Finnish 2 (Level A2.2)Laajuus (5 cr)
Study unit code: YY00CC60
5 op
Learning outcomes
The student is able to
- follow most of the main points of a clear, businesslike speech
- typically identify the topic of a discussion
- present small, list-like descriptions of everyday matters
- participate in recurring everyday discussions on matters that pertain or are important to them
- comprehend the main topics and some details of short texts in slightly more demanding everyday contexts
- acquire easily predictable new information on familiar topics
- manage ordinary everyday situations using their writing skills
- write a very brief, simple description of events, past actions and their personal experiences or everyday living environment
- reach the target level of A2.2 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
19.05.2025 - 25.05.2025
01.08.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
20 Sosiaali- ja terveysala
Laurea Leppävaara
Teaching languages
- English
20 - 40
Degree programmes
- Complementary competence, bachelor's studies in English (CCC2), Generic Studies
- Laurea täydentävä osaaminen, amk-tutkinto (TOY2), Yhteiset opinnot
- Saara Helander
Teacher in charge
Saara Helander
CCC225SYComplementary competence (bachelor’s studies in English), S25, Generic studies
TOY225SYTäydentävä osaaminen (amk-tutkinto), S25, Yhteiset opinnot
Learning outcomes
The student is able to
- follow most of the main points of a clear, businesslike speech
- typically identify the topic of a discussion
- present small, list-like descriptions of everyday matters
- participate in recurring everyday discussions on matters that pertain or are important to them
- comprehend the main topics and some details of short texts in slightly more demanding everyday contexts
- acquire easily predictable new information on familiar topics
- manage ordinary everyday situations using their writing skills
- write a very brief, simple description of events, past actions and their personal experiences or everyday living environment
- reach the target level of A2.2 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Grading scale
25.11.2024 - 15.01.2025
23.01.2025 - 01.04.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
20 Sosiaali- ja terveysala
Laurea Leppävaara
Teaching languages
- English
20 - 40
Degree programmes
- Laurea täydentävä osaaminen, amk-tutkinto (TOY2), Yhteiset opinnot
- Meri Punkari
Teacher in charge
Meri Punkari
HYA624KJDegree Programme in Future-Oriented Project Management, yamk, K24, Leppävaara
TOY224SYTäydentävä osaaminen (amk-tutkinto), S24, Yhteiset opinnot
CCC224SYComplementary competence (bachelor’s studies in English), S24, Generic studies
Learning outcomes
The student is able to
- follow most of the main points of a clear, businesslike speech
- typically identify the topic of a discussion
- present small, list-like descriptions of everyday matters
- participate in recurring everyday discussions on matters that pertain or are important to them
- comprehend the main topics and some details of short texts in slightly more demanding everyday contexts
- acquire easily predictable new information on familiar topics
- manage ordinary everyday situations using their writing skills
- write a very brief, simple description of events, past actions and their personal experiences or everyday living environment
- reach the target level of A2.2 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Teaching methods
The course will have lessons every week during the whole semester. It's aiming at basic knowledge of Finnish grammar and vocabulary. The target of the course is that the students will be able to speak and understand Finnish in basic everyday situations also outside of the classroom. The target level is A2.2. in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
Location and time
Leppävaara campus. Weekly sessions during the whole semester.
Learning materials and recommended literature
Oma Suomi -book. Available during the lessons.
Students workload
According to Laurea mathematics, 5 credits requires a workload of 135 hours. About 50 of them will be used for weekly lessons in classroom. Homework and home studies will take the rest of the hours, however, it may vary depending on students' personal activeness, skills and goals.
Content and scheduling
Prerequisites: 5 credits or otherwise acquired basic skills in Finnish.
Required attendance: 80% of the lessons. The students are allowed to be absent 2 times during the term.
Grading scale
Evaluation methods and criteria
The target level is A2.2. in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
Final grade will consist of the following:
1. Small tests during the course
2. Active participation and attendence in the lessons
Required attendance: 80 % of lessons unless otherwise agreed
3. Theoretical assignments
4. Small presentation