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Introduction to Health Care FinnishLaajuus (2 cr)

Study unit code: SN00BS53


2 op

Learning outcomes

The Student is able to
- communicate both orally and in writing in frequent situations on professional field (level B1.1)
- further develop skills and understanding of communication culture in Finland
- seek information and vocabulary of Health Care using Finnish sources


18.10.2024 - 08.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

2 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Laurea Porvoo, sote


Laurea Porvoo

Teaching languages
  • English

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Nursing (SNP2), Laurea Porvoo
  • Anja Mertanen
  • SNP224KN
    Degree Programme in Nursing, daytime studies, K24, Porvoo

Learning outcomes

The Student is able to
- communicate both orally and in writing in frequent situations on professional field (level B1.1)
- further develop skills and understanding of communication culture in Finland
- seek information and vocabulary of Health Care using Finnish sources

Teaching methods

On campus

Location and time

See pakki and tuudo

Learning materials and recommended literature

Materials in canvas

Alternative completion methods of implementation

According to the degree regulations (section 18) “students must be present in the first contact session or notify their teacher in charge if they cannot attend. If they fail to notify the teacher of their absence in the first contact session, their enrollment will be rejected. Another student in the queue may be enrolled in the study unit in the place of the absent student.” (Laurea degree regulations)

Forms of internationality

The course is aimed at foreign student

Students workload

2 credit points equals 54 hours of student work

Content and scheduling

Content of course
- encountering Finnish speaking patients in a polite and professional manner
- understanding brief and simple instructions in your working environment
- understanding and applying the most frequent professional vocabulary
- explaining your own actions and report what you have done.

Further information for students

80% attendance in contact lessons is mandatory.

Grading scale



20.05.2024 - 26.05.2024


05.09.2024 - 05.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

2 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Laurea Tikkurila, sote


Laurea Tikkurila

Teaching languages
  • English

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Nursing (SNV), Laurea Tikkurila
  • Saara Laakso
Teacher in charge

Saara Laakso

  • SNV224SN
    Degree Programme in Nursing, daytime studies, S24, Tikkurila

Learning outcomes

The Student is able to
- communicate both orally and in writing in frequent situations on professional field (level B1.1)
- further develop skills and understanding of communication culture in Finland
- seek information and vocabulary of Health Care using Finnish sources

Teaching methods

On Campus

Location and time

See Pakki & Tuudo.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Teacher's materials in Canvas. More detailed information about the materials will be provided during the first lesson.

Important dates

According to the degree regulations (section 18) “students must be present in the first contact session or notify their teacher in charge if they cannot attend. If they fail to notify the teacher of their absence in the first contact session, their enrollment will be rejected. Another student in the queue may be enrolled in the study unit in the place of the absent student.” (Laurea degree regulations)

Forms of internationality

The course is aimed at foreign students studying and working in Finnish environment that brings out multiple cultural dimensions.

Students workload

(Student’s work on this) course consists of attending contact lessons and completing the assignments. The course workload for students is about 54 hours. One credit point corresponds to about 27 hours of work.

Content and scheduling

We will focus on
- encountering Finnish speaking patients in a polite and professional manner
- understanding brief and simple instructions in your working environment
- understanding and applying the most frequent professional vocabulary
- explaining your own actions and report what you have done.

Further information for students

In order to succeed in activating your Finnish skills, 80% attendance in contact lessons is mandatory.

Grading scale


Evaluation methods and criteria

The course assessment is threefold:
1) a group test on the most frequent professional vocabulary
2) a video clip where you show how you encounter patients in a polite manner
3) a reporting assignment.

Students have one attempt to improve their passing grades for a study unit
within six months of the assessment.

Evaluation criteria, fail (0)

The students fails to return the assignments. The same applies also in case more than half of the written or oral assignments fail to meet the criteria of the each task.


