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Ympäristöriskien hallinta (5 op)

Toteutuksen tunnus: TO00CC37-3003

Toteutuksen perustiedot


25.11.2024 - 18.05.2025


01.12.2024 - 15.06.2025


5 op


5 op




Laurea Leppävaara, palvelu


Laurea Verkkokampus


  • Englanti


0 - 600


  • Complementary Competence, bachelor’s studies in English (CCM2), Services


  • Heli Kulomaa
  • Anja Aatsinki
  • Mikko Kinnunen


Anja Aatsinki


  • CCM224SY
    Complementary competence (bachelor’s studies in English), S24, Services


Opiskelija osaa
- kuvailla ympäristöriskien hallinnalle asetetut keskeiset vaatimukset
- arvioida ympäristöriskien vaikutuksia organisaatioiden toiminnalle
- ottaa huomioon YK:n kestävän kehityksen tavoitteet ympäristöriskienhallinnassa
- luoda toimintamalleja ja ohjeistuksia ympäristöriskien hallintaan


Self-paced online course. The course is completed entirely independently by the end of the course deadline. You will study the material in an online learning environment, which includes study materials and assignments/tests. No personal feedback will be provided on the assignments.

Aika ja paikka

In the Canvas online learning environment during the duration of the course. See Timing.

Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus

All material needed for studying is in the Canvas workspace or linked there.

Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat

Degree students and path students of Laurea:

Recognition of prior studies:
If you have completed comparable studies earlier in another higher education institution, be in touch with your head of student affairs.

Demonstration of competence:
All students are entitled to demonstrate their competence. The recognition and accreditation of prior competence is initiated by the students themselves. The assessment is carried out according to the same assessment criteria and, as a rule, same grading scale as that adopted for the corresponding study unit or module. The student is entitled to apply for accreditation of prior competence regardless of where, how, and when the competence has been acquired. The student may also seek accreditation of competence to be acquired on the job as part of their degree (work-based learning).

The student is responsible for demonstrating and verifying their competence and for providing sufficient information. Recognition and accreditation of prior competence is done before the beginning of the study unit. Student fills in the competence analysis and enroll to the demonstration according to the instructions and schedules given in Canvas.

If your competence is partly in line with the study unit's learning outcomes, discuss the matter directly with the teacher in charge of the study unit. Contact the teacher well before the beginning of the study unit. The teacher in charge of the study unit will assess your competence and guide you further on the matter.

For more information see the BBA demonstration of competence Canvas workspace (Tradenomikoulutus – Osaamisen näytöt)

Student intranet > Planning studies > Demonstration of competence in Bachelor of Business Administration programmes

Toteutuksen tärkeät päivämäärät

The course workspace will remain open until the end of the course deadline (see Timing), and all assignments must be completed before the workspace closes.

Kansainvälisyys toteutuksella

The study unit is suitable for exchange students.

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

The study course contains 135 hours of work done by the student, which means an average of about 8 hours/week divided over the entire duration of the study course. Pay special attention to the scheduling of this course in your calendar, because the tasks do not have separate deadlines, but the student is independently responsible for the timing that suits their calendar.

Sisältö ja sen jaksotus

The course consists of an orientation and modules on different topics. The modules consist of an online lecture, refresher questions, an assignment and a mid-term exam. The final module will consist of a final assignment summarising the thematic areas.

1: Key regulation
2: Environmental risk management methods
3: Sustainable development
4: Chemical safety and emissions
5: Final assignment and feedback

The student is responsible for planning their own time and for the sequencing of tasks.

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

The course is Bachelor's degree program level. Master's students may also take the course or join to familiarize themselves with the content, but the course cannot be included in a Master's degree.

The quality of the study unit implementation has been assessed and the self-evaluation report is available in Canvas.

Laurea degree students and pathway students enroll in the course through Pakki. Enrollments are processed almost daily, allowing you to start the course flexibly when it suits you. You will receive a completion record for the course approximately two weeks after finishing. During holiday periods, enrollments and completion records are processed less frequently.

If the course is not completed by the end date of the implementation, the student can enroll in the next implementation. Incomplete assignments cannot be transferred to the next implementation; all tasks must be redone.

For content-related inquiries, contact the responsible teacher. For other inquiries, email



Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

An automatically assessed course means that your performance is automatically assessed.

NOTE! To obtain a course grade of 1-5, you must obtain at least the minimum number of points specified for each mid-term exam and all assignments must be returned. By completing only part of the assignments, the course is not passed with a grade of 1-5, even if the midterm assignments total at least 40% of the total points. A failed exam (below the pass mark) may be retaken twice. The time limit for the exam is 30 minutes and each exam may be attempted three times, i.e. the two retakes of a failed exam are also included in this performance. The highest score remains valid, i.e. you can try to increase your score even if you pass the exam on the first attempt. If you do not pass the exam in three attempts, you will have to start the course again. In this case, please contact

This means that the course also includes tasks which are not assessed or taken into account in the overall course grade. However, they must be done in order to progress in the course. These assignments will always be worth 0 points.


Opintojaksolle ilmoittautuvilla tulee olla turvallisuus- ja riskienhallinnan perusteiden riittävä osaaminen, jonka voi hankkia esimerkiksi suorittamalla opintojakson HT00BN79/ HT00CC30 Yritysturvallisuuden ja riskienhallinnan perusteet (10 op; tarjolla 12/2024 asti) tai suorittamalla opintojakson TO00BS57 Turvallisuusjohtamisen ja riskienhallinnan perusteet (5 op; tarjolla 12/2024 asti) tai HT00CD70 Organisaatioturvallisuuden ja riskienhallinnan perusteet (tarjolla 1/2025 alkaen).


Opinnon tavoitteena olevan osaamisen arvioinnissa käytetään Laurean yhteisten arviointikriteereiden vaativuustasoa 2.