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Technologies & Businesses (BIP) (5 cr)

Code: HY00CB48-3001

General information


16.01.2024 - 31.01.2024


01.01.2024 - 31.07.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual proportion

3.5 op

RDI proportion

3 op

Mode of delivery

30 % Contact teaching, 70 % Distance learning


Laurea university of applied sciences

Teaching languages

  • English


1 - 20

Degree programmes

  • Complementary competence, Master’s studies (TYJ), Generic Studies


  • Päivi Tossavainen

Teacher in charge

Päivi Tossavainen


  • TYJ23SJ
    Täydentävä osaaminen (yamk-tutkinto), S23, yhteiset opinnot
  • CYJ23SJ
    Complementary competence (master’s studies in English), S23, Generic studies

Learning outcomes

Student is able to:
- Deepen the understanding of technologies within the context of service business design and service development.
- Gain practical experience through the development of a service innovation.
- Gain insight into the dynamics of technology platforms and digital tools
- Analyze and reflect on cross-cultural collaboration and learning in international setting

Teaching methods

The course consists of two (2) mandatory parts: a virtual learning period and the physical mobility (intensive week, 5 days) part.
The BIP II -course is organized annually in Spring Semester and consists of 4 modules: technology, entrepreneurship, digital marketing and design for services.

Learning objectives for the course in 2024
- Explore the main possibilities of uses of technologies in service business and getting forward.
- Explain the main theoretical principles of hypothesis-driven entrepreneurship and synthetize the main principles and concepts of innovative business modelling.
- Explore and analyze algorithms used in digital marketing platforms.
- Synthetize theoretical principles and concepts of service marketing and management to be used in business developmen and service innovation.

2024 : Details
1. Virtual learning phase: 5 Feb – 8 April 2024, Mondays 1-2 hrs; at 2-3 pm. Sessions are recorded!
2. Intensive week at Laurea, Finland: 22 – 26 April 2024 (at 9-17) - at Campus Leppävaara
3. Collaborative group work throughout the course

Blended Intensive Programms (BIPs) offer new and more flexible forms of mobility, in which physical mobility is combined with virtual learning for Master’s students.
The BIP course always consists of two mandatory parts: a virtual learning period and the physical mobility (intensive week, 5 days) part.
The intensive week is financially supported with Erasmus funding (travel costs).

Main learning objectives of BIP II: Technologies & Businesses
- Deepen the understanding of technologies within the context of service business design and service development.
- Gain practical experience through the development of a service innovation.
- Gain insight into the dynamics of technology platforms and digital tools
- Analyze and reflect on cross-cultural collaboration and learning in international setting

This BIP II Technologies&Businesses -course will be organized annually during the SPRING SEMESTER!

Learning materials and recommended literature

Will be informed in the Learning systems MOODLE

Alternative completion methods of implementation

Since the enrollment time was short, you can enroll during February - the sooner the better in order to determine your student group (small team)
The 1st session is MONDAY, 5 FEBRUARY -2024

1. Virtual learning phase: 5 Feb – 8 April 2024, Mondays 1-2 hrs; at 2-3 pm. Sessions are recorded!
2. Intensive week at Laurea, Finland: 22 – 26 April 2024 (at 9-17) - at Campus Leppävaara

Co-operation with working life and/or RDI

There will be a commissioning party for the students' group work; ie. a case.
Helsinki Mobility Lab/ Forum Virium

Forms of internationality

Participating Universities:
Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Chec (TBU)
Gustave Eiffel University, Paris, France (UGE)
University Institute of Lisbon, Portugal (ICSTE)
Laurea University of Applied Scineces, Vantaa, Finland (Laurea)

Students workload

Course is 5 ECTS

Content and scheduling

The BIP II -course consists of 4 modules: technology, entrepreneurship (business design), digital marketing and design for services.
The modules are introduced during the online sessions.

The new knowledge acquired will be applied in practice during the intensive week (a development challenge).

Further information for students

Complementary studies
Grading 0 - 5 according to the Laurea evaluation criteria.

Grading scale
