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Supporting Sensory Functions (5 cr)

Code: G8362-3001

General information


26.11.2018 - 02.12.2018


15.01.2019 - 22.03.2019

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

RDI proportion

2 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Laurea Otaniemi

Teaching languages

  • English
  • Finnish


20 - 45

Degree programmes

  • Fysioterapeuttikoulutus (SFG2), Laurea Otaniemi (Finnish)


  • Kati Nykänen
  • Irma Karhu
  • Tapani Risto

Teacher in charge

Kati Nykänen


  • SFG217SN
    Fysioterapeuttikoulutus, päivätoteutus, S17, Otaniemi

Learning outcomes

The student is able to:
- describe the impact of disorders or defects in sensory functions on the client’s functional ability and mobility
- apply their expertise in physiotherapy and improve the client’s functioning functional ability and mobility taking into account the disorders of the central and peripheral nervous systems and the client’s resources
- evaluate the client’s functional capacity and changes to this as well as the effectiveness of physiotherapy

Teaching methods

In this course student will learn of the basics of neurophysiology and physiotherapy of the most common neurological conditions. Study includes contact lecturers, visit to Heureka the Finnish Science Centre, independent studying with study materials and working with own client under teachers supervision. The course includes workshops, where is 100% attendance.

Location and time

Orientation to the course is 15th January 2019 at 9am at Otaniemi campus. See other contact dates from timetable. Studies are from January to March 2019.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Carr J & Shepherd R. 2010. Neurological Rehabilitation – Optimizing Motor Performance. 2nd edition. Churchill Livingstone.
Fysioterapeuttiliiton Fysioterapiasuositukset, Parkinson potilaan fysioterapia
Jehkonen, M., Saunamäki, T., Paavola, L. & Vilkki, J. (toim.). 2015. Kliininen neuropsykologia. Duodecim. Osiot:
Havaintotoiminnot ja tarkkaavuuden häiriöt ss. 58-71 (ei neuropsyk. testit)
Toiminnanohjauksen häiriöt ss. 73-85 (ei neuropsyk. testit)
Näköön liittyvät toiminnot ja näköhavainnon häiriöt ss. 104-127 (ei neuropsyk. testit)
Ääni- ja puhetoiminnot sekä kielelliset häiriöt ss. 128-137 ja 142-143 (Afasiasta toipuminen)
Muistitoiminnot ja niiden häiriöt ss. 86-103 (ei neuropsyk. testit)
Tahdonalaisten liikkeiden häiriöt eli apraksiat ss. 152-166
Tunne-elämän ja käyttäytymisen säätelyn muutokset ss. 167-178
Kauranen K. 2017. Fysioterapeutin käsikirja. SanomaPro. Helsinki. ss. 299-422.
Käypä Hoito –suositus: Aivoinfarkti ja TIA
Käypä Hoito –suositus: Aivovammat
Käypä Hoito –suositus: MS–tauti
Käypä Hoito –suositus : Parkinsonin tauti
Käypä Hoito –suositus : Selkäydinvamma
Käypä Hoito -suositus: Muistisairaudet
Shumway-Cook A, & Woollacott MH. 2012. Motor control. Translating research into clinical practice. 4th edition. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins op.
Soinila S, Kaste M, Somer H (toim.). 2006. Neurologia. 2nd edition. Duodecim. Gummerus Kirjapaino Oy. Jyväskylä.

Important dates

It is highly recommended that students will take part of the Mind your brain -exhibition on 1st of February at 10-14 Heureka, the Finnish Science Centre (Tiedepuisto 1, 01300 Vantaa). Student fee is 15€ / student when the groups size is more than 20 students. Student need to pay the fee himself/herself.

Forms of internationality

Study is suitable for exchange students.

Students workload

Studies includes attendance in lecturers and workshops in Otaniemi Campus as well as indepnedent studying. Own clients are seen on Wednesdays between 10-12 am from 30th January to 20th March 2019 (8 times). 5 credit units means total of 135 hours of work for students.

Grading scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Student is able to use
- essential professional concepts when explaining various work practices and situations
– search for information in different sources
– report of his/her own client
– work under guidance using the skills and methods learned
– interact with customers and/or co-operation partners
– receive guidance
– work in pairs with the own client
– plan the progress of his/her work and use of time under guidance
– work safely and in accordance with the professional code of conduct
– follow the provided instructions and rules

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Student is able to
- use professional concepts in a consistent manner when explaining various work practices and situations
- gather information and use his/her knowledge basis
- report in the agreed manner
- work using the skills and methods learned
– engage in professional interaction with customers and/or co-operation partners and identify their needs
– take part in guidance and utilise it
– engage in goal-oriented work with his/her pair
– plan and manage the progress of his/her work and use of time
– detect safety -related risks
– justify his/her actions in accordance with the professional code of conduct

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Student is able to
– use professional concepts extensively
– compare and choose relevant information
– report and communicate in a professional manner
– work independently, using the skills and methods learned
– take responsibility for interaction with customers and/or co-operation partners and for responding to their needs
– anticipate his/her need for guidance
– promote the team’s work and team spirit (in this course in pairs)
– manage his/her time appropriately, completing the agreed tasks at the required quality level
– work responsibly, applying the skills and methods learned
– plan and evaluate their work, taking safety and/or ethical aspects into consideration