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Mental Health and Well-being Promotion with Diverse ClientsLaajuus (5 cr)

Study unit code: TO00BU59


5 op

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- identify and understand the basic principles and concepts of mental health and well-being as well as different theoretical approaches to mental health promotion
-analyse the mental health and wellness needs of different diverse client groups in different life situations
- describe different local and global factors that affect the mental health and well-being of diverse clients
-apply different methods for mental health and well-being promotion


19.05.2025 - 25.05.2025


01.10.2025 - 31.12.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Laurea Tikkurila, sote


Laurea Tikkurila

Teaching languages
  • English

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Laurea täydentävä osaaminen, amk-tutkinto (TOS2), Terveys- ja hyvinvointialat
  • Lloyd Bethell
Teacher in charge

Lloyd Bethell

  • CCS225SY
    Complementary competence (bachelor’s studies in English), S25, Health and welfare
  • TOS225SY
    Täydentävä osaaminen (amk-tutkinto), S25, Terveys- ja hyvinvointialat

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- identify and understand the basic principles and concepts of mental health and well-being as well as different theoretical approaches to mental health promotion
-analyse the mental health and wellness needs of different diverse client groups in different life situations
- describe different local and global factors that affect the mental health and well-being of diverse clients
-apply different methods for mental health and well-being promotion

Grading scale



20.05.2024 - 26.05.2024


01.10.2024 - 31.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual proportion

2 op

RDI proportion

3 op

Mode of delivery

60 % Contact teaching, 40 % Distance learning


Laurea Tikkurila, sote


Laurea Tikkurila

Teaching languages
  • English

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Laurea täydentävä osaaminen, amk-tutkinto (TOS2), Terveys- ja hyvinvointialat
  • Lloyd Bethell
Teacher in charge

Lloyd Bethell

  • CCS224SY
    Complementary competence (bachelor’s studies in English), S24, Health and welfare
  • TOS224SY
    Täydentävä osaaminen (amk-tutkinto), S24, Terveys- ja hyvinvointialat

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- identify and understand the basic principles and concepts of mental health and well-being as well as different theoretical approaches to mental health promotion
-analyse the mental health and wellness needs of different diverse client groups in different life situations
- describe different local and global factors that affect the mental health and well-being of diverse clients
-apply different methods for mental health and well-being promotion

Teaching methods

A Canvas learning environment is used to support the implementation. There is an attendance requirement of 80% for this course. Attendance is required as the contact lessons are interactive: information is acquired through discussion and activities in the classroom. The attendance requirement needs to be fulfilled for this study unit to be completed successfully. The study unit includes working in pairs or groups. You will receive individual feedback for assignments from the teacher.
Artificial intelligence can be utilized for the assignments on this course. Please note that any usage needs to be stated and referenced accordingly.

Location and time

Please refer to the Timetable Engine at for the schedule information. Laurea reserves the right to modify the timetable.

Learning materials and recommended literature

All learning materials are provided in Canvas or as handouts.

Alternative completion methods of implementation

According to the degree regulations (2024), "Students are entitled to apply for recognition of prior learning regardless of where, when and how the competence has been acquired. [...]. At Laurea, there are two different procedures for the recognition and accreditation of prior learning: a) accreditation of prior learning (competence acquired in higher education studies at another institution) and b) demonstration of competence (competence acquired in other ways). The recognition and accreditation of prior learning is initiated by the student themselves. The student is responsible for demonstrating and verifying their competence. The student is entitled to guidance for the recognition and accreditation of their competence." Further information in the student intranet.

You may also assess work-based learning as a way to acquire the competence needed. Read more in the student intranet.

Co-operation with working life and/or RDI

A project will be planned and implemented at the Hotel and Restaurant Museum

Important dates

Based on the degree regulations (2024), the student accepted for the implementation is required to confirm his/her participation by showing activity at the start of the study in the following way:

In order to demonstrate activity, the student must be present at the first contact lesson or notify the teacher in charge of his/her absence to confirm his/her participation in the study. Registration will be rejected if the student does not report his/her absence at the start of the study or the reason for the absence cannot be considered justified. Another student can be taken in his place. The first contact lesson is 01.10.2024.

Please note the project will be implemented on XXXXXX

Forms of internationality

This is a multicultural group so intercultural communication is an integral part of this course. The study unit is suitable for exchange students.

Students workload

A 5-credit course is equivalent to 135 hours of work.
An in-depth workload will be supplied in the Canvas workspace.
This course has XX hours of contact lessons.

