International Business (project) (15 op)
Toteutuksen tunnus: R0301-3019
Toteutuksen perustiedot
28.11.2022 - 04.12.2022
09.01.2023 - 31.05.2023
15 op
8 op
15 op
47 % Lähiopetus, 53 % Etäopetus
Laurea Hyvinkää, liko
Laurea Hyvinkää
- Englanti
1 - 15
- Laurea täydentävä osaaminen, amk-tutkinto (TOH2), Kauppa, hallinto ja oikeustieteet
Pyry Airaksinen
TOH222SYTäydentävä osaaminen (amk-tutkinto), S22, Kauppa, hallinto ja oikeustieteet
The student is able to
- evaluate the impact of the changing environment on business operations
- assess preconditions for internationalisation for a company
- search for information to assess market opportunities
- establish a market entry plan
- act situation-oriented in cross-cultural sales negotiations
International market entry and business development project.
The project is completed in cooperation with a working life partner in a P2P learning environment. The student is able to:
- evaluate the impact of the changing environment on business operations
- assess preconditions for internationalisation for a company
- search for information to assess market opportunities
- establish a market entry plan
- act situation-oriented in cross-cultural sales negotiations
- define internationalization strategies and determinants of success in exporting
- analyse internationalisation modes of companies in different sectors
The enrolled students will develop their competencies related to the study in question during this project implementation. The student will participate in project working as a senior level student.
Daytime learning:
An independently studied part supports the project implementation, but it is important to take part in project teamwork and guidance on campus according to schedule. Studying requires active participation and commitment to interactive project work. You will receive individual feedback for assignments from the teacher, and working life and peer feedback are also
Project’s guidance and working sessions can be viewed in Timetable Engine. Communication practices are agreed on a project-specific basis.
Laurea reserves the right to make changes.
Quality of implementation has been evaluated and self-evaluation report is available in Teams.