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Participation and Well-being at Different Life StagesLaajuus (10 cr)

Study unit code: R0196


10 op

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- describe the growth and developmental stages of clients of different ages and transition phases in families
- describe the normal course of pregnancy and giving birth as well as medical grounds for care given during them
- describe the main illnesses in children, adolescents and the elderly as well as the medical grounds for treatment
- plan, implement and evaluate nursing of children, families, people of working age and the elderly
- identify factors that safeguard the health and well-being of clients or increase their vulnerability of different ages and their significant others
- promote the interaction, participation and rehabilitation of vulnerable and multicultural clients and their significant others in the care process
- evaluate the social (services) and health care service processes of vulnerable client groups and provide guidance on the use of services for these clients
- plan, implement and evaluate groupguidance on health and well-being
- analyse special needs related to multicultural client relationships and immigration in social welfare and health care
- recognise social security benefits and possibilities available to clients of different ages and their significant others


23.05.2022 - 12.08.2022


22.08.2022 - 31.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

10 op

Virtual proportion

3 op

Mode of delivery

70 % Contact teaching, 30 % Distance learning


Laurea Tikkurila, sote


Laurea Tikkurila

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Sairaanhoitajakoulutus (SHV2), Laurea Tikkurila (Finnish)
  • Annika Kallio
  • Kati Saarinen
  • Johanna Saastamoinen
Teacher in charge

Kati Saarinen

  • SHV221KN
    Sairaanhoitajakoulutus, päivätoteutus, K21, Tikkurila

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- describe the growth and developmental stages of clients of different ages and transition phases in families
- describe the normal course of pregnancy and giving birth as well as medical grounds for care given during them
- describe the main illnesses in children, adolescents and the elderly as well as the medical grounds for treatment
- plan, implement and evaluate nursing of children, families, people of working age and the elderly
- identify factors that safeguard the health and well-being of clients or increase their vulnerability of different ages and their significant others
- promote the interaction, participation and rehabilitation of vulnerable and multicultural clients and their significant others in the care process
- evaluate the social (services) and health care service processes of vulnerable client groups and provide guidance on the use of services for these clients
- plan, implement and evaluate groupguidance on health and well-being
- analyse special needs related to multicultural client relationships and immigration in social welfare and health care
- recognise social security benefits and possibilities available to clients of different ages and their significant others

Teaching methods

The implementation plan is available in Finnish.

Content and scheduling

Family nursing
Child normal growth and development
Child welfare
Pediatric nursing
Obstetrics and gynecology

Adult health and welfare
Palliative care

Grading scale


Evaluation criteria, fail (0)

The student does not meet the minimum grade of 1.

Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

– use professional concepts in a consistent
manner and demonstrate his/her familiarity
with the knowledge basis
– report and communicate in a professional
– act independently taking into
account the operating
– take responsibility for
interaction with customers and/or
co-operation partners and for
responding to their needs
– describe the significance of
his/her actions for successful cooperation
– describe his/her competence in
relation to the learning outcomes

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

– critically evaluate information and justify
their actions with science-based knowledge
– propose creative solutions at
– promote professional cooperation and enhance customer
and partner relationships
– act in a manner that promotes the
team’s entrepreneurial and
responsible approach to work
- describe the development of
his/her competence in relation to
the learning outcomes

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

– analyse the acquired information, draw
conclusions and combine theoretical
knowledge with experiential knowledge
– evaluate the applicability of
produced knowledge, skill or idea
to other contexts as well as their
– anticipate needs of customers
and/or co-operation partners
– evaluate and develop the team’s
entrepreneurial and responsible
approach to work
– evaluate the possibilities for
utilising competence and plan
his/her personal development and
development of the team


23.05.2022 - 29.05.2022


17.08.2022 - 31.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

10 op

Virtual proportion

5 op

RDI proportion

2 op

Mode of delivery

50 % Contact teaching, 50 % Distance learning


Laurea Otaniemi, sote


Laurea Otaniemi

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Sairaanhoitajakoulutus (SHG2), Laurea Otaniemi (Finnish)
  • Anne Maijala
  • Meri Vuorinen
  • Päivi Ylinen
  • Kirsi Leinonen
Teacher in charge

Anne Maijala

  • SHG221KA
    Sairaanhoitajakoulutus, monimuotototeutus, K21, Otaniemi

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- describe the growth and developmental stages of clients of different ages and transition phases in families
- describe the normal course of pregnancy and giving birth as well as medical grounds for care given during them
- describe the main illnesses in children, adolescents and the elderly as well as the medical grounds for treatment
- plan, implement and evaluate nursing of children, families, people of working age and the elderly
- identify factors that safeguard the health and well-being of clients or increase their vulnerability of different ages and their significant others
- promote the interaction, participation and rehabilitation of vulnerable and multicultural clients and their significant others in the care process
- evaluate the social (services) and health care service processes of vulnerable client groups and provide guidance on the use of services for these clients
- plan, implement and evaluate groupguidance on health and well-being
- analyse special needs related to multicultural client relationships and immigration in social welfare and health care
- recognise social security benefits and possibilities available to clients of different ages and their significant others

Teaching methods

Lessons and trainings through the web-lessons
Workshops: advance tasks, workshop trainings in the workshops
Network studies
Group councelling lessons and trainings
Drama working
Lessons and trainings in the lesson
Workshops: advance tasks, workshop trainings in the workshops
Network studies

Location and time

Otaniemi, fall 2022

Learning materials and recommended literature


• Storvik-Sydänmaa, S., Talvensaari, H., Kaisvuo, T. &; Uotila N. 2012. 1. painos. Lapsen ja nuoren hoitotyö. Sanoma Pro Oy - soveltuvin osin
• Duodecim, Terveyskirjasto (2019) – Kurkunpään tulehdus (laryngiitti) lapsella
• Duodecim, Terveyskirjasto (2009) Suolistotulehdukset
• Pakkausseloste Osmosal –jauhe / Pharmaca Fennica - soveltuvin osin
• Hemoglobiini HbA1c -
• Tyypin 1 diabeteksen hoito -
• Vatsakipu lapsella (2019)
• Lapsen akuutti vatsakipu (2016)
• Leikkaushaavan hoito (2017)

Kerminen H, Jäppinen A-M, Kiviniemi K, Tikkanen P & Havulinna S. 2019. Iäkkäiden henkilöiden lyhytaikaiseen sairaalahoitoon liittyvä toimintakyvyn arviointi kuntoutumisen käynnistäjänä.
Laki ikääntyneen väestön toimintakyvyn tukemisesta sekä iäkkäiden sosiaali- ja terveyspalveluista. 28.12.2012/980
Vireyttä seniorivuosiin – ikääntyneiden ruokasuositus. 2020. Valtion ravitsemus-neuvottelukunta ja Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos. Helsinki: Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos.
Tilvis R, Pitkälä K, Strandberg T, Sulkava R, Viitanen M & Arkkila P. (Tilvis R. toim.) 2016. Geriatria.
Älyteknologiaratkaisut ikääntyneiden kotona asumisen tukena. Ympäristöministeriön raportteja 7/2017.
Kivelä S & Räihä I. 2007 Iäkkäiden lääkehoito. Kapseli 35.
Sairaanhoitajan kollegiaalisuusohjeet:
Leino-Kilpi H & Välimäki M. 2014. Etiikka hoitotyössä. Helsinki: SanomaPro.
Sairaanhoitajan eettiset ohjeet:

WellmanE. 2017. Eri kulttuurien tuntemus hoitotyössä., Jyväskylä.


Co-operation with working life and/or RDI

Tällä opintojaksolla tehdään työelämäyhteistyötä Humak-ammattikorkeakoulun viittomakielentulkkiopiskelijoiden kanssa. Tällä opintojaksolla oppimisessa hyödynnetään tutkittua ja näyttöön perustuvan tiedon keruuta, synteesiä, raportointia sekä tiedon soveltamista käytännön hoitotyön tilanteisiin.

Important dates

Workshops (mandatory)
Dosage calculations (before placement)
Network studies
-Pediatric online studies (before placement)
-Obstetries and gynaecology (before placement)
-group councelling assignments
Network studies
Workshops (mandatory)

Forms of internationality

The teaching will be partly given in English.

