Management Accounting and Control in ServiceLaajuus (5 cr)
Study unit code: A9305
5 op
Learning outcomes
The student is able to
- explain the importance of cost accounting and budgeting for decision making
- use key performance indicators in the service development context
- analyse customer profitability
- develop value-based pricing
25.11.2024 - 03.02.2025
10.02.2025 - 30.04.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual proportion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
30 Ylemmät ammattikorkeakoulututkinnot
Laurea Virtual Campus
Teaching languages
- English
40 - 50
Degree programmes
- Complementary competence, master’s studies in English (CYJ2), Generic studies
- Complementary competence, Master’s studies (TYJ), Generic Studies
- Kaija Koivusalo
Teacher in charge
Kaija Koivusalo
TYJ24SJTäydentävä osaaminen (yamk-tutkinto), S24, yhteiset opinnot
CYJ24SJComplementary competence (master’s studies in English), S24, Generic studies
Learning outcomes
The student is able to
- explain the importance of cost accounting and budgeting for decision making
- use key performance indicators in the service development context
- analyse customer profitability
- develop value-based pricing
Teaching methods
This course includes Zoom sessions, individual Excel assignments, and team work on a chosen topic.
Location and time
Online Zoom sessions:
Learning materials and recommended literature
Suggestions, Management Accounting books:
Drury, Colin. Management and Cost Accounting
Gowthorpe, Catherine. Management accounting
Atrill, Peter. Accounting and finance for non-specialists.
Find books on Management Accounting (not Financial Accounting). You need a basic book on management accounting for the orientation and module 1 assignments.
Articles, videos and podcast links will be given when the course starts.
Students workload
5 ECTS = 135 hours of student work
The course is divided into five modules. Estimated time required:
1. Orientation and Introduction to Management Accounting: 10 hours
2. Cost Accounting and Pricing (Excel assignments and discussion): 15 hours
3. Budgeting and Control (Excel budgets for case company): 35 hours
4. Essay: 40 hours
5. Team work, presentation, peer review: 35 hours
Content and scheduling
1 Orientation, management accounting basics, info about the assignments on cost accounting and budgeting
2 Workshop Cost accounting
3 Workshop Budgeting
4 Team presentations
Further information for students
This accounting course is for students studying in different master's programmes. Students who have no background in accounting are also welcome. This course is about learning to "speak the language of accounting" which is the language of the management.
You will learn to explain the importance of cost accounting and budgeting for decision making, and you will learn to make Excel budgets for a small company.You will learn about different key performance indicators in the service development context, how customer profitability can be analysed, and you will develop your skills in cost accounting and pricing.
Grading scale
Evaluation methods and criteria
The final grade for this course is a weighted average of your assignments. The weights are:
Individual assignments: 70%
Team work: 30%
Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Student is able
Knowledge base:
To gather, process, produce and evaluate information widely. To use concepts of the area of expertise systematically.
Problem solving:
To solve problems in research, development and/or innovation activities.
To recognise and analyse focuses of development making use of the knowledge base.
To communicate clearly both orally and in writing.
Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)
Student is able
Knowledge base:
To gather, process, produce and evaluate information critically and widely making use of both national and international scientific sources. To use concepts of the area of expertise fairly.
Problem solving:
To solve problems in research, development and/or innovation activities by applying and combining information from different fields.
To create target-oriented, justified development plans considering the community.
To communicate in a competent, clear and consistent manner both orally and in writing.
Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)
Student is able
Knowledge base:
To create a consistent framework/knowledge base making use of both national and international scientific sources in a critical analytic fashion.
Problem solving:
To solve demanding problems in research, development and/or innovation activities where new knowledge and competence is created as well as to apply and combine information from different fields.
To develop the activities of the competence area in a target-oriented and communal fashion
To communicate convincingly both orally and in writing to audiences within and exterior to the field.
