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Business Approach and Leadership Skills (10 op)

Toteutuksen tunnus: PH00CA40-3002

Toteutuksen perustiedot


20.05.2024 - 02.06.2024


05.09.2024 - 31.12.2024


10 op




Laurea Leppävaara, palvelu


Laurea Leppävaara


  • Englanti


20 - 40


  • Degree Programme in Hospitality Management and Service Design (PHA2), Laurea Leppävaara


  • Kati Pohjanmaa
  • Sini Setälä


Sini Setälä


  • PHA224KN
    Degree Programme in Hospitality Management and Service Design, daytime studies, K24, Leppävaara


The student is able to
- lead one's own work in teams both in projects and in a business environment
- implement business understanding into research and analysis tasks both digitally and in authentic situations
- communicate professionally in teamwork and employs intercultural skills into practice


Contact classes, team work, individual work.

Aika ja paikka

Presence is compulsory during the first class, and when there are guest lecturers and student presentations.

Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus

Barden, Phil. (2013). Decoded. The Science Behind Why We Buy. Wiley.

Blythe, Jim. (2013). Consumer Behaviour. Sage.

Finch, Brian. 2013. How to write a business plan. Kogan Page.

Kahle, Lynn R. & Valette-Florence, Pierre. (2012). Marketplace Lifestyles in an Age of Social Media. Theory and Methods. Routledge.

Kahnemann, Daniel. Thinking Fast and Slow. (2011). Penguin Books.

Kotler, Philip & Armstrong, Gary. (2012). Principles of Marketing. Pearson.

Lynch, Richard 2006: Corporate strategy. Prentice Hall, Harlow.

MacRae, Ian & Furnham, Adrian. 2017. Motivation and Performance. A guide to motivating a diverse workforce. Kogan Page Limited.

Maylett, Tracy EdD & Wride, Matthew JD. 2017. The Employee Experience. How to Attract Talent, Retain Top Performers, and Drive Results. Wiley.

Osterwalder, A. & Pigneur, Y. (2009). Business Model Generation. Amsterdam. Self Published.

Robbins, Stephen P. & Judge, Timothy A. (2016). Essentials of Organizational Behavior. Pearson.

Robbins, Stephen P., Judge, Timothy A. & Campbell, Timothy T. (2010). Organizational Behaviour. Pearson.

Solomon, Michael R. (2011). Consumer Behavior. Buying, Having, and Being. Pearson.

Soman, Dilip and N-Marandi, Sara. (2010). Managing Customer Value. One Stage at a Time. World Scientific.

Thaler, Richard H. (2015). Misbehaving. The Making of Behavioral Economics. W.W. Norton & Company Inc.

Thaler, Richard H. & Sustein, Cass R. (2008). Nudge. Improving Decisions, about Health, Wealth, and Happiness. Yale University Press.

Walden, Steven. (2017). Customer Experience Management Rebooted - Are you an experience brand or an efficiency brand? Palgrave Macmillan.

Toteutuksen tärkeät päivämäärät

Presence is compulsory during the first class, and when there are guest lecturers and student presentations.
The exact schedule will be in canvas and discussed during the first class.

Sisältö ja sen jaksotus

Learning outcomes of the course
The student is able to
- lead one's own work in teams both in projects and in a business environment
- implement business understanding into research and analysis tasks both digitally and in authentic situations
- communicate professionally in teamwork and employs intercultural skills into practice



Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

grade 5
Students are able to:
• Apply professional concepts expertly.
• Comply with occupational safety instructions responsibly and independently.
• Justify activities using research knowledge.
• Work independently and take initiatives in line with objectives. Operations are often flexible, systematic, development-oriented, creative and active.
• Select the appropriate techniques and models for activities, and justify the choices.
• Act in customer-oriented ways and according to the situation.
• Promote group activities.
• Able to critically apply ethical principles in the subject field in one's conduct and tasks.
grade 3
Students are able to:
• Apply professional concepts systematically.
• Apply occupational safety instructions in their activities.
• Justify, compare and analyse their activities using general guidelines.
• Able to cope independently in different tasks in each operating environment.
• Apply acquired techniques and models diversely.
• Act professionally in customer situations.
• Work in a group in line with objectives.
• Justify their activities in accordance with ethical principles..
grade 1
Students are able to:
• Apply most important/individual and appropriate professional concepts, and indicate their familiarity with the knowledge base.
• Act safely, although activities are often schematic/ experimental/ fumbling/ self-involved.
• Comply with rules and instructions, and justify their activities using provided instructions.
• Act appropriately under guidance.
• Use acquired techniques and models.
• Take customers into account in their actions.
• Act as group members.
• Act in accordance with ethical principles.