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Service Design in Digital Context (5 op)

Toteutuksen tunnus: A9310-3002

Toteutuksen perustiedot


18.05.2020 - 09.08.2020


01.08.2020 - 31.12.2020


5 op


4 op


5 op


20 % Lähiopetus, 80 % Etäopetus


Korkeakouluyksikkö D /YAMK


Laurea Leppävaara


  • Englanti


25 - 31


  • Complementary competence, master’s studies in English (CYJ2), Generic studies


  • Päivi Tossavainen
  • Antti Kytö


  • CYJ20SJ
    Complementary competence (master’s studies in English), S20, Generic studies


The student is able to
- discuss how to create digital service and basics of interaction design
- use service design skills in designing digital service
- analyse clients digital strategy in the service design perspective
- work with co-workers and clients in co-creative digital service projects
- manage digital service design projects


In this study unit students learn basics of digital service design related topics: user-experience design (UX Design), interaction design (IXD), user-interface design (UI Design) and digital prototyping. Students form small design teams (3-4 persons) to work with a real client whose service is / will be strongly delivered in digital channels. Students present their work and digital service prototypes as a pitch talk in final seminar.
The client will be announced in the first contact session and final seminar.

NOTE: As students collaborate closely together, student must be present and participate each contact session to complete this study unit successfully.

Aika ja paikka

As students collaborate closely together, student must be present and participate each contact session to complete this study unit successfully.

NOTE! For now, it is uncertain if the contact sessions will be virtual or at Laurea Leppävaara campus because of the Corona virus pandemia. However, mandatory contact days and times are listed below:

Day 1: Saturday 5.9. 20 at 9-16.30
Day 2: Thursday 1.10.20 at 9-16.30
Day 3: Friday 6.11.20 at 18.00 -21.00 - possibly at the premises of the client in the centre of Helsinki.

The absolute deadline for the Project Assignment is Sunday 1.11.2020.

Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus

The literature list will be provided later.

Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat

This study unit is once a year available, and there is no optional way to complete the study unit.

Työelämäyhteistyö ja/tai TKI

Students work with a client to solve client's challenges in digital service context.

Toteutuksen tärkeät päivämäärät

See above

Kansainvälisyys toteutuksella

International student group

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

5 ects credits = 135 hours (1 credit = 27 hours of work)
Group work and independent work - notice the timeline.

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

Opintojakso toteututetaan englanniksi.
This course is for the master degree students only.
As students deepen their service design skills into digital context, the following completed study units are prerequisites into this study unit :
- Design Thinking A9299
- Service Design Process and Methods A9303
- Methods of Service Design A9408



Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

The study unit is evaluated based on teamwork and individual learning diary. The team work consists 40% and individual learning diary 60% of the final grade.

The team work is formulased from visual report of the process, which includes the final service concept. The visual report should include the service design process, business model, value propotition, prototype, usertesting report and future development ideas. The visual report is evaluated based on general evaluation criteria.

The Learning diary should reflect the learning objectives of the study unit.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)

Knowledge base:
To gather, process, produce and evaluate information critically and widely making use of both national and international scientific
To use concepts of the area of expertise fairly.
Problem solving:
To solve problems in research, development and/or innovation activities by applying and combining information from different fields.
To create target-oriented, justified development plans considering the community.
To communicate in a competent, clear and consistent manner both orally and in writing.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

Knowledge base:
To create a consistent framework/knowledge base making use of both national and international scientific sources in a critical analytic
Problem solving:
To solve demanding problems in research, development and/or innovation activities where new knowledge and competence is created
as well as to apply and combine information from different fields.
To develop the activities of the competence area in a target-oriented and communal fashion.
To communicate convincingly both orally and in writing to audiences within and exterior to the field.