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Mental Health and Substance Abuse Nursing (6 op)

Toteutuksen tunnus: SN00BS32-3003

Toteutuksen perustiedot


05.02.2024 - 28.04.2024


6 op




Laurea Lohja, sote


Laurea Lohja


  • Englanti


10 - 20


  • Degree Programme in Nursing (SNF2), Laurea Lohja


  • Maija Aho


Maija Aho


  • SNF222SN
    Degree Programme in Nursing, daytime studies, S22, Lohja


The student is able to
- describe the most common mental health disorders in children, young people and adults and their main examination and treatment methods
- use evidence-based information and recommendations when justifying decisions, approaches and working methods used in mental health and substance abuse nursing care
- apply the principles of resource-oriented interaction in the care of a mental health and substance abuse clients and in supporting the significant others
- recognise the patient's difficult emotions, psychological strain, grief and crisis, and describe how to help the patient and their significant others to manage these difficult feelings
- describe the significance of the service system for mental health and substance abuse nursing , digital services and work in multiprofessional teams and networks
- describe the special features of medication treatment in mental health nursing
- explain the significance of ethical guidelines and legislation in mental health and substance abuse nursing
- recognise special features related to cultures and subcultures in mental health and substance abuse nursing
- analyse ethical questions related to mental health and substance abuse nursing
- analyse the significance of their own attitudes, perceptions and resources when implementing client-oriented nursing


A Canvas learning environment is used to support the implementation, but it is important to take part in teaching and guidance on campus according to schedule. The study unit is completed partly independently following a schedule for returning assingments / by a given deadline. The teaching is not recorded.

The study unit includes working in pairs or groups. The study unit requires active participation and commitment to interactive studying.

You will not receive individual feedback for assignments from the teacher: feedback is based on checking the accuracy of the assignments, giving out model answers after the assignments have been returned, and giving peer feedback.

Attendance is required at the orientation, seminar, simulations, workshop, and YleSH knowledge test.