Students workload

1. Family nursing 6 gr
Lessons 36h
Independent work 73h
Group councelling project 50 h
2. Adult and elderly care 4 gr
Lessons 32h
Independent work 76h

Content and scheduling

Part 1: FAMILY NURSING 6 gr, Teachers Irene Pylkkänen and Hanna Vatanen
Family nursing
Child''s normal growth and development
Child welfare
Periatric nursing
Obsteries and gyneacology
Gynekological nursing
Client-centered group councelling
Part 2: NURSING OF ADULTS AND ELDERLY 4 gr, Teacher Kirsi Leinonen
Adult heath and welfare
Dementias (or dementia care?)

Grading scale


Evaluation methods and criteria

Family Nursing 4 ects – Numeric assessment: Family nursing patient education -assignment
Paediatrics 1 ect online course Pass/Fail.
Gynecology and Obstetrics 1 ect online course Pass/Fail.
Medication calculations exam Pass/Fail.
Group counselling Pass/Fail
Adult and elderly Nursing 3 ects – Numeric assessment: Elderly nursing theoretical exam
Geriatric 1ect- online course Pass/Fail

National exams of clinical competence assessment:
Pediatric nursing OSCEs 0 – pass/fail
Elderly nursing theoretical exam 0 – fail/1-5

Attendance in orientation lecture and workshops compulsory.
Workshops, Pass/Fail. Compulsory attendance.

In this study unit the assessing of the competences will be done by using the criteria set for requirement level II.


To achieve grade 5 student must be able to
- analyse the acquired information, draw conclusions and combine theoretical knowledge with experiential knowledge

To achieve grade 3 student must be able to
- critically evaluate information and justify their actions with science-based knowledge

To achieve grade 1 (or pass) student must be able to
- use professional concepts in a consistent manner and demonstrate his/her familiarity with the knowledge basis
- report and communicate in a professional manner


To achieve grade 5 student must be able to
- evaluate the applicability of produced knowledge, skill or idea to other contexts as well as their impact
- anticipate needs of customers and/or co-operation partners

To achieve grade 3 student must be able to
- propose creative solutions at work
- promote professional co-operation and enhance customer and partner relationships

To achieve grade 1 (or pass) student must be able to
- act independently taking into account the operating environment
- take responsibility for interaction with customers and/or co-operation partners and for responding to their needs


To achieve grade 5 student must be able to
- evaluate and develop the team’s entrepreneurial and responsible approach to work
- evaluate the possibilities for utilising competence and plan his/her personal development and development of the team

To achieve grade 3 student must be able to
- act in a manner that promotes the team’s entrepreneurial and responsible approach to work
- describe the development of his/her competence in relation to the learning outcomes

To achieve grade 1 (or pass) student must be able to
- describe the significance of his/her actions for successful co-operation
- describe his/her competence in relation to the learning outcomes

[Leave the parts that apply] “Students who have failed assignments or examinations required for passing a study unit must supplement or retake their study attainment in a manner and schedule defined by the teacher of the study unit. ... A failed examination or other study attainment can be retaken twice. A failure to attend an actual examination is considered to be one completion attempt.” (Laurea degree regulations.)

All staff and students of Laurea are expected to adhere to good scientific practices, which includes appropriate referencing. Familiarise yourself with the practices and, if needed, ask for more information. All study assignments are to be done as individual work unless otherwise instructed. [If Urkund is used when assignments are checked, the lecturer will inform the students of this.]


23.05.2022 - 29.05.2022


01.08.2022 - 01.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

10 op

Virtual proportion

3 op

RDI proportion

2 op

Mode of delivery

70 % Contact teaching, 30 % Distance learning


Laurea Tikkurila, sote


Laurea Tikkurila

Teaching languages
  • English

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Terveydenhoitajakoulutus (STV2), Laurea Tikkurila (Finnish)
  • Annika Kallio
  • Tiina Leino
  • Sanna Soini
  • Riikka Ketonen
  • Kati Saarinen
  • Johanna Saastamoinen
Teacher in charge

Riikka Ketonen

  • STV221KN
    Terveydenhoitajakoulutus, päivätoteutus, K21, Tikkurila

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- describe the growth and developmental stages of clients of different ages and transition phases in families
- describe the normal course of pregnancy and giving birth as well as medical grounds for care given during them
- describe the main illnesses in children, adolescents and the elderly as well as the medical grounds for treatment
- plan, implement and evaluate nursing of children, families, people of working age and the elderly
- identify factors that safeguard the health and well-being of clients or increase their vulnerability of different ages and their significant others
- promote the interaction, participation and rehabilitation of vulnerable and multicultural clients and their significant others in the care process
- evaluate the social (services) and health care service processes of vulnerable client groups and provide guidance on the use of services for these clients
- plan, implement and evaluate groupguidance on health and well-being
- analyse special needs related to multicultural client relationships and immigration in social welfare and health care
- recognise social security benefits and possibilities available to clients of different ages and their significant others

Teaching methods

The implementation plan is available in Finnish.

Content and scheduling

Family nursing
Child normal growth and development
Child welfare
Pediatric nursing
Obstetrics and gynecology

Adult health and welfare
Palliative care

Grading scale


Evaluation criteria, fail (0)

The student does not meet the minimum grade of 1.

Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

– use professional concepts in a consistent
manner and demonstrate his/her familiarity
with the knowledge basis
– report and communicate in a professional
– act independently taking into
account the operating
– take responsibility for
interaction with customers and/or
co-operation partners and for
responding to their needs
– describe the significance of
his/her actions for successful cooperation
– describe his/her competence in
relation to the learning outcomes

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

– critically evaluate information and justify
their actions with science-based knowledge
– propose creative solutions at
– promote professional cooperation and enhance customer
and partner relationships
– act in a manner that promotes the
team’s entrepreneurial and
responsible approach to work
- describe the development of
his/her competence in relation to
the learning outcomes

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

– analyse the acquired information, draw
conclusions and combine theoretical
knowledge with experiential knowledge
– evaluate the applicability of
produced knowledge, skill or idea
to other contexts as well as their
– anticipate needs of customers
and/or co-operation partners
– evaluate and develop the team’s
entrepreneurial and responsible
approach to work
– evaluate the possibilities for
utilising competence and plan
his/her personal development and
development of the team


23.05.2022 - 29.05.2022


01.08.2022 - 31.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

10 op

Virtual proportion

5 op

Mode of delivery

50 % Contact teaching, 50 % Distance learning


Laurea Lohja, sote


Laurea Lohja

Teaching languages
  • English

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Sairaanhoitajakoulutus (SHF2), Laurea Lohja (Finnish)
  • Elina Laitonen
  • Anu Elorinne
  • Linnea Jokinen
  • Elina Pajakoski
Teacher in charge

Elina Pajakoski

  • SHF221KA
    Sairaanhoitajakoulutus, monimuotototeutus, K21, Lohja

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- describe the growth and developmental stages of clients of different ages and transition phases in families
- describe the normal course of pregnancy and giving birth as well as medical grounds for care given during them
- describe the main illnesses in children, adolescents and the elderly as well as the medical grounds for treatment
- plan, implement and evaluate nursing of children, families, people of working age and the elderly
- identify factors that safeguard the health and well-being of clients or increase their vulnerability of different ages and their significant others
- promote the interaction, participation and rehabilitation of vulnerable and multicultural clients and their significant others in the care process
- evaluate the social (services) and health care service processes of vulnerable client groups and provide guidance on the use of services for these clients
- plan, implement and evaluate groupguidance on health and well-being
- analyse special needs related to multicultural client relationships and immigration in social welfare and health care
- recognise social security benefits and possibilities available to clients of different ages and their significant others

Teaching methods

Part 1. Family Nursing 6 ects
Contact lessons, flipped learning, case-learning, simulation and workshops, virtual learning.
Part 2. Nursing of Adults and Elderly People 4 ects
Contact lessons, flipped learning, case-learning, simulation and workshops, portfolio, virtual learning.
Part 3. Group Counselling, integrated in the whole course
Contact lessons, drama
Students are divided into small groups in the orientation lesson (compulsory)

Learning materials and recommended literature

List of learning materials, will be clarified at the beginning of the study unit:
Berger, K., S., 2017. Developing Person Trough the Life Span. New York: Worth publishers.
Hockenberry, Wilson & Rodgers. Wong´s Essentials of Pediatric Nursing. 2017.
Barker S & Board M 2012: Dementia Care in Nursing. SAGE Publishing.
Hirst, Lane & Miller 2015. Miller's Nursing for Wellness in Older Adults.
Eliopoulos C. 2018. Gerontological Nursing. Wolters Kluver.
The ICN code of ethics for nurses. International Council of Nurses. Revised 2012.
Old age and ethics of care. Report of the National Advisory Board on Health Care Ethics Etene 2008

Alternative completion methods of implementation

According to the degree regulations “all students are entitled to demonstrate their competence. The recognition and accreditation of prior competence is initiated by the students themselves. The competence is recognised and accredited by the teacher responsible for the module or study unit or another person designated by the director of the UAS unit. The assessment is carried out according to the same criteria and grading scale as that adopted for the corresponding study unit.” For further information visit Link.