28.11.2023 - 04.12.2023


02.04.2024 - 31.07.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

2 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Laurea Tikkurila, sote


Laurea Tikkurila

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Continuing professional training for registered nurses from Phillipines
  • Saara Helander
  • Marja Tanskanen
Teacher in charge

Saara Helander

  • USV3123KU
    Filippiiniläisten BA sairaanhoitajien täydennyskoulutus, täydennyskoulutus, K23, Tikkurila

Learning outcomes

The Student is able to
- communicate both orally and in writing in frequent situations on professional field (level B1.1)
- further develop skills and understanding of communication culture in Finland
- seek information and vocabulary of Health Care using Finnish sources

Learning materials and recommended literature


Ykäänkö vai ykiinkö - High way to hill
Oma suomi 2 soveltuvin osin

Grading scale



27.11.2023 - 03.12.2023


12.01.2024 - 03.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

2 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Laurea Otaniemi, sote


Laurea Otaniemi

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • SNG Degree Programme in Nursing (SNG), Laurea Otaniemi
  • Meri Punkari
Teacher in charge

Meri Punkari

  • SNG223SN
    Degree Programme in Nursing, daytime studies (tailor-made), S23, Otaniemi

Learning outcomes

The Student is able to
- communicate both orally and in writing in frequent situations on professional field (level B1.1)
- further develop skills and understanding of communication culture in Finland
- seek information and vocabulary of Health Care using Finnish sources

Teaching methods

Otaniemi Campus

Location and time

See Pakki & Tuudo.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Teacher's materials in Canvas. More detailed information about the materials will be provided during the first lesson.

Important dates

According to the degree regulations (section 18) “students must be present in the first contact session or notify their teacher in charge if they cannot attend. If they fail to notify the teacher of their absence in the first contact session, their enrollment will be rejected. Another student in the queue may be enrolled in the study unit in the place of the absent student.” (Laurea degree regulations)

Forms of internationality

The course is aimed at foreign students studying and working in Finnish environment that brings out multiple cultural dimensions.

Students workload

(Student’s work on this) course consists of attending contact lessons and completing the assignments. The course workload for students is about 54 hours. One credit point corresponds to about 27 hours of work.

Content and scheduling

We will focus on
- encountering Finnish speaking patients in a polite and professional manner
- understanding brief and simple instructions in your working environment
- understanding and applying the most frequent professional vocabulary
- explaining your own actions and report what you have done.

Further information for students

In order to succeed in activating your Finnish skills, 80% attendance in contact lessons is mandatory.

Grading scale


Evaluation methods and criteria

The course assessment is threefold:
1) a group test on the most frequent professional vocabulary
2) a video clip where you show how you encounter patients in a polite manner
3) a reporting assignment.

Evaluation criteria, fail (0)

The students fails to return the assignments. The same applies also in case more than half of the written or oral assignments fail to meet the criteria of the each task.


22.05.2023 - 28.05.2023


01.08.2023 - 31.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

2 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Laurea Tikkurila, sote


Laurea Tikkurila

Teaching languages
  • English

20 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Nursing (SNV), Laurea Tikkurila
  • Saara Laakso
Teacher in charge

Saara Laakso

  • SNV223SN
    Degree Programme in Nursing, daytime studies, S23, Tikkurila

Learning outcomes

The Student is able to
- communicate both orally and in writing in frequent situations on professional field (level B1.1)
- further develop skills and understanding of communication culture in Finland
- seek information and vocabulary of Health Care using Finnish sources

Teaching methods

On Campus

Location and time

See Pakki & Tuudo.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Teacher's materials in Canvas. More detailed information about the materials will be provided during the first lesson.

Important dates

According to the degree regulations (section 18) “students must be present in the first contact session or notify their teacher in charge if they cannot attend. If they fail to notify the teacher of their absence in the first contact session, their enrollment will be rejected. Another student in the queue may be enrolled in the study unit in the place of the absent student.” (Laurea degree regulations)

Forms of internationality

The course is aimed at foreign students studying and working in Finnish environment that brings out multiple cultural dimensions.

Students workload

(Student’s work on this) course consists of attending contact lessons and completing the assignments. The course workload for students is about 54 hours. One credit point corresponds to about 27 hours of work.

Content and scheduling

We will focus on
- encountering Finnish speaking patients in a polite and professional manner
- understanding brief and simple instructions in your working environment
- understanding and applying the most frequent professional vocabulary
- explaining your own actions and report what you have done.

Further information for students

In order to succeed in activating your Finnish skills, 80% attendance in contact lessons is mandatory.

Grading scale


Evaluation methods and criteria

The course assessment is threefold:
1) a group test on the most frequent professional vocabulary
2) a video clip where you show how you encounter patients in a polite manner
3) a reporting assignment.