Content and scheduling

The course has mental health and wellbeing of diverse groups as the central theme. The topic is developed in the lessons through the learning material ( including the Finnish Institute for Health and welfare’s project PALOMA), possible guest lecturers and discussions based on experiences and the learning materials.
A project in cooperation with the Hotel and Restaurant Museum will be integrated into this course. The aim is to plan and implement food, multisensory, creative and cultural related workshops with diverse groups with the museum setting.

Final student outputs will include a learning diary and a group presentation.

Further information for students

The study unit corresponds to the requirements of Bachelor's level education.

A minimum level of B1 English skills is required to participate in this course

The quality of the study unit implementation has been assessed and the self-evaluation report is available for example in Canvas or Teams.

Grading scale


Evaluation methods and criteria

"Competence assessment is based on the descriptions of objectives in the curricula, and the level of competence is assessed according to the assessment criteria listed in the implementation plan for the studies" (Laurea degree regulations 2024).

The evaluated parts of this course are:
- meeting the attendance criteria: graded pass/fail
- satisfactory teamwork and active participation in the workshop process: graded pass/fail
- group presentation: graded pass/fail
- learning diary: graded 0-5

Deadlines are provided for the assignments. Feedback is given on all assignments. However, in the circumstances that the deadline is not met, no feedback will be provided for that assignment.
In this study unit the assessing of the competences will be done by using the criteria set for requirement level II.
“Students who have failed to demonstrate their competence in accordance with the approved level must supplement or retake their study attainment in a manner and schedule defined by the teacher of the study unit. If the student does not pass the assessment despite the opportunity to complete their study attainment, they must complete the study unit in question in full as specified by the teacher.” (Degree regulations 2024.)

All staff and students of Laurea are expected to adhere to good scientific practices, which includes appropriate referencing. Familiarise yourself with the practices and, if needed, ask for more information. All study assignments are to be done as individual work unless otherwise instructed. If Tournitin is used when assignments are checked, the lecturer will inform the students of this.

Evaluation criteria, fail (0)

A student fails to successfully complete one or more of the evaluated parts of this course.

Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Professional knowledge basis, information searching and reporting
To achieve grade 1 (or pass), a student must be able to
- use professional concepts in a consistent manner and demonstrate their familiarity with the knowledge basis
- report and communicate in a professional manner

Professional practice and workplace development
To achieve grade 1 (or pass), a student must be able to
- act independently taking into account the operating environment
- take responsibility for interaction with clients and/or cooperation partners and for responding to their needs

Teamwork, skills, leadership, and responsibility
To achieve grade 1 (or pass), a student must be able to
- describe the significance of their actions for successful cooperation
- describe their competence in relation to the learning outcomes

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Professional knowledge basis, information searching and reporting
To achieve grade 3, a student must be able to
- critically evaluate information and justify their actions with science-based knowledge

Professional practice and workplace development
To achieve grade 3, a student must be able to
- propose creative solutions at work
- promote professional cooperation and enhance client and partner relationships

Teamwork, skills, leadership, and responsibility
To achieve grade 3, a student must be able to
- act in a manner that promotes the team’s planning and implementation of the workshop and responsible approach to work
- describe the development of their competence in relation to the learning outcomes

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Professional knowledge basis, information searching and reporting
To achieve grade 5, a student must be able to
- analyse the acquired information, draw conclusions and combine theoretical knowledge with experiential knowledge

Professional practice and workplace development
To achieve grade 5, a student must be able to
- evaluate the applicability of produced knowledge, skill or idea to other contexts as well as their impact
- anticipate needs of clients and/or cooperation partners

Teamwork, skills, leadership, and responsibility
To achieve grade 5, a student must be able to
- evaluate and develop the team’s planning and implementation of the workshop and responsible approach to work
- evaluate the possibilities for utilising competence and plan their personal development and development of the team


22.05.2023 - 28.05.2023


01.10.2023 - 31.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual proportion

3 op

RDI proportion

3 op

Mode of delivery

40 % Contact teaching, 60 % Distance learning


Laurea Tikkurila, sote


Laurea Tikkurila

Teaching languages
  • English

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Laurea täydentävä osaaminen, amk-tutkinto (TOS2), Terveys- ja hyvinvointialat
  • Lloyd Bethell
Teacher in charge

Lloyd Bethell

Scheduling groups
  • Avoin AMK 1 (Size: 10. Open UAS: 10.)
  • Tutkinto- ja polkuopiskelijat (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
  • CCS223SY
    Complementary competence (bachelor’s studies in English), S23, Health and welfare
  • SSVW
    Kansainvälinen vaihto / Sosiaaliala, Tikkurila
  • SHVW
    Kansainvälinen vaihto / Terveysala, Tikkurila
  • TOS223SY
    Täydentävä osaaminen (amk-tutkinto), S23, Terveys- ja hyvinvointialat
Small groups
  • Avoin AMK 1

