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Medication Treatment and Medication Calculations 1. (4 cr)

Code: SN00BS19-3010

General information


27.11.2023 - 03.12.2023


06.11.2023 - 01.02.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4 op

Virtual proportion

0.5 op

Mode of delivery

88 % Contact teaching, 12 % Distance learning


Laurea Otaniemi, sote


Laurea Otaniemi

Teaching languages

  • English


10 - 40

Degree programmes

  • SNG Degree Programme in Nursing (SNG), Laurea Otaniemi


  • Miska Mustonen
  • Meri Vuorinen
  • Irene Pylkkänen

Teacher in charge

Irene Pylkkänen


  • SNG223SN
    Degree Programme in Nursing, daytime studies (tailor-made), S23, Otaniemi

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- calculate medication doses correctly
- explain the legislation and information guidance related to medication treatment
- describe the basic principles of safe medication treatment
- describe the basics of medication treatment administered via enteral and local routes and as injections
- use different pharmaceutical databases

Teaching methods

Teachers Heidi Jokinen and Miska Mustonen

Part 1. Medication treatment theory 3cr (Irene)
Part 2. Medication calculations 0,5 cr (Irene)
Part 3. Workshops 0,5cr (100% presence) (Irene and others)

This will be scheduled in Pakki.
Group divisions will be discussed during the 1st lecture. Mandatory presence at the orientation.

Students workload

1cr = 27 hours of student's work
4cr = 108 hours

Part 1. Medication treatment theory 3cr = 81 hours of student's work

Part 2. Medication calculations 0,5 cr = 13,5 hours of student's work

Part 3. Workshops 0,5cr = 13,5 hours of student's work

Content and scheduling

Core content :
Medication treatment:
- Legislation regulating medication treatment
- Safe medication treatment processes and medication treatment plan
- Aseptic techniques in medication treatment
- The role, tasks and responsibility of nurses in medication treatment
- Forms and routes of medication administration
- Pharmaceutical service
- Pharmaceutical technology
- Basic knowledge of drug allergies and anaphylaxis

Medication calculations:
- Conversion of units
- calculating percentages
- solid and liquid medicine
- weight based calculations
- (basic) gas calculations

Workshop 1: dispensing medications
Workshop 2: giving injections

Grading scale


Evaluation criteria, fail (0)

Medication treatment theory, exam numeric grade 1-5
Medication calculations, exam Approved/Failed
Workshops, Approved/Failed