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Sustainability in Social Services Now and in the FutureLaajuus (5 cr)

Study unit code: TO00BY28


5 op

Teaching language

  • English

Responsible person

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- analyze sustainability in local and international practices in social services
- identify the best and empowering practices in social services and further develop ideas for the future within sustainability framework
- work in co-operation within the international project context


17.02.2023 - 31.03.2023


14.04.2023 - 31.08.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual proportion

2 op

Mode of delivery

60 % Contact teaching, 40 % Distance learning


Laurea Hyvinkää, sote


Laurea Hyvinkää

Teaching languages
  • English

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Laurea täydentävä osaaminen, amk-tutkinto (TOS2), Terveys- ja hyvinvointialat
  • Complementary competence, bachelor's studies in English (CCS2), Health and welfare
  • Pihla Salemaa
  • Hanna Nurmiranta
Teacher in charge

Hanna Nurmiranta

  • CCS222SY
    Complementary competence (bachelor’s studies), S22, Health and welfare
  • TOS222SY
    Täydentävä osaaminen (amk-tutkinto), S22, Terveys- ja hyvinvointialat

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- analyze sustainability in local and international practices in social services
- identify the best and empowering practices in social services and further develop ideas for the future within sustainability framework
- work in co-operation within the international project context

Teaching methods

This study unit will be implemented in participating in Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme BIP “Sustainability in Social Services Now and in the Future”. This program contains online orientation, group work (assignment) and participating to mobility week at Tikkurila campus 22.-26.5.2023.

There will be social service students from other European universities attending in this Erasmus+BIP programme. Part of the mobility week program is joint together with another international study unit at Laurea. This other study unit is In Sustainable Global Future and there are international exchange students and students from the USA participating.

By the end of the study unit the student is able to
- recognize and understand sustainability in local and international practices in social services and is able to analyze them
- identify the best and empowering practices in social services and further develop ideas for the future within sustainability framework
- work in co-operation within the international project context

Study unit requires attendance during the mobility week at Tikkurila campus including one field trip day and possible study visit as well as participating in group work before that week.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Will be discussed at orientation meeting

Alternative completion methods of implementation

No alternative ways

Co-operation with working life and/or RDI

Possible study visits

Important dates

Online orientation in early April (will be informed later)

Group work during April and May

Mobility week at Tikkurila campus 22.-26.5.2023

Optional attending World Village Festival 27.-28.5.23 Helsinki

Forms of internationality

The whole study unit is based on international co-operation

Students workload

1 credit is approximately 27 hours of student's work

Further information for students

The study unit corresponds to the requirements of Bachelor's level education.

According to the degree regulations (section 18) "students must be present for the first contact teaching session, or they must notify the responsible teacher of their absence to confirm they intend to participate in studies.

Evaluation is based on assignment, self-evaluation and active work and attendance during the mobility week.

Grading scale


Evaluation methods and criteria

“The evaluation of competence is based on the descriptions of objectives in the curricula, and the level of competence is assessed according to the evaluation criteria listed in the implementation plan for the studies.” (Laurea degree regulations).

In this study unit the assessing of the competences will be done by using the criteria set for requirement level II.

Professional knowledge basis, information searching and reporting

To achieve grade 5 student must be able to
- analyse the acquired information, draw conclusions and combine theoretical knowledge with experiential knowledge

To achieve grade 3 student must be able to
- critically evaluate information and justify their actions with science-based knowledge

To achieve grade 1 (or pass) student must be able to
- use professional concepts in a consistent manner and demonstrate their familiarity with the knowledge basis
- report and communicate in a professional manner

Professional practice and workplace development

To achieve grade 5 student must be able to
- evaluate the applicability of produced knowledge, skill or idea to other contexts as well as their impact
- anticipate needs of customers and/or co-operation partners

To achieve grade 3 student must be able to
- propose creative solutions at work
- promote professional co-operation and enhance customer and partner relationships

To achieve grade 1 (or pass) student must be able to
- act independently taking into account the operating environment
- take responsibility for interaction with customers and/or co-operation partners and for responding to their needs

Teamwork, skills, leadership, and responsibility

To achieve grade 5 student must be able to
- evaluate and develop the team’s entrepreneurial and responsible approach to work
- evaluate the possibilities for utilising competence and plan their personal development and development of the team

To achieve grade 3 student must be able to
- act in a manner that promotes the team’s entrepreneurial and responsible approach to work
- describe the development of their competence in relation to the learning outcomes

To achieve grade 1 (or pass) student must be able to
- describe the significance of their actions for successful co-operation
- describe their competence in relation to the learning outcomes