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Innovation Lab Project with UCLL Belgium (3 op)

Toteutuksen tunnus: TP00BU74-3003

Toteutuksen perustiedot


25.11.2024 - 01.12.2024


01.01.2025 - 31.03.2025


3 op


2 op


34 % Lähiopetus, 66 % Etäopetus


10 Liiketalous-, tietojenkäsittely- ja palvelualat


Laurea Leppävaara


  • Englanti


5 - 7


  • Laurea täydentävä osaaminen, amk-tutkinto (TOH2), Kauppa, hallinto ja oikeustieteet


  • Marjaana Ajanto
  • Päivi Williams


Päivi Williams


  • TOP224SY
    Täydentävä osaaminen (amk-tutkinto), S24, Palvelualat
  • TOH224SY
    Täydentävä osaaminen (amk-tutkinto), S24, Kauppa, hallinto ja oikeustieteet
  • CCM224SY
    Complementary competence (bachelor’s studies in English), S24, Services
  • CCH224SY
    Complementary competence (bachelor’s studies in English), S24, Business, administration and law


The student is able to
- innovate new business ideas
- evaluate the international market environment
- work in multi-cultural teams


This is a project study implemented together with our international partner university of applied sciences UCLL in Leuven Belgium. You can get 3 ects from this project.

Seven students from Laurea have an opportunity to participate UCLL Innovation Lab study unit's kickoff week together with students from different UAS from other countries.

International Innovation Lab intensive week will take place in UCLL Leuven, Belgium during 24.2.-28.2.2025
The program consists of different lectures, project work & ideation in teams, presentations and interesting company visits. You will work in international teams during the project.

Project content and tasks in brief:
-paper work for going abroad with the international office /online
-pre-tasks for the innovation lab (personal & team) / online
-Innovation Lab intensive week in Leuven Belgium (UCLL) 24.2.-28.2.2025 (full agenda to be presented later)
-small project tasks given by the UCLL teachers /online
-learning reflection, e.g. a blog
+time for travelling

Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus

To be updated later.
The project is mainly based on collaboration and co-work, learning by doing and participating.

Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat


Työelämäyhteistyö ja/tai TKI

Several companies will attend the InnovationLab, and you will do some innovation research for them.

Toteutuksen tärkeät päivämäärät

Enrollment with a separate motivation letter (in case there are more applicants than 7 we need to see your motivation)

*enroll during week 48 (as normally for the courses)
*additionally send a short ( one page) motivation letter to by 2.12.2024

The project dates:
Online meetings with Laurea teachers and international team to do the paper work etc. in January. NOTE. these time slots will be added to calendars later.
Pre-tasks / online week 7/8
Innovation Lab intensive week in Leuven Belgium 24.2.-28.2.2025
Project tasks and learning reflection during w 10-12 (dates to be updated with the dates later)

Kansainvälisyys toteutuksella

UCLL university of applied sciences. Laurea's parner UAS.
BA Riga university of applied sciences from Latvia.

Erasmus BIP programme: from this programme the outgoing students will receive a grant to compensate travel and accommodation costs. The pre-requisite for this is that the student completes the project with "accepted". The grant is available for Laurea's degree students.

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

The project is 3 ects which means approximately 80 hours of studying.
The intensive week equal 2ects, pre-tasks 0,5 and finalizing work 0,5 ects.

Sisältö ja sen jaksotus

Enrollment with a separate motivation letter (in case there are more applicants than 7 we need to see your motivation)

*enroll during week 48 (as normally for the courses)
*additionally send a short ( one page) motivation letter to by 2.12.2024

The project dates:
Online meetings with Laurea teachers and international team to do the paper work etc. in January.
Pretasks / online week 7/8
Innovation Lab intensive week in Leuven Belgium 24.2.-28.2.2025
Project tasks and learning reflection during w 10-12 (dates to be updated with the dates later)

The innovation week schedule will be published later but the project includes working from Monday until Friday.
Students attend lectures, workshops, business case briefings by the companies, and do some research. The most of this will be done with a team.
Topics like innovation, international trends, creativity.

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

This is a great chance for making international contacts and learn about the student life elsewhere.
City of Leuven is an old university city full of student life!
Brussels airport is just 15 minutes away.

Quite inexpensive accommodation is usually available.
In previous years the cost of flight and accommodation (6 nights) per student has been about 400-500€.
The Erasmus BIP grant will be paid when all the conditions are fullfilled.

Students are responsible for booking the flights and accomodation for themselves. The grant is available from the Erasmus BIP fund.



Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

All the tasks completed.
The innovation lab participation as in the programme.