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Management of the Work Community and Team Activities (3 cr)

Code: SN00BS46-3002

General information


05.02.2024 - 28.04.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Laurea Lohja, sote


Laurea Lohja

Teaching languages

  • English


10 - 20

Degree programmes

  • Degree Programme in Nursing (SNF2), Laurea Lohja


  • Ann-Marie Suvisaari

Teacher in charge

Ann-Marie Suvisaari


  • SNF222SN
    Degree Programme in Nursing, daytime studies, S22, Lohja

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- describe the good practices of team management in health care environments
- act responsibly in challenging work community situations
- describe the laws and regulations governing quality management and information management in health care
- search for information that describes the quality of the services, use indicators and patient safety reports and explain their significance to support decision-making and management
- analyse factors affecting health care costs in health care environments
- analyse key factors and principles from the perspective of sustainable development in the health care environments
- describe how nurses can participate in ensuring the quality of nursing in their work community
- describe their role in building the organisation's brand, reputation and creating the customer service experience

Teaching methods

Orientation discussion in canvas before orientation!

The course consists of two modules with 2 lectures, active participating of canvas conversations, indipendent work and Basics of Health Care Accounting - online course .

Module 1: Operational Management in Nursing (2 ECTS)
• Management of nursing activities
• Risk prediction
• Sustainable development and its importance in the everyday life of nursing
• Nurse's cost awareness

Module2: Team Leadership in Nursing (1 ECTS)
• Leading a team in shift
• Team competence development
• Interaction within the team

Important dates

Orientation (compulsory)

Students workload

3 cr = 81 hours student work

Orientation discussion 2h
2 lectures
My personal leadership plan 27h
Indipendent work and joining discussions in canvas 45h

Grading scale


Evaluation methods and criteria

This study unit is evaluated numerically on a scale of T1-K5.
The overall grade of the course is formed as follows:
My Leadership Plan: T1-K5
Three discussion forums: Participate in forums as instructed: completed/incomplete = pass/fail
Oppiportti Basics of Health Care Accounting - online course: completed/incomplete = pass/fail