Co-operation with working life and/or RDI

LbD-project: Group counselling and promotion of Welfare and Health of Vulnerable Clients Trough the Life Span.
Tasks: Students will organize service councelling and health promotion workshops for vulnerable client groups (eg immigrants, adolescents with learning disabilities, children in child protection services, elderly people, family carers).
Working life partners: City of Lohja, Kanneljärven opisto, Hiiden omaishoitajat, Outamon lastenkoti, Uudenmaan seniorikodit.

Important dates

Orientation of study unit compulsory.
Please notice that attendance in orientation is compulsory and comfirms student´s participation in the study unit!
The schedule of study unit is in Pakki, check compulsory lectures. Will be announced also during orientation.

Students workload

One credit equals approximately 27 hours of work performed by the student.

Family Nursing 4 ects – 108hrs of work
Lastentaudit 1 ect – 27hrs of work
Naistentaudit 1 ect – 27hrs of work
Adult and elderly Nursing 3 ects – 81hrs of work
Geriatria 1 ect – 27hrs of work

Further information for students

The study unit corresponds to the requirements of Bachelor's level education.

According to the degree regulations (section 18) “students must be present in the first contact session or notify their teacher in charge if they cannot attend. If they fail to notify the teacher of their absence in the first contact session, their enrolment will be rejected. Another student in the queue may be enrolled in the study unit in the place of the absent student.

The quality of the study unit implementation has been assessed and the self-evaluation report is available in [Optima, Canvas, Teams, or elsewhere; you can also add OneDrive link].

Grading scale


Evaluation methods and criteria

Family Nursing 4 ects – Numeric assessment: Family nursing patient education -assignment
Paediatrics 1 ect online course Pass/Fail.
Gynecology and Obstetrics 1 ect online course Pass/Fail.
Medication calculations exam Pass/Fail.
Group counselling Pass/Fail
Adult and elderly Nursing 3 ects – Numeric assessment: Elderly nursing theoretical exam
Geriatric 1ect- online course Pass/Fail

National exams of clinical competence assessment:
Pediatric nursing OSCEs 0 – HYV/HYL
Elderly nursing theoretical exam 0 – HYL/1-5

Attendance in orientation lecture and workshops compulsory.
Workshops, Pass/Fail. Compulsory attendance.

In this study unit the assessing of the competences will be done by using the criteria set for requirement level II.


To achieve grade 5 student must be able to
- analyse the acquired information, draw conclusions and combine theoretical knowledge with experiential knowledge

To achieve grade 3 student must be able to
- critically evaluate information and justify their actions with science-based knowledge

To achieve grade 1 (or pass) student must be able to
- use professional concepts in a consistent manner and demonstrate his/her familiarity with the knowledge basis
- report and communicate in a professional manner


To achieve grade 5 student must be able to
- evaluate the applicability of produced knowledge, skill or idea to other contexts as well as their impact
- anticipate needs of customers and/or co-operation partners

To achieve grade 3 student must be able to
- propose creative solutions at work
- promote professional co-operation and enhance customer and partner relationships

To achieve grade 1 (or pass) student must be able to
- act independently taking into account the operating environment
- take responsibility for interaction with customers and/or co-operation partners and for responding to their needs


To achieve grade 5 student must be able to
- evaluate and develop the team’s entrepreneurial and responsible approach to work
- evaluate the possibilities for utilising competence and plan his/her personal development and development of the team

To achieve grade 3 student must be able to
- act in a manner that promotes the team’s entrepreneurial and responsible approach to work
- describe the development of his/her competence in relation to the learning outcomes

To achieve grade 1 (or pass) student must be able to
- describe the significance of his/her actions for successful co-operation
- describe his/her competence in relation to the learning outcomes

[Leave the parts that apply] “Students who have failed assignments or examinations required for passing a study unit must supplement or retake their study attainment in a manner and schedule defined by the teacher of the study unit. ... A failed examination or other study attainment can be retaken twice. A failure to attend an actual examination is considered to be one completion attempt.” (Laurea degree regulations.)

All staff and students of Laurea are expected to adhere to good scientific practices, which includes appropriate referencing. Familiarise yourself with the practices and, if needed, ask for more information. All study assignments are to be done as individual work unless otherwise instructed. [If Urkund is used when assignments are checked, the lecturer will inform the students of this.]


23.05.2022 - 29.05.2022


01.08.2022 - 31.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

10 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Laurea Hyvinkää, sote


Laurea Hyvinkää

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Sairaanhoitajakoulutus (SHB2), Laurea Hyvinkää (Finnish)
  • Pirkko Rimpilä-Vanninen
  • Minna Pulli
Teacher in charge

Pirkko Rimpilä-Vanninen

  • SHB221KN
    Sairaanhoitajakoulutus, päivätoteutus, K21, Hyvinkää

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- describe the growth and developmental stages of clients of different ages and transition phases in families
- describe the normal course of pregnancy and giving birth as well as medical grounds for care given during them
- describe the main illnesses in children, adolescents and the elderly as well as the medical grounds for treatment
- plan, implement and evaluate nursing of children, families, people of working age and the elderly
- identify factors that safeguard the health and well-being of clients or increase their vulnerability of different ages and their significant others
- promote the interaction, participation and rehabilitation of vulnerable and multicultural clients and their significant others in the care process
- evaluate the social (services) and health care service processes of vulnerable client groups and provide guidance on the use of services for these clients
- plan, implement and evaluate groupguidance on health and well-being
- analyse special needs related to multicultural client relationships and immigration in social welfare and health care
- recognise social security benefits and possibilities available to clients of different ages and their significant others

Grading scale



23.05.2022 - 29.05.2022


01.08.2022 - 31.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

10 op

Virtual proportion

5 op

RDI proportion

1 op

Mode of delivery

50 % Contact teaching, 50 % Distance learning


Laurea Porvoo, sote


Laurea Porvoo

Teaching languages
  • English

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Sairaanhoitajakoulutus (SHP2), Laurea Porvoo (Finnish)
  • Tiina Himmelroos
  • Ann-Marie Suvisaari
Teacher in charge

Ann-Marie Suvisaari

  • SHP221KN
    Sairaanhoitajakoulutus, päivätoteutus, K21, Porvoo

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- describe the growth and developmental stages of clients of different ages and transition phases in families
- describe the normal course of pregnancy and giving birth as well as medical grounds for care given during them
- describe the main illnesses in children, adolescents and the elderly as well as the medical grounds for treatment
- plan, implement and evaluate nursing of children, families, people of working age and the elderly
- identify factors that safeguard the health and well-being of clients or increase their vulnerability of different ages and their significant others
- promote the interaction, participation and rehabilitation of vulnerable and multicultural clients and their significant others in the care process
- evaluate the social (services) and health care service processes of vulnerable client groups and provide guidance on the use of services for these clients
- plan, implement and evaluate groupguidance on health and well-being
- analyse special needs related to multicultural client relationships and immigration in social welfare and health care
- recognise social security benefits and possibilities available to clients of different ages and their significant others

Teaching methods

Onsite and online lectures
Online courses
Independent studies
Family health test
Groupwork and learning tasks
Pharmaceutical arithmetics

Location and time

Onlinen/Zoom/CanvasPorvoo campus

Learning materials and recommended literature

Course materials in Canvas learning space and materials from online lectures

Important dates

Pharmceutical aritmethics test.
Family Nursing essay submission
Pediatrics and care of children tests
Care of Adults and Elderly test return
Pediatrics and Gynecology and Obstetrics tests
National Family Nursing test

Students workload

Orientation 4h
Classroom education and tests 64 h
Workshops 8 h
Studies online and independent studies 186 h

