Pricing in Service BusinessLaajuus (5 cr)
Study unit code: A9388
5 op
Teaching language
- English
Learning outcomes
The student is able to
- adapt to the current change from cost focus to customer value orientation
- explain the theory and research concerning pricing of services
- price new services using traditional pricing methods
- apply innovative pricing methods and tools in practice
31.03.2025 - 06.04.2025
01.05.2025 - 31.08.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual proportion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
30 Ylemmät ammattikorkeakoulututkinnot
Laurea Virtual Campus
Teaching languages
- English
40 - 50
Degree programmes
- Complementary competence, master’s studies in English (CYJ2), Generic studies
- Complementary competence, Master’s studies (TYJ), Generic Studies
- Otto Mäkelä
- Apramey Dube
Teacher in charge
Otto Mäkelä
TYJ24SJTäydentävä osaaminen (yamk-tutkinto), S24, yhteiset opinnot
CYJ24SJComplementary competence (master’s studies in English), S24, Generic studies
Learning outcomes
The student is able to
- adapt to the current change from cost focus to customer value orientation
- explain the theory and research concerning pricing of services
- price new services using traditional pricing methods
- apply innovative pricing methods and tools in practice
Grading scale
01.04.2024 - 07.04.2024
01.05.2024 - 31.08.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual proportion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Korkeakouluyksikkö D, Leppävaara, liko
Laurea Virtual Campus
Teaching languages
- English
40 - 50
Degree programmes
- Complementary competence, master’s studies in English (CYJ2), Generic studies
- Complementary competence, Master’s studies (TYJ), Generic Studies
- Otto Mäkelä
- Apramey Dube
Teacher in charge
Apramey Dube
TYJ23SJTäydentävä osaaminen (yamk-tutkinto), S23, yhteiset opinnot
CYJ23SJComplementary competence (master’s studies in English), S23, Generic studies
Learning outcomes
The student is able to
- adapt to the current change from cost focus to customer value orientation
- explain the theory and research concerning pricing of services
- price new services using traditional pricing methods
- apply innovative pricing methods and tools in practice
Teaching methods
This is an online study unit (Canvas) which starts in May and ends in August 2024.
Location and time
Online, Canvas learning environment.
Learning materials and recommended literature
A list of recommended reading will be published in Canvas.
Alternative completion methods of implementation
All students are entitled to demonstrate their competence. The recognition and accreditation of prior competence is initiated by the students themselves. The competence is recognised and accredited by the teacher responsible for the studies or another person designated to the position. The assessment is carried out according to the same assessment criteria and, as a rule, same grading scale as that adopted for the corresponding study unit or module. The student is entitled to apply for accreditation of prior competence regardless of where, how and when the competence has been acquired. The student may also seek accreditation of competence to be acquired on the job as part of their degree (work-based learning). The student is responsible for demonstrating and verifying their competence and for providing sufficient information.
Important dates
Orientation May (Introductory session in May on Zoom, will be recorded)
Module 1 Pricing methods and revenue streams. May & June
Module 2 How to build a pricing strategy? June
Module 3 Dynamic pricing. July & August
Active participation in online discussions is required.
The return dates for assignments will be informed in the Canvas learning environment.
There will be a team project during the summer, which is returned in August. In August there will be final discussions, peer review and you will return your final learning diary.
Students workload
5 ECTS = approximately 135 student working hours
Content and scheduling
Orientation and learning diary
Module 1 Pricing methods and revenue streams
Module 2 How to build a pricing strategy?
Module 3 Dynamic pricing
Further information for students
This study unit is for Master level students (YAMK) only. Bachelor level students cannot enroll to this course.
The study unit corresponds to the requirements of Master's level education.
Quota for open UAS and 3AMK: TBA
The quality of the study unit implementation has been assessed and the self-evaluation report is available in Canvas.
Grading scale
Evaluation methods and criteria
Individual assignments (50%):
Orientation (pass/fail)
Learning Diary (1-5)
Module 1. Pricing methods and revenue streams (pass/fail)
Team assignments (50%):
Module 2. How to build a pricing strategy? (pass/fail)
Module 3. Dynamic pricing (1-5)
All staff and students of Laurea are expected to adhere to good scientific practices, which includes appropriate referencing.
Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
To achieve grade 1 (satisfactory) the student must be able to:
- gather, process, produce and evaluate information widely. (Knowledge base)
- use concepts of the area of expertise systematically. (Knowledge base)
- solve problems in research, development and/or innovation activities. (Problem solving)
- recognise and analyse focuses of development making use of the knowledge base. (Development)
- communicate clearly both orally and in writing. (Communication)
Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)
To achieve grade 3 (good) the student must be able to:
- gather, process, produce and evaluate information critically and widely making use of both national and international scientific sources. (Knowledge base)
- use concepts of the area of expertise fairly. (Knowledge base)
- solve problems in research, development and/or innovation activities by applying and combining information from different fields. (Problem solving)
- create target-oriented, justified development plans considering the community. (Development)
- communicate in a competent, clear and consistent manner both orally and in writing. (Communication)
Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)
To achieve grade 5 (excellent) the student must be able to:
- create a consistent framework/knowledge base making use of both national and international scientific sources in a critical analytic fashion. (Knowledge base)
- solve demanding problems in research, development and/or innovation activities where new knowledge and competence is created as well as to apply and combine information from different fields. (Problem solving)
- develop the activities of the competence area in a target-oriented and communal fashion. (Development)
- communicate convincingly both orally and in writing to audiences within and exterior to the field. (Communication)
03.04.2023 - 09.04.2023
08.05.2023 - 31.08.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual proportion
5 op
RDI proportion
2 op
Mode of delivery
Distance learning
Korkeakouluyksikkö D /YAMK
Laurea Virtual Campus
Teaching languages
- English
40 - 50
Degree programmes
- Complementary competence, master’s studies in English (CYJ2), Generic studies
- Complementary competence, Master’s studies (TYJ), Generic Studies
- Virpi Kaartti
- Kaija Koivusalo
- Apramey Dube
Teacher in charge
Kaija Koivusalo
Scheduling groups
- Avoin AMK 1 (Size: 5. Open UAS: 5.)
CYJ23KJComplementary competence (master’s studies in English), K23, Generic studies
TYJ23KJTäydentävä osaaminen (yamk-tutkinto), K23, yhteiset opinnot
Small groups
- 1
Learning outcomes
The student is able to
- adapt to the current change from cost focus to customer value orientation
- explain the theory and research concerning pricing of services
- price new services using traditional pricing methods
- apply innovative pricing methods and tools in practice
Teaching methods
This is an online study unit (Canvas) which starts in May and ends in August 2023.
Location and time
Online, Canvas learning environment.
Learning materials and recommended literature
A list of recommended reading will be published in Canvas.
Alternative completion methods of implementation
All students are entitled to demonstrate their competence. The recognition and accreditation of prior competence is initiated by the students themselves. The competence is recognised and accredited by the teacher responsible for the studies or another person designated to the position. The assessment is carried out according to the same assessment criteria and, as a rule, same grading scale as that adopted for the corresponding study unit or module. The student is entitled to apply for accreditation of prior competence regardless of where, how and when the competence has been acquired. The student may also seek accreditation of competence to be acquired on the job as part of their degree (work-based learning). The student is responsible for demonstrating and verifying their competence and for providing sufficient information.
Important dates
Orientation May (Introductory session 8th May on Zoom at 16-17, will be recorded)
Module 1 Pricing methods and revenue streams. May & June
Module 2 How to build a pricing strategy? June
Module 3 Dynamic pricing. July & August
Active participation in online discussions is required.
The return dates for assignments will be informed in the Canvas learning environment.
There will be a team project during the summer, which is returned in August. In August there will be final discussions, peer review and you will return your final learning diary.
Students workload
5 ECTS = approximately 135 student working hours
Content and scheduling
Orientation and learning diary
Module 1 Pricing methods and revenue streams
Module 2 How to build a pricing strategy?
Module 3 Dynamic pricing
Further information for students
This study unit is for Master level students (YAMK) only. Bachelor level students cannot enroll to this course.
The study unit corresponds to the requirements of Master's level education.
Quota for open UAS and 3AMK: TBA
The quality of the study unit implementation has been assessed and the self-evaluation report is available in Canvas.
Grading scale
Evaluation methods and criteria
Individual assignments (50%):
Orientation (pass/fail)
Learning Diary (1-5)
Module 1. Pricing methods and revenue streams (pass/fail)
Team assignments (50%):
Module 2. How to build a pricing strategy? (pass/fail)
Module 3. Dynamic pricing (1-5)
All staff and students of Laurea are expected to adhere to good scientific practices, which includes appropriate referencing.
Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
To achieve grade 1 (satisfactory) the student must be able to:
- gather, process, produce and evaluate information widely. (Knowledge base)
- use concepts of the area of expertise systematically. (Knowledge base)
- solve problems in research, development and/or innovation activities. (Problem solving)
- recognise and analyse focuses of development making use of the knowledge base. (Development)
- communicate clearly both orally and in writing. (Communication)
Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)
To achieve grade 3 (good) the student must be able to:
- gather, process, produce and evaluate information critically and widely making use of both national and international scientific sources. (Knowledge base)
- use concepts of the area of expertise fairly. (Knowledge base)
- solve problems in research, development and/or innovation activities by applying and combining information from different fields. (Problem solving)
- create target-oriented, justified development plans considering the community. (Development)
- communicate in a competent, clear and consistent manner both orally and in writing. (Communication)
Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)
To achieve grade 5 (excellent) the student must be able to:
- create a consistent framework/knowledge base making use of both national and international scientific sources in a critical analytic fashion. (Knowledge base)
- solve demanding problems in research, development and/or innovation activities where new knowledge and competence is created as well as to apply and combine information from different fields. (Problem solving)
- develop the activities of the competence area in a target-oriented and communal fashion. (Development)
- communicate convincingly both orally and in writing to audiences within and exterior to the field. (Communication)