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Service Design and Sustainability Project: Anticipating Future Skills Environments with AI Insight (15 op)

Toteutuksen tunnus: HL00BU34-3035

Toteutuksen perustiedot


27.11.2023 - 03.12.2023


15.01.2024 - 06.05.2024


15 op


15 op


15 op




Laurea Hyvinkää, liko


Laurea Verkkokampus


  • Englanti


5 - 8


  • Liiketalouden koulutus (HLB2), Laurea Hyvinkää


  • Pyry Airaksinen
  • Annemari Kuhmonen


Annemari Kuhmonen


  • HLBW
    Kansainvälinen vaihto / Liiketalous, Hyvinkää
  • HLB223KN
    Liiketalouden koulutus, projektijohtaminen, päivätoteutus, K23, Hyvinkää
  • HLB223KA
    Liiketalouden koulutus, oikeudellinen osaaminen, monimuotototeutus, K23, Hyvinkää


The student is able to
- plan, implement and evaluate a Service Design project with service design methods
- develop sustainable practices in organisations


Project Title: Anticipating Future Skills Environments with AI Insight
Project Description:
The team will delve into the dynamic shifts within future skill environments and their profound impact on continuous workplace learning. Through meticulous analysis, four compelling scenarios will be constructed:
Continuation Scenario: Unveiling the natural progression of current trends if left unaltered.
Positive Development Scenario: Illuminating an optimistic outlook where advancements lead to positive shifts in skills and continuous learning.
Negative Development Scenario: Presenting a cautionary narrative highlighting potential downturns in the skill landscape and continuous learning.
Catastrophic Scenario: Delving into the severe consequences for continuous learning if existing challenges escalate without effective interventions.
Key Project Activities:
In-Depth Market Research:
Undertake a thorough investigation into AI tools for skills data, aiming to comprehensively understand their capabilities.
Evaluate the effectiveness of these tools in precisely forecasting the dynamic evolution of skills needs over time.
Data-Driven Forecasting:
Identify emerging trends, signals, and scenarios using data-driven approaches to forecast potential skill shortages, with a specific focus on the export industry within the business sector.
Conference Article Creation:
Craft a comprehensive article for presentation at a conference, encapsulating the project's discoveries.
Provide actionable recommendations for small and medium-sized businesses in the export industry grappling with skill shortages.
Expected Outcomes:
This project aims to equip students with a comprehensive understanding of strategic foresight in anticipating future skills needs, leveraging the capabilities of AI tools. Students will possess a nuanced perspective on potential futures, ready to offer guidance on navigating and mitigating skill shortages.

The conference article represents the pinnacle of the research efforts, serving as a scholarly contribution to the field and offering valuable insights for businesses aiming to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of continuous workplace learning.

The project is completed in cooperation with a working life partner in a P2P learning environment. Working life partner is SURE Research, Development & Innovation (RDI) Project – Performance, Resilience and Vitality through Continuous Learning at Work.

The enrolled students will develop their competencies related to the study in question during this project implementation.

Interactive online implementation:
The project is conducted online and does not require attendance on campus. The project includes, in addition to teamwork, scheduled guidance online, which is not recorded and requires participation. An independently studied part (in Canvas) supports the project implementation. Studying requires active participation and commitment to interactive project work. You will receive individual feedback for assignments from the teacher, and working life or peer feedback are also utilised.

Project’s guidance and working sessions can be viewed in Timetable Engine / Tuudo. Communication practices are agreed on a project-specific basis.

Laurea reserves the right to make changes.

Quality of implementation has been evaluated and self-evaluation report is available Teams.




Projektissa syntyy vastaavaa osaamista kuin opintojaksolla R0216 Service Design ja Corporate Social Responsibility, joten suoritettuasi tämän opinnon et voi sisällyttää mainittuja opintojaksoja tutkintoon.