Siirry suoraan sisältöön

Medication Treatment and Medication Calculations 3. (2 op)

Toteutuksen tunnus: SN00BS35-3002

Toteutuksen perustiedot


28.11.2022 - 04.12.2022


11.01.2023 - 31.03.2023


2 op




Laurea Tikkurila, sote


Laurea Tikkurila


  • Englanti


20 - 40


  • Degree Programme in Nursing (SNV), Laurea Tikkurila


  • Ilari Ernamo
  • Mia Poikolainen


  • SNV222SN2
    Degree Programme in Nursing, daytime studies, S22, Tikkurila, group 2


The student is able to
- calculate medication doses correctly
- apply their knowledge of anatomy and physiology, pathophysiology, pharmacology and the implementation of pharmaceutical care when planning, implementing and evaluating the medication treatment of a surgical or acutely ill patient
- treat a patient's acute pain with medications
- plan, implement and evaluate the administration of intravenous nutrition
- explain the basic principles of safe blood transfusion
- explain the basics of epidural and spinal medication
- explain the basics of safe and aseptic use of central venous catheters


The course includes two parts
Medication treatment 1,5cr
Medical calculations 0,5cr

Student must attend the first orientation lesson or contact the lecturer of their absence. If a student fails to do so another student can be taken to the course instead. The important dates and workshop groups are told during the orientation lecture.

This course includes contact lessons and workshops. Attendance in workshops is mandatory

More detailed information will be given in orientation

Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus

Information about study materials will be given in orientation and seen in Canvas

Toteutuksen tärkeät päivämäärät

Timetable will be available in Pakki.

Attendance to first contact lesson / orientation is mandatory

Kansainvälisyys toteutuksella

Study unit is suitable for nursing exchange students.

Students need to wear nursing uniform in the workshops. Laurea UAS doesn't provide nursing uniforms.

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

2cr = 54h
Medication treatment 1,5cr = 40,5h
Medication calculations 0,5cr = 13,5h

Sisältö ja sen jaksotus

Medication treatment
Medication calculations
- workshops
-medication calculations exam

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

Medication calculations 1 & 2 should be passed
Theoretical studies in module 1 & 2 should be mainly passed



Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Medication treatment exam pass/fail
Medication calculations exam pass/fail

Please see the Laurea evaluation criteria in LINK: