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Advanced Finnish for PhysiotherapistsLaajuus (5 op)

Opinnon tunnus: SP00BV71


5 op


The student is able to
- understand extended speech in rehabilitation ja physiotherapy context
- interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity with clients and their significant others
- take an active part in professional discussion with colleagues
- read newspaper articles and academic reports about contemporary problems
- present a clear, detailed description on a wide range of subjects related to physiotherapy
- write a clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects related to physiotherapy.
- complete the National Certificate of Language Proficiency test (YKI) at least at the skills level three.


After completing this study unit and SP00BV66 Mid-studies Test in Finnish, the student studying physiotheraphy will receive a language competence entry in their degree certificate with numerical assessments of both their oral and written performances (effective 18th of August 2023).