obtain credits for inclusion in elective studies.
14.08.2023 - 03.09.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
0 op
Laurea Tikkurila, sote
Laurea Virtual Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
1 - 20
- Camilla Kåla
Teacher in charge
Camilla Kåla
Grading scale
Further information
At the beginning of their studies, all students who have English and/or Swedish qualifications on prior certificates required for studies at Laurea, or who have received previous instruction in English and/or Swedish take initial tests in these languages. The initial tests are the same for all fields of study and may only be taken once. Students who transfer between degrees within Laurea do not have to retake the test. The test is used to check the students' starting level before language studies begin. Students who fail the test must take preparatory studies in the language at the start of their studies. Having passed the preparatory studies, students obtain credits for inclusion in elective studies.
Number of ECTS credits allocated
0 op
Korkeakouluyksikkö D, Verkkokampus, liko
Laurea Virtual Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 150
Degree programmes
- Liiketalouden koulutus (HLD2), Laurea Verkkokampus
- Camilla Kåla
Teacher in charge
Camilla Kåla
HLDOPK23Liiketalouden koulutus, Avoin AMK polkuopinnot, verkko-opinnot, K23, Verkkokampus
HLD223KALiiketalouden koulutus, verkko-opinnot, K23, Verkkokampus
SSD223KASosionomikoulutus, verkko-opinnot, K23, Verkkokampus
Grading scale
Further information
At the beginning of their studies, all students who have English and/or Swedish qualifications on prior certificates required for studies at Laurea, or who have received previous instruction in English and/or Swedish take initial tests in these languages. The initial tests are the same for all fields of study and may only be taken once. Students who transfer between degrees within Laurea do not have to retake the test. The test is used to check the students' starting level before language studies begin. Students who fail the test must take preparatory studies in the language at the start of their studies. Having passed the preparatory studies, students obtain credits for inclusion in elective studies.
01.12.2022 - 15.01.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
0 op
Laurea Leppävaara, service
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 300
Degree programmes
- Turvallisuuden ja riskienhallinnan koulutus (HTA2), Laurea Leppävaara (Finnish)
- Degree Programme in Business Information Technology, Developing Digital Services (NDA2), Laurea Leppävaara (in Finnish)
- Degree Programme in Restaurant and Event Management (PRA2), Laurea Leppävaara (Finnish)
- Liiketalouden koulutus (HLA2), Laurea Leppävaara (Finnish)
- Sirpa Mattila
- Annika Kirkkomäki
Teacher in charge
Annika Kirkkomäki
NDA223KATietojenkäsittelyn koulutus, digitaalisten palveluiden kehittäminen, monimuotototeutus, K23, Leppävaara
NKA223KATietojenkäsittelyn koulutus, kyberturvallisuus, monimuotototeutus, K23, Leppävaara
HTA223KATurvallisuuden ja riskienhallinnan koulutus, monimuotototeutus, K23, Leppävaara
HLA223KNLiiketalouden koulutus, taloushallinto ja rahoitus, päivätoteutus, K23, Leppävaara
PRA223KNRavintola- ja tapahtumaliiketoiminnan koulutus, päivätoteutus, K23, Leppävaara
HLA223KALiiketalouden koulutus, henkilöstöjohtaminen, monimuotototeutus, K23, Leppävaara
Grading scale
Further information
At the beginning of their studies, all students who have English and/or Swedish qualifications on prior certificates required for studies at Laurea, or who have received previous instruction in English and/or Swedish take initial tests in these languages. The initial tests are the same for all fields of study and may only be taken once. Students who transfer between degrees within Laurea do not have to retake the test. The test is used to check the students' starting level before language studies begin. Students who fail the test must take preparatory studies in the language at the start of their studies. Having passed the preparatory studies, students obtain credits for inclusion in elective studies.
