Varhaiskasvatuksen lapsilähtöinen toimintaLaajuus (10 op)
Opinnon tunnus: TO00BU27
10 op
Opiskelija osaa
- kuvata lapsen kasvun, kehityksen ja oppimisen teoreettisia lähtökohtia ja osaa hyödyntää niitä tukevia menetelmiä lapsen tarpeiden mukaisesti
- soveltaa varhaiskasvatuksen pedagogista ymmärrystä ja sosiaalipedagogista työotetta toiminnassaan
- hyödyntää pedagogisen dokumentoinnin mahdollisuuksia lapsilähtöisessä toiminnassa
- suunnitella, toteuttaa ja arvioida pedagogista, luovaa, eheyttävää, ilmiöpohjaista toimintaa
20.05.2024 - 26.05.2024
01.10.2024 - 31.12.2024
10 op
10 op
Laurea Tikkurila, sote
Laurea Verkkokampus
- Englanti
40 - 60
- Laurea täydentävä osaaminen, amk-tutkinto (TOS2), Terveys- ja hyvinvointialat
- Henna Jalasmäki
- Kaisa Salminen
Henna Jalasmäki
SSYOV124SYEarly Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) Working Life Oriented Competence Module, Avoin AMK, S24, Tikkurila
CCS224SYComplementary competence (bachelor’s studies in English), S24, Health and welfare
TOS224SYTäydentävä osaaminen (amk-tutkinto), S24, Terveys- ja hyvinvointialat
Opiskelija osaa
- kuvata lapsen kasvun, kehityksen ja oppimisen teoreettisia lähtökohtia ja osaa hyödyntää niitä tukevia menetelmiä lapsen tarpeiden mukaisesti
- soveltaa varhaiskasvatuksen pedagogista ymmärrystä ja sosiaalipedagogista työotetta toiminnassaan
- hyödyntää pedagogisen dokumentoinnin mahdollisuuksia lapsilähtöisessä toiminnassa
- suunnitella, toteuttaa ja arvioida pedagogista, luovaa, eheyttävää, ilmiöpohjaista toimintaa
The course is part of the qualification of an early childhood education and care social pedagogue (varhaiskasvatuksen sosionomi).The lessons and workshops will take place online via Zoom. Attendance requirement at online lessons and workshops will be 80% / 100% to achieve the versatile theoretical and practical skills required for an early childhood education and care social pedagogue (varhaiskasvatuksen sosionomi).
The course includes individual, paired/ small group assignments, working life cooperation, home study and knowledge sharing seminars. Instructions for the assignments will be available at Canvas workspace a week before the course start.
The course includes three modules:
1) Theoretical corner stones and methods of growth, development and learning (4 cr)
2) Application of pedagogical and social pedagogical understanding (1 cr)
3) Planning, implementation and evaluation of a child-oriented project (5 cr)
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
- National Core Curriculum for Early Childhood Education and Care (2022):
- Act of Early Childhood Education and Care (2018)
Unofficial Translation:
- Convention on the Rights of the Child
- Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC / KARVI)
Other materials and literature to be used are announced at the start of the course in the course's Canvas workspace.
All materials will be available online.
Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat
Any competence that corresponds to the learning outcomes of the course can be included in it through recognition and accreditation of prior learning. The starting point is competence-based thinking: what matters is your competence itself, not how and where you acquired it. The procedures for the recognition and accreditation of prior learning are Recognition of prior studies and Demonstration of competence.
Where to start:
At first you would need to go carefully through the objectives, contents and assignments of the course to evaluate if there would be some entity / several entities where you already have know-how and competence? If yes, think how you can demonstrate your competence (e.g. earlier certificates, individual essay, short research or development project at your workplace, report, portfolio). Within one week of the start of the course contact the responsible teacher to arrange a Zoom meeting where we will discuss and identify your competence and agree on the method of demonstrating your competence.
If you are working in ECEC at the same time that studying it would be possible to find an alternative way to complete the course or some part of it by recognizing what information and skills you can learn (or have already learned) at your workplace.
Where to start?
At first you would need to go carefully through the objectives, contents and assignments of the course to analyze if there would be some entity / several entities which you can learn at your work place?