04.12.2023 - 12.01.2024
29.02.2024 - 30.04.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual proportion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Korkeakouluyksikkö D /YAMK
Laurea Virtual Campus
Teaching languages
- English
40 - 50
Degree programmes
- Complementary competence, master’s studies in English (CYJ2), Generic studies
- Complementary competence, Master’s studies (TYJ), Generic Studies
- Kaija Koivusalo
Teacher in charge
Kaija Koivusalo
Scheduling groups
- Avoin AMK 1 (Size: 5. Open UAS: 5.)
TYJ23SJTäydentävä osaaminen (yamk-tutkinto), S23, yhteiset opinnot
CYJ23SJComplementary competence (master’s studies in English), S23, Generic studies
Small groups
- Avoin AMK 1
Learning outcomes
The student is able to
- explain the importance of cost accounting and budgeting for decision making
- use key performance indicators in the service development context
- analyse customer profitability
- develop value-based pricing
Teaching methods
This course includes Zoom sessions, individual Excel assignments, and team work on a chosen topic.
Location and time
Online Zoom sessions:
Thursday 29.2. at 16.30-20.00
Thursday 21.3. at 16.30-19.30
Tuesday 16.4. at 16.30-19.30
Tuesday 23.4. at 16.30-19.30
Learning materials and recommended literature
Suggestions, Management Accounting books:
Drury, Colin. Management and Cost Accounting
Gowthorpe, Catherine. Management accounting
Atrill, Peter. Accounting and finance for non-specialists.
Find books on Management Accounting (not Financial Accounting). You need a basic book on management accounting for the orientation and module 1 assignments.
Articles, videos and podcast links will be given when the course starts.
Students workload
5 ECTS = 135 hours of student work
The course is divided into five modules. Estimated time required:
1. Orientation and Introduction to Management Accounting: 10 hours
2. Cost Accounting and Pricing (Excel assignments and discussion): 15 hours
3. Budgeting and Control (Excel budgets for case company): 35 hours
4. Essay: 40 hours
5. Team work, presentation, peer review: 35 hours
Content and scheduling
29.2. at 16.30-20.00 Orientation, management accounting basics, info about the assignments on cost accounting and budgeting
21.3. at 16.30-19.30 Workshop Cost accounting
16.4. at 16.30-19.30 Workshop Budgeting
23.4. at 16.30-19.30 Team presentations
Further information for students
This accounting course is for students studying in different master's programmes. Students who have no background in accounting are also welcome. This course is about learning to "speak the language of accounting" which is the language of the management.
You will learn to explain the importance of cost accounting and budgeting for decision making, and you will learn to make Excel budgets for a small company.You will learn about different key performance indicators in the service development context, how customer profitability can be analysed, and you will develop your skills in cost accounting and pricing.
Grading scale
Evaluation methods and criteria
The final grade for this course is a weighted average of your assignments. The weights are:
Individual assignments: 70%
Team work: 30%
Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Student is able
Knowledge base:
To gather, process, produce and evaluate information widely. To use concepts of the area of expertise systematically.
Problem solving:
To solve problems in research, development and/or innovation activities.
To recognise and analyse focuses of development making use of the knowledge base.
To communicate clearly both orally and in writing.
Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)
Student is able
Knowledge base:
To gather, process, produce and evaluate information critically and widely making use of both national and international scientific sources. To use concepts of the area of expertise fairly.
Problem solving:
To solve problems in research, development and/or innovation activities by applying and combining information from different fields.
To create target-oriented, justified development plans considering the community.
To communicate in a competent, clear and consistent manner both orally and in writing.
Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)
Student is able
Knowledge base:
To create a consistent framework/knowledge base making use of both national and international scientific sources in a critical analytic fashion.
Problem solving:
To solve demanding problems in research, development and/or innovation activities where new knowledge and competence is created as well as to apply and combine information from different fields.
To develop the activities of the competence area in a target-oriented and communal fashion
To communicate convincingly both orally and in writing to audiences within and exterior to the field.
