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Service DesignLaajuus (6 op)

Opinnon tunnus: SY00CA83


6 op


The student is able to
- Identify and apply customer-oriented service needs, with attention to the diversity of customers' and their situations, in the rapidly developing service environment in the changing health care and social welfare
- Analyse the key principles and concepts of systemic service design in relation to the development of the health care and social welfare service ecosystems
- Utilise evidence-based information as a starting point for the development of digital services in health care and social welfare service ecosystems
- Apply systemic service design process and methods in the digital/hybrid operating environment of health care and social welfare
- Identify opportunities and challenges for new forms of value co-creation when improving existing and designing new digital services for the health care and social welfare system
- Utilise service design in developing and advancing the professional practices in their field