If yes, think how you can learn those things in practice and how you can demonstrate your competence (e.g. essay, short research or development project at your workplace, report, portfolio).
Within one week of the start of the course contact the responsible teacher to arrange a Zoom meeting where we will discuss and identify your work situation, general and personal goals and agree on the method of learning and demonstrating your competence.
Työelämäyhteistyö ja/tai TKI
The student has the opportunity to plan a creative, integrative and phenomenon-based project (5 cr) related to the course with a pair in an operating environment that suits them in cooperation with a work life partner.
Students obtain their project place themselves from a private or municipal early childhood
education services or an open early childhood education service, such as club activities, residents' and playgrounds, open daycare centers and open early childhood education activities. Students can also do the project at an internship or at their own workplace.
Toteutuksen tärkeät päivämäärät
The course starts on
1.10.2024 (14-17) online at Zoom. The first lesson is compulsory to everyone.
You will get the Zoom link and more information one week before the course starts (by email).
Other online lessons:
7.10.2024 (14-17)
21.10.2024 (14-17)
5.11.2024 (14-17)
10.12.2024 (14-17) project presentations, compulsory
In addition to the online lessons you will have meetings with your study peers online (you can set up the dates and times by yourself in connection with the assignment due dates).
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
The scope of the course is 10 credits and means for the student 270 hours spent studying. It is important that you write down the due dates of the assignments in your calendar and reserve enough time to study the themes and issues. The course has both individual and group assignments and the modules rhythm the progress of the studies.
The structure of the course:
1) Theoretical corner stones and methods of growth, development and learning (4 cr)
2) Application of pedagogical and social pedagogical understanding (1 cr)
3) Planning, implementation and evaluation of a child-oriented project (5 cr)
In the third module of the course, it is good to reserve enough time for planning and implementing a child-oriented project.
Sisältö ja sen jaksotus
The course is completed online by participating in the Zoom online meetings according to the schedule of the course and completing tasks related to the course. Attendance requirement at online lessons and workshops will be 80% / 100% to achieve the versatile theoretical and practical skills required for an early childhood education social pedagogue. The first and the last lesson are compulsory. Participation in the lectures is recommenced because the assignments and tasks are related to the topics of the lecture.
The study course consists of three entities, which involve online meetings via zoom, independent work, online assignments and project work. The course uses the Canvas workspace for communication and assignment feedback. Instructions for the assignments will be available at Canvas workspace a week before the course start. The study requires activity and commitment to interactive learning. In online meetings, the possibility to use a camera and a microphone is required.
Lisätietoja opiskelijoille
Goals of the course:
After this course a student can
-describe the theoretical corner stones of the child's growth, development and learning and know how to use the methods that support them in accordance with the child's needs
- apply the pedagogical understanding of early childhood education and the social pedagogical approach in their activities
- utilize the possibilities of pedagogical documentation in child-oriented activities
- plan, implement and evaluate pedagogical, creative, integrative, phenomenon-based activities
Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet
The evaluation of competence is based on the descriptions of objectives in the curricula, and the level of competence is assessed according to the evaluation criteria listed in the implementation plan for the studies. The assessment is based on Laurea's common evaluation criteria level II.
You demonstrate that you have met the learning outcomes set for the study unit/project by completing the tasks (e.g. project work, exercises, exams or demonstrations) according to the implementation plan. Instructions are given at the beginning of the study unit/project.
Various self-, peer and group evaluations or their combinations are used in evaluation.
In the difficulty levels of the evaluation framework, competence is described for levels H/1, 3 and 5. The resulting competence is assessed comprehensively. Good competence (3) also requires the achievement of satisfactory competence, and correspondingly, commendable competence (5) also requires the fulfillment of the evaluation criteria for satisfactory and good competence. If the competence does not fully reach a good level, but meets the criteria for a satisfactory level, a grade of 2 is assigned. Correspondingly, the student receives a grade of 4 if the competence is at a good level, but not yet commendable in all respects.
Hylätty (0)
All the tasks of the course must be successfully completed in order to receive a performance mark.
