Basics of Clinical Nursing (7 cr)
Code: SH00BS78-3015
General information
23.05.2022 - 29.05.2022
01.08.2022 - 31.12.2022
Number of ECTS credits allocated
7 op
Virtual proportion
1 op
Mode of delivery
86 % Contact teaching, 14 % Distance learning
Laurea Hyvinkää, sote
Laurea Hyvinkää
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 40
Degree programmes
- Sairaanhoitajakoulutus (SHB2), Laurea Hyvinkää (Finnish)
- Anne Laaksonen
- Johannes Koskinen
- Katja Laukkanen
- Terhi Hautaviita
Teacher in charge
Anne Laaksonen
SHB222SASairaanhoitajakoulutus, monimuotototeutus, S22, Hyvinkää
Learning outcomes
The student is able to
- apply research information and recommendations in supporting patient’s functional capacity, and caring for their vital functions and basic needs
- apply their knowledge of anatomy and physiology when rationalizing the methods supporting patient´s vital function
- justify, implement and interpret the main diagnostic tests and procedures required in monitoring patient´s vital functions as part of their care
- describe the main content of nutrition recommendations for different age and target groups and implement the recommendations in patient care
- describe factors that increase the risk of malnutrition and the principles of its prevention
- describe the principles and methods used in recognising and assessing patient´s pain, and implementing non-pharmacological pain management
- describe the responsibility and good practices in promoting patient and client safety
- implement aseptic techniques and apply the principles of infection control
- work ergonomically and use the available aids to transfer patients and prevent falls
- recognise a lifeless patient and perform basic resuscitation
- prepare a dead body with dignity
- support and assist significant others after death
- take samples and guide the patient while taking samples
- apply the nursing process when documenting in the patient information system and assess the relevancy, consistency and quality of the documented data
- act in First Aid situatios
Grading scale