01.12.2022 - 23.01.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
0 op
Laurea Tikkurila, sote
Laurea Virtual Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- Sari Myréen
Teacher in charge
Lloyd Bethell
HLV223KNLiiketalouden koulutus, projektijohtaminen, päivätoteutus, K23, Tikkurila
STV223KATerveydenhoitajakoulutus, monimuotototeutus, K23, Tikkurila
SSV222KAPSosionomikoulutus, monimuotototeutus, K22, Tikkurila, ryhmä 2
NDV223KATietojenkäsittelyn koulutus, digitaalisten palveluiden kehittäminen, monimuotototeutus, K23, Tikkurila
SSV223KASosionomikoulutus, monimuotototeutus, K23, Tikkurila
PKV223KAMKauneudenhoito- ja kosmetiikka-alan koulutus, monimuotototeutus, K23, Tikkurila
SHV223KNSairaanhoitajakoulutus, päivätoteutus, K23, Tikkurila
SRV223KASosionomikoulutus, rikosseuraamusala, monimuotototeutus, K23, Tikkurila
Grading scale
Further information
At the beginning of their studies, all students who have English and/or Swedish qualifications on prior certificates required for studies at Laurea, or who have received previous instruction in English and/or Swedish take initial tests in these languages. The initial tests are the same for all fields of study and may only be taken once. Students who transfer between degrees within Laurea do not have to retake the test. The test is used to check the students' starting level before language studies begin. Students who fail the test must take preparatory studies in the language at the start of their studies. Having passed the preparatory studies, students obtain credits for inclusion in elective studies.
01.12.2022 - 15.01.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
0 op
Laurea Lohja, sote
Laurea Virtual Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
1 - 80
Degree programmes
- Sairaanhoitajakoulutus (SHF2), Laurea Lohja (Finnish)
- Anna Puisto
Teacher in charge
Anna Puisto
HLF223KAMLiiketalouden koulutus, henkilöstöjohtaminen, monimuotototeutus, K23, Lohja
SHF223KASairaanhoitajakoulutus, monimuotototeutus, K23, Lohja
Grading scale
Further information
At the beginning of their studies, all students who have English and/or Swedish qualifications on prior certificates required for studies at Laurea, or who have received previous instruction in English and/or Swedish take initial tests in these languages. The initial tests are the same for all fields of study and may only be taken once. Students who transfer between degrees within Laurea do not have to retake the test. The test is used to check the students' starting level before language studies begin. Students who fail the test must take preparatory studies in the language at the start of their studies. Having passed the preparatory studies, students obtain credits for inclusion in elective studies.
01.12.2022 - 15.01.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
0 op
Laurea Otaniemi, sote
Laurea Virtual Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
1 - 200
Degree programmes
- Sosionomikoulutus (SSG2), Laurea Otaniemi (Finnish)
- Camilla Kåla
Teacher in charge
Camilla Kåla
STG223KAMTerveydenhoitajakoulutus, verkko-opinnot, K23, Otaniemi
SSG223KASosionomikoulutus, monimuotototeutus, K23, Otaniemi
HLG223KALiiketalouden koulutus, digitaalinen markkinointi, monimuotototeutus, K23, Otaniemi
SFG223KAFysioterapeuttikoulutus, monimuotototeutus, K23, Otaniemi
SSGOPK23Sosionomikoulutus, Avoin AMK, polkuopinnot, monimuotototeutus, K23, Otaniemi
SHG223KASairaanhoitajakoulutus, monimuotototeutus, K23, Otaniemi
Grading scale
Further information
At the beginning of their studies, all students who have English and/or Swedish qualifications on prior certificates required for studies at Laurea, or who have received previous instruction in English and/or Swedish take initial tests in these languages. The initial tests are the same for all fields of study and may only be taken once. Students who transfer between degrees within Laurea do not have to retake the test. The test is used to check the students' starting level before language studies begin. Students who fail the test must take preparatory studies in the language at the start of their studies. Having passed the preparatory studies, students obtain credits for inclusion in elective studies.
