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Professional Development in Practice 5.Laajuus (7 op)

Opinnon tunnus: SN00BS48


7 op


The student is able to
- assess the need for treatment of different age clients using versatile clinical research and data collection methods
- make independent decisions when implementing treatment that responds to the patient’s care needs
- direct the client to the right place of care at the right time or guide the patient to carry out self-care at home
- safely implement minor procedures required in nursing work
- use care technology and monitoring, research and treatment methods as part of patient care
- use electronic services and digital solutions in the care of a patient and to support decision-making
- implement successful interactive and service situations on the phone and online with the patients and their significant others
- guide clients with self-care and as users of digital services, as producers and holders of their health data
- consciously manage, organise and prioritise their own activities also in unexpected and complex situations occurring at work and with patients
- apply versatile self-regulation methods in the handling of demanding and stressful situations
- examine patient care, the work community and their own activities critically from client-oriented, evidence-based and impact perspectives
- make suggestions to improve patient care and work community activities
- communicate fairly fluently and spontaneously with patients and their significant others in Finnish
- work well in nursing environment using Finnish language


Theme: Assessment of the need for treatment and clinical examination of the patient, using digital services and remote technology as part of the patient's care path, the client’s service and treatment experience as a starting point for development

LbD assignment during placement: Evidence-based nursing.
- Describing and analysing customer experience and service path and presenting justified development proposals at the workplace.


01.08.2026 - 31.12.2026


7 op




Laurea Porvoo, sote


Laurea Porvoo

  • Englanti

20 - 40

  • Degree Programme in Nursing (SNP2), Laurea Porvoo
  • SNP224KN
    Degree Programme in Nursing, daytime studies, K24, Porvoo


The student is able to
- assess the need for treatment of different age clients using versatile clinical research and data collection methods
- make independent decisions when implementing treatment that responds to the patient’s care needs
- direct the client to the right place of care at the right time or guide the patient to carry out self-care at home
- safely implement minor procedures required in nursing work
- use care technology and monitoring, research and treatment methods as part of patient care
- use electronic services and digital solutions in the care of a patient and to support decision-making
- implement successful interactive and service situations on the phone and online with the patients and their significant others
- guide clients with self-care and as users of digital services, as producers and holders of their health data
- consciously manage, organise and prioritise their own activities also in unexpected and complex situations occurring at work and with patients
- apply versatile self-regulation methods in the handling of demanding and stressful situations
- examine patient care, the work community and their own activities critically from client-oriented, evidence-based and impact perspectives
- make suggestions to improve patient care and work community activities
- communicate fairly fluently and spontaneously with patients and their significant others in Finnish
- work well in nursing environment using Finnish language


Theme: Assessment of the need for treatment and clinical examination of the patient, using digital services and remote technology as part of the patient's care path, the client’s service and treatment experience as a starting point for development

LbD assignment during placement: Evidence-based nursing.
- Describing and analysing customer experience and service path and presenting justified development proposals at the workplace.




19.05.2025 - 25.05.2025


01.08.2025 - 31.12.2025


7 op




Laurea Tikkurila, sote


Laurea Tikkurila

  • Englanti

20 - 40

  • Degree Programme in Nursing (SNV), Laurea Tikkurila
  • Emmaculate Tamankag
  • Nursing E Virtuaali

Emmaculate Tamankag

  • SNV223SN
    Degree Programme in Nursing, daytime studies, S23, Tikkurila


The student is able to
- assess the need for treatment of different age clients using versatile clinical research and data collection methods
- make independent decisions when implementing treatment that responds to the patient’s care needs
- direct the client to the right place of care at the right time or guide the patient to carry out self-care at home
- safely implement minor procedures required in nursing work
- use care technology and monitoring, research and treatment methods as part of patient care
- use electronic services and digital solutions in the care of a patient and to support decision-making
- implement successful interactive and service situations on the phone and online with the patients and their significant others
- guide clients with self-care and as users of digital services, as producers and holders of their health data
- consciously manage, organise and prioritise their own activities also in unexpected and complex situations occurring at work and with patients
- apply versatile self-regulation methods in the handling of demanding and stressful situations
- examine patient care, the work community and their own activities critically from client-oriented, evidence-based and impact perspectives
- make suggestions to improve patient care and work community activities
- communicate fairly fluently and spontaneously with patients and their significant others in Finnish
- work well in nursing environment using Finnish language


Theme: Assessment of the need for treatment and clinical examination of the patient, using digital services and remote technology as part of the patient's care path, the client’s service and treatment experience as a starting point for development

LbD assignment during placement: Evidence-based nursing.
- Describing and analysing customer experience and service path and presenting justified development proposals at the workplace.




01.01.2025 - 31.07.2025


7 op




Laurea Porvoo, sote


Laurea Porvoo

  • Suomi

10 - 20

  • Degree Programme in Nursing (SNP2), Laurea Porvoo
  • Nursing C Virtuaali

Kirsi Halttunen

  • SNP222SN
    Degree Programme in Nursing, daytime studies, S22, Porvoo


The student is able to
- assess the need for treatment of different age clients using versatile clinical research and data collection methods
- make independent decisions when implementing treatment that responds to the patient’s care needs
- direct the client to the right place of care at the right time or guide the patient to carry out self-care at home
- safely implement minor procedures required in nursing work
- use care technology and monitoring, research and treatment methods as part of patient care
- use electronic services and digital solutions in the care of a patient and to support decision-making
- implement successful interactive and service situations on the phone and online with the patients and their significant others
- guide clients with self-care and as users of digital services, as producers and holders of their health data
- consciously manage, organise and prioritise their own activities also in unexpected and complex situations occurring at work and with patients
- apply versatile self-regulation methods in the handling of demanding and stressful situations
- examine patient care, the work community and their own activities critically from client-oriented, evidence-based and impact perspectives
- make suggestions to improve patient care and work community activities
- communicate fairly fluently and spontaneously with patients and their significant others in Finnish
- work well in nursing environment using Finnish language


Theme: Assessment of the need for treatment and clinical examination of the patient, using digital services and remote technology as part of the patient's care path, the client’s service and treatment experience as a starting point for development

LbD assignment during placement: Evidence-based nursing.
- Describing and analysing customer experience and service path and presenting justified development proposals at the workplace.




01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024


7 op




Laurea Tikkurila, sote


Laurea Tikkurila

  • Englanti

20 - 40

  • Degree Programme in Nursing (SNV), Laurea Tikkurila
  • Pamela Jokisalo
  • Marina Arvonen

Marina Arvonen

  • SNV222SN2
    Degree Programme in Nursing, daytime studies, S22, Tikkurila, group 2


The student is able to
- assess the need for treatment of different age clients using versatile clinical research and data collection methods
- make independent decisions when implementing treatment that responds to the patient’s care needs
- direct the client to the right place of care at the right time or guide the patient to carry out self-care at home
- safely implement minor procedures required in nursing work
- use care technology and monitoring, research and treatment methods as part of patient care
- use electronic services and digital solutions in the care of a patient and to support decision-making
- implement successful interactive and service situations on the phone and online with the patients and their significant others
- guide clients with self-care and as users of digital services, as producers and holders of their health data
- consciously manage, organise and prioritise their own activities also in unexpected and complex situations occurring at work and with patients
- apply versatile self-regulation methods in the handling of demanding and stressful situations
- examine patient care, the work community and their own activities critically from client-oriented, evidence-based and impact perspectives
- make suggestions to improve patient care and work community activities
- communicate fairly fluently and spontaneously with patients and their significant others in Finnish
- work well in nursing environment using Finnish language


Theme: Assessment of the need for treatment and clinical examination of the patient, using digital services and remote technology as part of the patient's care path, the client’s service and treatment experience as a starting point for development

LbD assignment during placement: Evidence-based nursing.
- Describing and analysing customer experience and service path and presenting justified development proposals at the workplace.

