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Professional Communication in English (5 cr)

Code: R0243-3122

General information


27.11.2023 - 14.01.2024


01.01.2024 - 31.07.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual proportion

4.5 op

Mode of delivery

10 % Contact teaching, 90 % Distance learning


Laurea Lohja, liko


Laurea Lohja

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


20 - 40

Degree programmes

  • Liiketalouden koulutus (HLF2), Laurea Lohja (Finnish)


  • Jarmo Mikkonen

Teacher in charge

Jarmo Mikkonen


  • HLF223SA
    Liiketalouden koulutus, henkilöstöjohtaminen, monimuotototeutus, S23, Lohja

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- communicate as a professional in field-specific tasks and intercultural contexts
- produce effective spoken and written texts using an appropriate style and register
- demonstrate knowledge of essential terminology needed in working life
- apply principles of interpersonal and organizational communication

Teaching methods

The course consists of video material, written material, assignments (both oral and written) in English and classroom/online classes dealing with current and past economic events.
Please note: Some assignments are individual, others can be completed with a partner. Finding a suitable partner beforehand is recommended

Location and time

Online Zoom sessions & Lohja campus

Learning materials and recommended literature

The material consists of news articles, videos, research papers plus material provided by the teacher

Content and scheduling

Please see course Canvas timetable

Further information for students

Please note: Some assignments are individual, others can be completed with a partner. Finding a suitable partner beforehand is recommended

Grading scale


Evaluation criteria, approved/failed

Written report
Oral Presentation as a video
Exam on campus.
All part must be passed to pass the course. 40% of the exam required for pass.

Evaluation criteria, fail (0)

Below 40% score in test
Written report plagiarised, too short, content inadequate
Oral presentation not delivered

Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Test score 40-62%
Written report: basic content, grammar and spelling mistakes, little or no analysis
Oral presentation: shortish, content basic, delivery not fluent

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Test score 63-88%
Written report: good content, few mistakes, differentiates between opinions and facts, own analysis
Oral presentation: good length, good content, fluent delivery

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Test score 89-100%
Written report: excellent content, exhibits intimate knowledge of the topic, own analysis which concentrates on the essential factors of the case
Oral presentation: Engaging and confident delivery, excellent content, the speaker appears an expert on the topic.