01.12.2022 - 15.01.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
0 op
Laurea Porvoo, sote
Laurea Virtual Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
1 - 80
Degree programmes
- Sairaanhoitajakoulutus (SHP2), Laurea Porvoo (Finnish)
- Sosionomikoulutus (SSY2), Laurea yhteinen (Finnish)
- Anna Puisto
Teacher in charge
Anna Puisto
SSP223KASosionomikoulutus, monimuotototeutus, K23, Porvoo
SHP223KASairaanhoitajakoulutus, monimuotototeutus, K23, Porvoo
Grading scale
Further information
At the beginning of their studies, all students who have English and/or Swedish qualifications on prior certificates required for studies at Laurea, or who have received previous instruction in English and/or Swedish take initial tests in these languages. The initial tests are the same for all fields of study and may only be taken once. Students who transfer between degrees within Laurea do not have to retake the test. The test is used to check the students' starting level before language studies begin. Students who fail the test must take preparatory studies in the language at the start of their studies. Having passed the preparatory studies, students obtain credits for inclusion in elective studies.
01.12.2022 - 15.01.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
0 op
Laurea Hyvinkää, liko
Laurea Virtual Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 160
Degree programmes
- Liiketalouden koulutus (HLB2), Laurea Hyvinkää (Finnish)
- Anna Puisto
Teacher in charge
Anna Puisto
HLB223KNLiiketalouden koulutus, projektijohtaminen, päivätoteutus, K23, Hyvinkää
SHB223KASairaanhoitajakoulutus, monimuototeutus, K23, Hyvinkää
SSB223KASosionomikoulutus, monimuotototeutus, K23, Hyvinkää
HLB223KALiiketalouden koulutus, oikeudellinen osaaminen, monimuotototeutus, K23, Hyvinkää
Grading scale
Further information
At the beginning of their studies, all students who have English and/or Swedish qualifications on prior certificates required for studies at Laurea, or who have received previous instruction in English and/or Swedish take initial tests in these languages. The initial tests are the same for all fields of study and may only be taken once. Students who transfer between degrees within Laurea do not have to retake the test. The test is used to check the students' starting level before language studies begin. Students who fail the test must take preparatory studies in the language at the start of their studies. Having passed the preparatory studies, students obtain credits for inclusion in elective studies.
01.08.2022 - 28.08.2022
Number of ECTS credits allocated
0 op
Laurea Leppävaara, liko
Laurea Virtual Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
1 - 250
Degree programmes
- Palveluliiketoiminnan koulutus (MLA2), Laurea Leppävaara (Finnish)
- Turvallisuuden ja riskienhallinnan koulutus (HTA2), Laurea Leppävaara (Finnish)
- Palveluelämysten tuottaminen ja kehittäminen (MSA2), Laurea Leppävaara (Finnish)
- Liiketalouden koulutus (HLA2), Laurea Leppävaara (Finnish)
- Sirpa Mattila
- Annika Kirkkomäki
Teacher in charge
Annika Kirkkomäki
HTA222SNTurvallisuuden ja riskienhallinnan koulutus, päivätoteutus, S22, Leppävaara
HLA222SNLiiketalouden koulutus, päivätoteutus, S22, Leppävaara
NKA222SATietojenkäsittelyn koulutus, kyberturvallisuus, monimuotototeutus, S22, Leppävaara
MSA222SNPalveluelämysten tuottaminen ja kehittäminen, päivätoteutus, S22, Leppävaara
HTA222SAMTurvallisuuden ja riskienhallinnan koulutus, monimuotototeutus, S22, Leppävaara
MLA222SAMPalveluliiketoiminnan koulutus, monimuotototeutus, S22, Leppävaara
Grading scale
Further information
At the beginning of their studies, all students who have English and/or Swedish qualifications on prior certificates required for studies at Laurea, or who have received previous instruction in English and/or Swedish take initial tests in these languages. The initial tests are the same for all fields of study and may only be taken once. Students who transfer between degrees within Laurea do not have to retake the test. The test is used to check the students' starting level before language studies begin. Students who fail the test must take preparatory studies in the language at the start of their studies. Having passed the preparatory studies, students obtain credits for inclusion in elective studies.