Sisältö ja sen jaksotus

Opiskelija osaa
- toteuttaa hoidon tarpeen arviointia ja käyttää monipuolisia kliinisen tutkimisen ja tiedonkeruumenetelmiä eri-ikäisten asiakkaiden hoidontarpeen arvioinnissa
- ohjata asiakkaan oikea-aikaisesti ja sujuvasti oikeaan hoitopaikkaan tai toteuttamaan omahoitoa kotona
- toteuttaa sairaanhoitajan työssä tarvittavat pientoimenpiteet turvallisesti
- käyttää hoitoteknologiaa ja seuranta, tutkimus- ja hoitomenetelmiä osana potilaan hoitoa
- käyttää sähköisiä palveluita ja digitaalisia ratkaisuita asiakaan hoidossa ja päätöksenteon tukena
- toteuttaa onnistuneita vuorovaikutus- ja palvelutilanteita potilaan ja hänen läheistensä kanssa puhelimessa ja verkossa
- ohjata asiakasta sähköisten palveluiden käyttäjänä ja hyvinvointitiedon tuottajana ja haltijana
- tehdä itsenäisesti sairaanhoitajan vastuualueeseen liittyviä päätöksiä potilaan tarpeen mukaisen hoidon toteuttamiseksi
- tietoisesti johtaa, organisoida ja priorisoida omaa toimintaansa myös ennakoimattomissa ja kompleksisissa työ- ja potilastilanteissa
- soveltaa monipuolisia itsesäätelyn menetelmiä vaativien ja kuormittavien tilanteiden käsittelyssä
- tarkastella potilaan hoitoa, työyhteisön ja omaa toimintaansa kriittisesti asiakaslähtöisyyden, näyttöön perustuvuuden ja vaikuttavuuden näkökulmista
- tehdä ehdotuksia potilashoidon ja työyhteisön toiminnan kehittämiseksi

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

Teema: Hoidon tarpeen arviointi ja potilaan kliininen tutkiminen, sähköinen asiointi ja etäteknologia osana potilaan hoitopolkua, asiakkaan palvelu- ja hoitokokemus kehittämisen lähtökohtana

Harjoittelun LbD-tehtävä: Näyttöön perustuva hoitotyö
- Asiakaskokemuksen ja palvelupolun kuvaaminen ja analysointi ja perusteltujen kehittämisehdotusten esittäminen harjoittelupaikassa.




20.05.2024 - 26.05.2024


01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024


7 op


7 op




Laurea Tikkurila, sote


Laurea Tikkurila

  • Englanti

20 - 40

  • Degree Programme in Nursing (SNV), Laurea Tikkurila
  • Emmaculate Tamankag
  • Pamela Jokisalo
  • Marina Arvonen
  • Mia Poikolainen
  • Nursing E Virtuaali
  • Kati Saarinen

Marina Arvonen

  • SNV222SN
    Degree Programme in Nursing, daytime studies, S22, Tikkurila


The student is able to
- assess the need for treatment of different age clients using versatile clinical research and data collection methods
- make independent decisions when implementing treatment that responds to the patient’s care needs
- direct the client to the right place of care at the right time or guide the patient to carry out self-care at home
- safely implement minor procedures required in nursing work
- use care technology and monitoring, research and treatment methods as part of patient care
- use electronic services and digital solutions in the care of a patient and to support decision-making
- implement successful interactive and service situations on the phone and online with the patients and their significant others
- guide clients with self-care and as users of digital services, as producers and holders of their health data
- consciously manage, organise and prioritise their own activities also in unexpected and complex situations occurring at work and with patients
- apply versatile self-regulation methods in the handling of demanding and stressful situations
- examine patient care, the work community and their own activities critically from client-oriented, evidence-based and impact perspectives
- make suggestions to improve patient care and work community activities
- communicate fairly fluently and spontaneously with patients and their significant others in Finnish
- work well in nursing environment using Finnish language


Theme: Assessment of the need for treatment and clinical examination of the patient, using digital services and remote technology as part of the patient's care path, the client’s service and treatment experience as a starting point for development

LbD assignment during placement: Evidence-based nursing.
- Describing and analysing customer experience and service path and presenting justified development proposals at the workplace.

