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Business DesignLaajuus (5 cr)

Study unit code: HY00CB28


5 op

Teaching language

  • English

Learning outcomes

The student is able to:
- co-create business models iteratively using business design methods and tools
- identify, compare and evaluate business models
- perceive business development as a part of organisation’s strategy


25.11.2024 - 01.12.2024


01.01.2025 - 31.07.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


30 Ylemmät ammattikorkeakoulututkinnot


Laurea Leppävaara

Teaching languages
  • English

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Service Innovation and Design (HYA2), Laurea Leppävaara
  • Otto Mäkelä
Teacher in charge

Otto Mäkelä

  • HYA224SJ
    Degree Programme in Service Innovation and Design, yamk, S24, Leppävaara

Learning outcomes

The student is able to:
- co-create business models iteratively using business design methods and tools
- identify, compare and evaluate business models
- perceive business development as a part of organisation’s strategy

Teaching methods

Contact days are at Leppävaara campus: 17.1., 7.3. & 9.5.2025 at 9-16:30
Responsible teacher: Otto Mäkelä

The students will be able to
- co-create business models iteratively using business design methods and tools
- identify, compare and evaluate business models
- perceive business development as a part of organisation’s strategy

Further information for students

The study unit corresponds to the requirements of Master's level education.

According to the degree regulations (section 18) "students must be present for the first contact teaching session, or they must notify the responsible teacher of their absence to confirm they intend to participate in studies, Alternatively, the teacher can specify a different manner for the student to confirm that they intend to participate in the studies. The completion of these measures can be required within a week of the studies having begun. The application of the aforementioned approach requires that the teacher notifies the students accepted to the study unit of the practice and that the practice is specifically mentioned in the study unit’s implementation plan.

If the student has a justified reason for not attending the first contact teaching session or for not notifying the teacher of their intention to be involved in studies in the manner required by the teacher, the student must contact the responsible teacher to agree on participation in the studies. Their registration for the study unit will be rejected, of the student does not notify the teacher of being absent from the first contact teaching session or the reason for their absence cannot be considered justified, Another student who is in line for the study unit can be selected in their place."

Grading scale


Evaluation methods and criteria

“The evaluation of competence is based on the descriptions of objectives in the curricula and the evaluation criteria provided in the study unit’s implementation plan” (Laurea degree regulations).

To achieve grade 5 (excellent) the student must be able to:

- create a consistent framework/knowledge base making use of both national and international scientific sources in a critical analytic fashion. (Knowledge base)
- solve demanding problems in research, development and/or innovation activities where new knowledge and competence is created as well as to apply and combine information from different fields. (Problem solving)
- develop the activities of the competence area in a target-oriented and communal fashion. (Development)
- communicate convincingly both orally and in writing to audiences within and exterior to the field. (Communication)

To achieve grade 5 (good) the student must be able to:

- gather, process, produce and evaluate information critically and widely making use of both national and international scientific sources. (Knowledge base)
- use concepts of the area of expertise fairly. (Knowledge base)
- solve problems in research, development and/or innovation activities by applying and combining information from different fields. (Problem solving)
- create target-oriented, justified development plans considering the community. (Development)
- communicate in a competent, clear and consistent manner both orally and in writing. (Communication)

To achieve grade 1 (satisfactory) the student must be able to:
- gather, process, produce and evaluate information widely. (Knowledge base)
- use concepts of the area of expertise systematically. (Knowledge base)
- solve problems in research, development and/or innovation activities. (Problem solving)
- recognise and analyse focuses of development making use of the knowledge base. (Development)
- communicate clearly both orally and in writing. (Communication)

All staff and students of Laurea are expected to adhere to good scientific practices, which includes appropriate referencing. Familiarise yourself with the practices and, if needed, ask for more information. All study assignments are to be done as individual work unless otherwise instructed.