01.08.2022 - 21.08.2022
Number of ECTS credits allocated
0 op
Korkeakouluyksikkö D, Verkkokampus, sote
Laurea Virtual Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 150
Degree programmes
- Sosionomikoulutus (SSD2), Laurea Verkkokampus
- Camilla Kåla
Teacher in charge
Camilla Kåla
SSD222SASosionomikoulutus, verkko-opinnot, S22, Verkkokampus
HLDOPS22Liiketalouden koulutus, Avoin AMK polkuopinnot, verkko-opinnot, S22, Verkkokampus
HLD222SALiiketalouden koulutus, verkko-opinnot, S22, Verkkokampus
Grading scale
Further information
At the beginning of their studies, all students who have English and/or Swedish qualifications on prior certificates required for studies at Laurea, or who have received previous instruction in English and/or Swedish take initial tests in these languages. The initial tests are the same for all fields of study and may only be taken once. Students who transfer between degrees within Laurea do not have to retake the test. The test is used to check the students' starting level before language studies begin. Students who fail the test must take preparatory studies in the language at the start of their studies. Having passed the preparatory studies, students obtain credits for inclusion in elective studies.
01.08.2022 - 21.08.2022
Number of ECTS credits allocated
0 op
Laurea Lohja
Laurea Virtual Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 100
Degree programmes
- Liiketalouden koulutus (HLF2), Laurea Lohja (Finnish)
- Anna Puisto
Teacher in charge
Anna Puisto
SSF222SASosionomikoulutus, monimuotototeutus, S22, Lohja
HLF222SALiiketalouden koulutus, monimuotototeutus, S22, Lohja
SHF222SASairaanhoitajakoulutus, monimuotototeutus, S22, Lohja
Grading scale
Further information
At the beginning of their studies, all students who have English and/or Swedish qualifications on prior certificates required for studies at Laurea, or who have received previous instruction in English and/or Swedish take initial tests in these languages. The initial tests are the same for all fields of study and may only be taken once. Students who transfer between degrees within Laurea do not have to retake the test. The test is used to check the students' starting level before language studies begin. Students who fail the test must take preparatory studies in the language at the start of their studies. Having passed the preparatory studies, students obtain credits for inclusion in elective studies.
01.08.2022 - 21.08.2022
Number of ECTS credits allocated
0 op
Laurea Hyvinkää
Laurea Virtual Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 80
Degree programmes
- Liiketalouden koulutus (HLB2), Laurea Hyvinkää (Finnish)
- Anna Puisto
Teacher in charge
Anna Puisto
SHB222SASairaanhoitajakoulutus, monimuotototeutus, S22, Hyvinkää
SSB222SASosionomikoulutus, monimuotototeutus, S22, Hyvinkää
Grading scale
Further information
At the beginning of their studies, all students who have English and/or Swedish qualifications on prior certificates required for studies at Laurea, or who have received previous instruction in English and/or Swedish take initial tests in these languages. The initial tests are the same for all fields of study and may only be taken once. Students who transfer between degrees within Laurea do not have to retake the test. The test is used to check the students' starting level before language studies begin. Students who fail the test must take preparatory studies in the language at the start of their studies. Having passed the preparatory studies, students obtain credits for inclusion in elective studies.
01.08.2022 - 31.08.2022
Number of ECTS credits allocated
0 op
Laurea Porvoo, sote
Laurea Virtual Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 40
Degree programmes
- Sairaanhoitajakoulutus (SHP2), Laurea Porvoo (Finnish)
- Anna Puisto
Teacher in charge
Anna Puisto
SHP222SASairaanhoitajakoulutus, monimuotototeutus, S22, Porvoo
Grading scale
Further information
At the beginning of their studies, all students who have English and/or Swedish qualifications on prior certificates required for studies at Laurea, or who have received previous instruction in English and/or Swedish take initial tests in these languages. The initial tests are the same for all fields of study and may only be taken once. Students who transfer between degrees within Laurea do not have to retake the test. The test is used to check the students' starting level before language studies begin. Students who fail the test must take preparatory studies in the language at the start of their studies. Having passed the preparatory studies, students obtain credits for inclusion in elective studies.