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)
The student can
- consistently uses professional concepts and demonstrates familiarity with the knowledge base
- report and communicate professionally
- act independently, taking into account the operating environment
- takes responsibility for working with the customer and/or partner and responding to their needs
- describe the importance of their own activities for the success of the cooperation
- describe their competence in relation to the competence objectives of the Study
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
The student can
- critically evaluate information and justify their actions with the help of researched information
- present solutions to professional tasks using creativity
- promote professional cooperation and develop customer or partner relationships
- promotes the group's entrepreneurial and responsible working approach with its activities
- describe the development of one's own competence in relation to the competence objectives of the Study
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)
The student can
- analyze the acquired information and draw conclusions and connect theoretical and experiential information to each other
- evaluate the applicability and effectiveness of the produced knowledge, skill or idea in other contexts
- anticipate the needs of the customer and/or partners
- evaluate and develop the group's entrepreneurial and responsible working approach
- evaluate the possibilities of utilizing skills and plan your own and the group's development
28.11.2022 - 12.12.2022
05.01.2023 - 06.06.2023
10 op
8 op
3 op
20 % Lähiopetus, 80 % Etäopetus
Laurea Tikkurila, sote
Laurea Tikkurila
- Englanti
0 - 30
- Degree Programme in Social Services (SWF2), Laurea Lohja
- Degree Programme in Social Services (SWV2), Laurea Tikkurila
- Complementary competence, bachelor's studies in English (CCS2), Health and welfare
- Kati Rintakorpi
- Kaisa Salminen
Kati Rintakorpi
- Avoin AMK (Koko: 7. Avoin AMK: 7.)
SWF221SNDegree Programme in Social Services, daytime studies, S21, Lohja
SWV220SNDegree Programme in Social Services, daytime studies, S20, Tikkurila
SWV221SNDegree Programme in Social Services, daytime studies, S21, Tikkurila
CCS222SYComplementary competence (bachelor’s studies), S22, Health and welfare
- Avoin AMK
Opiskelija osaa
- kuvata lapsen kasvun, kehityksen ja oppimisen teoreettisia lähtökohtia ja osaa hyödyntää niitä tukevia menetelmiä lapsen tarpeiden mukaisesti
- soveltaa varhaiskasvatuksen pedagogista ymmärrystä ja sosiaalipedagogista työotetta toiminnassaan
- hyödyntää pedagogisen dokumentoinnin mahdollisuuksia lapsilähtöisessä toiminnassa
- suunnitella, toteuttaa ja arvioida pedagogista, luovaa, eheyttävää, ilmiöpohjaista toimintaa
The course is part of the qualification of an early childhood education and care social pedagogue / teacher (varhaiskasvatuksen sosionomi / opettaja).
The lessons and workshops will take place online via Zoom. Attendance requirement at online lessons and workshops will be 80% / 100% to achieve the versatile theoretical and practical skills required for an early childhood education social pedagogue / teacher.
The course includes individual, paired and small group assignments, working life cooperation, home study and knowledge sharing seminars. Instructions for the assignments will be available at Canvas workspace a week before the course start.
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
Core Curriculum for Early Childhood Education and Care (2018)
Recommended to buy (you will need it throughout your studies and work in early education) online from National Agency for Education, price 20 €:
Other literature is openly available online - will be informed when the course starts.
Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat
Any competence that corresponds to the learning outcomes of the course can be included in it through recognition and accreditation of prior learning. The starting point is competence-based thinking: what matters is your competence itself, not how and where you acquired it. The procedures for the recognition and accreditation of prior learning are Recognition of prior studies and Demonstration of competence.
Where to start:
At first you would need to go carefully through the objectives, contents and assignments of the course to evaluate if there would be some entity / several entities where you already have know-how and competence? If yes, think how you can demonstrate your competence (e.g. earlier certificates, individual essay, short research or development project at your workplace, report, portfolio). Within one week of the start of the course contact the responsible teacher to arrange a Zoom meeting where we will discuss and identify your competence and agree on the method of demonstrating your competence.
If you are working in ECEC at the same time that studying it would be possible to find an alternative way to complete the course or some part of it by recognizing what information and skills you can learn (or have already learned) at your workplace.
