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Corporate Social Responsibility (5 cr)

Code: R0217-3085

General information


27.11.2023 - 03.12.2023


08.01.2024 - 18.03.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual proportion

5 op

RDI proportion

4 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Laurea Leppävaara, tiko


Laurea Virtual Campus

Teaching languages

  • English


40 - 120

Degree programmes

  • Liiketalouden koulutus (HLY2), Laurea yhteinen (Finnish)


  • Juha Uutela

Teacher in charge

Juha Uutela

Scheduling groups

  • Avoin AMK 1 (Size: 5. Open UAS: 5.)

Small groups

  • Avoin AMK 1

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- analyze environmental, social and economic responsibilities in service business
- develop sustainable practises in organisations

Teaching methods

Online study unit in Canvas.

The learning outcomes of the 5 ECTS study unit, Corporate Social Responsibility, are given below. After completing the study unit you are able to:

analyze environmental, social and economic responsibilities in service business
develop sustainable practices in an organisation
5 ECTS is equivalent to approximately 135 hours of student work.

The (Corporate Social Responsibility) study unit consists of the following modules:

Environmental responsibility
Social responsibility
Economic responsibility
CSR Report (teamwork)
You are able to study the first three modules (Environmental, Social and Economic responsibility) independently and at your own pace. These modules must be done in numerical order and they are assessed automatically. In these modules you will learn the basic principles of environmental, social and economic responsibility in business operations.

In the last module of the course you will collaborate in teams to analyse and come up with recommendations for improving sustainability in a case organisation's operations. Please study also the group work assignment already in the beginning so that you can start to form a team and to find a suitable company to analyse.

In addition to the assignments given in the modules, you will also keep a Learning Diary throughout the study unit. Please follow carefully the guidance for the Learning Diary.

Feedback and evaluation
The study unit will be evaluated based on your individual assignments, CSR Report and Learning Diary in the following way.

Environmental responsibility, individual work
Social Responsibility, individual work
Economic Responsibility, individual work
Each above mentioned individual modules are evaluated automatically as described below
You need to mark instructions completed, score at least 5 points from the Quizz, contribute to discussion area and return Learning Diary based on that module
CSR Report, team work (40%), maximum 50 points.
Learning Diary, individual work (60%), maximum 50 points.

Your individual input to discussions will be taken into consideration when calculating your final grade. Both Learning Diary and CSR Report must be done to pass the course. For the final evaluation following Laurea Grading Scheme is used.

Interaction and communication
There are no contact lessons during this study unit. You will work online, both individually and in teams, and actively participate in online discussions and carry out assignments.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Given by the lecturer in Canvas.

Alternative completion methods of implementation

In student teams you will write a CSR Report where you will describe the environmental, social and economic responsibilities including circular economy of an organization of your choice.

Co-operation with working life and/or RDI

Please, find or choose a small- or medium-sized company (SME*), interview a company representative and describe the company’s best practices in the above areas (environmental, social and economic).

Important dates

Orientation module will be in Canvas.
No meetings at school or in Teams.
No calendar reservations.
5 credits on students' own time.
CSR Report will be carried out in teams.

Students workload

5 credits on students' own time. CSR Report will be carried out in teams.

Content and scheduling

here are no contact lessons during this study unit. You will work online, both individually and in teams, and actively participate in online discussions and carry out assignments.

You are supposed to work with the Learning Diary during the whole study unit i.e. starting from the very first week.

You will be required to write reports individually and in teams. Please note that all reports are submitted automatically to Urkund for plagiarism detection.

You are required to compile all your contributions to any discussions in the individual Learning Diary.

See the schedule for more detailed information.

The study unit will be evaluated based on your individual assignments, active discussion on each topic, CSR Report and Learning Diary.

1. Our Earth, individual work, Pass/Fail

2. Social Responsibility, individual work, Pass/Fail

3. Economic Responsibility, individual work, Pass/Fail

4. CSR Report, team work (40%), grade 1-5

5. Learning Diary, individual work (60%), grade 1-5

Your individual assignments will be taken into consideration when calculating your final grade.

All these parts must be completed before the final grade is given. The final grade is lowered by at least 0.5 if any work is submitted late. Please note that active discussion is required during the discussion weeks. If you fail to take part in any discussions, you are required to write a summary of that week's discussion.

Grading scale


Evaluation methods and criteria

Detailed in Canvas. F - 5.

Further information

The learning outcomes of the study unit/project are evaluated based on the requirement level 2 of Laurea's common evaluation criteria.