Siirry suoraan sisältöön

Introduction to Mobile App Design and Development (5 op)

Toteutuksen tunnus: R0334-3001

Toteutuksen perustiedot


26.11.2018 - 02.12.2018


28.01.2019 - 02.06.2019


5 op






Laurea Leppävaara


  • Englanti


20 - 30


  • Laurea täydentävä osaaminen, amk-tutkinto (TON2), Tietojenkäsittely ja tietoliikenne (ICT)


  • Paresh Rathod


Paresh Rathod


  • CCN218SY
    Complementary competence (bachelor’s studies), S18, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)


The student is able to
- differentiate the app ecosystem and their pros and cons
- describe the key technologies to develop applications for the major mobile platforms
- identify and apply a systematic approach for mobile app design
- implement app ideas with design principles: user experience (UX), user-centered design and mobile constraints
- work in a team to generate mobile app wireframe and paper prototype
- configure and use a development environment for a chosen mobile platform
- develop a simple mobile application prototype


In this course, students will learn two most important aspects of Mobile Applications Development:
¤ Mobile Applications Design: The structured approach and science of designing a mobile application.
¤ Mobile Applications Development: Step-by-step demonstration and learning a simple and basic cross- platform mobile applications development with Ionic, Cordova and Angular based framework.
Very important: This is fully online study offering.

Aika ja paikka

Study unit starts from week-5 (i.e., on 28.01.2019 ) to end of semester.
Weekly module based studies(every week regular studies) .

Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus

The learning material provided on Optima (course management platform) in the form of video, web and step-by-step tutorials.

Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat

There is no alternative completion methods.

Työelämäyhteistyö ja/tai TKI

Time to time, we also announce internships, working life projects and thesis opportunities for students.

Toteutuksen tärkeät päivämäärät

All details on Optima for registered students only.

Kansainvälisyys toteutuksella

We have international and Finnish student group. We are also cooperating with working life companies and teacher involved in European and International technological innovation projects.

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

The student puts 5 ECTS study effort.
o 5 credits X 27 hours = 135 hours are attached to the workload of a full-time study of learning and the associated learning outcomes.

Sisältö ja sen jaksotus

The study unit starts on week-5 and finishes at the end of semester.
¤ The weekly module open on every Monday at 09.00 and closes on Sunday midnight.

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

The study unit only suits to learning oriented, regular and professional education-oriented students.
Therefore, this is not suitable for any student not willing to put sufficient regular deep learning effort.



Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

The students collect points for weekly learning activities, hands-on labwork and practical mobile app design and development project tasks.

Arviointikriteerit, hyväksytty/hylätty

The student collect weekly based evaluation points and grading done as below:
Grading scale (0 to 5):
¤ 0-39 points: 0

Hylätty (0)

The student collect weekly based evaluation points and grading done as below:
Grading scale (0 to 5):
¤ 0-39 points: 0

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)

¤ 40-50 points: 1
¤ 51-60 points: 2

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)

¤ 61-70 points: 3
¤ 71-80 points: 4

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

¤ 81-100 points: 5