Content and scheduling


Grading scale


Evaluation methods and criteria

Gyneacology and Obstetrics Pass/Fail
Pediatric nursing 1-5, fail
Pediatrics Pass/Fail
Counselling, reflection task, Pass/Fail
Pharmaceutical arithmetics test Pass/Fail
Adult nursing, occupational health, men´s health assignments Pass/Fail
Care of Elderly test 1-5, Fail
Geriatrics Pass/Fail
National test Care of Children, adolescents and families nursing
All test can be performed at Laurea general retakes


29.11.2021 - 05.12.2021


01.01.2022 - 31.07.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

10 op

Virtual proportion

5 op

Mode of delivery

50 % Contact teaching, 50 % Distance learning


Laurea Lohja, sote


Laurea Lohja

Teaching languages
  • English

20 - 50

Degree programmes
  • Sairaanhoitajakoulutus (SHF2), Laurea Lohja (Finnish)
  • Elina Pajakoski
  • Eveliina Kolankiewicz
  • Kirsi Halttunen
Teacher in charge

Elina Pajakoski

  • SHF220SA
    Sairaanhoitajakoulutus, monimuotototeutus, S20, Lohja

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- describe the growth and developmental stages of clients of different ages and transition phases in families
- describe the normal course of pregnancy and giving birth as well as medical grounds for care given during them
- describe the main illnesses in children, adolescents and the elderly as well as the medical grounds for treatment
- plan, implement and evaluate nursing of children, families, people of working age and the elderly
- identify factors that safeguard the health and well-being of clients or increase their vulnerability of different ages and their significant others
- promote the interaction, participation and rehabilitation of vulnerable and multicultural clients and their significant others in the care process
- evaluate the social (services) and health care service processes of vulnerable client groups and provide guidance on the use of services for these clients
- plan, implement and evaluate groupguidance on health and well-being
- analyse special needs related to multicultural client relationships and immigration in social welfare and health care
- recognise social security benefits and possibilities available to clients of different ages and their significant others

Teaching methods

Part 1. Family Nursing 6 ects
Contact lessons, flipped learning, case-learning, simulation and workshops, virtual learning.
Part 2. Nursing of Adults and Elderly People 4 ects
Contact lessons, flipped learning, case-learning, simulation and workshops, portfolio, virtual learning.
Part 3. Group Counselling, integrated in the whole course
Contact lessons, drama
Students are divided into small groups in the orientation lesson (compulsory)

Learning materials and recommended literature

List of learning materials, will be clarified at the beginning of the study unit:
Berger, K., S., 2017. Developing Person Trough the Life Span. New York: Worth publishers.
Hockenberry, Wilson & Rodgers. Wong´s Essentials of Pediatric Nursing. 2017.
Barker S & Board M 2012: Dementia Care in Nursing. SAGE Publishing.
Hirst, Lane & Miller 2015. Miller's Nursing for Wellness in Older Adults.
Eliopoulos C. 2018. Gerontological Nursing. Wolters Kluver.
The ICN code of ethics for nurses. International Council of Nurses. Revised 2012.
Old age and ethics of care. Report of the National Advisory Board on Health Care Ethics Etene 2008

Alternative completion methods of implementation

According to the degree regulations “all students are entitled to demonstrate their competence. The recognition and accreditation of prior competence is initiated by the students themselves. The competence is recognised and accredited by the teacher responsible for the module or study unit or another person designated by the director of the UAS unit. The assessment is carried out according to the same criteria and grading scale as that adopted for the corresponding study unit.” For further information visit Link.

Co-operation with working life and/or RDI

LbD-project: Group counselling and promotion of Welfare and Health of Vulnerable Clients Trough the Life Span.
Tasks: Students will organize service councelling and health promotion workshops for vulnerable client groups (eg immigrants, adolescents with learning disabilities, children in child protection services, elderly people, family carers).
Working life partners: City of Lohja, Kanneljärven opisto, Hiiden omaishoitajat, Outamon lastenkoti, Uudenmaan seniorikodit.

Important dates

Orientation of study unit compulsory.
Please notice that attendance in orientation is compulsory and comfirms student´s participation in the study unit!
The schedule of study unit is in Pakki, check compulsory lectures. Will be announced also during orientation.

Forms of internationality

Study unit is in English and is open also for international exchange students.

Students workload

One credit equals approximately 27 hours of work performed by the student.

Family Nursing 4 ects – 108hrs of work
Lastentaudit 1 ect – 27hrs of work
Naistentaudit 1 ect – 27hrs of work
Adult and elderly Nursing 3 ects – 81hrs of work
Geriatria 1 ect – 27hrs of work

Further information for students

The study unit corresponds to the requirements of Bachelor's level education.

According to the degree regulations (section 18) “students must be present in the first contact session or notify their teacher in charge if they cannot attend. If they fail to notify the teacher of their absence in the first contact session, their enrolment will be rejected. Another student in the queue may be enrolled in the study unit in the place of the absent student.

The quality of the study unit implementation has been assessed and the self-evaluation report is available in [Optima, Canvas, Teams, or elsewhere; you can also add OneDrive link].

Grading scale


Evaluation methods and criteria

Family Nursing 4 ects – Numeric assessment: Family nursing patient education -assignment
Paediatrics 1 ect online course Pass/Fail.
Gynecology and Obstetrics 1 ect online course Pass/Fail.
Medication calculations exam Pass/Fail.
Group counselling Pass/Fail
Adult and elderly Nursing 3 ects – Pass/Fail
Geriatric 1ect- online course Pass/Fail

National exams of clinical competence assessment:
Pediatric nursing OSCEs 0 – HYV/HYL
Elderly nursing theoretical exam 0 – HYL/1-5
Multicultural nursing theoretical exam 0 – HYV/HYL

Attendance in orientation lecture and workshops compulsory.
Workshops, Pass/Fail. Compulsory attendance.

In this study unit the assessing of the competences will be done by using the criteria set for requirement level II.


To achieve grade 5 student must be able to
- analyse the acquired information, draw conclusions and combine theoretical knowledge with experiential knowledge

To achieve grade 3 student must be able to
- critically evaluate information and justify their actions with science-based knowledge

To achieve grade 1 (or pass) student must be able to
- use professional concepts in a consistent manner and demonstrate his/her familiarity with the knowledge basis
- report and communicate in a professional manner


To achieve grade 5 student must be able to
- evaluate the applicability of produced knowledge, skill or idea to other contexts as well as their impact
- anticipate needs of customers and/or co-operation partners

To achieve grade 3 student must be able to
- propose creative solutions at work
- promote professional co-operation and enhance customer and partner relationships

To achieve grade 1 (or pass) student must be able to
- act independently taking into account the operating environment
- take responsibility for interaction with customers and/or co-operation partners and for responding to their needs


To achieve grade 5 student must be able to
- evaluate and develop the team’s entrepreneurial and responsible approach to work
- evaluate the possibilities for utilising competence and plan his/her personal development and development of the team

To achieve grade 3 student must be able to
- act in a manner that promotes the team’s entrepreneurial and responsible approach to work
- describe the development of his/her competence in relation to the learning outcomes

To achieve grade 1 (or pass) student must be able to
- describe the significance of his/her actions for successful co-operation
- describe his/her competence in relation to the learning outcomes

[Leave the parts that apply] “Students who have failed assignments or examinations required for passing a study unit must supplement or retake their study attainment in a manner and schedule defined by the teacher of the study unit. ... A failed examination or other study attainment can be retaken twice. A failure to attend an actual examination is considered to be one completion attempt.” (Laurea degree regulations.)

All staff and students of Laurea are expected to adhere to good scientific practices, which includes appropriate referencing. Familiarise yourself with the practices and, if needed, ask for more information. All study assignments are to be done as individual work unless otherwise instructed. [If Urkund is used when assignments are checked, the lecturer will inform the students of this.]


