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Entrepreneurship as a Part of CareerLaajuus (5 cr)

Study unit code: TO00BQ92


5 op

Learning outcomes

After the course student knows

- how the working life will change in the future, in particular, its entrepreneurial nature and platform economy
- the diversity of entrepreneurship and understand the specific challenges in different forms of entrepreneurship
- how to identify one's own competence and is able to compare it with the competence areas needed in future working life
- understand what competence should be developed on a personal level in order to enable the desired career path
- understand how to price own skills or competence
- understand how to commercialize own skills, including the basics of sales work
- understand the importance of sales work in terms of being an entrepreneur and learn how to outline own abilities in a possible sales or customer service situation
- understands the basics of accounting and is able to do simple accounting itself

Further information

The study unit has been renewed and will be implemented with code TO00BT58 starting from autumn 2021.