Terveydenhoitajakoulutus, verkko-opinnot, muuntokoulutus, S24, Tikkurila: STV224SAM
Curriculum code: STV224SA
The degree consists of core competence and complementary competence modules. The learning outcomes of a module describe the learning outcomes of the entire set of studies. Core competence studies lay the foundation of the degree and ensure expertise in the field. Complementary competence studies deepen or extend the student’s competence and makes it possible for them to build an individual study path. The description of the curriculum, with information on the degree programme, degree structure, and assessment, is attached.
The curriculum depicts Laurea’s study offering based on the situation at the beginning of the studies. Please note that not all of the studies in the curriculum are offered on all campuses. Students may also choose studies from another Laurea campus.
Please note that the complementary competence studies currently offered are shown in separate complementary competence curricula each academic year. Any changes made to the study units are not updated into group-specific curricula of the degree programme.
A preliminary study offering for the following year is always published at the beginning of September. Implementation plans are completed by the teachers so that they are available about two weeks before enrolment for the implementation begins. The implementation plans describe the method of completion of the study unit in more detail, such as detailed contents, evaluation criteria and methods, schedule, and the language of instruction.
The curriculum is updated annually. If you do not study at the same pace as your own group, find out if you need to make changes to your PSP to account for any changes.
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Due to the timing of optional and elective study units, credit accumulation per semester / academic year may vary.
Study unit types
Module type