Sisältö ja sen jaksotus

Opiskelija osaa
- toteuttaa hoidon tarpeen arviointia ja käyttää monipuolisia kliinisen tutkimisen ja tiedonkeruumenetelmiä eri-ikäisten asiakkaiden hoidontarpeen arvioinnissa
- ohjata asiakkaan oikea-aikaisesti ja sujuvasti oikeaan hoitopaikkaan tai toteuttamaan omahoitoa kotona
- toteuttaa sairaanhoitajan työssä tarvittavat pientoimenpiteet turvallisesti
- käyttää hoitoteknologiaa ja seuranta, tutkimus- ja hoitomenetelmiä osana potilaan hoitoa
- käyttää sähköisiä palveluita ja digitaalisia ratkaisuita asiakaan hoidossa ja päätöksenteon tukena
- toteuttaa onnistuneita vuorovaikutus- ja palvelutilanteita potilaan ja hänen läheistensä kanssa puhelimessa ja verkossa
- ohjata asiakasta sähköisten palveluiden käyttäjänä ja hyvinvointitiedon tuottajana ja haltijana
- tehdä itsenäisesti sairaanhoitajan vastuualueeseen liittyviä päätöksiä potilaan tarpeen mukaisen hoidon toteuttamiseksi
- tietoisesti johtaa, organisoida ja priorisoida omaa toimintaansa myös ennakoimattomissa ja kompleksisissa työ- ja potilastilanteissa
- soveltaa monipuolisia itsesäätelyn menetelmiä vaativien ja kuormittavien tilanteiden käsittelyssä
- tarkastella potilaan hoitoa, työyhteisön ja omaa toimintaansa kriittisesti asiakaslähtöisyyden, näyttöön perustuvuuden ja vaikuttavuuden näkökulmista
- tehdä ehdotuksia potilashoidon ja työyhteisön toiminnan kehittämiseksi

Lääkelaskut 5 tulee olla suoritettu ennen harjoitteluun menemistä

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

Teema: Hoidon tarpeen arviointi ja potilaan kliininen tutkiminen, sähköinen asiointi ja etäteknologia osana potilaan hoitopolkua, asiakkaan palvelu- ja hoitokokemus kehittämisen lähtökohtana

Harjoittelun LbD-tehtävä: Näyttöön perustuva hoitotyö
- Asiakaskokemuksen ja palvelupolun kuvaaminen ja analysointi ja perusteltujen kehittämisehdotusten esittäminen harjoittelupaikassa.

Tällä kurssilla on käytössä avoin ilmoittautuminen. Opiskelijat voivat ilmoittautua itse kurssille:




01.01.2024 - 31.07.2024


7 op


7 op




Laurea Tikkurila, sote


Laurea Tikkurila

  • Englanti

1 - 30

  • Degree Programme in Nursing (SNV), Laurea Tikkurila
  • Emmaculate Tamankag
  • Heidi Jokinen
  • Marina Arvonen
  • Kirsi Tulus
  • Kati Saarinen

Emmaculate Tamankag


The student is able to
- assess the need for treatment of different age clients using versatile clinical research and data collection methods
- make independent decisions when implementing treatment that responds to the patient’s care needs
- direct the client to the right place of care at the right time or guide the patient to carry out self-care at home
- safely implement minor procedures required in nursing work
- use care technology and monitoring, research and treatment methods as part of patient care
- use electronic services and digital solutions in the care of a patient and to support decision-making
- implement successful interactive and service situations on the phone and online with the patients and their significant others
- guide clients with self-care and as users of digital services, as producers and holders of their health data
- consciously manage, organise and prioritise their own activities also in unexpected and complex situations occurring at work and with patients
- apply versatile self-regulation methods in the handling of demanding and stressful situations
- examine patient care, the work community and their own activities critically from client-oriented, evidence-based and impact perspectives
- make suggestions to improve patient care and work community activities
- communicate fairly fluently and spontaneously with patients and their significant others in Finnish
- work well in nursing environment using Finnish language


Theme: Assessment of the need for treatment and clinical examination of the patient, using digital services and remote technology as part of the patient's care path, the client’s service and treatment experience as a starting point for development

LbD assignment during placement: Evidence-based nursing.
- Describing and analysing customer experience and service path and presenting justified development proposals at the workplace.