01.08.2022 - 28.08.2022
Number of ECTS credits allocated
0 op
Laurea Tikkurila, sote
Laurea Virtual Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- Lloyd Bethell
Teacher in charge
Lloyd Bethell
NDV222SNTietojenkäsittelyn koulutus, digitaalisten palveluiden kehittäminen, päivätoteutus, S22, Tikkurila
SHV222SA2Sairaanhoitajakoulutus, monimuotototeutus, S22, Tikkurila, ryhmä 2
SSV221SAPSosionomikoulutus, monimuotototeutus, S21, Tikkurila
SSVOPS22Sosionomikoulutus, Avoin AMK, polkuopinnot, verkko-opinnot, S22, Tikkurila
SHV222SNSairaanhoitajakoulutus, päivätoteutus, S22, Tikkurila
PKV222SNKauneudenhoito- ja kosmetiikka-alan koulutus, päivätoteutus, S22, Tikkurila
HLV222SNLiiketalouden koulutus, päivätoteutus, S22, Tikkurila
SHV222SASairaanhoitajakoulutus, monimuotototeutus, S22, Tikkurila
SSV222SNSosionomikoulutus, päivätoteutus, S22, Tikkurila
Grading scale
Further information
At the beginning of their studies, all students who have English and/or Swedish qualifications on prior certificates required for studies at Laurea, or who have received previous instruction in English and/or Swedish take initial tests in these languages. The initial tests are the same for all fields of study and may only be taken once. Students who transfer between degrees within Laurea do not have to retake the test. The test is used to check the students' starting level before language studies begin. Students who fail the test must take preparatory studies in the language at the start of their studies. Having passed the preparatory studies, students obtain credits for inclusion in elective studies.
01.08.2022 - 28.08.2022
Number of ECTS credits allocated
0 op
Laurea Hyvinkää
Laurea Virtual Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 80
Degree programmes
- Liiketalouden koulutus (HLB2), Laurea Hyvinkää (Finnish)
- Anna Puisto
Teacher in charge
Anna Puisto
HLB222SALiiketalouden koulutus, oikeudellinen osaaminen, monimuotototeutus, S22, Hyvinkää
HLB222SNLiiketalouden koulutus, päivätoteutus, S22, Hyvinkää
Grading scale
Further information
At the beginning of their studies, all students who have English and/or Swedish qualifications on prior certificates required for studies at Laurea, or who have received previous instruction in English and/or Swedish take initial tests in these languages. The initial tests are the same for all fields of study and may only be taken once. Students who transfer between degrees within Laurea do not have to retake the test. The test is used to check the students' starting level before language studies begin. Students who fail the test must take preparatory studies in the language at the start of their studies. Having passed the preparatory studies, students obtain credits for inclusion in elective studies.
01.08.2022 - 28.08.2022
Number of ECTS credits allocated
0 op
Korkeakouluyksikkö D, Otaniemi, liko
Laurea Virtual Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 250
Degree programmes
- Liiketalouden koulutus (HLG2), Laurea Otaniemi, Finnish
- Matti Karhumäki
Teacher in charge
Matti Karhumäki
STG222SATerveydenhoitajakoulutus, monimuotototeutus, S22, Otaniemi
HLG222SALiiketalouden koulutus, monimuotototeutus, S22, Otaniemi
SHG222SASairaanhoitajakoulutus, monimuotototeutus, S22, Otaniemi
SFG222SNFysioterapeuttikoulutus, päivätoteutus, S22, Otaniemi
SHG222SA2Sairaanhoitajakoulutus, monimuotototeutus, S22, Otaniemi, ryhmä 2
SSG222SASosionomikoulutus, monimuotototeutus, S22, Otaniemi
Grading scale
Further information
At the beginning of their studies, all students who have English and/or Swedish qualifications on prior certificates required for studies at Laurea, or who have received previous instruction in English and/or Swedish take initial tests in these languages. The initial tests are the same for all fields of study and may only be taken once. Students who transfer between degrees within Laurea do not have to retake the test. The test is used to check the students' starting level before language studies begin. Students who fail the test must take preparatory studies in the language at the start of their studies. Having passed the preparatory studies, students obtain credits for inclusion in elective studies.