13.12.2022 - 09.01.2023
28.02.2023 - 28.04.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual proportion
5 op
RDI proportion
2 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Korkeakouluyksikkö D, Leppävaara, tiko
Laurea Virtual Campus
Teaching languages
- English
40 - 50
Degree programmes
- Complementary competence, master’s studies in English (CYJ2), Generic studies
- Kaija Koivusalo
Teacher in charge
Kaija Koivusalo
Scheduling groups
- Avoin AMK (Size: 5. Open UAS: 5.)
CYJ23KJComplementary competence (master’s studies in English), K23, Generic studies
Small groups
Learning outcomes
The student is able to
- explain the importance of cost accounting and budgeting for decision making
- use key performance indicators in the service development context
- analyse customer profitability
- develop value-based pricing
Teaching methods
This course includes Zoom sessions, individual Excel assignments, writing and essay, and team work on a chosen topic.
Location and time
Online Zoom sessions:
Tuesday 28.2. at 16.30-19.30
Tuesday 14.3. at 16.30-19.30
Tuesday 25.4. at 16.30-19.30
Thursday 27.4. at 16.30-19.30
Learning materials and recommended literature
Suggestions, Management Accounting books:
Drury, Colin. Management and Cost Accounting
Gowthorpe, Catherine. Management accounting
Atrill, Peter. Accounting and finance for non-specialists.
Find books on Management Accounting (not Financial Accounting). You need a basic book on management accounting for the orientation and module 1 assignments.
Articles, videos and podcast links will be given when the course starts.
Students workload
5 ECTS = 135 hours of student work
The course is divided into five modules. Estimated time required:
1. Orientation and Introduction to Management Accounting: 10 hours
2. Cost Accounting and Pricing (Excel assignments and discussion): 15 hours
3. Budgeting and Control (Excel budgets for case company): 35 hours
4. Essay: 40 hours
5. Team work, presentation, peer review: 35 hours
Content and scheduling
28.2. at 16.30-19.30 Orientation, management accounting basics, info about the assignments
14.3. at 16.30-19.30 Cost accounting, Budgeting
25.4. at 16.30-19.30 Workshop
27.4. at 16.30-19.30 Team presentations
Further information for students
This accounting course is for students studying in different master's programmes. Students who have no background in accounting are also welcome. This course is about learning to "speak the language of accounting" which is the language of the management.
You will learn to explain the importance of cost accounting and budgeting for decision making, and you will learn to make Excel budgets for a small company.You will learn about different key performance indicators in the service development context, how customer profitability can be analysed, and you will develop your skills in cost accounting and pricing.
Grading scale
Evaluation methods and criteria
The final grade for this course is a weighted average of your assignments. The weights are:
Orientation: pass/fail
Modules 1, 2 and 3 (Individual assignments): 40%
Module 4 (Individual essay): 30%
Module 5 (Team work): 30%
Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Student is able
Knowledge base:
To gather, process, produce and evaluate information widely. To use concepts of the area of expertise systematically.
Problem solving:
To solve problems in research, development and/or innovation activities.
To recognise and analyse focuses of development making use of the knowledge base.
To communicate clearly both orally and in writing.
Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)
Student is able
Knowledge base:
To gather, process, produce and evaluate information critically and widely making use of both national and international scientific sources. To use concepts of the area of expertise fairly.
Problem solving:
To solve problems in research, development and/or innovation activities by applying and combining information from different fields.
To create target-oriented, justified development plans considering the community.
To communicate in a competent, clear and consistent manner both orally and in writing.
Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)
Student is able
Knowledge base:
To create a consistent framework/knowledge base making use of both national and international scientific sources in a critical analytic fashion.
Problem solving:
To solve demanding problems in research, development and/or innovation activities where new knowledge and competence is created as well as to apply and combine information from different fields.
To develop the activities of the competence area in a target-oriented and communal fashion
To communicate convincingly both orally and in writing to audiences within and exterior to the field.