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Applying and Developing Therapy Methods (Placement) (10 op)

Toteutuksen tunnus: G8365-3001

Toteutuksen perustiedot


20.05.2019 - 26.05.2019


17.08.2019 - 18.12.2019


10 op


10 op




Korkeakouluyksikkö W


Laurea Otaniemi


  • Suomi


20 - 45


  • Fysioterapeuttikoulutus (SFG2), Laurea Otaniemi


  • Kati Nykänen
  • Johanna Stepanoff
  • Heikki Penttilä
  • Irma Karhu
  • Pauliina Louhiala
  • Tapani Risto
  • Johanna Leskelä


Kati Nykänen


  • SFG217SN
    Fysioterapeuttikoulutus, päivätoteutus, S17, Otaniemi


Opiskelija osaa
- kehittää erilaisten ryhmien ja yksilöiden fyysistä toimintakykyä ja toimintaa tarkoituksenmukaisesti ja tavoitteellisesti fysioterapian ohjauksen ja neuvonnan sekä fysioterapiamenetelmien keinoin
- arvioida kriittisesti ammattitoimintaansa ja kehittää itseään, työtään ja ammattialaansa aktiivisesti käyttäen tutkivaa ja kehittävää työotetta
- arvioida ja perustella fysioterapiaa asiakaslähtöisten palveluiden uudistamisessa ja kehittämisessä eri toimintaympäristöissä


The student is able to:
- develop activities for different client groups and individuals in an appropriate and goal-oriented manner using the therapy, guidance and counselling methods in physiotherapy
- critically evaluate his/her own professional actions and actively develop himself/herself, his/her own work and field of expertise by using investigative and developmental approaches
- evaluate and justify the use of physiotherapy in the reform and development of client-oriented services in different operating environments
Learning outcomes of the study module:
The objective of the module is to develop competence in applying and developing the methods of physiotherapy. After completing the module, students are able to act and to provide physiotherapy in different environments and networks. When acting in work communities, students apply their knowledge in genuine situations accounting for the work and operating culture of their environment. They critically observe the opportunities of their field in promoting the client's functional capacity and create new practices in physiotherapy.
Further information:
The competences described in the module can be developed either by participating in study units or working in projects. Please note that in some education forms projects are the primary way of gathering credits.
In the projects you participate in the development work of domestic or international businesses and communities and in project work. The language used in the project can be either Finnish or English. Projects can also focus on developing the student’s own business. The topic of the project and the competences developed by participating in it will be clarified when the project is added to the study offer. The scope of the project will be agreed on in each case. The competences generated in the projects can partly be included in the learning outcomes of some other module(s) and thus the credits can be divided between several modules.
Study module do not contain any information.

Aika ja paikka

Spring- and Autumnterm 2019.

Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat

Practical projectwork or - clinical practical placement training

Sisältö ja sen jaksotus

During the seven week period 40hours studentwork/ week ( 5 h:s independent).



Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

The evaluation focuses on the goals and how they have been achieved duirn the practical projekts or -training.

Arviointikriteerit, hyväksytty/hylätty

Pass - Fail (student have to compensate or renew)

Hylätty (0)

See the "Training overruled" in the evaluaton form in optima.