01.12.2021 - 16.01.2022
Number of ECTS credits allocated
0 op
Laurea Leppävaara, service
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Palveluliiketoiminnan koulutus (MLA2), Laurea Leppävaara (Finnish)
- Turvallisuuden ja riskienhallinnan koulutus (HTA2), Laurea Leppävaara (Finnish)
- Palveluelämysten tuottaminen ja kehittäminen (MSA2), Laurea Leppävaara (Finnish)
- Degree Programme in Business Information Technology, Developing Digital Services (NDA2), Laurea Leppävaara (in Finnish)
- Annika Kirkkomäki
Teacher in charge
Annika Kirkkomäki
NDA222KATietojenkäsittelyn koulutus, digitaalisten palveluiden kehittäminen, monimuotototeutus, K22, Leppävaara
HTA222KATurvallisuuden ja riskienhallinnan koulutus, monimuotototeutus, K22, Leppävaara
HLA222KALiiketalouden koulutus, monimuotototeutus, K22, Leppävaara
HLA222KNLiiketalouden koulutus, päivätoteutus, K22, Leppävaara
MLA222KAPalveluliiketoiminnan koulutus, monimuotototeutus, K22, Leppävaara
MSA222KNPalveluelämysten tuottaminen ja kehittäminen, päivätoteutus, K22, Leppävaara
Grading scale
Further information
At the beginning of their studies, all students who have English and/or Swedish qualifications on prior certificates required for studies at Laurea, or who have received previous instruction in English and/or Swedish take initial tests in these languages. The initial tests are the same for all fields of study and may only be taken once. Students who transfer between degrees within Laurea do not have to retake the test. The test is used to check the students' starting level before language studies begin. Students who fail the test must take preparatory studies in the language at the start of their studies. Having passed the preparatory studies, students obtain credits for inclusion in elective studies.
01.12.2021 - 16.01.2022
Number of ECTS credits allocated
0 op
Laurea Tikkurila, sote
Laurea Virtual Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- Lloyd Bethell
NDV222KATietojenkäsittelyn koulutus, digitaalisten palveluiden kehittäminen, monimuotototeutus, K22, Tikkurila
SRV222KASosionomikoulutus, rikosseuraamusala, monimuotototeutus, K22, Tikkurila
SHV222KNSairaanhoitajakoulutus, päivätoteutus, K22, Tikkurila
SSV222KASosionomikoulutus, monimuotototeutus, K22, Tikkurila
HLV222KNLiiketalouden koulutus, päivätoteutus, K22, Tikkurila
STV222KNTerveydenhoitajakoulutus, päivätoteutus, K22, Tikkurila
Grading scale
Further information
At the beginning of their studies, all students who have English and/or Swedish qualifications on prior certificates required for studies at Laurea, or who have received previous instruction in English and/or Swedish take initial tests in these languages. The initial tests are the same for all fields of study and may only be taken once. Students who transfer between degrees within Laurea do not have to retake the test. The test is used to check the students' starting level before language studies begin. Students who fail the test must take preparatory studies in the language at the start of their studies. Having passed the preparatory studies, students obtain credits for inclusion in elective studies.
01.12.2021 - 16.01.2022
Number of ECTS credits allocated
0 op
Korkeakouluyksikkö D, Verkkokampus, sote
Laurea Virtual Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 150
Degree programmes
- Sosionomikoulutus (SSD2), Laurea Verkkokampus
- Camilla Kåla
Teacher in charge
Camilla Kåla
SSD222KASosionomikoulutus, verkko-opinnot, K22, Verkkokampus
HLD222KALiiketalouden koulutus, verkko-opinnot, K22, Verkkokampus
HLDOPK22Liiketalouden koulutus, Avoin AMK polkuopinnot, verkko-opinnot, K22, Verkkokampus
Grading scale
Further information
At the beginning of their studies, all students who have English and/or Swedish qualifications on prior certificates required for studies at Laurea, or who have received previous instruction in English and/or Swedish take initial tests in these languages. The initial tests are the same for all fields of study and may only be taken once. Students who transfer between degrees within Laurea do not have to retake the test. The test is used to check the students' starting level before language studies begin. Students who fail the test must take preparatory studies in the language at the start of their studies. Having passed the preparatory studies, students obtain credits for inclusion in elective studies.
