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Co-ownership as Part of a Career (5 cr)

Code: TY00BY33-3003

General information


20.05.2024 - 31.10.2024


01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

1 - 5

Virtual proportion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Korkeakouluyksikkö D, Tikkurila, liko


Laurea Virtual Campus

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


1 - 500

Degree programmes

  • Complementary competence, Master’s studies (TYJ), Generic Studies


  • Antti Sekki

Teacher in charge

Antti Sekki


  • TYJ24SJ
    Täydentävä osaaminen (yamk-tutkinto), S24, yhteiset opinnot

Learning outcomes

Opintojakson suoritettua opiskelija osaa:

- analysoida yritysmuotojen (startup-, perinteinen- ja buyout-yrittäjyys) keskeiset erot ja arvioida yrittäjyysmuotojen soveltuvuutta oma elämäntilanne huomioiden
- kategorioida osaomistajan moninaiset roolit eri yritysmuodoissa (startup-, perinteinen- ja buyout-yrittäjyys) ja analysoida itselle sopivimman roolin
- verrata osaomistuksen hankkimisen käytänteitä eri yritysmuodoissa (startup-, perinteinen ja buyout-yrittäjyys)
- analysoida vaurastumisen logiikaa ja siihen liittyviä verokäytänteitä kussakin yrittäjyyden muodossa (startup-, perinteinen- ja buyuout-yrittäjyys) erikseen
- laskea omistusosuuden muutokset ja vaurastumisen todennäköisyyden käytännössä

Teaching methods

An online course that can be completed at your own speed.

Important dates

An online course that can be completed at your own speed.

Content and scheduling

Starting your own business is not for everyone. For someone who needs security, paid work might be the smartest career option. However, it does not rule out the possibility of co-ownership. Acquiring a partnership is significantly less risky than starting your own company and is suitable for a wider group of people. It is one way to realize entrepreneurial dreams, but without the uncertainty that comes with entrepreneurship. Co-ownership is at its lightest like paid work, but with entrepreneurial benefits. You can even practice co-ownership as a side business, in addition to paid work.

From the point of view of owner control, companies can be divided into three categories: startup entrepreneurship, traditional entrepreneurship and buyout entrepreneurship. The course introduces the main differences between these three forms of entrepreneurship from the point of view of the co-owner and offers tools and ideas for starting your own partnership path.

After the course, the student can:

- analyze the key differences between business forms (startup, traditional and buyout entrepreneurship) and evaluate the suitability of business forms, taking into account your own life situation
- categorize the multiple roles of a co-owner in different business forms (startup, traditional and buyout entrepreneurship) and analyze the most suitable role for yourself
- compare the practices of acquiring part ownership in different business forms (startup, traditional and buyout entrepreneurship)
- analyze the logic of prosperity and related tax practices in each form of entrepreneurship (startup, traditional and buyout entrepreneurship) separately
- calculate ownership changes and the probability of prosperity in practice

Grading scale