Evaluation criteria, fail (0)

The students fails to return the assignments. The same applies also in case more than half of the written or oral assignments fail to meet the criteria of the each task.


23.05.2022 - 29.05.2022


01.11.2022 - 31.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

2 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Laurea Otaniemi, sote


Laurea Otaniemi

Teaching languages
  • English

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • SNG Degree Programme in Nursing (SNG), Laurea Otaniemi
  • Meri Punkari
  • SNG222SN
    Degree Programme in Nursing, daytime studies, S22, Otaniemi

Learning outcomes

The Student is able to
- communicate both orally and in writing in frequent situations on professional field (level B1.1)
- further develop skills and understanding of communication culture in Finland
- seek information and vocabulary of Health Care using Finnish sources

Teaching methods

On campus, room Lab Life Otaniemi 122.2

Participation in lessons is mandatory

Learning materials and recommended literature

Teacher's materials. More detailed information about the materials will be provided during the first lesson.

Important dates

According to the degree regulations (section 18) “students must be present in the first contact session or notify their teacher in charge if they cannot attend. If they fail to notify the teacher of their absence in the first contact session, their enrollment will be rejected. Another student in the queue may be enrolled in the study unit in the place of the absent student.” (Laurea degree regulations) In the case of online studies the lecturer can also specify some other way than participation on an online meeting what is required from the student so that he/she verifies his/her attendance on the study unit (Decision by the vice president, education 7/2019).

Students workload

Student's work load consists of attending contacts lessons and completing the assignments.

Content and scheduling

- self-assessment and reflection of future needs of language skills
- exploration of short current texts and other sources of information
- short presentations and discussions on current issues of the professional field
- oral exercises
- writing short texts

Further information for students

Having completed the study unit the student is able to
- communicate both orally and in writing in frequent situations on professional field (level B1.1)
- further develop skills and understanding of communication culture in Finland
- understand instructions given in Finnish both in studies and in a professional environment
- ask for clarification and further information, if needed
- understand the core vocabulary concerning the professionals
- explore, find and understand the main points and important details of professional texts, such as news and articles in non-scientific publications

The course is for students who study Nursing in Degree Programme.

Grading scale


Evaluation methods and criteria

“The evaluation of competence is based on the descriptions of objectives in the curricula, and the level of competence is assessed according to the evaluation criteria listed in the implementation plan for the studies.” (Laurea degree regulations).

The individual assessments:

1. A Writing exercise
2. A word test of the course's vocabulary
3. Homeworks

Note that participation in lessons is mandatory.


23.05.2022 - 29.05.2022


01.11.2022 - 31.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

2 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Laurea Porvoo, sote


Laurea Porvoo

Teaching languages
  • English

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Nursing (SNP2), Laurea Porvoo
  • Saara Helander
Teacher in charge

Saara Helander

  • SNP222SN
    Degree Programme in Nursing, daytime studies, S22, Porvoo

Learning outcomes

The Student is able to
- communicate both orally and in writing in frequent situations on professional field (level B1.1)
- further develop skills and understanding of communication culture in Finland
- seek information and vocabulary of Health Care using Finnish sources

Teaching methods

On Campus

Attending to contact lessons is important. Passing the course requires 80 % participation.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Teacher's materials in Canvas. More detailed information about the materials will be provided during the first lesson.

Important dates

According to the degree regulations (section 18) “students must be present in the first contact session or notify their teacher in charge if they cannot attend. If they fail to notify the teacher of their absence in the first contact session, their enrollment will be rejected. Another student in the queue may be enrolled in the study unit in the place of the absent student.” (Laurea degree regulations) In the case of online studies the lecturer can also specify some other way than participation on an online meeting what is required from the student so that he/she verifies his/her attendance on the study unit (Decision by the vice president, education 7/2019).

Students workload

(Student’s work on this) course consists of contact lessons and assignments. The course workload for students is about 54 hours. One credit point corresponds to about 27 hours of work.

