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Leadership in Complex WorldLaajuus (5 cr)

Study unit code: HY00CB93


5 op

Learning outcomes

Student is able to:
- discover the basics in systems thinking, principles and frameworks
- analyze the management of organizations from the systems thinking and complexity leadership theory perspectives
- construct and promote the scientific knowledge of systems thinking into management
- influence the use of systems thinking in working life
- strengthen own management competences in complex world


20.05.2024 - 09.06.2024


01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual proportion

5 op

RDI proportion

1 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Korkeakouluyksikkö D /YAMK


Laurea Virtual Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

40 - 60

Degree programmes
  • Complementary competence, master’s studies in English (CYJ2), Generic studies
  • Complementary competence, Master’s studies (TYJ), Generic Studies
  • Päivi Tossavainen
Teacher in charge

Päivi Tossavainen

  • TYJ24SJ
    Täydentävä osaaminen (yamk-tutkinto), S24, yhteiset opinnot
  • CYJ24SJ
    Complementary competence (master’s studies in English), S24, Generic studies

Learning outcomes

Student is able to:
- discover the basics in systems thinking, principles and frameworks
- analyze the management of organizations from the systems thinking and complexity leadership theory perspectives
- construct and promote the scientific knowledge of systems thinking into management
- influence the use of systems thinking in working life
- strengthen own management competences in complex world

Teaching methods

This study is implemented biennial in English 2024 and in Finnish 2025
The implementation plan is available soon.

The course is conducted every two years in Finnish and every two years in English.
Implementation 2024: in English

The course is carried out as an interactive online implementation: The study is carried out as an online implementation and does not require an on-campus entry. There is no classroom teaching. The course has scheduled instruction or guidance online that is not saved/ recorded.
The course may begin with a starting lecture (online) i.e. joint distance session.

There is couple or group work in the studies. Studying requires activity and commitment to interactive study. No personal feedback is given on the assignments by the teacher: feedback is based on checking the correctness of the assignments and sharing model responses after the assignment is returned. Peer-review is used.

The implementation of the course is supported by a learning environment built in Canvas.

Location and time

Online course; the start of the implementation is informed with the course acceptance notification.

Important dates

According to the on the degree rule (Tutkintosääntö 2024), an approved student is required to confirm their participation by demonstrating activity at the beginning of the course in the following way:

In accordance with the Degree Rule (2024), those admitted to the course must confirm their participation by completing the introduction and starting a discussion in the learning environment within a week of the start of the implementation. If a student does not confirm to participate in this manner, his/her enrollment for the implementation will be rejected and another student may be substituted.

Students workload

The workload of the course is sized in such a way that one credit point is equivalent to an average of 26.7 hours of work done by the student in order to acquire the knowledge required for the course. The actual need for time varies from individual to individual, e.g. due to previous expertise.

Further information for students

Tghis course is master's level (EQF7/ NQF7) and available for Laurea students in all master's degree programs.

Grading scale