29.11.2021 - 05.12.2021


01.01.2022 - 31.07.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

10 op

Virtual proportion

8 op

RDI proportion

2 op

Mode of delivery

20 % Contact teaching, 80 % Distance learning


Laurea Otaniemi, sote


Laurea Otaniemi

Teaching languages
  • English

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Sairaanhoitajakoulutus (SHY2), Laurea yhteinen (Finnish)
  • Irene Pylkkänen
  • Hanna Vatanen
  • Päivi Ylinen
  • Kirsi Leinonen
Teacher in charge

Irene Pylkkänen

  • SHG220SA
    Sairaanhoitajakoulutus, monimuotototeutus, S20, Otaniemi

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- describe the growth and developmental stages of clients of different ages and transition phases in families
- describe the normal course of pregnancy and giving birth as well as medical grounds for care given during them
- describe the main illnesses in children, adolescents and the elderly as well as the medical grounds for treatment
- plan, implement and evaluate nursing of children, families, people of working age and the elderly
- identify factors that safeguard the health and well-being of clients or increase their vulnerability of different ages and their significant others
- promote the interaction, participation and rehabilitation of vulnerable and multicultural clients and their significant others in the care process
- evaluate the social (services) and health care service processes of vulnerable client groups and provide guidance on the use of services for these clients
- plan, implement and evaluate groupguidance on health and well-being
- analyse special needs related to multicultural client relationships and immigration in social welfare and health care
- recognise social security benefits and possibilities available to clients of different ages and their significant others

Teaching methods

Lessons and trainings through the web-lessons
Workshops: advance tasks, workshop trainings in the workshops
Network studies
Group councelling lessons and trainings
Drama working
Lessons and trainings in the lesson
Workshops: advance tasks, workshop trainings in the workshops
Network studies

Location and time

Otaniemi, spring 2022

Learning materials and recommended literature


• Storvik-Sydänmaa, S., Talvensaari, H., Kaisvuo, T. &; Uotila N. 2012. 1. painos. Lapsen ja nuoren hoitotyö. Sanoma Pro Oy - soveltuvin osin
• Duodecim, Terveyskirjasto (2019) – Kurkunpään tulehdus (laryngiitti) lapsella
• Duodecim, Terveyskirjasto (2009) Suolistotulehdukset
• Pakkausseloste Osmosal –jauhe / Pharmaca Fennica - soveltuvin osin
• Hemoglobiini HbA1c -
• Tyypin 1 diabeteksen hoito -
• Vatsakipu lapsella (2019)
• Lapsen akuutti vatsakipu (2016)
• Leikkaushaavan hoito (2017)

Kerminen H, Jäppinen A-M, Kiviniemi K, Tikkanen P & Havulinna S. 2019. Iäkkäiden henkilöiden lyhytaikaiseen sairaalahoitoon liittyvä toimintakyvyn arviointi kuntoutumisen käynnistäjänä.
Laki ikääntyneen väestön toimintakyvyn tukemisesta sekä iäkkäiden sosiaali- ja terveyspalveluista. 28.12.2012/980
Vireyttä seniorivuosiin – ikääntyneiden ruokasuositus. 2020. Valtion ravitsemus-neuvottelukunta ja Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos. Helsinki: Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos.
Tilvis R, Pitkälä K, Strandberg T, Sulkava R, Viitanen M & Arkkila P. (Tilvis R. toim.) 2016. Geriatria.
Älyteknologiaratkaisut ikääntyneiden kotona asumisen tukena. Ympäristöministeriön raportteja 7/2017.
Kivelä S & Räihä I. 2007 Iäkkäiden lääkehoito. Kapseli 35.
Sairaanhoitajan kollegiaalisuusohjeet:
Leino-Kilpi H & Välimäki M. 2014. Etiikka hoitotyössä. Helsinki: SanomaPro.
Sairaanhoitajan eettiset ohjeet:

WellmanE. 2017. Eri kulttuurien tuntemus hoitotyössä., Jyväskylä.


Co-operation with working life and/or RDI

Tällä opintojaksolla tehdään työelämäyhteistyötä Humak-ammattikorkeakoulun viittomakielentulkkiopiskelijoiden kanssa. Tällä opintojaksolla oppimisessa hyödynnetään tutkittua ja näyttöön perustuvan tiedon keruuta, synteesiä, raportointia sekä tiedon soveltamista käytännön hoitotyön tilanteisiin.

Important dates

Workshops (mandatory)
Dosage calculations (before placement)
Network studies
-Pediatric online studies (before placement)
-Obstetries and gynaecology (before placement)
-group councelling assignments
Network studies
Workshops (mandatory)

Forms of internationality

The teaching will be partly given in English.

Students workload

1. Family nursing 6 gr
Lessons 36h
Independent work 73h
Group councelling project 50 h
2. Adult and elderly care 4 gr
Lessons 32h
Independent work 76h

Content and scheduling

Part 1: FAMILY NURSING 6 gr, Teachers Irene Pylkkänen and Hanna Vatanen
Family nursing
Child''s normal growth and development
Child welfare
Periatric nursing
Obsteries and gyneacology
Gynekological nursing
Client-centered group councelling
Part 2: NURSING OF ADULTS AND ELDERLY 4 gr, Teacher Kirsi Leinonen
Adult heath and welfare
Dementias (or dementia care?)

Grading scale


Evaluation methods and criteria

Family Nursing 4 ects – Numeric assessment: Family nursing patient education -assignment
Paediatrics 1 ect online course Pass/Fail.
Gynecology and Obstetrics 1 ect online course Pass/Fail.
Medication calculations exam Pass/Fail.
Group counselling Pass/Fail
Adult and elderly Nursing 3 ects – Numeric assessment: Elderly nursing theoretical exam
Geriatric 1ect- online course Pass/Fail

National exams of clinical competence assessment:
Pediatric nursing OSCEs 0 – pass/fail
Elderly nursing theoretical exam 0 – fail/1-5

Attendance in orientation lecture and workshops compulsory.
Workshops, Pass/Fail. Compulsory attendance.

In this study unit the assessing of the competences will be done by using the criteria set for requirement level II.


To achieve grade 5 student must be able to
- analyse the acquired information, draw conclusions and combine theoretical knowledge with experiential knowledge

To achieve grade 3 student must be able to
- critically evaluate information and justify their actions with science-based knowledge

To achieve grade 1 (or pass) student must be able to
- use professional concepts in a consistent manner and demonstrate his/her familiarity with the knowledge basis
- report and communicate in a professional manner


To achieve grade 5 student must be able to
- evaluate the applicability of produced knowledge, skill or idea to other contexts as well as their impact
- anticipate needs of customers and/or co-operation partners

To achieve grade 3 student must be able to
- propose creative solutions at work
- promote professional co-operation and enhance customer and partner relationships

To achieve grade 1 (or pass) student must be able to
- act independently taking into account the operating environment
- take responsibility for interaction with customers and/or co-operation partners and for responding to their needs


To achieve grade 5 student must be able to
- evaluate and develop the team’s entrepreneurial and responsible approach to work
- evaluate the possibilities for utilising competence and plan his/her personal development and development of the team

To achieve grade 3 student must be able to
- act in a manner that promotes the team’s entrepreneurial and responsible approach to work
- describe the development of his/her competence in relation to the learning outcomes

To achieve grade 1 (or pass) student must be able to
- describe the significance of his/her actions for successful co-operation
- describe his/her competence in relation to the learning outcomes

[Leave the parts that apply] “Students who have failed assignments or examinations required for passing a study unit must supplement or retake their study attainment in a manner and schedule defined by the teacher of the study unit. ... A failed examination or other study attainment can be retaken twice. A failure to attend an actual examination is considered to be one completion attempt.” (Laurea degree regulations.)

All staff and students of Laurea are expected to adhere to good scientific practices, which includes appropriate referencing. Familiarise yourself with the practices and, if needed, ask for more information. All study assignments are to be done as individual work unless otherwise instructed. [If Urkund is used when assignments are checked, the lecturer will inform the students of this.]


