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Wearable Technology in Measuring Functional Capacity (1 op)

Toteutuksen tunnus: TO00CD12-3002

Toteutuksen perustiedot


25.11.2024 - 18.05.2025


01.12.2024 - 15.06.2025


1 op


1 op




Korkeakouluyksikkö D, Otaniemi, sote


Laurea Verkkokampus


  • Englanti


0 - 600


  • Laurea täydentävä osaaminen, amk-tutkinto (TOS2), Terveys- ja hyvinvointialat
  • Complementary competence, bachelor's studies in English (CCS2), Health and welfare


  • Niklas Leppä
  • Laura Kaarna


Laura Kaarna


  • CCS224SY
    Complementary competence (bachelor’s studies in English), S24, Health and welfare
  • TOS224SY
    Täydentävä osaaminen (amk-tutkinto), S24, Terveys- ja hyvinvointialat


The student is able to:
- describe the use of wearable technology in measuring functional capacity
- analyze health data based on physical activity recommendations
- practically use wearable technology, analyze its data, and set short-term goals for maintaining health and well-being


Self-paced online course. The course is completed entirely independently by the end of the course deadline. You will study the material in an online learning environment, which includes study materials and assignments/tests. No personal feedback will be provided on the assignments.

Aika ja paikka

In the Digicampus online learning environment during the duration of the course. See Timing.

Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus

Airaksinen , M., Gallen, A., Kivi, A., Vijayakrishnan, P., Häyrinen, T., Ilen, E., Räsänen, O., Haataja, L.M. & Vanhatalo, S. 2022. Intelligent wearable allows out-of-the-lab tracking of developing motor abilities in infants. Communication Medicine 2 (69). doi:10.1038/s43856-022-00131-6

Hamilton Ortiz, J. (editor) 2018. Wearable Technologies. IntechOpen. E-book.

ICF e-Learning Tool_English_20220501 (

Kinnunen, H. 2020. Studies for the development, validation, and application of wearable technology in the assessment of human health-related behavior. Thesis. University of Oulu.

Ribbers, G.M.; Regterschot, G.R.H. & Bussmann, J.B.J. 2021. Wearable Movement Sensors for Rehabilitation: From Technology to Clinical Practise. MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute. E-book.

Stephenson, A., McDonough, S.M., Murphy, M.H., Nugent, C.D. & Mair, J.L. 2017. Using computer, mobile and wearable technology enhanced interventions to reduce sedentary behaviour: a systematic review and meta-analysis. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 14 (105). doi: 10.1186/s12966-017-0561-4

Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat

According to the degree regulations (2024), Students are entitled to apply for recognition of prior learning regardless of where, when and how the competence has been acquired. At Laurea, there are two different procedures for the recognition and accreditation of prior learning: a) accreditation of prior learning (competence acquired in higher education studies at another institution) and b) demonstration of competence (competence acquired in other ways). The recognition and accreditation of prior learning is initiated by the student themselves. The student is responsible for demonstrating and verifying their competence. The student is entitled to guidance for the recognition and accreditation of their competence. Further information in the student intranet.

Toteutuksen tärkeät päivämäärät

The course workspace will remain open until the end of the course deadline (see Timing), and all assignments must be completed before the workspace closes.

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

Workload of the study is measured in a way that to acquire the goal competence of the study, one credit corresponds to an average of 26.7 hours of work done by the student. The actual time needed varies e.g. according to prior competence.

Sisältö ja sen jaksotus

In this course, students will explore the principles and research methods of wearable technology and their application in measuring, analyzing, and evaluating individual functional capacity.

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

The course is available also in Finnish with study unit code TO00CD11. You can receive credits only either Finnish or English, but not both.

The course is Bachelor's degree program level. Master's students may also take the course or join to familiarize themselves with the content, but the course cannot be included in a Master's degree.

Laurea degree students and pathway students enroll in the course through Pakki. Enrollments are processed almost daily, allowing you to start the course flexibly when it suits you. You will receive a completion record for the course approximately two weeks after finishing. During holiday periods, enrollments and completion records are processed less frequently.

If the course is not completed by the end date of the implementation, the student can enroll in the next implementation. Incomplete assignments cannot be transferred to the next implementation; all tasks must be redone.

For content-related inquiries, contact the responsible teacher. For other inquiries, email



Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Competence assessment is based on the descriptions of objectives in the curricula, and the level of competence is assessed according to the assessment criteria listed in the implementation plan for the studies. (Laurea degree regulations 2024).

The course is graded on a pass/fail basis. A passing grade requires the completion of all assignments at a minimum level equivalent to a grade of 1 according to the criteria.

In this study unit the assessing of the competences will be done by using the criteria set for requirement level I.

Professional knowledge basis, information searching and reporting

To achieve grade 5 student must be able to
- use professional concepts extensively
- compare and choose
- relevant information
- report and communicate in a professional manner

To achieve grade 3 student must be able to
- use professional concepts in a consistent manner when explaining various work practices and situations
- gather information and use their knowledge basis
- report in the agreed manner

To achieve grade 1 (or pass) student must be able to
- use essential professional concepts when explaining various work practices and situations
- search for information in different sources
- report

Professional practice and workplace development

To achieve grade 5 student must be able to
- work independently, using the skills and methods learned
- take responsibility for interaction with customers and/or co-operation partners and for responding to their needs
- anticipate their need for guidance

To achieve grade 3 student must be able to
- work using the skills and methods learned
- engage in professional interaction with customers and/or co-operation partners and identify their needs
- take part in guidance and utilise it

To achieve grade 1 (or pass) student must be able to
- work under guidance using the skills and methods learned
- interact with customers and/or co-operation partners
- receive guidance

Teamwork, skills, leadership, and responsibility

To achieve grade 5 student must be able to
- promote the team’s work and team spirit
- manage their time appropriately, completing the agreed tasks at the required quality level
- work responsibly, applying the skills and methods learned
- plan and evaluate their work, taking safety and/or ethical aspects into consideration

To achieve grade 3 student must be able to
- engage in goal-oriented work in a team
- plan and manage the progress of their work and use of time
- detect safety-related risks
- justify their actions in accordance with the professional code of conduct

To achieve grade 1 (or pass) student must be able to
- work as a member of a team
- plan the progress of their work and use of time under guidance
- work safely and in accordance with the professional code of conduct
- follow the provided instructions and rules

“Students who have failed to demonstrate their competence in accordance with the approved level must supplement or retake their study attainment in a manner and schedule defined by the teacher of the study unit. If the student does not pass the assessment despite the opportunity to complete their study attainment, they must complete the study unit in question in full as specified by the teacher.” (Degree regulations 2024.) There is one opportunity to resubmit failed assignments in the course.

All staff and students of Laurea are expected to adhere to good scientific practices, which includes appropriate referencing. Familiarise yourself with the practices and, if needed, ask for more information. All study assignments are to be done as individual work unless otherwise instructed. If Tournitin is used when assignments are checked, the lecturer will inform the students of this.


Suitable for the social and heath care students. A slightly more extensive version of the study unit is also available in Finnish ( TO00CD11 Puettava teknologia toimintakyvyn mittaamisessa, 2 credits). Both study units cannot be included in the bachelor's degree.