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International Security (5 cr)

Code: TO00CC42-3001

General information


25.11.2024 - 09.02.2025


18.02.2025 - 30.04.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual proportion

4 op

Mode of delivery

20 % Contact teaching, 80 % Distance learning


10 Liiketalous-, tietojenkäsittely- ja palvelualat


Laurea Leppävaara

Teaching languages

  • English


20 - 80

Degree programmes

  • Laurea täydentävä osaaminen, amk-tutkinto (TOP2), Palvelualat
  • Complementary Competence, bachelor’s studies in English (CCM2), Services


  • Lasse Kivinen
  • Juha Putkonen

Teacher in charge

Lasse Kivinen


  • TOP224SY
    Täydentävä osaaminen (amk-tutkinto), S24, Palvelualat
  • CCM224SY
    Complementary competence (bachelor’s studies in English), S24, Services

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- identify global threats and analyse their effects on society
- identify and manage risks affecting the international operations of an organiza-tion
- describe the key operators in international security and their duties
- describe the importance of international cooperation in threat prevention

Teaching methods

Mainly virtual implementation with individual and team work. Before enrolling to this study unit, you should have adequate competence level of security management, which you can acquire for example by completing study unit: A9484 Basics of Corporate Security and Risk Management 10 credits. A Canvas learning environment is used to support the implementation.

Location and time

Start of study unit Tuesday 18.02.2025 16.00 - 18.00 (Zoom session). The detailed schedule of the study unit is available in Canvas workspace which will be opened on February 15, 2025; before the first classroom teaching takes place. The assignment deadlines are provided in the Canvas timetable.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Teachers will provide relevant materials. All required reading will be either distributed via Canvas or available freely on the internet. Materials created by teachers (copyright holders) and only to be used for the purposes of this study unit.

Alternative completion methods of implementation

You may have acquired competence, for example through work experience, training organised in the workplace, organisational activities or hobbies. Familiarize yourself with the process in LINK ( ) To apply for the recognition of this study unit, complete the form for recognition of prior studies (in the menu on the right). Enclose with your application any documents you refer to. If required, also enclose a description of the content of the substitutive studies.

Important dates

Contact sessions are directly visible in Pakki and not repeated here.
Start of study unit 18.02.2025 16.00 - 18.00 (Zoom session)

Based on the degree regulations (2024), the student accepted for the implementation is required to confirm his/her participation by showing activity at the start of the study in the following way:

In order to demonstrate activity, the student must be present at the first contact lesson or notify the teacher in charge of his/her absence to confirm his/her participation in the study. Registration will be rejected if the student does not report his/her absence at the start of the study or the reason for the absence cannot be considered justified. Another student can be taken in his place.After the first contact day no new students are accepted on the course.

Forms of internationality

The study unit is suitable for exchange students.

Students workload

The workload is approximately 135 hours total.

Content and scheduling

After completing the course the student is able to:
- understand what is meant by International Security
- analyze the international security environment, the phenomenon, trends and forces affecting international security and business,
- understand the interdependence of Internal and External Security
- have an understanding of some the main actors in international security (task and roles)
- analyze international security through a current case

Further information for students

Students are themselves responsible for forming the required teams. The student will not be able to finish the study unit, If the student has not joined a team after 4 weeks from the beginning of the study unit. The student will be rejected from the course and can join the following study unit.

Tutoring is available on beforehand set days and upon request. Personal discussion times should be pre-agreed with teacher.
Communication will be handled via Canvas workspace message boards. Private messages to teachers should be handled via email.
Zoom- application will be used for tutoring and general information sharing.
Canvas is used for formal information, material sharing and storeing, returning assignments, etc.
Changes to preliminary program are possible, but the students will be notified if necessary.

Grading scale


Evaluation methods and criteria

In this study unit the assessing of the competences will be done by using the criteria set for requirement level II.

Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

The student is able to
– use essential professional concepts when explaining various work practices and situations
– search for information in different sources
– report
– work under guidance using the skills and methods learned
– interact with customers and/or co-operation partners
– receive guidance
– work as a member of a team
– plan the progress of his/her work and use of time under guidance
– work safely and in accordance with the professional code of conduct
– follow the provided instructions and rules

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

The student is able to
– use professional concepts in a consistent manner when explaining various work practices and situations
– gather information and use his/her knowledge basis
–report in the agreed manner
– work using the skills and methods learned
– engage in professional interaction with customers and/or co-operation partners and identify their needs
– take part in guidance and utilise it
– engage in goal-oriented work in a team
– plan and manage the progress of his/her work and use of time
– detect safety-related risks
– justify this/her actions in accordance with the professional code of conduct

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

- käyttää monipuolisesti ammattikäsitteitä
- vertailla ja valita
tarkoituksenmukaista tietoa
- raportoida ja viestiä ammattimaisesti
- toimia itsenäisesti opittuja taitoja ja menetelmiä käyttäen
- ottaa vastuuta asiakkaan ja /tai yhteistyötahojen kanssa toimimisesta ja heidän tarpeisiinsa vastaamisesta
- ennakoida ohjaustarpeitaan
- edistää toiminnallaan ryhmän toimintaa ja ilmapiiriä
- hallita ajankäyttöään tehden sovitut tehtävät työssä vaadittavalla laatutasolla
- toimia vastuullisesti ja soveltaa opittuja taitoja ja menetelmiä
- suunnitella ja arvioida toimintaansa turvallisuus ja/tai eettiset näkökulmat huomioiden


Before enrolling to this study unit, you should have adequate competence of safety, security and risk management, which you can acquire for example by completing study unit HT00BN79/ HT00CC30 Basics of Corporate Safety, Security and Risk Management (10 cr) or TO00BS57 Basic Theory of Corporate Safety, Security and Risk Management (5 cr).

Further information

The study unit is assessed using requirement level 2 of Laurea's common evaluation criteria.