Content and scheduling

Having completed the study unit the student is able to

- communicate both orally and in writing in most frequent situations on professional field
- further develop skills and understanding of communication culture in Finland
- understand instructions given in Finnish both in studies and in a professional environment
- ask for clarification and further information, if needed
- understand the core of professional vocabulary
- explore, find and understand the main points and important details of professional texts, such as news and short text about healt care
- write short texts in Finnish
- keep a short oral presentation about professional topic
- discuss on current issues of the professional field

Grading scale


Evaluation methods and criteria

“The evaluation of competence is based on the descriptions of objectives in the curricula, and the level of competence is assessed according to the evaluation criteria listed in the implementation plan for the studies.” (Laurea degree regulations).

The individual assessments:

1. Writing assignment
2. Video (presentation in Finnish)

The group assessment
1. A group exam which includes core vocabularity.

Evaluation criteria, approved/failed

Assessment: pass / fail

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Can understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment). Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters. Can describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background, immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need.


23.05.2022 - 29.05.2022


24.10.2022 - 31.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

2 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Laurea Lohja, sote


Laurea Lohja

Teaching languages
  • English

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Nursing (SNF2), Laurea Lohja
  • Salla Janhunen
Teacher in charge

Salla Janhunen

  • SNF222SN
    Degree Programme in Nursing, daytime studies, S22, Lohja

Learning outcomes

The Student is able to
- communicate both orally and in writing in frequent situations on professional field (level B1.1)
- further develop skills and understanding of communication culture in Finland
- seek information and vocabulary of Health Care using Finnish sources

Teaching methods

On Campus (Lohja) and on Zoom

Participation in lessons is mandatory

Learning materials and recommended literature

Teacher's materials. More detailed information about the materials will be provided during the first lesson.

Important dates

According to the degree regulations (section 18) “students must be present in the first contact session or notify their teacher in charge if they cannot attend. If they fail to notify the teacher of their absence in the first contact session, their enrollment will be rejected. Another student in the queue may be enrolled in the study unit in the place of the absent student.” (Laurea degree regulations) In the case of online studies the lecturer can also specify some other way than participation on an online meeting what is required from the student so that he/she verifies his/her attendance on the study unit (Decision by the vice president, education 7/2019).

Forms of internationality

Having completed the study unit the student is able to
- communicate both orally and in writing in frequent situations on professional field (level B1.1)
- further develop skills and understanding of communication culture in Finland
- understand instructions given in Finnish both in studies and in a professional environment
- ask for clarification and further information, if needed
- understand the core vocabulary concerning the professionals
- explore, find and understand the main points and important details of professional texts, such as news and articles in non-scientific publications

The course is for students who study Nursing in Degree Programme.

Students workload

Student's work load consists of attending contacts lessons and completing the assignments.

Content and scheduling

- self-assessment and reflection of future needs of language skills
- exploration of short current texts and other sources of information
- short presentations and discussions on current issues of the professional field
- oral exercises
- writing short texts

Grading scale


Evaluation methods and criteria

“The evaluation of competence is based on the descriptions of objectives in the curricula, and the level of competence is assessed according to the evaluation criteria listed in the implementation plan for the studies.” (Laurea degree regulations).

The individual assessments:

1. An essay
2. A word test of the course's vocabulary
3. Homeworks

Note that participation in lessons is mandatory.


23.05.2022 - 29.05.2022


01.08.2022 - 31.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

2 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Laurea Tikkurila, sote


Laurea Tikkurila

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Nursing (SNV), Laurea Tikkurila
  • Saara Laakso
  • SNV222SN
    Degree Programme in Nursing, daytime studies, S22, Tikkurila
  • CCS221SY
    Complementary competence (bachelor’s studies), S21, Health and welfare

Learning outcomes

The Student is able to
- communicate both orally and in writing in frequent situations on professional field (level B1.1)
- further develop skills and understanding of communication culture in Finland
- seek information and vocabulary of Health Care using Finnish sources

Grading scale



23.05.2022 - 29.05.2022


01.08.2022 - 31.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

2 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Laurea Tikkurila, sote


Laurea Tikkurila

Teaching languages
  • English

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Nursing (SNV), Laurea Tikkurila
  • Saara Laakso
Teacher in charge

Kristiina Kuparinen

  • SNV222SN2
    Degree Programme in Nursing, daytime studies, S22, Tikkurila, group 2

Learning outcomes

The Student is able to
- communicate both orally and in writing in frequent situations on professional field (level B1.1)
- further develop skills and understanding of communication culture in Finland
- seek information and vocabulary of Health Care using Finnish sources

Grading scale