Where to start?
At first you would need to go carefully through the objectives, contents and assignments of the course to analyze if there would be some entity / several entities which you can learn at your work place?
If yes, think how you can learn those things in practice and how you can demonstrate your competence (e.g. essay, short research or development project at your workplace, report, portfolio).
Within one week of the start of the course contact the responsible teacher to arrange a Zoom meeting where we will discuss and identify your work situation, general and personal goals and agree on the method of learning and demonstrating your competence.
Työelämäyhteistyö ja/tai TKI
Child-oriented project in day care (kindergarten / open day care / family day care) in private or public sector. The practical project is carried out in pairs. The assignment consists of planning, implementing, evaluating, reporting and presenting the project.
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
The course requires attendance on 5 x 3 hour online lessons via Zoom > active participation required.
Other parts of the course can be studied & implemented freely by the students in the given course timeline. Project work should be implemented 3–5 times in daycare, about 0,5–1 hour per time. For pair works (essay, project) the students need to fix their schedules to fit with each other.
The total scope of the course is 270 hours of student's work.
*1 ECTC means about 27 hours work load for student
Sisältö ja sen jaksotus
Module 1: Theoretical cornerstones on child-oriented activities (2 cr)
Lectures and an individual essay
Module 2: Creativity, play and participation in early childhood education (3 cr)
Lectures and a pair essay
Module 3: Child-oriented project (5 cr)
Planning, implementating, evaluating, reporting and presenting a practical project, pair work (4 cr)
Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet
Module 1: Individual essay (2 cr) (grade: fail–1–5)
Module 2: Pair essay (3 cr) (grade: fail–1–5)
Module 3: Planning, implementating, evaluating, reporting and presenting a practical project, pair work (5 cr) (grade: fail–1–5)
Competence assessment focuses on the goal descriptions of the curricula, and the level of competence is assessed based on the evaluation criteria stated in the Study Implementation Plan (Laurea's degree regulations).
Assignments have a return period until the end of March 2023, and evaluations will be done in April 2023..
A student who has not completed the tasks or exams set to pass the course must supplement or renew his/her performance in the manner specified by the teacher of the study course and within the time specified by the teacher. A failed exam or other performance can be renewed twice. Not participating in the actual exam is counted as one performance. (Laurea degree rules.)
Students are expected to follow good scientific practices, which includes proper referencing of sources. Familiarize yourself and ask about practices if necessary. Study assignments are done as individual work, in pairs or small groups (instructed in each assignment separately).
In the evaluation of the study, the criteria according to requirement level II of the competence evaluation framework for a master's degree student are used:
At grade 5 level, the student can:
- analyze the acquired information and draw conclusions and connect theoretical and experiential information to each other
At grade 3 level, the student can:
- critically evaluate information and justify their actions with the help of researched information
At grade 1 (H) level, the student can:
- consistently uses professional concepts and demonstrates familiarity with the knowledge base
- report and communicate professionally
At grade 5 level, the student can:
- evaluate the applicability and effectiveness of the produced knowledge, skill or idea in other contexts
- anticipate the needs of the customer and/or partners
At grade 3 level, the student can:
- present solutions to professional tasks using creativity
- promote professional cooperation and develop customer or partner relationships
At grade 1 (H) level, the student can:
- act independently, taking into account the operating environment
- takes responsibility for working with the customer and/or partner and responding to their needs
At grade 5 level, the student can:
- evaluate and develop the group's entrepreneurial and responsible working approach
- evaluate the possibilities of utilizing skills and plan your own and the group's development
At grade 3 level, the student can:
- promotes the group's entrepreneurial and responsible working approach with its activities
- describe the development of one's own competence in relation to the competence objectives of the Study
At grade 1 (H) level, the student can:
- describe the importance of their own activities for the success of the cooperation
- describe their competence in relation to the competence objectives of the Study
A student who has not demonstrated his competence at the accepted level required by the evaluation criteria must supplement or renew his performance in the manner specified by the teacher of the course and within the time specified by the teacher. A failed exam or other performance can be renewed twice. Not participating in the actual exam is counted as one performance. (Laurea degree rules.)