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E-Health and TelemedicineLaajuus (6 op)

Opinnon tunnus: SY00CA92


6 op


The student is able to
- Develop a comprehensive understanding of the principles and applications of e-health and telemedicine in the healthcare industry
- Build practical skills in utilising digital technologies and telecommunication systems for effective remote healthcare services and identify how to apply these technologies to facilitate virtual consultations, remote monitoring, and other telehealth interactions
- Develop the ability to analyse and address the challenges and ethical considerations associated with e-health and telemedicine
- Critically evaluate privacy and security issues, as well as ethical dilemmas that arise in the use of digital technologies for healthcare.
- Build knowledge, skills, and competencies needed to navigate the evolving field of e-health and telemedicine
- Contribute to the advancement of remote healthcare delivery and address the ethical and practical challenges that arise in this context