29.11.2021 - 05.12.2021


01.01.2022 - 31.07.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

10 op

Virtual proportion

8 op

RDI proportion

1 op

Mode of delivery

20 % Contact teaching, 80 % Distance learning


Laurea Otaniemi, sote


Laurea Otaniemi

Teaching languages
  • English

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Sairaanhoitajakoulutus (SHY2), Laurea yhteinen (Finnish)
  • Anne Maijala
  • Irene Pylkkänen
  • Hanna Vatanen
  • Kirsi Leinonen
Teacher in charge

Irene Pylkkänen

  • SHG220SA2
    Sairaanhoitajakoulutus, monimuotototeutus, S20, Otaniemi, ryhmä 2

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- describe the growth and developmental stages of clients of different ages and transition phases in families
- describe the normal course of pregnancy and giving birth as well as medical grounds for care given during them
- describe the main illnesses in children, adolescents and the elderly as well as the medical grounds for treatment
- plan, implement and evaluate nursing of children, families, people of working age and the elderly
- identify factors that safeguard the health and well-being of clients or increase their vulnerability of different ages and their significant others
- promote the interaction, participation and rehabilitation of vulnerable and multicultural clients and their significant others in the care process
- evaluate the social (services) and health care service processes of vulnerable client groups and provide guidance on the use of services for these clients
- plan, implement and evaluate groupguidance on health and well-being
- analyse special needs related to multicultural client relationships and immigration in social welfare and health care
- recognise social security benefits and possibilities available to clients of different ages and their significant others

Teaching methods

Lessons and trainings through the web-lessons
Workshops: advance tasks, workshop trainings in the workshops
Network studies
Group councelling lessons and trainings
Drama working
Lessons and trainings in the lesson
Workshops: advance tasks, workshop trainings in the workshops
Network studies

Location and time

Otaniemi, spring 2022

Learning materials and recommended literature


• Storvik-Sydänmaa, S., Talvensaari, H., Kaisvuo, T. &; Uotila N. 2012. 1. painos. Lapsen ja nuoren hoitotyö. Sanoma Pro Oy - soveltuvin osin
• Duodecim, Terveyskirjasto (2019) – Kurkunpään tulehdus (laryngiitti) lapsella
• Duodecim, Terveyskirjasto (2009) Suolistotulehdukset
• Pakkausseloste Osmosal –jauhe / Pharmaca Fennica - soveltuvin osin
• Hemoglobiini HbA1c -
• Tyypin 1 diabeteksen hoito -
• Vatsakipu lapsella (2019)
• Lapsen akuutti vatsakipu (2016)
• Leikkaushaavan hoito (2017)

Kerminen H, Jäppinen A-M, Kiviniemi K, Tikkanen P & Havulinna S. 2019. Iäkkäiden henkilöiden lyhytaikaiseen sairaalahoitoon liittyvä toimintakyvyn arviointi kuntoutumisen käynnistäjänä.
Laki ikääntyneen väestön toimintakyvyn tukemisesta sekä iäkkäiden sosiaali- ja terveyspalveluista. 28.12.2012/980
Vireyttä seniorivuosiin – ikääntyneiden ruokasuositus. 2020. Valtion ravitsemus-neuvottelukunta ja Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos. Helsinki: Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos.
Tilvis R, Pitkälä K, Strandberg T, Sulkava R, Viitanen M & Arkkila P. (Tilvis R. toim.) 2016. Geriatria.
Älyteknologiaratkaisut ikääntyneiden kotona asumisen tukena. Ympäristöministeriön raportteja 7/2017.
Kivelä S & Räihä I. 2007 Iäkkäiden lääkehoito. Kapseli 35.
Sairaanhoitajan kollegiaalisuusohjeet:
Leino-Kilpi H & Välimäki M. 2014. Etiikka hoitotyössä. Helsinki: SanomaPro.
Sairaanhoitajan eettiset ohjeet:

WellmanE. 2017. Eri kulttuurien tuntemus hoitotyössä., Jyväskylä.


Co-operation with working life and/or RDI

Tällä opintojaksolla tehdään työelämäyhteistyötä Humak-ammattikorkeakoulun viittomakielentulkkiopiskelijoiden kanssa. Tällä opintojaksolla oppimisessa hyödynnetään tutkittua ja näyttöön perustuvan tiedon keruuta, synteesiä, raportointia sekä tiedon soveltamista käytännön hoitotyön tilanteisiin.

Important dates

Workshops (mandatory)
Dosage calculations (before placement)
Network studies
-Pediatric online studies (before placement)
-Obstetries and gynaecology (before placement)
-group councelling assignments
Network studies
Workshops (mandatory)

Forms of internationality

The teaching will be partly given in English.

Students workload

1. Family nursing 6 gr
Lessons 36h
Independent work 73h
Group councelling project 50 h
2. Adult and elderly care 4 gr
Lessons 32h
Independent work 76h

Content and scheduling

Part 1: FAMILY NURSING 6 gr, Teachers Irene Pylkkänen and Hanna Vatanen
Family nursing
Child''s normal growth and development
Child welfare
Periatric nursing
Obsteries and gyneacology
Gynekological nursing
Client-centered group councelling
Part 2: NURSING OF ADULTS AND ELDERLY 4 gr, Teacher Kirsi Leinonen
Adult heath and welfare
Dementias (or dementia care?)

Grading scale


Evaluation methods and criteria

Family Nursing 4 ects – Numeric assessment: Family nursing patient education -assignment
Paediatrics 1 ect online course Pass/Fail.
Gynecology and Obstetrics 1 ect online course Pass/Fail.
Medication calculations exam Pass/Fail.
Group counselling Pass/Fail
Adult and elderly Nursing 3 ects – Numeric assessment: Elderly nursing theoretical exam
Geriatric 1ect- online course Pass/Fail

National exams of clinical competence assessment:
Pediatric nursing OSCEs 0 – pass/fail
Elderly nursing theoretical exam 0 – fail/1-5

Attendance in orientation lecture and workshops compulsory.
Workshops, Pass/Fail. Compulsory attendance.

In this study unit the assessing of the competences will be done by using the criteria set for requirement level II.


To achieve grade 5 student must be able to
- analyse the acquired information, draw conclusions and combine theoretical knowledge with experiential knowledge

To achieve grade 3 student must be able to
- critically evaluate information and justify their actions with science-based knowledge

To achieve grade 1 (or pass) student must be able to
- use professional concepts in a consistent manner and demonstrate his/her familiarity with the knowledge basis
- report and communicate in a professional manner


To achieve grade 5 student must be able to
- evaluate the applicability of produced knowledge, skill or idea to other contexts as well as their impact
- anticipate needs of customers and/or co-operation partners

To achieve grade 3 student must be able to
- propose creative solutions at work
- promote professional co-operation and enhance customer and partner relationships

To achieve grade 1 (or pass) student must be able to
- act independently taking into account the operating environment
- take responsibility for interaction with customers and/or co-operation partners and for responding to their needs


To achieve grade 5 student must be able to
- evaluate and develop the team’s entrepreneurial and responsible approach to work
- evaluate the possibilities for utilising competence and plan his/her personal development and development of the team

To achieve grade 3 student must be able to
- act in a manner that promotes the team’s entrepreneurial and responsible approach to work
- describe the development of his/her competence in relation to the learning outcomes

To achieve grade 1 (or pass) student must be able to
- describe the significance of his/her actions for successful co-operation
- describe his/her competence in relation to the learning outcomes

[Leave the parts that apply] “Students who have failed assignments or examinations required for passing a study unit must supplement or retake their study attainment in a manner and schedule defined by the teacher of the study unit. ... A failed examination or other study attainment can be retaken twice. A failure to attend an actual examination is considered to be one completion attempt.” (Laurea degree regulations.)

All staff and students of Laurea are expected to adhere to good scientific practices, which includes appropriate referencing. Familiarise yourself with the practices and, if needed, ask for more information. All study assignments are to be done as individual work unless otherwise instructed. [If Urkund is used when assignments are checked, the lecturer will inform the students of this.]