01.12.2021 - 16.01.2022
Number of ECTS credits allocated
0 op
Laurea Lohja
Laurea Virtual Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 100
Degree programmes
- Liiketalouden koulutus (HLF2), Laurea Lohja (Finnish)
- Anna Puisto
Teacher in charge
Anna Puisto
SHF222KASairaanhoitajakoulutus, monimuotototeutus, K22, Lohja
HLF222KALiiketalouden koulutus, monimuotototeutus, K22, Lohja
Grading scale
Further information
At the beginning of their studies, all students who have English and/or Swedish qualifications on prior certificates required for studies at Laurea, or who have received previous instruction in English and/or Swedish take initial tests in these languages. The initial tests are the same for all fields of study and may only be taken once. Students who transfer between degrees within Laurea do not have to retake the test. The test is used to check the students' starting level before language studies begin. Students who fail the test must take preparatory studies in the language at the start of their studies. Having passed the preparatory studies, students obtain credits for inclusion in elective studies.
01.12.2021 - 16.01.2022
Number of ECTS credits allocated
0 op
Laurea Hyvinkää
Laurea Virtual Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 130
Degree programmes
- Liiketalouden koulutus (HLB2), Laurea Hyvinkää (Finnish)
- Anna Puisto
Teacher in charge
Anna Puisto
HLB222KALiiketalouden koulutus, oikeudellinen osaaminen, monimuotototeutus, K22, Hyvinkää
HLB222KNLiiketalouden koulutus, päivätoteutus, K22, Hyvinkää
SSB222KASosionomikoulutus, monimuotototeutus, K22, Hyvinkää
SHB222KASairaanhoitajakoulutus, monimuototeutus, K22, Hyvinkää
Grading scale
Further information
At the beginning of their studies, all students who have English and/or Swedish qualifications on prior certificates required for studies at Laurea, or who have received previous instruction in English and/or Swedish take initial tests in these languages. The initial tests are the same for all fields of study and may only be taken once. Students who transfer between degrees within Laurea do not have to retake the test. The test is used to check the students' starting level before language studies begin. Students who fail the test must take preparatory studies in the language at the start of their studies. Having passed the preparatory studies, students obtain credits for inclusion in elective studies.
01.12.2021 - 16.01.2022
Number of ECTS credits allocated
0 op
Laurea Porvoo, sote
Laurea Virtual Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 80
Degree programmes
- Sairaanhoitajakoulutus (SHP2), Laurea Porvoo (Finnish)
- Anna Puisto
Teacher in charge
Anna Puisto
SSP222KASosionomikoulutus, monimuotototeutus, K22, Porvoo
SHP222KASairaanhoitajakoulutus, monimuotototeutus, K22, Porvoo
Grading scale
Further information
At the beginning of their studies, all students who have English and/or Swedish qualifications on prior certificates required for studies at Laurea, or who have received previous instruction in English and/or Swedish take initial tests in these languages. The initial tests are the same for all fields of study and may only be taken once. Students who transfer between degrees within Laurea do not have to retake the test. The test is used to check the students' starting level before language studies begin. Students who fail the test must take preparatory studies in the language at the start of their studies. Having passed the preparatory studies, students obtain credits for inclusion in elective studies.
01.12.2021 - 16.01.2022
Number of ECTS credits allocated
0 op
Laurea Otaniemi
Laurea Virtual Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 200
Degree programmes
- Sosionomikoulutus (SSG2), Laurea Otaniemi (Finnish)
- Matti Karhumäki
Teacher in charge
Matti Karhumäki
SSG222KASosionomikoulutus, monimuotototeutus, K22, Otaniemi
SFG222KAFysioterapeuttikoulutus, monimuotototeutus, K22, Otaniemi
HLG222KALiiketalouden koulutus, monimuotototeutus, K22, Otaniemi
SHG222KASairaanhoitajakoulutus, monimuotototeutus, K22, Otaniemi
Grading scale
Further information
At the beginning of their studies, all students who have English and/or Swedish qualifications on prior certificates required for studies at Laurea, or who have received previous instruction in English and/or Swedish take initial tests in these languages. The initial tests are the same for all fields of study and may only be taken once. Students who transfer between degrees within Laurea do not have to retake the test. The test is used to check the students' starting level before language studies begin. Students who fail the test must take preparatory studies in the language at the start of their studies. Having passed the preparatory studies, students obtain credits for inclusion in elective studies.