22.05.2023 - 28.05.2023


01.08.2023 - 31.12.2023


7 op




Laurea Tikkurila, sote


Laurea Tikkurila

  • Englanti

20 - 30

  • Degree Programme in Nursing (SNV), Laurea Tikkurila
  • Marina Arvonen
  • Mia Poikolainen
  • Ville Lindholm

Marina Arvonen

  • SNV221SN
    Degree Programme in Nursing, daytime studies, S21, Tikkurila


The student is able to
- assess the need for treatment of different age clients using versatile clinical research and data collection methods
- make independent decisions when implementing treatment that responds to the patient’s care needs
- direct the client to the right place of care at the right time or guide the patient to carry out self-care at home
- safely implement minor procedures required in nursing work
- use care technology and monitoring, research and treatment methods as part of patient care
- use electronic services and digital solutions in the care of a patient and to support decision-making
- implement successful interactive and service situations on the phone and online with the patients and their significant others
- guide clients with self-care and as users of digital services, as producers and holders of their health data
- consciously manage, organise and prioritise their own activities also in unexpected and complex situations occurring at work and with patients
- apply versatile self-regulation methods in the handling of demanding and stressful situations
- examine patient care, the work community and their own activities critically from client-oriented, evidence-based and impact perspectives
- make suggestions to improve patient care and work community activities
- communicate fairly fluently and spontaneously with patients and their significant others in Finnish
- work well in nursing environment using Finnish language


Theme: Assessment of the need for treatment and clinical examination of the patient, using digital services and remote technology as part of the patient's care path, the client’s service and treatment experience as a starting point for development

LbD assignment during placement: Evidence-based nursing.
- Describing and analysing customer experience and service path and presenting justified development proposals at the workplace.

Sisältö ja sen jaksotus

Opiskelija osaa
- toteuttaa hoidon tarpeen arviointia ja käyttää monipuolisia kliinisen tutkimisen ja tiedonkeruumenetelmiä eri-ikäisten asiakkaiden hoidontarpeen arvioinnissa
- ohjata asiakkaan oikea-aikaisesti ja sujuvasti oikeaan hoitopaikkaan tai toteuttamaan omahoitoa kotona
- toteuttaa sairaanhoitajan työssä tarvittavat pientoimenpiteet turvallisesti
- käyttää hoitoteknologiaa ja seuranta, tutkimus- ja hoitomenetelmiä osana potilaan hoitoa
- käyttää sähköisiä palveluita ja digitaalisia ratkaisuita asiakaan hoidossa ja päätöksenteon tukena
- toteuttaa onnistuneita vuorovaikutus- ja palvelutilanteita potilaan ja hänen läheistensä kanssa puhelimessa ja verkossa
- ohjata asiakasta sähköisten palveluiden käyttäjänä ja hyvinvointitiedon tuottajana ja haltijana
- tehdä itsenäisesti sairaanhoitajan vastuualueeseen liittyviä päätöksiä potilaan tarpeen mukaisen hoidon toteuttamiseksi
- tietoisesti johtaa, organisoida ja priorisoida omaa toimintaansa myös ennakoimattomissa ja kompleksisissa työ- ja potilastilanteissa
- soveltaa monipuolisia itsesäätelyn menetelmiä vaativien ja kuormittavien tilanteiden käsittelyssä
- tarkastella potilaan hoitoa, työyhteisön ja omaa toimintaansa kriittisesti asiakaslähtöisyyden, näyttöön perustuvuuden ja vaikuttavuuden näkökulmista
- tehdä ehdotuksia potilashoidon ja työyhteisön toiminnan kehittämiseksi

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

Teema: Hoidon tarpeen arviointi ja potilaan kliininen tutkiminen, sähköinen asiointi ja etäteknologia osana potilaan hoitopolkua, asiakkaan palvelu- ja hoitokokemus kehittämisen lähtökohtana

Harjoittelun LbD-tehtävä: Näyttöön perustuva hoitotyö
- Asiakaskokemuksen ja palvelupolun kuvaaminen ja analysointi ja perusteltujen kehittämisehdotusten esittäminen harjoittelupaikassa.