29.11.2021 - 05.12.2021


01.01.2022 - 31.07.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

10 op

Virtual proportion

5 op

RDI proportion

2 op

Mode of delivery

50 % Contact teaching, 50 % Distance learning


Laurea Otaniemi, sote


Laurea Otaniemi

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Terveydenhoitajakoulutus (STG2), Laurea Otaniemi (Finnish)
  • Anne Maijala
  • Irene Pylkkänen
  • Hanna Vatanen
  • Kirsi Leinonen
Teacher in charge

Hanna Vatanen

  • STG220SA
    Terveydenhoitajakoulutus, monimuotototeutus, S20, Otaniemi

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- describe the growth and developmental stages of clients of different ages and transition phases in families
- describe the normal course of pregnancy and giving birth as well as medical grounds for care given during them
- describe the main illnesses in children, adolescents and the elderly as well as the medical grounds for treatment
- plan, implement and evaluate nursing of children, families, people of working age and the elderly
- identify factors that safeguard the health and well-being of clients or increase their vulnerability of different ages and their significant others
- promote the interaction, participation and rehabilitation of vulnerable and multicultural clients and their significant others in the care process
- evaluate the social (services) and health care service processes of vulnerable client groups and provide guidance on the use of services for these clients
- plan, implement and evaluate groupguidance on health and well-being
- analyse special needs related to multicultural client relationships and immigration in social welfare and health care
- recognise social security benefits and possibilities available to clients of different ages and their significant others

Teaching methods

Lessons and trainings through the web-lessons
Workshops: advance tasks, workshop trainings in the workshops
Network studies
Group councelling lessons and trainings
Drama working
Lessons and trainings in the lesson
Workshops: advance tasks, workshop trainings in the workshops
Network studies

Location and time

Otaniemi, fall 2021

Learning materials and recommended literature


• Storvik-Sydänmaa, S., Talvensaari, H., Kaisvuo, T. &; Uotila N. 2012. 1. painos. Lapsen ja nuoren hoitotyö. Sanoma Pro Oy - soveltuvin osin
• Duodecim, Terveyskirjasto (2019) – Kurkunpään tulehdus (laryngiitti) lapsella
• Duodecim, Terveyskirjasto (2009) Suolistotulehdukset
• Pakkausseloste Osmosal –jauhe / Pharmaca Fennica - soveltuvin osin
• Hemoglobiini HbA1c -
• Tyypin 1 diabeteksen hoito -
• Vatsakipu lapsella (2019)
• Lapsen akuutti vatsakipu (2016)
• Leikkaushaavan hoito (2017)

Kerminen H, Jäppinen A-M, Kiviniemi K, Tikkanen P & Havulinna S. 2019. Iäkkäiden henkilöiden lyhytaikaiseen sairaalahoitoon liittyvä toimintakyvyn arviointi kuntoutumisen käynnistäjänä.
Laki ikääntyneen väestön toimintakyvyn tukemisesta sekä iäkkäiden sosiaali- ja terveyspalveluista. 28.12.2012/980
Vireyttä seniorivuosiin – ikääntyneiden ruokasuositus. 2020. Valtion ravitsemus-neuvottelukunta ja Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos. Helsinki: Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos.
Tilvis R, Pitkälä K, Strandberg T, Sulkava R, Viitanen M & Arkkila P. (Tilvis R. toim.) 2016. Geriatria.
Älyteknologiaratkaisut ikääntyneiden kotona asumisen tukena. Ympäristöministeriön raportteja 7/2017.
Kivelä S & Räihä I. 2007 Iäkkäiden lääkehoito. Kapseli 35.
Sairaanhoitajan kollegiaalisuusohjeet:
Leino-Kilpi H & Välimäki M. 2014. Etiikka hoitotyössä. Helsinki: SanomaPro.
Sairaanhoitajan eettiset ohjeet:

WellmanE. 2017. Eri kulttuurien tuntemus hoitotyössä., Jyväskylä.


Important dates

Workshops (mandatory)
Dosage calculations (before placement)
Network studies
-Pediatric online studies (before placement)
-Obstetries and gynaecology (before placement)
-group councelling assignments
Network studies
Workshops (mandatory)

Forms of internationality

The teaching will be partly given in English.

Students workload

1. Family nursing 6 gr
Lessons 36h
Independent work 73h
Group councelling project 50 h
2. Adult and elderly care 4 gr
Lessons 32h
Independent work 76h

Content and scheduling

Part 1: FAMILY NURSING 6 gr, Teachers Irene Pylkkänen and Hanna Vatanen
Family nursing
Child''s normal growth and development
Child welfare
Periatric nursing
Obsteries and gyneacology
Gynekological nursing
Client-centered group councelling
Part 2: NURSING OF ADULTS AND ELDERLY 4 gr, Teacher Kirsi Leinonen
Adult heath and welfare
Dementias (or dementia care?)

Grading scale


Evaluation methods and criteria

Family Nursing 4 ects – Numeric assessment: Family nursing patient education -assignment
Paediatrics 1 ect online course Pass/Fail.
Gynecology and Obstetrics 1 ect online course Pass/Fail.
Medication calculations exam Pass/Fail.
Group counselling Pass/Fail
Adult and elderly Nursing 3 ects – Numeric assessment: Elderly nursing theoretical exam
Geriatric 1ect- online course Pass/Fail

National exams of clinical competence assessment:
Pediatric nursing OSCEs 0 – pass/fail
Elderly nursing theoretical exam 0 – fail/1-5

Attendance in orientation lecture and workshops compulsory.
Workshops, Pass/Fail. Compulsory attendance.

In this study unit the assessing of the competences will be done by using the criteria set for requirement level II.


To achieve grade 5 student must be able to
- analyse the acquired information, draw conclusions and combine theoretical knowledge with experiential knowledge

To achieve grade 3 student must be able to
- critically evaluate information and justify their actions with science-based knowledge

To achieve grade 1 (or pass) student must be able to
- use professional concepts in a consistent manner and demonstrate his/her familiarity with the knowledge basis
- report and communicate in a professional manner


To achieve grade 5 student must be able to
- evaluate the applicability of produced knowledge, skill or idea to other contexts as well as their impact
- anticipate needs of customers and/or co-operation partners

To achieve grade 3 student must be able to
- propose creative solutions at work
- promote professional co-operation and enhance customer and partner relationships

To achieve grade 1 (or pass) student must be able to
- act independently taking into account the operating environment
- take responsibility for interaction with customers and/or co-operation partners and for responding to their needs


To achieve grade 5 student must be able to
- evaluate and develop the team’s entrepreneurial and responsible approach to work
- evaluate the possibilities for utilising competence and plan his/her personal development and development of the team

To achieve grade 3 student must be able to
- act in a manner that promotes the team’s entrepreneurial and responsible approach to work
- describe the development of his/her competence in relation to the learning outcomes

To achieve grade 1 (or pass) student must be able to
- describe the significance of his/her actions for successful co-operation
- describe his/her competence in relation to the learning outcomes

[Leave the parts that apply] “Students who have failed assignments or examinations required for passing a study unit must supplement or retake their study attainment in a manner and schedule defined by the teacher of the study unit. ... A failed examination or other study attainment can be retaken twice. A failure to attend an actual examination is considered to be one completion attempt.” (Laurea degree regulations.)

All staff and students of Laurea are expected to adhere to good scientific practices, which includes appropriate referencing. Familiarise yourself with the practices and, if needed, ask for more information. All study assignments are to be done as individual work unless otherwise instructed. [If Urkund is used when assignments are checked, the lecturer will inform the students of this.]


29.11.2021 - 05.12.2021


01.01.2022 - 31.07.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

10 op

Virtual proportion

3 op

Mode of delivery

70 % Contact teaching, 30 % Distance learning


Laurea Tikkurila, sote


Laurea Tikkurila

Teaching languages
  • English

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Sairaanhoitajakoulutus (SHV2), Laurea Tikkurila (Finnish)
  • Pamela Jokisalo
  • Anne Suvitie
  • Kati Saarinen
Teacher in charge

Pamela Jokisalo

  • SHV220SN
    Sairaanhoitajakoulutus, päivätoteutus, S20, Tikkurila

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- describe the growth and developmental stages of clients of different ages and transition phases in families
- describe the normal course of pregnancy and giving birth as well as medical grounds for care given during them
- describe the main illnesses in children, adolescents and the elderly as well as the medical grounds for treatment
- plan, implement and evaluate nursing of children, families, people of working age and the elderly
- identify factors that safeguard the health and well-being of clients or increase their vulnerability of different ages and their significant others
- promote the interaction, participation and rehabilitation of vulnerable and multicultural clients and their significant others in the care process
- evaluate the social (services) and health care service processes of vulnerable client groups and provide guidance on the use of services for these clients
- plan, implement and evaluate groupguidance on health and well-being
- analyse special needs related to multicultural client relationships and immigration in social welfare and health care
- recognise social security benefits and possibilities available to clients of different ages and their significant others

Content and scheduling

Family nursing
Child normal growth and development
Child welfare
Pediatric nursing
Obstetrics and gynecology

Adult health and welfare
Palliative care

Grading scale


Evaluation methods and criteria

Part 2 K5-T1, fail
- Gerotological theory test (YleSh): T1-K5, fail
- Active participation in teaching. With active participation, you can increase yourgrade if necessary.
-Workshops: Workshop assignments are done in a workshop group, passed / failed. The workshops are compulsory, they take place in small groups 1,2 and 3. The division into small groups will be completed at the latest in the autumn when the studies begin.
-Geriatrics Worksheet: Approved / Rejected / To be completed. Made as an individual.

Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

– use professional concepts in a consistent
manner and demonstrate his/her familiarity
with the knowledge basis
– report and communicate in a professional
– act independently taking into
account the operating
– take responsibility for
interaction with customers and/or
co-operation partners and for
responding to their needs
– describe the significance of
his/her actions for successful cooperation
– describe his/her competence in
relation to the learning outcomes

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

– critically evaluate information and justify
their actions with science-based knowledge
– propose creative solutions at
– promote professional cooperation and enhance customer
and partner relationships
– act in a manner that promotes the
team’s entrepreneurial and
responsible approach to work
- describe the development of
his/her competence in relation to
the learning outcomes

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

– analyse the acquired information, draw
conclusions and combine theoretical
knowledge with experiential knowledge
– evaluate the applicability of
produced knowledge, skill or idea
to other contexts as well as their
– anticipate needs of customers
and/or co-operation partners
– evaluate and develop the team’s
entrepreneurial and responsible
approach to work
– evaluate the possibilities for
utilising competence and plan
his/her personal development and
development of the team


29.11.2021 - 05.12.2021


01.01.2022 - 31.07.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

10 op

Virtual proportion

3 op

Mode of delivery

70 % Contact teaching, 30 % Distance learning


Laurea Tikkurila, sote


Laurea Tikkurila

Teaching languages
  • English

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Sairaanhoitajakoulutus (SHV2), Laurea Tikkurila (Finnish)
  • Sanna Soini
  • Kati Saarinen
Teacher in charge

Sanna Soini

  • SHV220SN2
    Sairaanhoitajakoulutus, päivätoteutus, S20, Tikkurila, ryhmä 2

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- describe the growth and developmental stages of clients of different ages and transition phases in families
- describe the normal course of pregnancy and giving birth as well as medical grounds for care given during them
- describe the main illnesses in children, adolescents and the elderly as well as the medical grounds for treatment
- plan, implement and evaluate nursing of children, families, people of working age and the elderly
- identify factors that safeguard the health and well-being of clients or increase their vulnerability of different ages and their significant others
- promote the interaction, participation and rehabilitation of vulnerable and multicultural clients and their significant others in the care process
- evaluate the social (services) and health care service processes of vulnerable client groups and provide guidance on the use of services for these clients
- plan, implement and evaluate groupguidance on health and well-being
- analyse special needs related to multicultural client relationships and immigration in social welfare and health care
- recognise social security benefits and possibilities available to clients of different ages and their significant others

Content and scheduling

Family nursing
Child normal growth and development
Child welfare
Pediatric nursing
Obstetrics and gynecology

Adult health and welfare
Palliative care

Grading scale


Evaluation methods and criteria

Part 2 K5-T1, fail
- Gerotological theory test (YleSh): T1-K5, fail
- Active participation in teaching. With active participation, you can increase your grade +1 if necessary.
-Workshops: Workshop assignments are done in a workshop group, passed / failed. The workshops are compulsory, they take place in small groups 1,2 and 3. The division into small groups will be completed at the latest in the autumn when the studies begin.
-Geriatrics Worksheet: Approved / Rejected / To be completed. Made as an individual.

Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

– use professional concepts in a consistent
manner and demonstrate his/her familiarity
with the knowledge basis
– report and communicate in a professional
– act independently taking into
account the operating
– take responsibility for
interaction with customers and/or
co-operation partners and for
responding to their needs
– describe the significance of
his/her actions for successful cooperation
– describe his/her competence in
relation to the learning outcomes

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

– critically evaluate information and justify
their actions with science-based knowledge
– propose creative solutions at
– promote professional cooperation and enhance customer
and partner relationships
– act in a manner that promotes the
team’s entrepreneurial and
responsible approach to work
- describe the development of
his/her competence in relation to
the learning outcomes

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

– analyse the acquired information, draw
conclusions and combine theoretical
knowledge with experiential knowledge
– evaluate the applicability of
produced knowledge, skill or idea
to other contexts as well as their
– anticipate needs of customers
and/or co-operation partners
– evaluate and develop the team’s
entrepreneurial and responsible
approach to work
– evaluate the possibilities for
utilising competence and plan
his/her personal development and
development of the team


29.11.2021 - 05.12.2021


01.01.2022 - 31.07.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

10 op

Virtual proportion

4 op

RDI proportion

1 op

Mode of delivery

60 % Contact teaching, 40 % Distance learning


Laurea Hyvinkää, sote


Laurea Hyvinkää

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Sairaanhoitajakoulutus (SHB2), Laurea Hyvinkää (Finnish)
  • Pirkko Rimpilä-Vanninen
  • Minna Pulli
Teacher in charge

Pirkko Rimpilä-Vanninen

  • SHB220SN
    Sairaanhoitajakoulutus, päivätoteutus, S20, Hyvinkää

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- describe the growth and developmental stages of clients of different ages and transition phases in families
- describe the normal course of pregnancy and giving birth as well as medical grounds for care given during them
- describe the main illnesses in children, adolescents and the elderly as well as the medical grounds for treatment
- plan, implement and evaluate nursing of children, families, people of working age and the elderly
- identify factors that safeguard the health and well-being of clients or increase their vulnerability of different ages and their significant others
- promote the interaction, participation and rehabilitation of vulnerable and multicultural clients and their significant others in the care process
- evaluate the social (services) and health care service processes of vulnerable client groups and provide guidance on the use of services for these clients
- plan, implement and evaluate groupguidance on health and well-being
- analyse special needs related to multicultural client relationships and immigration in social welfare and health care
- recognise social security benefits and possibilities available to clients of different ages and their significant others

Grading scale



29.11.2021 - 05.12.2021


01.01.2022 - 31.07.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

10 op

Virtual proportion

5 op

Mode of delivery

50 % Contact teaching, 50 % Distance learning


Laurea Porvoo, sote


Laurea Porvoo

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 60

Degree programmes
  • Sairaanhoitajakoulutus (SHP2), Laurea Porvoo (Finnish)
  • Lilja Palo
  • Tiina Himmelroos
  • Maija Aho
  • Ann-Marie Suvisaari
Teacher in charge

Ann-Marie Suvisaari

  • SHP220SA
    Sairaanhoitajakoulutus, monimuotototeutus, S20, Porvoo

Learning outcomes

The student is able to
- describe the growth and developmental stages of clients of different ages and transition phases in families
- describe the normal course of pregnancy and giving birth as well as medical grounds for care given during them
- describe the main illnesses in children, adolescents and the elderly as well as the medical grounds for treatment
- plan, implement and evaluate nursing of children, families, people of working age and the elderly
- identify factors that safeguard the health and well-being of clients or increase their vulnerability of different ages and their significant others
- promote the interaction, participation and rehabilitation of vulnerable and multicultural clients and their significant others in the care process
- evaluate the social (services) and health care service processes of vulnerable client groups and provide guidance on the use of services for these clients
- plan, implement and evaluate groupguidance on health and well-being
- analyse special needs related to multicultural client relationships and immigration in social welfare and health care
- recognise social security benefits and possibilities available to clients of different ages and their significant others

Teaching methods

Onsite and online lectures
Online courses
Independent studies
Family health test
Groupwork and learning tasks
Pharmaceutical arithmetics

Location and time

Onlinen/Zoom/CanvasPorvoo campus

Learning materials and recommended literature

Course materials in Canvas learning space and materials from online lectures

Important dates

Pharmceutical aritmethics test.
Family Nursing essay submission
Pediatrics and care of children tests
Care of Adults and Elderly test return
Pediatrics and Gynecology and Obstetrics tests
National Family Nursing test

Students workload

Orientation 4h
Classroom education and tests 64 h
Workshops 8 h
Studies online and independent studies 186 h

Content and scheduling


Grading scale


Evaluation methods and criteria

Gyneacology and Obstetrics Pass/Fail
Pediatric nursing 1-5, fail
Pediatrics Pass/Fail
Counselling, reflection task, Pass/Fail
Pharmaceutical arithmetics test Pass/Fail
Adult nursing, occupational health, men´s health assignments Pass/Fail
Care of Elderly test 1-5, Fail
Geriatrics Pass/Fail
National test Care of Children, adolescents and families nursing
All test can be performed at Laurea general retakes