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- identify and understand the basic principles and concepts of mental health and well-being as well as different theoretical approaches to mental health promotion
-analyse the mental health and wellness needs of different diverse client groups in different life situations
- describe different local and global factors that affect the mental health and well-being of diverse clients
-apply different methods for mental health and well-being promotion

Learning materials and recommended literature

All material can be found in the Canvas learning environment

Co-operation with working life and/or RDI

Two lectures/workshops will be given by Mieli Mental Health Finland on mental health with refugees
A visit to the Mental Health Centre will be included

Forms of internationality

The study group is usually diverse with ideas and expereinces being shared from many cultures

Students workload

The contact lessons, study material and assignments are equal to 135 hours of work, which is equivalent to 5 ECTS

Contact sessions: 26 hours
Pre-studied material for contact lessons: 40 hours
Paloma training videos and seminar videos: 17 hours
Writing learning diary: 52

Content and scheduling

The course has mental health and wellbeing of diverse groups as the central theme. The topic is developed in the lessons through the learning material ( including the Finnish Institute for Health and welfare’s project PALOMA), guest lectures from MIELI Mental Health Finland and discussions based on experiences and the learning materials.
Final student outputs will include a learning diary and a group presentation.

Further information for students

Contact lessons are compulsory (at least 80% attendance is expected) . Attendance is required as the contact lessons are interactive: information is acquired through discussion and activities in the classroom.
According to the Laurea Degree guidelines, the orientation session i.e. the first lesson, is mandatory. If this is missed without prior informing, then your name will be removed from the implementation.

Deadlines are provided for the assignments. Feedback is given on all assignments. However, in the circumstances that the deadline is not met, no feedback will be provided for that assignment.
The pass/fail evaluation will be based on the completion of the assignments and attendance.

Grading scale


Evaluation methods and criteria

Evaluation criteria are provided in Canvas


23.05.2022 - 15.08.2022


01.10.2022 - 31.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual proportion

4 op

RDI proportion

2 op

Mode of delivery

20 % Contact teaching, 80 % Distance learning


Korkeakouluyksikkö D, Verkkokampus, sote


Laurea Tikkurila

Teaching languages
  • English

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Complementary competence, bachelor's studies in English (CCS2), Health and welfare
  • Lloyd Bethell
Scheduling groups
  • Avoin AMK (Size: 5. Open UAS: 5.)
  • CCS222SY
    Complementary competence (bachelor’s studies), S22, Health and welfare
Small groups
  • Open UAS

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- identify and understand the basic principles and concepts of mental health and well-being as well as different theoretical approaches to mental health promotion
-analyse the mental health and wellness needs of different diverse client groups in different life situations
- describe different local and global factors that affect the mental health and well-being of diverse clients
-apply different methods for mental health and well-being promotion

Learning materials and recommended literature

All material can be found in the Canvas learning environment

Co-operation with working life and/or RDI

Two lectures/workshops will be given by Mieli Mental Health Finland on mental health with refugees

Forms of internationality

The study group is usually diverse with ideas and expereinces being shared from many cultures

Students workload

The contact lessons, study material and assignments are equal to 135 hours of work, which is equivalent to 5 ECTS

Contact sessions: 26 hours
Pre-studied material for contact lessons: 40 hours
Paloma training videos and seminar videos: 17 hours
Writing learning diary: 52

Content and scheduling

The course has mental health and wellbeing of diverse groups as the central theme. The topic is developed in the lessons through the learning material ( including the Finnish Institute for Health and welfare’s project PALOMA), guest lectures from MIELI Mental Health Finland and discussions based on experiences and the learning materials.
Final student outputs will include a learning diary and a group presentation.

Further information for students

Contact lessons are compulsory (at least 80% attendance is expected) . Attendance is required as the contact lessons are interactive: information is acquired through discussion and activities in the classroom.
According to the Laurea Degree guidelines, the orientation session i.e. the first lesson, is mandatory. If this is missed without prior informing, then your name will be removed from the implementation.

Deadlines are provided for the assignments. Feedback is given on all assignments. However, in the circumstances that the deadline is not met, no feedback will be provided for that assignment.
The pass/fail evaluation will be based on the completion of the assignments and attendance.

Grading scale


Evaluation methods and criteria

Evaluation criteria are provided in Canvas